jthern O regon M iner I he Paper That Has Something To Say—And Says It! ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1939 SPRING ARRIVES IN ASHLANDWITH BALMY BREEZES his horse was stolen 1 1 1 ng lx a welcome thing, but that annual infra I gomes c< of briefly-clad tourists with goggles and handkerchiefs *>und thrir heads By com- h banjo-eyed bullfrog Is a ,m<* critter. 1 1 1 tor Moore Hamilton of the >ni News recommends e topped for wearing same gag to death 111 jy Gardner, ex-train robber, be tried in Portland soon on large of sending obscene mat through the mails If Ganlner led to talk like that hr should • been a printer where some- ' had just pied the forma for only scoop of the year. —•------------- FETY GROUP EYES TRAFFIC e Asli land Municipal Safety .cil. meeting in the city hai) .day night, voted to give great- Mention to traffic problems of city during the coming year, focussed the council’s attén­ ue closer enforcement of the c traffic rule on that part of Pacific highway which runs >ugh town. ominaUons were opened for of- rs for the coming year, with or Harold Jordan named for chairman to succeed C. M tiller; W A. Snider, vice- rwan and Mrs B. C. Forsythe, ■etary Nominations “ _ "___ will tie tinued at the next meeting set April 17 in the city hall. he committee praimil the traf- record of the city, but pointed that continued effort toward >ty was necessary. The safety ncil also favored furnishing of ~ and caps for student patrol nee at school intersections, and establishment of loading zones commercial vehicles to coun- “1 a growing tendency toward "le parking. ALTHOUGH March still may de­ part like an irritable feline the advent ,,f spring Tuesf balmy weather during February, but more often March is a month of considerable rain,” said 1 lodge Although rain and snowfall since the first of the year have Isen about normal, if 10 straight f Maij'.iir Scob.-rt, for the pur|«>sc of raising funds for national and state fi-deration dues. Feature of the affair will be a spring fashion show presented by Fortmiller’s department store, fol­ lowing which refreshments will lie served The public is cordially in­ vited to attend. Dr. Shaw Buys Bank Building in Ashland Dr Mattie B Shaw this week completed purchase of the Citi­ zen’s bank building- at the comer of East Main and First streets from the state superintendent <»f I sinks The cash transaction was for an unnamed amount. The building included fixtures of the old Citizens (tank, and is locat­ ed in the heart of the business dis­ trict. The second floor is occupied l>V offices "f I>r Shaw. Dr C F. Tilton. I. A Roberts, the Lithia beauty shop and one apartment. Dr. Shaw’ has announced exten­ sive improvements to the building, which was purchased as an "in­ vestment.” Hilt Mill Operations Start With 180 Men Starting Thursday, March 25. the Fruit Growers Supply coni- pany mill in Hilt, Calif , started cutting operations on a 35-hour basis with about 180 men return­ ing to work following a winter layoff. Although the box factory has been operating five days a week, the mill itself depends on logging operations, which will get under way within a few weeks, weather permitting The mill will cut logs now in pond and then go on a full-time basis when new logs start coming in. - -•--------- FIRE IS SNIFFED A fire of undetermined origin at the Pine Box company plant early Monday was extinguished before city fire equipment arrived on the scene Flames, starting under the th. mill floor, did no damage. IS FINED HERE Alfred Ferdinand Feoria, Med- ford, was fined $2.50 and $4.50 costs by Judge M T. Burns here Monday on a state police com­ plaint that he had failed to stop _ Ashland Chamber of Com- before entering the Pacific high­ this week circulated three way near Jackson Hot springs. itions to oil companies seeking prevent removal of the local r * •tntion of one and resump- Albert C. Joy of bulk facilities by two and Companion *'rs The petitions bore the sig- Are Invited to Be Guest* of the ijr''8 of practically all business *n the city and argued that Southern Oregon Miner '. corri|>anies would benefit by iiiUesU1Ce <>f ,OCal dlBtributton To See Their Choice of the Following Ashland agent for the Un- Varsity Theater un company, Ray Friable, has transferred to Medford and. Programs: believed, hbandonment of (Friday, Saturday) . “x-al plant would follow. The "FLIRTING WITH FATE" «lions asked the Standard Oil plus “MR. MOTO'S LAST P*”/ an