ri(1Hy, March 31, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 3 bout People You Know! | and Mrs Loyd Lowe of mth Fulls vlslhtl with friends Monday ,M Key Purrott of i or I land d dining the week end here home of Dr. un«l Mm R E er I, Misire Is visiting In Ku- this week nnd Mm Hugo Reinhold Tu< »'lay <’*' “ weeks l . m M trip to the middle west L. and Mm Ben Anderson Ll(. Chiloquin Tuesday. Hnk Capello underwent a ma- Lpcrahon at the Community ktul Monday. j, and Mm Howard Coombs the parents of u son, bom to k Monday at the Community Mtal L'hy drive u dirty car? Trade f -.......................... " !•.•.. Wolff s Service Station [rolux cleaning service Multi (11c) ¡Church streets. L anf Mr. anil Mrs W H. McNair. The Buritwills were enroute from a trip to Sun Fran- cisco. • Mr and Mm Floyd l'ut man marie u busIm-Hs trip to Klamath Fulls this week • W A Bruy of Hilt railed In Ashland on buslm-as Monday • Mr and Mm J F Brower are visit'ng with friends at Thompson Ctrci thia week 9 * ll Henry left Tuesday eve­ ning for Pasadena • Arlen Brooks of Kinmath Fulls Is visiting here this week at th«- home s<-o. > Mm Ki lly Pinsons visited with relatives in laikcvtrw laid week. Church of the Nazarene K. E. Wordsworth, .Minister Fourth and C Streets "The church where you are nev­ er a stranger." Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. T- S. Wiley, superintendent A grow- ing. going school. Morning worship. 11 o'clock, Sermon theme: "The Necessary Cross'* Pre-Easter meditation. Evening worship, 7:30 o'clock. "The Parable of the Ten Virgins." A really helpful service for you. Welcome to all. Cooperating with other church­ es during the week in observance E Dive th«- cook'« spring fever a of Passion Week kk lake the family out t<> din- lone of then- fine evenings The Itflr Shop has an especially ap- Izing menu that all the family relish, and the cost is small, kalter la-verett«- and Lee Ryan Boulrvnrd luid Morton Streets B-' a busineaa trip to Yr-k.i Rev. II. S. Wannumnker, Pastor I Earl Edsall of Klamath Falla Sunday school. 9:45 a m with ted here with relatives last classes for all ages Mm. Glen Hr-end. Mrs Merle Christian of Orang«* Prescott, superintendent. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Ser­ re, Calif. is visiting this week the home <»f Mr anti Mm Ruby mon: ••Jesus Openly Declares Him­ self" By the pastor. ey at Siskiyou. Young People's Hour, 6:15 p. m. t>r. and Mrs Bernard Baekwill A cordial invitation to all. Mamhft«-I«l visited here Sunday Congregational Church Exposition Treasure Chest Sat u relay and Monday Specials I I I SHORTENING—4 pounds Pearl 36e GREEN PEAS 0 I HILLS BROS COFFEE MECO PEAS-No. 303 - 3 for 25c MECO CORN-No. 303 - 3 for 25c NEW SPUDS Free Delivery Phone 156 2-Pound Tin 51C MECO STRING BEANS—No. 303 ROYAL CLUB GRAPEFRUIT—No. 2 BANANAS 3 pounds 17c SUGAR 2 for 25c C&H 25-Pound Bag CHEESE-Kraft Elkhorne, lb. 15c $1.32 ROYAL CLUB GRAPEFRUIT JUICE—1 Qt., 14-Oz. Tin . FLOUR DAINTY DIMPLE PEAS-No. 215c ASPARAGUS WHITE HOUSE 49’s ROYAL CLUB A I STRINGLESS BEANS—No. 2 .. * tOl 47Ç Fresh 2 pounds 19c P A PHM DHvUH Sl'NKIST Kingan’s Sugar Cured $1.29 25c LARD MILK—Oregon 6c BREAD—Lithia 9c ICE CR E AM—pint 15c, quart 29c OXYDOL—Large 19c PINEAPPLE—No. 2| Broken 17c APRICOTS—Royal Club, No. 2| 19c ORANGES EACH 1C LETTUCE 5C • HILTS NEWS • local Boy Scout troop Monday eve­ ning. The new members were Don­ ald Geroy, Ernest Dutro, Jack Eddy, Buster and Billy Walker, Willis Brownlee. Gino Michelon, Tony Marin and Claude Wright. Plans were made for an over-night hike to Pilot Rock Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. Thorf Anderson and daughters of Scotia arrived in Hilt Tuesday night to visit his parents. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward and daughter Babe drove to Klamath Falls Saturday. -------------•------------- • Mrs. Ben Webster returned home Sunday morning from Idaho, where she was called by the severe illness of her mother, who is now slowly recovering. • Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Collins of the Sky Line mine, Ashland, were Sunday visitors here with the Watty family. • Mr. Tame is having his cabins and buildings painted. --------- •------------- • A benefit concert wm given at the club house Saturday evening by the Junior Musicians of Yreka and Hilt, directed by their instruc­ tor, Miss Glenwocxl Walsh. The concert was well attended. Teach­ er and pupils are to be congratu­ lated on the splendid progress they have been making and the fine program they presented The pro­ gram was followed by a dance. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ohlund drove to Yreka Thursday evening after their son Bob and Miss Mar­ gery Clark who remained in Yreka l for concert practice. • Among the Saturday visitors to Medford were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haynes and daughter Virginia, Mr. and Mis Richard Williams and son Russell, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dutro and son Norman, Mr. and Mrs. A Pedersen and children, Mr. and Mm. W Gran and son Bill. Mr. and Mrs. R Gilberg, Arthur Gilberg, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Gilberg, Ed­ ward Ekewall, Mr. and Mrs. R. ■„„L, Harris and children. Mr. and Mrs. Turkey production in Oregon, as W. Holmberg. Mr and Mrs. Frank Ohlund, Mr. and Mrs. W. Tollis well as throughout the United States, is expected to continue up- and Mr. and Mrs H. De Jamett. • Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ollom spent ■ ward in 1939 and yet turkey grow­ the week-end at Brooks. Ore., ers may have a reasonably favor­ where they were guests at the Jim able season when net returns are calculated. This is the conclusion Jackson home. • Mr. and Mrs. W. Tollis, Mrs. reached in the annual turkey out­ S. King, Miss Jane Frazzee and look contained in the current Ag­ Billy Bayliss drove to Crater Lake ricultural Situation and Outlook issued by the OSC extension servv- Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Slavens of ice and dealing with turkeys, pota­ Medford spent the week-end at toes, horses and mules and current the home of their daughter, Mrs. i j farm price trends. Copies may be j obtained free from any extension W. Poff. • Earl Temple was a business : office. The expected continuation of a visitor in Ashland Saturday. • Mrs. W. Hess and daughter stronger demand for turkeys and Nina and Miss Faye Davis of Ash­ the prospect of continued low feed land were in Hilt Saturday night I prices are favorable factors in the turkey outlook. The government's to attend the concert-dance. • Nine tenderfoot badges were survey of producers' intentions, re­ awarded to new members of the I leased in mid-March, indicated TURKEY OUTLOOK UP J0R 1939 SEASON SS... Jg -Jg- 27 percent increase in the turkev crop this year compared with last. A year ago the government pre­ dicted a 6 percent increase which was not quite reached by actual production in 1938. Unfavorable factors are increas­ es in competing meats, larger cold storage stocks of turkeys and larger breeding flocks to be mar­ keted after the laying season is over. Cash income from Oregon's tur­ key crop in 1938 was estimated at nearly four million dollars, making turkeys one of the state’s most important specialty crops, the re­ port shows. Oregon now ranks about fifth among the states in turkey production and has an out­ put twice Ls great as in 1929 when the last general census was taken. Potato acreage is expected to decrease in 1939, which, with other factors, makes the potato situation appear more favorable than at the beginning of 1938. The national farm price index was down two points more as of February 15 and is five points be­ low a year ago. Chief factors in the lower index compared with 2-Pound Pack Swift’s Silverleaf 23c APPLES Good Newtowns Box 89e last year are the grain index off 23 points and dairy products down 14. Fruits and meat animals are up 10 and six points, respectively, compared with 1938. DON’T FORGET TO SEND THE M RACLE A FLAVOR ALL ITS OWN THAT MILLIONS PREFER _____________________________________________________ ANNOUNCING A Sale of Sales—All Next Week! AT THE EAST SIDE PHARMACY ~ Get the world’« good new« daily through T he C hristian S cience M onitor As Intrrmtional Duly Ntwiptpfr flavor never varies! hfblnbfd by THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING SOCIETY On», Norway Street, Boeton, MaM»chu«etu on Treasure Island. "* 'alui«ble collection was loaned to the Shasta Cascade» build- y Siskiyou county and private collectors of Trinity county. .,r """itles with exhibits In the Shasta Cascades building are hi J1’ . Trinity,Slaklyou, Laiaen and Shaata.of California; /»‘kson, Klamath and l ake, of Southern Oregon. The beau- ‘ "'»Mbit building, of which T. I.. Stanley, of Redding. Is secretary- r ih r/J’ on® nine established by the California Commission iri„** ’,<,*t*‘‘n Gate International Exposition. Shown in P*’«»to is o,>«. of Treasure Island's famous beauties, holding $1000 lh of gold ore and nuggets. Regular reeding of T hs CmtrnsN S cibncb M onito » it considered by many a liberal education. Its clean, unbiaacd news and well-rounded editorial features, including the Weekly Magazine Section, malts ths M onito * the ideal newspaper for the home. The prices are: 1 year »13.00 0 months »0.00 J months »3.00 1 month »1 00 Wednesday Issue, Including Mafaalno Section: 1 rear »3 00, 0 issue» 3So and the paper ia obtainable st ths following location: IN CHURCH EDIFICE Pioneer Avenue THIS 2-POUND FAMILY-SIZE LOAF COOKS GENUINE KRAFT CHEESE in transparent Sealtest-approved wrapper