rida y, March 24, 193» Hh< e Si SOUTHERN OREGON MINER and THEN THE FUN BEGAN! Ashland's Classified Business Directory 4OMt IES •kins Ite »1 {lit I* >>i. i ¿asini UwR Mb Ml It 4 <■> a HU»] ■ KÍ ■■«■JU km a <4 ■ * Hl. fl £Wl * rd i i »4 INDSIGHT N SPORTS 111 By I TOLD YOU MO , - - -i - - - — - tk i ; — wuz robbed” weeps Willie I Hulen in his Mail Tribune |u Draft (or was it Graft’! Ln roncernlng the all»tar LtlMill »elections made nt Sul- Kt seems that miry a Medford Er was placed on the first Er, and wns Willie surprised! Kylie the judges don't r<-Hn rwovered the twill after L took it out following Ore- llsiskets was never explained I how a free throw can add k points at a time also had I of the llatenera counting on I fingers kls|s-cd to television ! I * < 1 pth the bright sun shining ami boys not yet slowed down with kg fever, there’s l>nti a revival kiielmll talk hereabouts A few le hardier think Ashland ought lave a tram entered in the Itv league with Talent, Gold Prospect ami Medford Junior lent And others say nuts! and rate they’ll probably play for pit again thia year Charlie Hers, Talent's guiding hand season, protsibly will have Ill- trouble getting together an- Ir outstanding bunch of players his league As for the chancre I in Ashland, It depends on lher a Svengali can lie found 1 can make a dollar last three ks and who can develop dou- play hitters into fencebaii I After two season» ■»Id You So will take I anything. • Ituy Friable, Slade Songer and irn- Dr. R. E. Walker attended the the wrestling matches in Medford up- Monday evening. • Headrick Baughman returned re- from Marshfield Monday following a visit there with Bill Bromley. r 1 1 Tlie boys down at Hilt are talk­ Ing base bull an Sermon, “Jesus Amazes Them," were made Iw-twecn the two by the pastor. town». Not only were the boys Young People’s hour, 6:15 p. m. of Frank Ward popular, but Everyone cordially invited to all also they knew a thing or two services about playing softball 3 Ask the Miners they know! • Nazis has prevented further portation of the choice hops So, boys, when you sample new ferment you can drink an . proprlate farewell toast to a I public that was WILLIAM I. Nl( HOI.SON Funeral services for William J. Nicholson. 80, who died ___ ___ at ____ his home hen- March 18, were held at I 30 p m. March 21 at the Litwiller Funeral home with the Rev. James H Edgar officiating. • ARTHUR E. FURRER Funeral services for Arthur E Furrer. 41, who died March 18 at Talent were held this week in Wakefield, Kan Utwiller Funeral home was in charge of local ar­ rangements. DRESSMAKING for WOMEN and (lili.DREN with IIVRDY’S CASH HARDWARE Phone 103—Rea. Phone 268-J M. C. Lininger & Son ASHLAND SIGN SHOP Sand—G ravel—Crushed Rock OIL DISTRIBUTOR SERVICE STATIONS PAINTING AND DECORATING Our Price« Are Lower! If you’re »by on cash we’ll take part tn trade. 4«« North Main Street Wholesale Prices to Our Customers Complete Service Under One Roof Always Remember Your Smiling ASSOCIATED Dealer Factory Specified Lubrication STEVE ZARKA Phone 6» Ashland HOTELS PRINTING SERVICE New Ashland Hotel and Apartments and Coffee Shop FOR PROMIT PRINTING SERVICE CALL THE MINER Awhland's Friendly Center You will enjoy our cool lobby and veranda. All the comfort« of a home “away from home.” Our cof­ fee »hop|»e serves the beat food in town. Come in as you are! PRINTING ( ALL THE MINER FOR ALI. YOUR PRINTING NEEDS PHONE 170 18 YOUR PRESENT LIFE INSURANCE ADEQUATE? See STEVEN R. SCHUERMAN Price« Reasonable Phone 334-R MARY SPENCER • METROPOIJTAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. S’MATTER POP— Kind Little Sheep-Counter Richfield Service North Main at Bush, Ashland RICHF IELD HAS SOMETHING NEW—WATCH FOR IT! Norman B. Ashcraft Complete Une of Olla and G-an ata Protective Lubrication SEE BURSE FOR Specializing in A-l REPAIRING Hooked Rugs Quilting Comer E. Main and California SERVICE STATIONS Headquarters for FARM MACHINERY, REPAIRS GENERAL BLACKSMITHING AND WEI-DING PHONE 67 A. L WREN CENERAI. PLUMBING Clay comb Motor Co. LI. FARM IMPLEMENTS PLAZA CAFE SAVE ON GAS AND OIL Associated Gas & Oil & CONFECTIONERY mnc un Then dtts I depends on the way you look I'ich things _______________ n but an Interesting llig-ht on the events in Europe I revealed in Medford the other 1 The A-One Brewery there, turns out a certain very lilar bottle of suds which re- ► for a dime, soon will intro- F a new brand, said* to be of b better portability. (Al- Mh, according to Willie Hulen, I only way that could be ac- |plisheSMlble with the use of Ore- I nojw alone. Fortunately, the F>fl brewery secured enough P>e article to last for some L, nre Invasion ofCzecho- Bkin by Hitler's troojiers, im- [ Penalties ami the breakdown Pternational exchange with the MESCAL IKE b 7 s . l huntley THEM DAYS ARE GONE FOREVER "YOU ARCtfT LQOKL*5G - L'eì FCCLHÙG IÜ0ÜG TOO CSOOV. - CTS W O€A.~rMÆQ. L SURC'HSC - Giddap