F’riday, March 31, I1 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 • BELLVIEW • Former Stagecoach Operator Compares Travel W E. Travi* (in*«), Pacific Greyhound • Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Murdock visited last week-end at the home president, once operated hone drawn of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stenrud. stages in the West. He compares pres­ Mr. and Mrs. Murdock make their ent day Greyhound service, iu very low home in Hope, Minn., but were called to Salem by the illness of (ares, luxurious Super-Coaches and Mr. Murdocks father. Mrs Mur­ many schedules every day, with the dock is a niece of Mr. Stenrud. 50c-a-mile fare and twice-weekly sched­ • The birthday club gave a party ules in the old days. Friday evening in honor of the birthday anniversary of Miss Gladys Whitson, at her home in Medford. Those enjoying the eve­ ning were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pankey. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sten­ rud, Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Gowland. Mrs. Wade Wallis, Miss Eunice Kincaid, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kin­ caid, Miss Marie Walker, a group of Medford friends of Miss Whit­ son and the honored guest. Miss Gladys Whitson. • Miss Marjorie Bell .was a din­ ner guest Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Martin and Louise. Commenting on the special Golden Gate exposition, San Fran­ • Mrs. Charles Weaver visited Greyhound excursion fares to San cisco. are the lowest in history. Monday at the home of Mrs. Francisco and the Golden Gate ex­ Passengers ride in fully-enclosed position, W. E. Travis, president of coaches with comfortable seats, Archie Kincaid. • Bill Brahs. with a group of Pacific Greyhound Bus lines, says and have their choice of frequent SOCE students, made a business he cannot help comparing present- bus schedules every day.” After the automobile had made trip to Medford Tuesday in inter­ day Greyhound service with the stag« coach service he operated in horse-drawn stages obsolete, Mr. est of the school. • Albert Arnold of the Dead In­ several western states around the Travis converted early motor cars into stages and later operated the dian district, was transacting turn of the century. "We gave ’em a hard, rough and first bus company in America to business in Ashland Saturday. • Miss Eunice Hager attended the costly ride in our horse-drawn provide transcontinental service. primary teachers’ council held in stages," said Mr Travis. "Passen­ "Pacific Greyhound alone," Mr. gers had little or ■ no protection Travis stated, "operates more than Medford last Saturday morning. • Mr. and Mrs. Axel Silver of from the weather, and a twice- McCloud. Calif., spent last Satur­ weekly schedule was considered 35 million miles annually in the west, using over 7,000,000 gallons day and Sunday visiting at the excellent service.” "Today," Mr. Travis continued. of gasoline and paying $255.000 home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter "Greyhound excursion fares to the (1938) in gasoline taxes." Brahs. • Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Korth made a trip to Lincoln Sunday on busi­ at the home of Mrs. Farmer's par­ ing recently at the home of Albert ness. ents. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Byrd C. Joy. Members present were • Mr. and Mrs. Ray Edwards of and family, and the home of Mr. Fred C. Homes. C. N. Gillmore. I. Phoenix visited Sunday at the Farmer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Deadmond, Mr Joy and W. L. home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter John Farmer. Moore. These directors decided to Brahs. finish the work of changing the • A group of members of the • Mr. and Mrs. Miles Farmer and Bellview, Talent, Central Point and wires to the new COPCO poles, their daughter Betty Lou of Dor­ Gold Hill Y. G. A. gave a shower although it was an unforseen ex­ ris, Calif., are visiting this week in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harold pense. Fred Penniston of Ashland Fish, who were recently married, is doing the work in place of Mr. at their home at Gold Hill Thurs­ Peachey. evening of last week. Mr. • The 4-H Cooking club met Mon­ Life - Auto - Fire day Fish is president of the Gold Hill day afternoon at the home of Y. G. A. and also president of the their leader, Mrs. C. H. Modrell. Jackson county Y. G. A. Louise Yockel and Marie Gresham • Bert Peachey was able to spend demonstrated the making of maca­ Monuments and Markers ' the day with his parents, Mr and roni and cheese and Spanish rice. of Bronze and Granite Mrs. A. H. Peachey of Ashland, The next lesson will be on the At Prices You Can .Afford Friday of last week. Mr. Peachey different ways to cook and serve is convalescing from a recent spin- egg»- 1 al injury he received when a tele- • The Bellview school board held M. T. BURNS i phone pole on which he was work­ their meeting Saturday of last Next Door to Post Office ing broke with him. week. Miss Eunice Hager, teacher Call Office 113, Res. 248-R • Miss Marna Byrd acted as an of the primary department, and Evening Appointments usher for two plays, “One Hundred Miss Julia Quinby, teacher of the “DEPENDABLE SERVICE” were Dollars,” and "Mother Was Right,” intermediate department, given by the recreation leader’s both hired to teach in the Bellview association of the Gold Hill and scL-x.1 next year. William Brom- the Central Point Y. G. A.’s at the j leY> , who is now teaching in a school, will replace Medford high school Monday eve- Marshfield Mai Jack Balding next year. I ning. 4 • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brahs and • Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Heinz of ^BFFICl tNT I family attended the funeral of the Applegate district visited with Mrs. Fichtner of Medford Monday. friends in Bellview one day last Uta only one level tee- , The Brahs family were friends of week. Mr. and Mrs. Heinz lived in spoonful to a cup of sifted the Fichtner family when they this district recently. flour for most recipe*. lived in Medford several years • The Social Hour club held their meeting Thursday of last week at : ago. • Miss Esther Wade, who recent­ the home of Mrs. W. D. Meyers. ly underwent an appendectomy at During the afternoon the members i the Community hospital in Ash- did fancy work, after which they | land, was returned to her home were served attractive refresh­ this week. She is improving nicely. ments by the hostess, Mrs. Meyers. Same price today | • Miss Patricia Bell, who under­ Those enjoying the afternoon were i as 48 years ago i went a tonsilectomy in Medford Mrs. Emil Gassman, Mrs. Eliza­ Tuesday morning, was brought to beth Walter, Miss Ruby Turner, home Tuesday evening. She is and two guest from Ashland, Mrs. I 25ounce$ f°r 254 | her improving as well as can be ex- Wicker and Mrs. Bryant. • The Bellview l*T-A, who held I Mt.ufacturaW br baking II pected. ■ iptdaliiU whe m«k. nathins but II • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sexton a cooked food sale at the Ashland II baking p«wdar-under luparvirinn II and their small daughter Eliza- Groceteria Saturday of last week, 11 af «apart chamilta af natianal II beth, of Klamath Falls, are spend­ cleared a sum of $10, which will 11_______ rap uta Wn. IB ing an indefinite time at the home be used to send a delegate, Mrs. MILLIONS OF POUNDS HAVE BEEN of Mrs. Sexton’s parents, Mr. and C. H. Modrell, to the PT-A con­ USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT Mrs. Ed Grimm, due to the unex- vention to be held in Klamath Falls next week. pected illness of Mr. Sexton. • R. E. Bell, who is employed at • The Bellview school is enjoying the Long-Bell mill in Klamath a spring vacation this week. Falls and Robert Bell, who is em­ • Mrs. Ada Huxley, who recently ployed at the mill in Bly, spent fell and injured her hip, returned the week-end visiting here with from the hospital to the home of Here’s Quick Relief from Mrs. Bell and family. her sister, Mrs. James Sewell of • The Canning I 4-H club, which Ashland. Mrs. Louis Pratt of Kla­ Their DISTRESS! was recently organized, held their math Falls has come to care for The annoying discomforts of a cold in first meeting Friday afternoon at her while she recovers. chest or throat, generally ease when the home of their leader, Mrs. • Mrs. C. H. Modrell gave a party soothing, warming Musterole is applied. George Helms. The girls elected for her youngest daughter, Iris Better than a mustard plaster, Mus- terole gets action because it's NOT just officers as follows: President. Vee- May, who celebrated her seventh a salve. It’a a "counttr-irritant" ; stimu­ da Williams; vice president, Jean­ birthday recently. The guests in­ lating, it penetrates the surface skin and ette Talent; secretary, Eleanor cluded Miss Eunice Hager and all helps to quickly relieve local congestion, George; treasurer, Charleen Byrd, the pupils of the primary depart­ aches and pains due to colds. and reporter, Joanne Helm. ment, of which Iris is a pupil. Used by millions for 30 years. Recom­ • Mrs R. E. Bell, Marjorie and • Mr. and Mrs. Homer Moore and mended by many doctors and nurses. Patricia made a trip to Medford Barbara Jean attended the funeral In three strengths: Regular, Children s on business Monday morning. of Dr. Stearns in Medford Satur­ (mild) and Extra Strong, 40*. Approved • The directors of the telephone day. by Good Housekeeping Bureau. company of Bellview held a meet- • Mr. and Mrs. William Turner returned Friday from The Dalles, where they were called by the death of an uncle of Mrs. Turner’s. • Mrs. W. L. Leabo is ill at her home with flu. She is recovering, Announcing the Spring Opening of according to latest reports. • The embroidery club met Tues­ day at the home of Mrs. Claud^ Conley, the group enjoying a one INSURANCE o'clock luncheon During the af­ ternoon the me ni Iters did needle work. Tliose present included Mrs Herman Helm. Mrs. Walter Long- streth, Mrs Edwin Dunn, Mrs. J M Crow. Mrs Roy Crow and Mr». ; ! George Helm«. • Mr. and Mm Homer Moore and daughter Barbara Jean returned Wednesday of last week from San Diego, Calif., where they vlaitixl with friends and relatives, and from Ixts Angeles, where they transaceted business OF COURSE, You're going io the Golden Gate Exponhon. Il's »marl to go now, before the big lummer crowd* arrive. You travel luxuriouily by Greyhound Super­ Coach. You *ee more along the way —have more fun —*ave money to »pend at the Fair I Aik about Greyhound'* planned trip* to the Fair, which include lightieeing and imure hotel reiervation* at minimum expense. • Mr iuk I Mrs Herman id of Weed, Calif . were dliiin r j Sunday at the home of Mt, Mrs Herman llelm and f iJ * Mi I .fill") Mt I b i < California, where he hu* muit. $11.00 ROUND TRIP to SAN FRANCISCO Depot: Greyhound Tavern, Phone 51 GREYHOUND If/* BAKING IKV powder CHEST COLDS VIC’S INN SATURDAY; APRIL 1ST BUUIDG R CAR? SEE THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FIRST... TO ARRANGE THE A» LOW COST WAX TO PAY FOR IT! At South City Limits On Pacific Highway FEATURING TALKING ABOUT /?/ty PHONE orf 42 fttanckti FIRST RRTIOnnii RlfflK ^-CHICKEN SANDWICHES COMPLETE EVENING DINNERS SUNDAY DINNERS 23-F-2 Prices Range from 15c to 75c QUALITY AND SERVICE: TMI LEADER IN OREGON IN FINANCING THE CREDIT VIC P1EFFER, Proprietor (Formerly Chef at Plaza Cafe) WE CATER TO DINNER PARTIES CLOVER LEAF R equirements of trade , commerce and industry FOB >/ V W 1« OF PORTLAND DAIRY piPOlIT INI ura NCI CORPORATION