S outhern O regon M iner I lie Paper I hat lias Something To Say—And Says It! jine VIH ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1939 HluH SCHOOL IS SET FOR OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT ■ill recurring passenger plane Eashc« in this country, many I hlivc decided to Confine thcl ■ting "t fate to crossing th« ■t <>n a busy aftrrn<«»n. / r r Irhiips the reason somc hhh I- Kronien are «•* adept at ma«- Ig the trick of harking 20 year« E,., 1« because it’s all done ■ mirrors. 1 1 Rung men of two continent« ■clicking their he«d« together, Bn America it's because of the Kg weather. 111 Itler has done one great serv- lor the United States he has L us somebody to cuss besides Town leader«. 111 L old wheeze about «tonogra- L sitting on the U> m ' knee to L dictation probably would pro- ly land Its cracker In a con­ trition camp in Germany 1 1 1 Lmc fish, generally speaking, [the ones which succumb to the L devised by fishermen. 111 one-track mind isn't so Isol t can be kept from jumping rails 111 be season is arriving whrn one dies flies IM well the devil >n he doesn't keep his mouth 111 ,\ PEEK into the intimate life of l>iK‘i iwhoul «tudentx and facul- | ty member« win br afforded par- I «’nta and other intrrr«ted person« I of the city tonight, March 31 wili . when LI . Ashland C — high «n behalf of students, and Ixiis White will follow with two v.x-ai solos Shirley Willard will give a recitation and Beron Wray u saxophone solo The glee club directed by Mi«s Marjorie Scobert. will sing two nuniix-rs and the quartet, also directed by Miss Sco bert, will add to the program. Jeanette Burton will follow with a lap dance and Joan Whitmore will play piano «olo Scherformances of “Dangerous Cor­ ner’’ by -I. B. Priestly, in the IJthia hotel ballroom. The play series, given in the intimate manner, has attracted widespread interest. The cast, shown above with part of the audience in the background, is as follows: left to right (sitting) Ethel May Robinett and -lames Parsons, (standing) Jeannette Fields, John Barker, Jean Moore and Robert Sage. Not shown, Helen Lois Winningham. SPRING FOOTBALL SHOW WILL REVEAL AHS GRIDIRON PROSPECTS NEXT SEASON PLAN MILITARY FESTIVAL HERE FOR GUARDSMEN Inaugurating a "first” for southern Oregon, Battery B of the Ashland national guard, command­ ed by Capt. H H Bentley, will hold a military festival in this city about April 29 or May 6 or 13, Captain Bentley announced here th« week Invitations to partici­ pate in the review and program have been sent to Battery D. Kla­ math Falls; Co. A, 184th Infantry, Medford; Headquarters Co., 186th Infantry, Medford, and Co. C, Grants Pass. The festival will be held on the high school field about 8 o’ckxik on the evening selected by Maj.­ Gen. George A White, commander of the 41st division including Ore­ gon, Washington and Idaho, who will be the main speaker. Follow­ ing drill exhibitions and stunts by the various national guard units, presentation services will be held for presentation of service medals and awards, marksmanship and gunners' medals. Following the special drills and presentations on the lighted ath- letic filed, the guardsmen will pa­ rade through town to the armory, where a military ball will be held. Captain Bentley expects to be able to announce definite date for I the event within a few days. “We [ are trying to start a military get- together which probably will be­ come an annual affair in southern Oregon,” explained the local com­ mander. ----- •----- Mayor Wiley Appoints Hospital Investigators Lccordirig to Clark Wood'« Following a Saturday night talk ba in his Weston lx«l year and to plan for camp | dared Chief Talent, "because by the Ashland Music Study club financed the erection of the new T. R. Warren of Portland. The ■ A L Coggins was appointed to their appearance in court will lx* ting enough turnout to form a Shell Oil company station at East cattle had averaged 490 pounds of ■ke care of arrangements for a the signal for stern punishment.” full eleven About 14 seniors are in the Civic clubhouse Monday Main street and Siskiyou boule­ butterfat for last year, and 502 available for the game, while next night was declared a success by vard. now in progress. low to be sponsored by the girls. pounds annually for the two pre­ fall's varsity outfit .is said to be a large crowd in attendance. Miss B>e board advocated continuance vious years. the most dkely looking bunch of Marjorie Scobert directed a mu- ■ the bean-hole luncheon with the ------------ •------------ TRACKERS TO COMPETE players seen here for several sical program featuring high ■(«vision that some local eating seasons. school students, while styles were The Southern Oregon College of ■re be securer! to prepare the Bans and coffee, as this wax too Although it has been difficult to modeled by Fortmiller’s depart­ Education's mile relay track team Surprising their many friends give a nonpartisan comparison be­ ment store with Mrs Marchial is planning to compete at Mon­ jrg'" a responsibility for the girls ■>e following committee was ap- last Friday evening, Donald Caton tween the two teams, it is thought Stansbury and Marcella Scribner mouth April 21 and at Arcata April 29 against Humboldt State. Binted for the bean-hole: Henry anil Evelyn Bentley, SONS stu­ by many that the game will end in charge. P'i'-rs. Mr«. B. C. Forsythe, dents. were united in marriage by in a tie or a close score. The sen­ ■ank Davis anil Eleanor Coombc. Justice of the Peace Harry Ken­ iors will have seven lettermen to I was decide«! the summer nedy of Hilt, Calif. Caton is the strengthen their ranks, although ■mp should be held at the Boy son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Caton the varsity line will easily out­ Bout camp site at I^akc o' the and is well known here, while his weigh the graduating challengers, foods again. Each girl Is to pro- bride is the daughter of Mr. and averaging more than 175 pounds. lae her own transportation to Mrs S. W Bentley of Marshfield. Rivalry between the two outfits The ceremony was witnesses by has been keen, and the players fnp U1*H year. A camp committee Dorothy Seimann, SONS student F’posed of Henry Enders, Mr. have been making their boasts and PKgl'is and Dr. W. J Crandall from Cottage Grove, and Bert placing their small change on the F" appointed. George Icenhower Mitchell of Hilt. The young couple barrel-head in anticipation of F1* Henry Endors were named a will continue their studies at the Tuesday night's exhibition, which Pmmlttee to find a truck for local college. will take the form of a grudge • pnsportation of bedding and f(xxl battle. Neither outfit has been MPplies. ORDINANCE OKEHED modest in vocal descriptions of EDGAR FOWLER trying to ¡George A. Briscoe*« letter of The Ashland city council Tues­ what they'll do to the other, and convince a customer that the day evening in an adjourned meet ­ r,lP,ation was read and accepted fans are expected to enjoy an un­ best things come in small pack­ f. the board, his resignation to ing approved an ordinance allow­ usually earnest and aggressive ages. place June 1. The board ex- ing a franchise for city garbage display of football. ROY FRAZIER, fire extin­ r™*’,l a very hearty vote of disposal, winning bidder for which guisher in band, running into his For the seniors, Coach Leonard Fknk.s to Mr. Briscoe for his un- was William Ross and sons. The Warren will line up Jessel, quar­ own trap. efforts in furthering the new contract will take effect about ter; Charles Warren, left half; CHARLES PETRI promising , ir