Friday, April 7 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 • BELLVIEW • • Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kincaid made a trip to Medford on busi­ ness Monday afternoon. • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Arnold and Miss Veeda Williams left Friday morning to attend the wedding Sunday of Mr. and Mr?. Arnold s duaghter, Miss Edith Arnold, to Dr. Rae Foster. Mrs. Vincent La- nini is going as far as Eugene with them to visit her sons, Victor and Johnnie, who operate a dairy farm there. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold plan to return here Monday. • Homer Moore attended a meet­ ing of the board of directors of the Talent Irrigation company held at Talent Tuesday morning. • Tlie Bellview Community club plans to hold a meeting at the Grange hall Wednesday, April 12. Mrs Vai Inlow and Miss Marie Walker have planned an interest­ ing program for the afternoon. Mrs. Archie Kincaid, Mrs. Floyd Stamford and Mrs. Walter Long- streth are the hostesses for the afternoon. • Sunday the birthday club sur­ prised Archie Kincaid with a din­ ner party in honor of his birthday anniversary- Following the dinner the group enjoyed an afternoon of OPEN SATURDAY! OUR ADJOINING ROOM WITH BOOTHS AND TABLES FOR LADIES A-ONE DRAFT BEER FEATURING 5c visited Thursday and Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kincaid Mrs Garrett was a friend of the Kincaid family when i they lived in Bly several years ago • Mr. and Mrs. Wade Wullis mid Mrs. Ola Bier, who is visiting them, made a business trip to i Medford Thursday of last week. • C V. Flanders spent several < days of last week in Klamath Falls on business. • Miss Frances Weaver returned Tuesday to Sixes, Ore., where she is teaching school, after spending several days o( spring vacation V. with her parents, Mr. mid Mrs C. L. Weaver. • Marvin Foyer was chosen as cue of the outstanding 4-H club members by the Jackson County Leaders' association to attend the world's fair at San Francisco with | all expenses paid Marvin is a ; member of the Bellview livestock club. He with the other chosen members, left Saturday evening for San Francisco and plans to be gone about a week. • Mr and Mrs Axel Selberg spent Saturday and Sunday visit­ ing at the home of their friends. Pho 285 East .Main Street, Medford Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brahs and family Mr. and Mrs Selberg make their home in McCloud. Calif. i *' O Mr. and Mrs John Drager, who recently came here from Portland, . fortune to get hi» hand l»adly hurt ut the city hall Saturday night Kcith. Mary Withrow I visited Saturday evening at the I by a heavy board falling on him There was a good attendance and son. Mix Hayman, B