Page 6 i STUDENTS GET TEAM PICTURE SE(X)Nl) CAESAREAN A six and one-quarter pound son Favorite Returns! • WANT ADS • 1c |»er Word per Insertion LOST Sunday, west of Talent black fiber lunch box containing thermos bottle, small square aluminum dish and spoon. Re­ ward. Bill and Lee's Auto Shop. 1934 Dodge Pickup, good tires excellent mechanical con­ dition $265 1936 Plymouth Coupe, excep­ tionally gixxi condition $395 LEEVER MOTOR CO. EXAMINER HERE TODAY Up the Hill from the Lithia Hotel STALLION FOR SERVICE Reg­ istered Percheron. Breeder of better Percherons, M. M. Eu­ banks, 5 miles north of Medford at Four Comers on Crater Lake highway. (18p> returns to the Medford armory next Monday night after several years absence to face brother Mike Jones in the opener. • I AND SATURDAY I SHOPPERS’ WEEK-END BARGAIN PRICES 25c 3—BIG HITS-3 Where even beofae tenie» a Bx »heeler... ait »»« Scuff ler-Belcastro Feudin’ To Break Out Monday Eve It will be another wild time at Medford armory next Monday night, March 20, when Tony Jones, big brother of the Arkansas Scuff- lers mat trio, faces Pete Belcastro, the Mad Italian from Weed. Calif., in the top main event. Belcastro asked for no referee in the ring but the Medford commission re­ fused to sanction this, saying a third man must be present even if he has nothing to do. so Jones and Belcastro will go at it with no holds barred. Police protection has been promised Pete to keep Tony's brothers away from the Italian as well as angered fans out of the ring. Brother Tuffy will have his hands full when he takes on Joe Smolinski, the Polish meanie, in the second bout. Tuffy is known in the better mat circles for his strength and ability to absorb pun­ ishment while Smolinski will stop at nothing to win a match. Jimmy Lott, the Alabama Son- nenburg king, comes back to the southern Oregon mat wars after an absence of several years to face brother Mike Jones in the opening bout. The card, as usual, will get un­ der way at 8:30 p. m. promptly. -------------•------ STUDY SHALE MINERAL Backers of the proposed Ash­ land spa will study samples of Medico natural mineral water pre­ pared by E. C. Hurd. Shale City man. to determine whether the fluid contains medicinal qualities The Shale City product is obtained by soaking shale rock from Grizz­ ly peak in water. »CIUM A HOME-OWNED THEATRE Friday, Saturday WALT DISNEY’S “Mother Goose Goes Hollywood” IN PARIS” Breath-taking adventure on a night alive with intrigue! —also— c to ir with BUCK JONES Sun., Mon., Tues. The Greatest Spine- Tingling Sensation of All Time! SON OF Boris Karloff Basil Rathbone Josephine Hutchinson Bela Lugosi Starting TUESDAY! “WINGS OF THE NAVY” r C OF C REPORT SHOWS UPSWING HAVING LOCAL BUSINESS DRIVING TROUBLE? (Continued from page 1) Ward McReynolds, state exam­ iner of operators and chuuffeurs, is in the Ashland city hall today from 11 a. m. to 5 p. m. to issue Licenses and permits to drive cars. TONIGHT Dinner Chairman! was born to Mr and Mrs. Ralph Turner of Klamath Falls tn Com­ munity hospital early Saturday by caeserean operation. The boy was the Turners’ second child by caese- rean, and mother anti son are do­ ing well. All students at Ashland Junior high school Wednesday received a picture of their 1939 championship basketball team complete with the season's record printed and dis­ tributed through the cooperation of Coach Earl Rogers. The picture of the team, taken by Bushnell studios, show Vernon Rush, Alvene Monroe. Chet Fow­ ler, Buddy Provost, Charles Jan- dreau and Coach Rogers. Compar­ ative score are given, as well as totals for the last two years, which show the remarkable record of 29 wins and five losses. 14 of the vic­ tories being chalked up this season with but two losses. The pictures, printed on fine book paper, were produced by The Miner and donated to the school as a memento of the outstanding Jun­ ior high school team in Oregon. • Friday, March 17, SOUTHERN OREGON MINER $25.00 REWARD will be paid for any corn Great Christopher Corn and Callous Remedy cannot remove! EAST SIDE PHARMACY J FOR SALE New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and safes. Medford Office Equip­ ment Co., 32 North Grape street, Medford. (48tf) DOG LICENSE ENFORCEMENT Cyrenius Combest, enforcement officer for the Dog Control Board, will make a complete coverage of the county, starting March 20th, to collect license on all dogs not already licensed. In accordance with Section 20-2309. Oregon Code 1930. the enforcement officer is re­ quired to collect the license or get the dog. i 1 Be ) NOTICE OF SHERIFF S SALE By virtue of an execution in foreclosure duly issued out of and under the seal of the circuit court of the state of Oregon, in and for the county of Jackson, to me di­ rected and dated on the 6th day of March, 1939, in a certain suit therein, wherein Occidental Life Insurance Company, a corporation, as plaintiff, recovered judgment against Ethel W. Boggs, one of the defendants, for the sum of $5,087.14 with costs and disburse­ ments taxed at $25.50 and the further sum of $400.00 as attor­ ney’s fees, which judgment was enrolled and docketed in the clerk’s office of said court in said county on the 6th day of March, 1939, Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the terms of the said execution, I will on the 8th day of April. 1939. at 10:00 o’clock a. m , at the front door of the courthouse in the city of Medford, in Jackson county, Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, to satisfy said judgment, together with the costs of this sale, subject to re­ demption as provided by law. all of the right, title and interest that the defendants in said suit, O. C. Boggs (also known as O. C. Boggs. Jr., and Oliver Carter Boggs, Jr.), executor of the estate of O. C. Boggs (also known as Oliver C. Boggs and Oliver Carter Boggs), deceased; Ethel W. Boggs, O. C. Boggs, Jr. (also known as Oliver Carter Boggs, Jr.); D. 8. Boggs and Edith Boggs, his wife; Jack- son county, a municipal corpora­ tion; O. R. Hall and Jane Doe Hall, his wife, had on the 23d day of May, 1929, or now have, in and to the following described real property, situated in JaCkson county, Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the North line of Section 19 Township 38 South of Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian in Jackson county, Oregon, which point, is 2208.35 feet East of the comer common to Sections 18 and 19 in Township 38 South of Range 1 West of the W. M., and Sections 13 and 24 in Township 38 South of Range 2 West of the W. M., thence South 28 degrees 51' West 876.03 feet; thence South 59 degrees 05’ West 115.17 feet; thence South 2 degrees 12’ West 174.30 feet; thence South 34 degrees 31’ West 185.7 feet; thence South 15 de­ grees 32’ West 353.12 feet; thence South 40 degrees 40’ West 66 feet; thence South 0 degrees 27’ West 1124.8 feet to the South line of the East half of the Northwest quar­ ter of said Section 19; thence East 1217 feet, more or less, to the cen­ ter of said section; thence North 2640 feet, more or less to the North quarter comer of said sec­ tion; thence West 431.65 feet to the point of beginning. Also, the West half of the Northeast quarter, and the South­ east quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 38 South of Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian in Jackson county, Oregon. Saving and excepting county roads. Also, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 20, also Lots 14 and 15, except 3 acres off the South end thereof; all in the Roay- al Orchard Tract Number Two (2) in Jackson county, Oregon, as numbered, designated and describ­ ed on the official plat thereof, now of record. Dated this 6th day of March, 1939. SYD I. BROWN, Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. By Howard Gault, Deputy. First publication March 10, 1939 Last publication March 31, 1939. ward l>. Howard, l>D, of the Ari'hdhM'ese of Portland at 5 p. m. Sunday, Muri'h 19, in the Roseburg armory. Preparations have been made for an attend­ ance of 150 lax men who have been Invited from the pa rishi's III Ashland, Medford, Roseburg, Eugene, < ullage Grove, Spring­ field, Monroe, Harrisburg, Ban­ don, Myrtle Point, Ca|x* Blanco, Coquille, Powers, Brookings, Port Orford, Marshfield, North Bend, Reeds|>ort luid Grants Pass. Cary will preside as toast­ master at the dinner, which will feature music and other enter­ tainment. Archbishop Howard, the principal s|>euker, will lay before the group plans for com­ memoration of the KHith anni­ versary of I hr I'stalilishiiH'iit of the Cuthollc church in On-gon. Church of the Nazarene E. E. Wordsworth, Minister Fourth and C Streets "The church where you are nev­ er a stranger." T 8 Sunday school at 9:45. Wiley, superintendent The schcxtl needs you and you need the school. We arc growing. — Re-organized school to meet the needs of all ages. Morning worship 11 o’clock Sermon by pastor, "The Indwelling Christ," a pre-Easter meditation. Evening worship 7:30 p. m. Pas­ tor preaching on "The Second Ad­ vent of Christ.” Second sermon in this series on the second coming of Christ. A royal welcome to all. Wooden Box Exhibit Shows Fairgoers Use Of Lumber Product Amid a setting of fragrant pines, and surrounded by other exhibits of th<- Shasta-Cascade Wonderland at Treasure Island, Western Wooden Box Campaign has created a realistic camp scene, typical of the many that will be found this summer by the lakes and streams of the mighty Cas­ cade range, from whose green blanket of forests come the pon- derosa pine. Just as the mighty pines supply the setting of beauty and rugged strength for the summer camper, so also shows the exhibit do they supply the protection, by means of the wooden box, for his daily fo) board approved and built splendid new tennis courts for the high school and installed flood lights on the athletic field. There were ap­ proximately 20 new businesses es­ tablished in Ashland. <>ur membership is now 142 compared with 110 for 1937 mak­ ing about a 30 per cent increase. "I wish at this time to express my personal appreciation for the splendid cooperation and assist­ ance I have received from the board of directors On behalf of the board of directors and myself I wish to express thanks and ap- predation for the hearty coopera- tion and assistancc given us by Mayor T. 8. Wiley _______ ____ and city coun- cil and other city'officials as well as the members of the Chamber who have given willingly of their 1 time and worked hard and dili­ gently on committees." FLOOR SANDING N’<>. xxe don't mean ymir golfing . , dor« driving your car I you feel like sxxlngli club ut the guy who | It? Well, I hen, xxr’xr the mtx'hunlcul •»<»< «yrxip Ihnt'll miikc motor purr mid muki want to apologize* 1« automobile induit r> drive In mul let us ex * CLYDE (ATO? Junction Gar South 1‘iM'lflc lllgliM Phon«* 71-J DAGGETT RAMSDE mtiM mici - mi mu mth vui it» EAST SIDE1PHA AT 8:30 EV MONDAY Nl 3 ALL-STAI MAIN EVENT Willard L. Dudley Phone 1732, Medford, Oregon HURRY-UP CALLS? WE’RE ALWAYS READ PORTABLE AND STATIONARY GAS AND ELECTRIC WELDING Sudden tractor breakdown, broken farmi equipment that can’t be moved into to for repairs? Then call the Oak Street G age! We are always ready with portable j, and electric welding equipment to go an where and fix anything. These spring daj you 11 want to get in all the productive tin you can, and we’re ready to help you going. If metal, breaks, or you have a ffl* chinery problem, call the OAK STREET GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP 'X a wz ■— • — — 07 OAK STREET, ASHLAND, OREGON phone h