ll Wr li) ( A FE CON FECTION ER V FARM IMPLEMENTS SEE BURSE FOR with HARDY S CASH HARDWARE Phone 103—Res. Phone 268-J M. C. Lininger & Son ASHLAND SIGN SHOP Sand—Gravel—Crushed Kwk OIL DISTRIBUTOR SERVICE STATIONS PAINTING AND DECORATING Our Prices Are Ixiwer! if you’re shy on cash we’ll falsa part la trade. 406 North Main Street GENERAL CLI MBING Specializing in A-l REPAIRING -------- - --------- - I or I erullj ming PLAZA CAFE SAVE ON GAS AND OIL Associated Gas & Oil & CONFECTIONERY i NDSIGHT I SPORTS 111 iy I TOLD YOU BO le B lull ir N ■ aiate« luid ■ ftiichi > a ■ ria d rvrd • «ri •v »<^11 iy .. uaUtl uid ùniig h. M r» 1J .A PI /A tu *x 'M H e r» 4« Wholesale Prices to Our Customers Complete Service Under One Roof Clay comb Motor Co. 80 i . hi I urth.i ìtr<»n| epiuj Ashland’s Ifeadqiiarterw FOR GOOD FOOD and Freezer Fresh ICE (REAM I a RCE ¡tn a hookrii nose in Lany i" the guy who was Ion Ohio State to win the |i basketball title Monday M'eb-footcd tracks were all Ir place when the Oregon- Eshed with the flxin'a, and I natives back home clapped land jumjM-d up and down icy like to of shook all the Vf their north Miden i 46-33 score Wim plain 1 and came In Mplte of the Lchinallon» of California's kies who tried to jockey Lit champion« out of the F hu - two-straight dumping tomia uj>«rt the vain state'.! [however, and the back- ken went east to «how 'em t game I« played him with no «nudi int of satisfaction that kail folk watched the otit- L what w ith the former a roach master-minding W'ebfeet and this city’« Bob Hardy right In the of It. Howard lloimon, conch of the local col- took hi« boy» to the 1er nutlonnis. Hardy, of k. wa* one of the SONS Springs, just like he was linlor high under Conch ir» and in high school un- Coach Don Faber. W hen >» moved up to tile «tale Malty lauiky I * * * b were about 30 to one that I H Hardy scooted forward ledge of hi« chair and cocked bntive ear at the loudspeak- ■ week-end when Bob entered k inlnst Oklahoma for |r west title Son Bob did I for himself, too. and was post of the plays. I» long suit, however, 1« Ul With the caaaba activity bhind him. he'll be the main- in the diamond activities »chool. while Leonard Pat- another SONS student kmer Lithian horsehide star ¡oppose him from the first F Oregon State's nine. • Mi ami M ih Louis Romaneske of Ashland visited relative« here Wednesday. • Mrs Mattie Oxipcr of Spokane. Wash. «pent the week-end with Mr« Edith ilayman and family • Owen Bates of Klamath Fall« wa« a visitor Sunday at the home of hie grandparents. .Mr and Mr« Will Bate«, nt Bate«' «ervice sta­ tion Mr Bate« returned with Owen to Klamath Falla and re­ turned home Monday • John Shuler of Anderson creek was shopping in Talent Sat unlay. • Crate McElfreah, who la em­ ployed near Costella, Calif., «pent the week-end at home • Mi Hendrickson and Bill Re­ gan went to Klamath Fall« Sun­ day. • Frank Redker left Sunday for Quincy, Calif., to resume work in a I'UCglng camp. • Some of tin- rancher» report it is too dry for plowing and that rain la badly needed. • Mi« Sue Clayton, an elderly lady who has lived here for the, past 20 year», i« enjoying flower« brought from Indiana, her former home, 40 year« ago. • spring work has begun and or- chartiisls are bu«y • praying. • Mr Vanderwall and non and daughter, who have been stopping al Tame's auto camp, are leaving for another location. • ('hurley Skeeter« has moved his logs that have been decked all winter on the railroad track to Medford. Work han begun on fall­ ing timber in the Wagner creek district. • Verne Hastings of Ashland was a business caller here Friday. • Mrs Ixiuis Smith was a Talent visitor Saturday. • M ih Victor Birdsell and sister, who live north of Medford, were transacting business in Talent Wednesday. • Mr and Mrs. Henry Homes of Myrtle Point visited Mr. Homes' brother and family last week. • Mr. and Mrs. E. Cole of south eastern Colorado are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hart Mrs Hart is their daughter. • Helen Hewitt called on friends here last week while on her way to Council Bluffs. Ia., to visit rela­ tives in her old home. • Mr. and Mrs Riley Niswanger of Klamath Falls visited Sunday with Mrs. Niswanger'« mother, Mrs. Mary Weeks, and other rela­ tives. • Mr. and Mrs. L W Tame spent Sunday fishing in the Klamath river and report a very good catch. • B-n (.’lark is building a fire­ place on Sherman street in Ash­ land. • Mr and Mrs Karl Baylor were business callers in Medford Tues­ day. I a land Mrs Bill Boyd recently pnt called here Thursday HESSMAKING fcOMEN and CHILDREN Hooked Rugs Quilting Priem Reasonable RY SPENCER ' K, Main and California T THEM DAYS ARE GONE FOREVER STEVE ZARKA Phone 68 Ashland PRISTINO SERVICE New Ashland Hotel and Apartments and Coffee Shop FOR PROMPT PRINTING SERVICE CALL THE MINER Ashland'* Friendly Center You will enjoy our cool lobby and veranda. All the comfort« of a home “away from home.” Our cof­ fee shoppe serVM the beat food in town. Come in an you are! PRINTING CALL THE MINER FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS PHONE 170 IS YOUR PRESENT LIFE INSURANCE ADEQUATET See STEVEN R. SCHUERMAN Phone 334-R METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. / By 9. L HUNTLEY Always Remember Your Smiling ASSOCIATED Dealer Factory Specified Lubrication HOTELS S’MATTER POP— Huh! Wait Til! Pop Come» to Filling Thi» Order! MESCAL IKfc Richfield Service North Main at Bush, Ashland RICHF IELD HAS SOMETHING NEW—WATCH FOR IT! Norman B. Ashcraft Complete Line of Oil« and Grenaa Protective Lubrication Headquarter« for FARM MACHINERY, REPAIRS GENERAL BLACKSMITHING AND WELDING PHONE «7 rold ird ¡i wciim “co< jriieq t lo<1 SERVICE STATIONS SIGN SHOP SIGNS AUTO WRECKING USED AUTO PARTS You’ll Find it Here—Phone 189 SHELL GASOLINE AUTO REPAIRING ACETYLENE WELDING BARNEY’S WRECKING YARD 628 North Main Ashland, Oregon CLEAN and GOOD- The Three Pals That Jolly Well Make Beer A Pleasure! OUR STOCK of FINEST QUALITY WINES INCLUDES DON MARCO ISCO CRITERION DEL MAR Bohemian Club By C. M. PAYNE Pa Ha» Hi» Dinner in the Bag—Almost