FSA FARM LOANS WILL MEET NEEU All Jackson county farmers ex­ pecting to finance operating goods for this year's crops through the Farm Security administration art urged to file their applications as soon as possible to avoid the usual spring- rush and prevent delay in their farming operations, advises Eugene Hampton, county FSA su­ pervisor, Fluhrer building. Med­ ford. Sufficient funds are available in the county to meet all current needs of farmers who can qualify for rehabilitation or cooperative loan« under the Farm Security program and are unable to secure sufficient credit from other- sources Loans can be made for livestock, farm equipment, seed, fees! and similar operating goods usually for a period of five years with interest at five jx-r cent. Eligibility for a loan requires that the farmer be located on a unit that will provide a livelihixxi for his family and that he agree to cooperate with the supervisor in working out farm and home plans that will insure a balanced crop and livestock program and place the farm on a business-like basis • TONIGHT • AND SATURDAY Last Time Monday! STALLION FOR SERVICE Reg­ istered Percheroti. Breeder of belter 1‘ercherons, M M Eu­ banks, 5 miles north of Medford at Four Corners on Crater Lake highway. <13p) ¿3C 2—BIG FEATURE HITS—2 ROY ROGERS “BILLY THE CHARLIE CHAN?! HONOLULU' RETURNS SIDNEY TOLER PHYLLIS HOOKS SEN YUNG EDDIE COLLINS JOHN KING CLAIRE DODD with Smiley Burnett also Wild Bill Hickock - Paramount News SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY DOG LICENSE ENFORCEMENT The family agrees to produce as much of the home food supply as possible on the farm. Rehabilitation loans are supple­ mented by community and cooper­ ative service loans and debt ad­ justment where necessary to effi­ cient operation. Cooperative loans are made where several farmers can economically use the services of heavy farm equipment, pure­ bred sires or similar facilities. If farm debts are beyond capacity of the operator to pay, every effort is made to bring about a satisfactory adjustment between debtor and creditor before the loan is made. 'VX’WWeV* LITHIA A HOME-OWNED THEATRE Friday, Saturday SECRETS OF A NURSE” with Edmund Lowe Helen Mack HAL ROACH P«*»*nt» T CONSTANCE opper T akes A 'T rip BENNETT ROLAND YOUNG f BILLIE BURKE also Selected Short Subjects ALAN MOWBRAt WHII////// Special A startling confession that could save the man she loved . . . but her profes­ sional pledge swore her to silence! —also— “WEST OF CHEYENNE” Sun., Mon., Tues. “BLONDIE” to the Right out of the “Funnies” straight into your heart! Selected Shorts San Francisco World's Fair WET FEET? LOW TRAIN FARES OPEN FEBRUARY 18'* Now everyone can afford to see the World's most beautiful exposition! » HERE'S great news for every­ one living in the Pacific North­ west! Southern Pacific has re- duced fares so that you can go to San Francisco by train for et ra leu than 2 cents a mile. This is your chance to see the glamorous San Francisco World's SPECIAL ROUNDTRIP San Francisco Fair at a great saving. Marvel at the magnifiient bridges and have the time of your life in the Gay­ way, 40 thrilling acres of fun. You won't want your car Spare yourself the burden of a car in San Francisco’s Fair-year traffic. 2 of the 3 street car lines charge only 3 cents fare. Fast, fre­ quent ferries take you directly to Treasure Island for 10 cents. Take it easy; take the train. $ JJ'25 Effective February 15 GABGLE • SPRING Junction Gara FLOOR SANCII Willard L. Dudi $25.00 REWA NOW HEADY ICE CREAM POPSICKLES In Addition To Our Usual Wholesome Med e Millions ot enthusiastic anglers are already checking equipment, planning trips and swapping tall sto­ ries. Opening of the trout season in several states draws thousands of early season fishermen who can no more resist the call of the streams than the fish can resist their lures Prompt action may forestall trouble Wet feet . . . cold feet . . . drafts . . . and fatigue, may lower body remittance bo that germs in the throat get the upper hand and colds develop. After such ex­ posures, why not help Nature to combat such germs by gargling with Listerine Antiseptic. Tests showed that regular users of Listerine Antiseptic had fewer colds and milder colds than non-users. Lambert Pharmacal Co., St. Louie, Mo, Southern Pacific 8. J. BAILEY, AGENT—PHONE 250 SLABS Per 100 Cu. Ft. Ix>ad Dump Delivery Whittle Transfer \’O, we don't mean ¥ your golfing . , dlogl/r to automobile Induatry drive In and let us e» ph By virtue of an execution in I foreclosure duly Issued out of and i under Uie seul of the circuit court ■ ot Uie state ot Oregon, in and for the county of Jackson, to me dt- rected and dated on the Oth «lay . ' of March, 1939, in a certain suit i . therein, wherein Occidental Life [ Insurance Company, a corporation, I I us plaintiff, recovered judgment against Ethel W. Boggs. one of | ★ the defendants, for the - sum of $5,087.14 with costs und disburse merits taxed at $25.50 and Uie CLYDE CATONI further sum of $400 00 as attor­ • The beginning of a neys fees, which judgment was period in which Mother enrolled and docketed in the clerk's office of said court in Maid Nature thou ghtfully South Parifle Highway county on the 6th day of March. eliminates the necesssity 1939, Phone 71-J Notice is hereby given that. lor coal bills. puMuant to tta term* of U m Mid execution, 1 will on the Nth day of April, 1939, at 10:00 o'clock a m . county, Oregon. Saving and excepting ( at the front door of the courthouse in the city of Medford, in Jackson rendu Also, I-ots 1. 2. 3. 4, 5 I county, Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at public auction for cash 11. 12. 13. 18. IN. 20. also U to the highest bidder, to satisfy and IS. except 3 acre« <1 said judgment, together with On­ South end thereof; all in thrl costs of this sale, subject to re­ a) Orchard Trad Number Ti demption as provided by law. all In Jackson county, On-gd of the right, title and inleraat that numbered, designated and . (PETE) NUld AT 8:30 EVEN MONDAY NIOB See or Call Billings Agency HEAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 211 41 Eot M(Un 3 ALL-STAB MAIN EVENjg Medford Armo