Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, April 07, 1939, Image 1

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S outhern O regon M iner
The Paper That Has Something To Say—And Says It!
Number 14
ME TEACHERS Easter Sunrise Services Attract Thousands
M c D onald ski
As Churches of Nation Hold Observances AREA PICTURES
J’He regular April meeting of th«-
GS are getting to the point
Aahlaml school board wits cull­
pulling teeth Is
I ns hard ed to order by Chairman Frank
Imvls with |»r It L Hurdle. Mrs
lecting taxes
Etta Schilling, Elwood lied berg
final conquest of Mail rid ll- Hui McNair, Supt G A Briscoe'
(. h . with ghastly c •larity, the Supt -El«-et Theo J N«,rby and
ting cleik Mary Petersen pros
ulty of ballots over bullet* lu
ling to power.
Minutes of the January, Febru­
ary and March meetings were re ul
r $200 automobile Is just by Briscoe and approv«-«! and mut-
,l the corner," according to leis referred to In the minutes of
r Clark Wood in his Weston the March meeting w«-r«- conclud­
r Ami if Clark's driving It. ed
•lie'll be on the wrong side of
A discussion regarding th«- old
tennis court culminated in direc­
tion to the chairman of th«- board
t<> get in touch with th«- Warren
■ording to returning San Construction company for approxi­
¡jsro fair trtp|»crs, visitors mate flgur<*s
r nude ranch enter Into the
Th«- effect of house bill 321 Upon
<4 the place and peel their school district 5 and ulso of senate
bill 162 were discussed and sug­
gested for further conMderation.
Bills for th«- month were read and
irld conditions would be Iwt- tnc
clerk Instructed to [my them
if mun's thinking were as At this
point th«- election of teach-
ght as his ahooting.
era came Is-fore thc board After
th«- resignation of Miss Myers,
•e President Garner has been Miss Morehouse, Miss Peck and
rprinted, and little wonder Miss Kettle, the foil«,wing teach-
he's been sticking his thumb ers were elected for the school
year 1939 40
e political pie.
Senior High School
B C. Forsythe. Hollis Beasley,
usali y th«1 most caustic critic
PA workers' anibiUon is a Charlotte
lollared oaf leaning on hl* Hulst, Elliott McCracken, Vera
Amy Norton, Forreet O'Connell,
Margaret Page, Mary Petersen,
Frances White, Dorothy Witcher
t University of Oregon has a and Ruth Woods.
sing room displaying a "No
.Ilinlor High School
dng allowed” sign
Eleanor Coombe, Sue Edwards,
j»ul up one barring thinking Edna
Mildred Million,
k Wood will qualify for a Lizzie Kennedy,
Merritt, Marguerite Mills,
Ethel Reid Earl Rogers, Harris
Scobert and
ic Oregon State goof who has Chari«-* Weaver.
itened to "down 100 angle-
W Mxhinglon School
ns smothered in catsup" may
Eldon Corthell, Hazel Bruner,
the eastern coll««gian who Eugenia Carson, Edna Goheen,
rd live goldfish, according to Diría Hitchcock, Wilma Nutter
i di*j>atch«-e Even if we seen and Alice Willits
the papers with our own eyes,
Lincoln School
ould be hard to swallow
Edith Bork, Martha Addy, Flor­
ence Alle«' lictty HPcnrmn, Mary
lylight saving time is that sys Helen King. Lillian Nicholson. Ber­
by which you can look at a tha Stephens and Ethel Stockard.
k and not know what time it
Bertha L. Denton and Ward V.
The clerk was instructed to
bout time a fellow put* his write letters of regret to the
foot forward, a better man teachers who had resigned
'•* along ami kicks the other
Miss Wilma Nutter was trans­
from under him.
ferred from the Junior high school
to the Washington school, and the
hen Imaincs* is all wet, we're meeting was adjourned until the
in Die same boat with nobody second Tuesday in May.
iting to row th«* same direction
Robert L Brantley, kxal truck
driver was fined $5 and $4 .’>0
costs Saturday in Justice of the
Peace M T Burns' court on a
charg«- of speeding a truck on the
north Pacific highway between
Talent and Phoenix.
ty. county and state police
marriage license
night had found no trace of
A marriage license was issued
arm<-d bandit who Sunday night this week at the Jackson county
1 up Fred Buchling in the court house to Ikirolhy F. Herrin
W h bakery and later attempted and Frank Stratton, both well
commandeer an auto driven by known Ashland people. The mar­
G. Nebeker of Hilt. Calif , as riage is expected to take place
»eker was driving away from Sunday, April 9.
Liberty street residence. The
n. deacribed us about 25 years
aK'c, six feet tall and of dark
nplexiyn probably part negro
believed to have escaped
*r the mountains after having
empted Wednesday night to
al a car belonging to Royal
KffH. Madrone street resident,
o scared off the prowler,
•oilowing the Lithia bakery
"*ry, where the armed man ob-
ned $2 in change, dropping $1
niH way out, he accosted Nebe-
r who scuffled with the man,
a,1<l ov®rp°wering him
“I the bandit bit Nebekcr’s hand
severely he escaped toward the
iiL<!aat of tovvn T'he
» 32
tx-r automatic, was discharged
ybg the fight, neither man be-
< nit by the bullet. Sheriff Don-
Barnes of Josephine county re-
rte<l that the weapon, which
w recovered by Nebeker, had
1,1 stolen from the sheriff's of-
..rf ” f}rant" Paas several days
/nth11' to
'ocal holdups.
ithough a dozen peace officers
pnt rated on the manhunt Sun-
o fight, the intensive search
» abandon«! after the W«lnes-
y evening attempted car theft,
«■.armed robberies were the first
ihi.c,Tes to
committed in
and for a number of years.
1 •>
II Easter Sunday morning thousands or worshippers gather at the gently graded slope of Mount
1J Forest I .aw 11 In Forest luiwn Memorial park, Glendale, Calif., for sunrise services. A huge choir,
dress«-d in white, forms a living cross on the side of the slope. During the past few years sunrise
MTvi<-es hate l«ecome Increasingly numerous, and h sve been held in all sections of the country where
weather permits. In Ashland sunrise union serviAs will be held by the Ashland Ministerial association
at 7 o'clock Easter morning in the Elizabethan theater in Lithia park.
THE annual music festival, which
1 yearly draws some 1200 to
1400 public school children to par­
ticipate. and capacity crowds as
spectators to the Southren Oregon
College of Education campus, will
be ii'-i'i I n re April 20 and 21.
Originated by the normal school
music department to foster in­
creased interest in music on the
part of both public school children
and teachers, the festival has not
only met an enthusiastic res)x>nse
from the schools themselves, but
has proved, by the hearty support
it has received, to be a very popu­
lar feature of the normal school's
annual program for the public.
This year will mark the 10th anni­
versary of the annual event, the
eighth under the direction of Miss
I Woodruff of the music
Jackson. Josephine, Klamath
and Imke county grade and high
school children take part in this
music fete, in which ensemble
numbers are given primary em­
phasis rather than competitive se-
leettotM in order to give the stu­
dents increased pleasuie in group
Andrew Loney, supervisor of
music in the La Grande public
schools, has consented this year
(Continued on page 6)
• g ilding new home
*"• Mabel Lay has started
«ng of a $1200 four-room bun-
in'T °n
street near Siski-
“'olevard, construction being
h<>r N'>n' Phl1 •-a-v
/ nation is set for some time in
aervices for Jesse San-
t hi. urgan-
who <•*«• April 3
s home on B street, were held
P- in. Thursday at tho J. P.
ev »an<1 Si’n" chapel with the
L. E. Wordsworth officiat-
\ ‘nterment was in Mountain
*«w cemetery.
Unusual Baby Gets
Wide Publicity For
Rare Displacement
" Ixim in the Community hos­
pital in Ashland April I as one
in 200,000 babies with bladder
located on the outside of her
alalomitia] cavity, was gaining
In weight and strength this
week while Dr. C. A. Haines,
attending physician, traveled
to San Francisco to consult
with plastic surgery ex|>erts
concerning her extraordinary
The daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Carey of Talent
by caesarean ojieration, Juan­
ita probably will undergo cor­
rective surgery after she has
reached the age of two or
throe years.
The child has received wide
publicity as a most unusual
medical case and has attract­
ed interest of many profes­
sional men. She will remain in
the local hospital for some
time, where she and her
mother were "doing very well”
-THEO J NORBY, who will take
over the reins as Ashland's
school superintendent about June
10, was in the city this week to
become acquainted with his future
co-workers and townsmen. While
here he reiterated his earlier state­
ment that no radical changes in
the present system are contem­
plated, and that he plans first to
"learn how the school system is
operated at the present time . . .
that will make it possible for me
to work with the present staff
towards building on the fine foun­
dation which has been establish­
ed.” Norby will succeed George A.
Briscoe, who will complete 27
years of service here June 1.
Following close of school June 9
in Vancouver, Wash., where he is
principal of Harney grade school
and director of curriculum in ele-
mentay schools of that city, Mr.
and Mrs. Norby and three small
children will move to Ashland,
where Mr. Norby will assume du­
ties under a three-year contract
awarded by the local school board
Dec. 9. 1938.
Norby’s statement outlining his
general plans, as given to The
this week, follows:
I Miner
“As a superintendent-elect. I
Residents of Talent are looking
forward to a socially busy week, have as my first responsibility
with a 7:30 o'clock Townsend club that of learning how the school
opening the community’s activ­ system is operated at the present
ities in the city hall Tuesday eve­ time. That will make it possible
ning, April 11, followed by a 7:30 for me to work with the present
p. m. potluck supper and program staff towards building on the fine
in charge of Mrs. Mary Low foundation which has been estab­
Thursday evening when the Glad- lished in the Ashland public
To-Meet-You club will gather in schools under Supt. George Bris­
coe's fine leadership.
the city hall.
"Another of a superintendent's
The Talent school will present
an operetta, “Snow White and the responsibilities is that of utilizing
Seven Dwarfs,” in the gymnasium to the best advantage the present
starting at 8 p. m. Friday. April resources in personnel, buildings,
14. The operetta is being directed equipment and supplies.
"My primary purpose is to help
by Miss Marian Gould and Miss
Jean Larson and will be one of the provide the best possible experi­
outstanding features to be pre­ ences for the youth of Ashland.
sented by the student body during
-------------- •------------
the spring season.
------------ •------------
Bohemian Club Adds
An abandoned outhouse Chic
Booth, Table Room
Sale to those who have forgotten
how the world looks through a
The Ashland Bohemian club, op­
half-moon — was consumed by erated by Al Brower, will open a
flames which had no better taste new booth and table annex Satur­
at 252 Terrace street Tuesday. day adjacent to the present loca­
Firemen prevented the blaze from tion which will provide greater
spreading to a nearby bam and floor space and partitioned room
for patrons.
Newly decorated and furnished,
the room will be connected with
J. H. Williams
the Bohemian Club proper by an
and Companion
archway although it will have a
private entrance on East Main
Are Invited to Be Guests of the street in the location formerly oc­
by Flanders' Feed store.
Southern Oregon Miner cupied
The addition will be especially at­
tractive to ladies and their escorts
To See Their Choice of
seeking semi-private tap room
the Following
Varsity Theater
(Friday and Saturday)
In the perpetual c.mpalqn to -tamp out man rauseo are.
over 40,000 000 acre, annually, the United States Forest Service n co
operation with th. state forestry agencies and orU n rati >ns in
conservation, will distribute in poster form nearly, a million repro uc
lion, of the above pcintln. by the famed iiluatrator Jam.. Mon gom.ry
Flagg. Th. painting la th. property of th. American F oreatry A.joclat.o.
MOTION pictures of the McDon­
ald basin ski area taken by
members of the Rogue Snowmen
on a recent snow exploration party
| into the mountains back of Ash­
land will be shown at a Chamber
of Commerce open forum meeting
. in the Lithia hotel dining room,
starting at 6:30 p. m. Tuesday,
April 11.
The pictures will be brought
here by the Rogue Snowmen in
an effort to crystallize interest in
the possibilities of the area as a
snow sports mecca and provide for
forest service development of a
roadway into the basin, which is
described as “far superior” to
snowfields available at Crater
Lake and other southern Oregon
and northern California points,
"Easily 4000 skiers could be ac-
commodated in the area at one
lime," 1 reported the exploration
party, “ ‘ 1 and ideal snow and slope
conditions exist which would offer
varied and well adapted runs for*
novice or experienced skiers.”
The McDonald basin is located
19 miles from Ashland, by road,
via Talent and the Wagner Gap
logging road to Freezeout cabin.
At present about five and one-
fourth miles of forest trail with
easy grade must be traversed to
reach the basin, which is west of
i and adjacent to Mt. Ashland.
The open forum meeting will be
an informal banquet, following
which the motion pictures will be
projected and accompanied by ex-
I planations and information by
members of the party which ex­
plored and photographed the area.
All Chamber of Commerce mem­
bers and others interested in the
subject are being invited to at­
tend the banquet by Chamber
1 President C. M. Litwiller.
----------- •------------
(Starting Sunday)
Please Call at The Miner Office
for Your Guest Tickets
Four Teachers Quit
School Posts Here
Four members of the Ashland
public school system tendered res­
ignations to the school board, ef­
fective at the close of the term,
at the board's Tuesday night meet­
The teachers include Miss Ila
Myers, junior high principal; Miss
Caribel Morehouse, third grade
teacher at Washington school;
Miss Grace Peck, dean of girls at
the high school and English and
social science instructor, and Miss
Alice Kettle, drawing and English
teacher at the junior high and
Washington schools. All resigna­
tions were accepted and letters of
regret were sent in acknowledge­
ment of the requests.
Miss Myers, a members of the
school system here for 30 years,
will rest while others gave reason
for resign .ig as "taking up other
vocations.” Miss Morehouse had here for 25 years, while
Miss Peck and Miss Kettle have
been Ashlard teachers for two
----------- •------------
Ashland's public schools will be
closed today, Good Friday, in ob­
servance of a new Easter custom
which appears to be meeting with
enthusiastic approval of students.
----- •-----
VELMA BROWER posing as
a big game hunter beside the
body of a huge varmint, killed
by her own hand.
M. T. BURNS trying to sell
a grave marker on April 1, to
a family in which no deaths have
occurred for 100 years.
RUBY TILLEY wringing her
hands, too.
ing over her shoulder from the
depths of Ashland creek, “Come
on in, BILL JUNGWIRTH, the
water’s awful!”
ing in favor of long engage­
IVOR ERWIN fighting in his
sleep and winning, until awak-
Thelma Twitchell, 29, until re­
cently a beauty operator here, Sat­
urday was given a 20-day county
jail sentence by City Judge C. O.
Presnall following a disorderly
conduct charge resulting from
complaint of a rooming house
Miss Twitchell's sentence was
suspended on condiUon that she
leave town early this week.
CLOMA BURTON feeding her
pup raw eggs as an investment.
cing in a tone of finality that he
will, definitely, move into his
new house THIS week.
SKIPPER becoming slick as wet
soap on a mopped floor at
sneaking away from captivity
since spring has turned his