Page 2 Shasta spent several days here this week at the home of her daughter. Frances Sander. • Earl Edsali of Klamath Falls visit« d here last week-end at the 1 home of his mother, Mrs. F. W. • Harold Baughman, who is em­ • Mr. ami Mrs. H. S. Aikins ami Edsall. Frances Aikins are spending sev ­ ployed at Camas. Wash , visited • M r ami Mrs. Emil Browning here last week-end at the home of eral days this week in San Fran­ of Grants Pass visited here Sunday his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George cisco. at tht home of Mr. ami Mrs. • Mr. and Mrs. William Aftring George Trimble. Baughman. of Harbor visited in Ashland last • Fred Rapp of Taletit visited in • Clarence Woods of Portland spent last week-end at the home week-end at the home of Mrs. Ashland Monday. • Louise lxigiui spent several days of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Jessie Miller. • Mr and Mrs. Paul Davis are in last week-end in Klamath Falls. Woods. • Mr ami Mrs. J. P. Hoagland • Frances Schilling oi Sams \ al­ Chicago this week on business ley visited here last week-end with • Mr ami Mis Elmer Patrick of and Mrs. Venita Hawkins visited Corvallis visited here last week­ with friends in Port Orford last her mother, Mrs. Etta Schilling. • Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Nellis of end at the home of Mrs. W. A week-end. • Betty Grace Robbins s|x*nt her Klamath Falls called on relatives Patrick and friends here early in the week. • Don Hinthorne underwent an spring vacation in Klamath Falls • Mr. and Mrs. Byion Peffley of operation early in the. week for • Mr. and Mrs. M C. Lininger and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lin­ Lakeview visited here last week­ the amputation of a finger. end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. • Mrs. I^eonard Patterson left I last inger made a trip through the Ap­ Max Crowson. week-end for Portland where she plegate Sunday. • Mr and Mis. Steve Zarka ami • June Davis returned to Oregon will make her home. State college Sunday following a • Siegfried Anderson visited here son Charles returned Tuesday spring' vacation spent here at the recently from his home in Tracy, from an extended vacation trip home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. . Minn., as a guest of Dr. and Mrs. through the United States • Mrs Bill Fond returned to her E. G. Davis. E. A. Woods. • Mrs. Marshall Shields and son j • John Cadzow of Butte Falls home in Dunsmuir Tuesday follow­ Bill left Sunday for their home in spent last week-end here with his ing a visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Burns. Vancouver, Wash., following a | family. visit here at the home of Mrs. R. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Zetsman • Bill Tycer returned from Kerby L. Wardle, who accompanied them ' and Mary App of KJamath Falls Tuesday where he spent his spring home. spent the week-end here at the vacation. • W. J. Chipman and Bill Pracht home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Guetz- • Mr. and Mrs Tommy Yokuni returned to Ashland recently with fished on the Klamath river Sun­ laff. day. • Mrs. Ed Sholin of Grants Pass 1 the Blake Construction company. • Why drive a dirty car? Trade 1 visited here early in the week at • Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Detrick at Wolff’s Service Station. Free the home of Mr and Mrs. George visited relatives in Bly last week­ end. electrolux cleaning service. Main 1 Goswick. and Church streets. (11c) • Slade Songer. Mrs. Cloma Bur­ • Esther Wade recently under­ • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Herndon ton, Mrs. Belle Song’er and Mour- went a major operation at the and Bob Herndon attended the re­ yne Burton took a trip through Community hospital. cent Oregon basketball games in the Applegate Sunday. • Mrs. E. J. McNemy spent sev­ Eugene. • Ben Gibson of Klamath Falls eral days this week in Butte Falls • Bill Van Dyke visited here re­ , spent several days here this week • Mr. and Mrs Lyle Anderson of cently at the home of his parents, I on busmess. Medford visited here this week at Mr. and Mrs. Will Van Dyke. • Mrs. T. T Ahlstrom left Mon­ the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. • Bob Stedman of Henley visited day for her home in Dunsmuir Balis. here last week-end with friends. following a visit here at the home • A daughter was born to Mr. • Bill Sander of Yreka visited in of Mrs Mark Hamaker. and Mrs. Kenneth Burns at the Ashland briefly Saturday with his • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Enders Community hospital last week. parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. San­ spent the W’eek-end in Eugene, • der. where they attended the Californ­ ia-Oregon basketbail series. • Mrs. Hazel Neff visited in Ap­ plegate Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Vic Melbum. Clarence Hunter and • C M. Litwiller made a trip to • Mrs. daughter called on Mrs. Hunter's Biookings Monday. © Mr. and Mrs. Everett McGee. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Bates, Monuments and Markers who attend the North Pacific Monday morning. of Bronze and Granite Bible college in Eugene, are spend­ • B. H. Kiser of Long Beach was in Talent Monday calling on At Prices You Can Afford ing a week here on business. • Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jordan vis­ friends here while enroute to the ited friends in Grants Pass Sun­ northern part of the state. • Mrs. Ethel Maxwell passed day. Next Door to Post Office • F. L. Nutter is visiting in San through Talent Monday enroute to Call Office 113, Kes. 218-R her home on the Greenspringa. Diego. Evening Appointments • Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kaegi Mrs. Maxwell has been visiting in San Diego for the past three | •DEPENDABLE SERA ICE” made a trip to Redding Sunday. • Mrs. J. H. Sander of Mount weeks. • Fred Rapp was transacting business in Ashland Monday. • Mr. and Mrs Delbert Clark and family spent Sunday at Gold Ray dam. Donald Walden joined then; i in the afternoon. Mr. Clark took his boat with them. • George Nichols Jr. of the Bell­ view district was a caller in Tal- I ent one day this week. • Roy Parr, school principal at i Talent, spent the latter part of the ' week in Salem. While there he at- i tended the basketball tournament. • Mr. and Mrs. Victor Milboume of Thompson creek called in Tal­ ent Thursday on their way up Wagner creek on business. i • Wayne Bradley left Thursday for Yacolt, Wash., where he will be employed with Everett Skeet­ ers in the lumber company. Mrs. Bradley and baby will follow later. Effective • E. H. Cochran and family re­ turned to their home in Klamth March 10 Falls after spending the week-end here Mrs Edith Cochran, their mother, returned home with them for a week's visit. IN DEEP CUSHIONED • Miss Alpha Haines left Tues­ AIR-CONDITIONED COACHES ROUNDTRIP day for a camp near Crater Lake where she will be employed this summer. Try the train to the World’s Fair. • Mrs Bertha Hungate and her It’s the faster, easier way to go! mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Palmer, at­ tended a show in Medford Sunday afternoon. • Carl Fowler and family return­ ed here from Idaho where they spent the winter and are now stop­ 8. .1. BAILEY, AGENT—PHONE 250 ping at Tame’s auto camp. • L. W. Tame, wife and mother spent Sunday in the Klamath country. • Mrs. Low sold her market to Mr. and Mrs. Pheifer of Jackson­ ville this week. Mrs. Low and . daughters Jereme . and Martha 1 j Ann are leaving soon for Los ■ Angeles. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook are 1 visiting Mr. Cook’s parents, Mr. | and Mrs. Elmer Cook, after spend­ ing the winter in California • Billy Breese left Tuesday for Fort Klamath where he is em­ ployed with the Algoma Lumber I company. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lock and son Gerald moved into a house on Ed Foss’s ranch and Mr. Lopk will work there this summer. AFTER 5 HOURS RUNNING • The 4-H club gave a dance at I Friday, March 24,j| SOUTHERN OREGON MINER About People Yow Know! J • TALENT • Life - Auto - Fire INSURANCE M. T. BURNS Train Fares to San Francisco SLASHED! ONE WAY Southern Pacific the City hall Saturday night. Mias Joint Hamilton and Mis M’Roy Swensen is their leader. The music Olsen, with Mrs Furrer, left Mon was furnished by the Swingsters day morning for their formci orchestra. This is made up with home there when' the funeral ser­ Virginia Garvin, piano; Nancy vices will Is* held Mrs Hamilton Firestone, violin; Earl Vetter and ami Mis Olsen are slaters of Mrs Rickey Myras, guitars. Mary l»u Furrer. Thanos, accordion ami Ruby Dob­ • Virginia < Helms underwent n bins, drums. There was a large tonsillectomy ut Ashland I7iuis