Friday, March 31,1 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Bob Burns Hero of Homespun Comedy APRIL* FOOLS’ DAY • For altnozt four cen- tnrie» practical joker» have had one day each y e 1 Shoppers Week-End BARGAIN PRICES Church school meets at 9:45 a m. C N. Glllmore, superintendent Morning worship at II o'clock "Behold Your King Cometh," a Palm Sunday sermon, is the sub­ ject of the morning The Young People's Union will meet at 6:30 p. m. Evening service at 7.30 o’clock The theme of the pastor's sermon Is "Laying Up for Yourselves Treasures in Heaven." Prayer and conference meeting on Wednesday night at 7:80 HAVING DRIVING TROUBLE? e lc per Word per Insertion STALLION FOR SERVICE Reg istered Percheron. Breeder of bolter Percherons, M M Eu­ banks, 5 miles north of Medford at Four Comers on Crater Lake highway. ______ (18pj EOK SALE New and used desks, tiling cabinets, swivel chairs and safes. Medford Office Equip­ ment Co., 32 North Grape street, Medford. <4Htf) MATINEES AND NIGHTS TONIGHT VHFART-GI OW­ ING TAI L <>f lhe OU) SOUTH and lhe NEW : In Gloriosi» l e« hm« olor KENTUCKY HCHAID YOUNG'GREENE SATURDAY ONLY! 2—BIG HITS—2 TK.y itirt a "ru»h" .«ton on romaneo! “Sharpshooters (liarles E. Dunham, I'antur • WANT ADS • 25c .OPETTA First Baptist Church 11 with Brian Donlevy Lynn Bari DOB BURNS, above, will appear in "Arkansas Traveler,” a heart- warming drama of small town life which comes to (he Varsity theater Sunday. The grand cast also liieludes Fay Bainter, John Beal, Jean Parker and Lyle Talbot. Thought Io have originated in France in connection with the cal­ endar reformation of 1564. All Fools' dav spread rapidly and today is observed In many lands, particu­ Eleven basketball lettermen of larly our own. Even the children aren't safe This lad. tinding the jam Coach Jean Eberhart’s 1939 South­ jar. Is unpleasantly surprised when Irishman, McShain, ern Oregon Normal school varsity a five-fool "snake'* lunges at him Dangerous Danny To 11 College Hoopmen Meet Aztec Battler At Get Letter Sweaters Armory Monday Eve That tough little Dangerous Danny world's lightheavyweight wrest­ ling champion, returns to Medford armory next Monday night where Mack Lillard has him carded with Phil Romano, the big Aztec In­ dian from Mexico City. There isn’t a more cocky man in the mat industry than McShain nor do they come any tougher. Roma­ no made a big hit around these parts about a year and a half ago when he went through the best material Lillard could get for him with a surprising number of wins. In taking on McShain the Indian will have to mix considerable dirt with the scientific angle if he wants to go home with the bacon. Jimmy Lott and Polish Joe Smo- linski will resume their feud which started unofficially last week in the middle go. Smolinski wanted Lott's stoll before the latter was ready to leave the ring last Monday and when the Polish meanie became abusive Lott Sonnenburged him all over the ring before the Pole had removed his robe. A newcomer will take part in the opener. He is Vem Clark, a great wrestler from Michigan who takes on the Persian, Emir Boudi, who made such a hit with the fans last week. -------------•------------- PLAN SOFTBALL LEAGUE According to Skeet O'Connell, Ashland again will enjoy the thrills anc catcalls of organized softball, the league to be formed some time in May. Most of last year's nine-team loop members are expected to enter when organiza- : tion meeting is called. -------------•------------- Members of the Ashland high school tennis team have been drill­ ing hard for their opening match with Medford soon. Working out under Coach Beasley are Cate, Powell, Burdic, Hanel, Williams and Powers, as well as several others. LITHIA A HOME-OWNED THEATRE Friday, Saturday DAREDEVIL TUES-WED-THUR Dick Purcell Beverley Roberts An Outstanding Dual-Feature Program ! —also— “STARLIGHT OVER TEXAS” with Tex Ritter From th« novel by 4^ I A. J. CRONIN DOG LICENSE ENFORt EMEM Sun., Mon., Tues. LITTLE TOUGH GUYS IN SOCIETY” with Mary Boland Edward E. Horton Mischa Auer One of Lithia March Programs accepted as FIVE ( ENTS on each paid admission on Wednes­ day and Thursday, April 5, 6! * * * * * * * * • ■ ■ '--.-i squad will be dined and eulogized at 6:15 o'clock tonight in the Lithia hotel dining room when they will be presented with their letter sweaters by members of the Southern Oregon College associa­ tion and business men, according to Bert Miller, president of the group. Each letterman will be guest of a local business man, and the din- ers will hear Representative Earl Newbry speak on efforts made to secure a dormitory for the college. Players to receive sweaters in­ clude Bill Hoxie, Darrell Leavens. Frank Marchi, Jack Kemnitzer. Walt Sether, Ray Haaga, Bob Dur­ bin, Jack Cady and George Bullion, and Managers Ralph Brickey and Hugh Smith. With all local organizations members of the college association, the meeting will be open to all in­ Smokers, natural prey ot trick­ terested persons. sters, have good cause to be wary. -------------•------------- Pieffer Opening New Inn at City Limits Here an exploding match, handed the unhappy smoker, adds little to b's enjoyment. Vic Pieffer, for several years I chef at the Plaza cafe, Saturday will open his own establishment, Vic's Inn, at the Bungalow Auto court just south of the city limits on the Pacific highway. Until re­ cently owned by H. B. Curtis, the place was known as the Bungalow coffee shop and is at the site of the recently uncovered prehistoric bones. Pieffer will cater especially to dinner parties, and will feature ■pedal dinners week nights and Sundays. The inn’s menu will in­ clude half fried chicken sand­ wiches as a regular feature as well as other special sandwiches. Fire Consumes Barn Here Monday Night Fire of undeternuned origin de­ stroyed the W. E. Moor dairy bam at Water and Stanley streets Mon­ day evening. Besides the bam, one heifer calf was lost, about 22 tons of hay and about eight tons i of dairy feed. A small shed and milk house also were damaged by the flames, which attracted valley-wide atten- i tion when they lighted the sky for . many miles around. The large structure was enveloped in flames | when firemen arrived. Insurance coverage included $400 on the building and $400 on contents, according to Moor, who said the bam would be replaced. Whenever a harassed guest strikes a match, all the remaining matches in this trick box jump out The polite guest, often unaware, will pick them up again. The hardened practical joker appreciates thia. KOAC Files Request For Power Increase Formal amended application for permission to construct a 5000 watt transmitting set for KOAC at Corvallis, replacing the present 1000 watt set, has been filed with the Federal Communications com­ mission by officials of Oregon State college. Expansion this year, if permission is granted by the FCC, is made possible by special appropriation passed by the state legislature. KOAC is also preparing for the rehearing ordered by the FCC on the petition of KOY, Phoenix, Ariz., to use the KOAC wave­ length. Since the rehearing was granted KOY has made at least lour attempts to have the rehear­ ing order reversed or altered, KOAC officials have been notified. All these requests have been de­ nied by the FCC. If the increase in power is granted and the station wins its fight to prevent outside Interfer­ ence, KOAC will be in position to reach the entire state with in­ creased strength and quality of signal, engineers at the college say. -----•----- • Subscribe for The Miner today. No mailer now steady youi nerves, It is disconcerting to have a repulsive looking snake leap at you when a friend offers you a light from his new mechanical gadget Cyrentus Corniest, enforcement of Heer for the Dog Control Board, will make a complete coverage <>f the county, starting March 20th, to collect license on all dogs not already licensed. In accordance with Section 20-2300, Oregon Code 1030, the enforcement officer is re­ quired to collect the license or get tn<- dog * 1 NOTICE OF MHEKIFF'M MALE By virtue of an execution in ! foreclosure duly issued <>dt of und ) under the seal of the circuit court ! i>l Uie stale (S <>i<-goi>, in and the county of Jackson, to me dl- . reeled and dated on the 6th day i of March, 1939. in a certain suit therein, wherein Occidental Life Insurance Company, a corporation, us plaintiff, recovered judgment against Ethel W. Boggs, one of I the defendants, for the sum of I $5,087.14 with costs and disburse- 1 merits taxed at $25 50 and the iinlm i sum ot $4(M) < utm of the estate Of O C Boggs (also known as Oliver C. Boggs and Oliver Carter Boggs), deceased; Ethel W Boggs, O C. Boggs, Jr. (also known as Oliver Carter Boggs, Jr.); D. 8. Boggs and Edith Boggs, his wife; Jack- son county, a municipal corpora­ tion, O. R. Hall and Jane lx>e Hall, his wife, had on the 23d day of May, 1929, or now have, in and to the following described real property, situated in Jackson county, Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the North line of Section 1» Township 38 South of Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian in Jackson county, Oregon, which point is 2208.35 feet East of the comer common to Sections 18 and 19 in Township 38 South of Rangt- 1 West of the W. M, and Sections) 13 and 24 in Township 38 South of I Range 2 West of the W M . thence South 28 degrees 51’ West 876.03 | feet; thence South 59 degrees 05' | West 115 17 feet; thence South 2 degrees 12' West 174 30 feet; thence South 34 degrees 31' West 185.7 feet; thence South 15 de­ grees 32' West 353 12 feet, thence South 40 degrees 40' West 66 feet; thence South 0 degrees 27' West 1124.8 feet to the South line of the East half of the Northwest quar­ ter of said Section 19; thence East 1217 feet, more or less, to the cen­ ter of said section; thence North 2640 feet, more or less to the North quarter comer of said sec­ tion; thence West 431 65 feet to the point of beginning. Also, the West half of the Northeast quarter, and the South­ east quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 38 South of Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian in Jackson XTO, we don’t meati your golfing . , i I im - h driving your cur i you feel like swlngli club ut the guy who i It? Mell, then, wr'w the mechiuilciil woo syrup t hut'll multi- motor purr und make wiuit to u|Milogl/e to utlloinobllc Industry drive in mid let un n ★ CLYDK CATO 5 Junction Gai Mouth l'aclflc High Phone 71-J county. Oregon Saving and excepting roads. Alik», Ix>la 1. 2, 3. 4, 5 11. 12. 13. 10. IN. 20, aUc and 15, except 3 nert-s South ' ii'i tharacd. all in t al Orchard Tract Nutnlx-r in Jackson county, Or» numlierrd, designate«! and cd on the official plat th« of record Dated thia Oth