rch 17, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER t People You Know! I will» utlcmls ’’.gon, I* visiting I tin- home of her Bowman >rson of Corvallis rtth relative* ami ul day* - of Beverly Hill* ■al day* thl" week dr* K ■’ Brigg* HriggC ML Hardware hu* a | wnH|*i|*r 1 1X University <>f | h «pending Spring nd nt «he home of and Mi* W F Walter Jones of here Tue*dny at and Mr* Elwood |{ w l-arkey of their home Tues- vlait here Ht the Mrs Willis Aus- I at the home of her parents, Mr land Mi* Jim Harker. • Limey WilliiniiMon *pcnt several I day* till* week in Eugene und ■ Cottage Grov<‘ • Kill Tycer, SONS student, visit c k Beech re- • A II liatiel nnd Clint Baugh­ man of A*hliind attended n meat- I inaile a buwinrss Ing Thursday evening at the Tai Fall* Tuesday ••lit Athletic club room for the pur­ FRESH FROZEN FOODS AVAILABLE: made a business pose of organizing a Scout troop I county during the here Al*>ut 15 boy* are Interested | SCALLOPS WHOLE KERNEL CORN in joining the troop At thia moot DINNER BELL jrnburg returned ing Bert Simmon* was named ns GARDEN PEAS CORN ON THE COB jrtland Monday. »•out master, Emerson Pratt, as­ C it D. Jones of sistant scout master and Robert STRAWBERRIES FILLET OF HADDOCK Each i with friend! i" lxa-ke wan named a* chairman of RASPBERRIES FILLET OCEAN PERCH the troop committee which include I Kennett, Calif., Roy Purr. Lysle Tame. Joe Spitz- I 2 Pounds STRINGLESS BEANS BLUE POINT OYSTERS iy* here early In er and O. K McCurtain Several ■ hr home of hia mother* and younger boys attend BLACKBERRIES —YOUNGBERRIES uy Is'Wis ; rd thl* meeting as well us repre­ dirty car? Trude sentatives from the boys wishing I ASPARAGUS Fe Station Free *ut troop formation nnd lire anx­ ¡ng service. Main ious for organization of a cub SUNKIST • il.i puck Cubbing activities are plan­ it* hills bros ... 27c I of Gobi Hill vis- ned for a later date to arrange v UT ill white house weekciid at the for more complete organization of ( 25c rnts, Mr and Mrs scouting work '• Mt ami Mi* «'rate Mi Ulf I esh I Futrí Reinhart and returned home .Saturday from a ROYAL CLUB CANNED FOODS wiry of Klamath two weeks trip in California. r with friends and • Eleven member* of the Talent , EACH Epworth la-ague attended a rally i No. 303 Floyd Clark re­ in Medford Saturday night to their home in • Tea was served at the I'T-A : K a visit here at meeting at 3 o'clock Friday after­ lie BeNWlck noon by the Girl«' league The ■mon and l>mn meeting was held at the school- arc house. students, spring vacations • Reverend and Mrs Brown, who are stopping in Talent for awhile, i spending hia va­ are holding meetings on Wednes­ gón State college day and Monday evenings at the e home of hia par­ City han Thera hu* been a gtxxi ra Earl Ix-ever, attendance at these meetings so U. S. No. 2 m it upending thia far the home of hia • The L*gan house, occupied by 100 Pounds I Mm C !• B mk ■ Mr and Mrs ~ Bat ru at the Bates service station, ha* recently been ilshop of Siskiyou redecorated Inside and a new bath­ ends und shopped room af Tule Ixikc visited with relatives •end here at the here over th«- week-end Mr* Lloyd Crow- • Mr* Joe Tryon entertained at numbers The Camp Fire Girls Black, Bruce and Kay Williams, Yreka Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. dinner Wednesday, Mr* Gilbert of i of Klamath Fall« Medfod and Mra Myrna Frink of and the 4-H girls also took part as Sally and Maurine Ryce, Donald I F. Van De Weghe and family, Mr. Church of Christ did other members of the school Lee, Ruth and Arthur Pedersen, and Mrs. C. Baumgartner, Louis uid relative* heie Talent Second and B Streets orchestra and they should be Wylin Ri igel, Pear), Ginkie and Alphonse and family and Mr and k • Mr and Mrs J D Atwell of praised for their efforts. James E. Morgan, Pastor These I Geraldine Newman, Wilma Brown, Mrs. W. Holmberg. of OSC I* spend- Medford called on the latter'* par­ meeting* are held two Thursdays Howard and Delbert Nelson, Bob­ vacation m tin ent*. Mr and Mrs Will Bate*. each month. You are invited to attend the by Clevenger, Calvin and Dale • Henry De Clerck, Joe Vieira enta. Mi and Mrs Sunday afternoon. and Harold Lange attended a base­ following services: • Hazel Walker of Phoenix spent Newman. • Jay Terril, the assessor, is busy ball meeting in Mt. Shasta Satur­ night with Mr. and Church school, 9:45 a. m. Classes Hl those beautiful at this time calling on the tax­ Wednesday • Mrs. Ray Elliott was hostess day night. Mrs. R. F Parks. Hazel attends for all ages. paper at Hardy's payer*. when the Ladies club met Thurs ­ at Ashland. Morning worship and commun­ • Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pullen ? All new stock • Mrs W E Sten of Phoenix was normal • Mrs. l»uis Erbes and Mrs. L. day afternoon at the club house. and nlcal i lie> children spent the week-end ion, 11 a. m. Special music. Ser- a caller in Talent Wednesday af- W Tame spent Wednesday after­ Winner of high prize at bridge was j mon by pastor. This will mark *mer visited in j temoon Mrs. W. McCluskey and low prize with relatives at Kerby, Ore. noon visiting in Medford. Week-end at the • 771«- Community club held their Mrs. Les Laurentz. Others pres­ • Mr and Mrs. John De Witt at­ five years of services for the pas­ -----•------------- tor with the local church. I Mr* Ted Sobopf. semi-monthly meeting Wednesday ent were Mesdames Frank Ohlund, a dinner at the Masonic ggin* of Klainuth afternoon at the City hall Christian Endeavor for senior Fred Bayliss, W. Holmberg, Fred tended temple in Yreka Tuesday. th friends here • At the Glad to Meet YOU club Haynes, J. Francis, T. Quamme, • Earl Temple was in Ashland on | and high school groups. 6:30 p. m. that met Thursday night at the Ben Ollom, Russell Harris, A. Nel­ business Saturday. At 7:30 p. m., evening evangel­ n. OSC student, is City hall, it wa sestimated that son, V. Nebeker, H. De Jamett, • Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brobeck, who istic services. This will be the be­ the home of his approximately 275 people were in • Mrs. Ben Ollom was guest of M J. Bailey, R. Gilberg, J. De rtha I teuton attendance Eighy person* enjoyed honor at a birthday party Wed­ Witt, Frank Ward and Jack Clark spent the winter in Tacoma, Wash, ginning of a week of special evan­ returned recently. gelistic services with Kenneth Dick Hall and the ]M)t luck supper at 7 o'clock nesday afternoon, given by Mrs Refreshments were served. • Mr. and Mrs. W. Gran and son Smith of Grants Pass as special namulr called on The program which followed was Frank Ohlund Others present Medford Saturday. soloist and song leader. Every bm recently, given mostly by the school and were Mesdames A. H. Samuelson, • Miss Lucille Francis underwent were in --------- •--------- night during the week except Sat­ J-ean of Chiloquin their activities The school orches­ W Holmberg, Ray Elliott, Frank an emergency appendectomy in • Subscribe for The Miner today. urday. All are welcome. •I day* this week tra gnve several well prepared Ward, William McCluskey, C. A. the Yreka hospital Friday night. Baumgartner, Lloyd Luper and • Ed Adams, Jack Clark. Frank Fred Haynes A very pleasant af­ Ward. Bert Mitchell and Art Gil­ ternoon of bridge was enjoyed by berg attended the I. E. U. meeting all, with high score prizes being in Medford Friday night. awarded to Mrs. Ray Elliott and • Mi.ss Jane Frazee of Browns­ Mrs. W. McCluskey, Mrs. Ollom ville, Texas, arrived Wednesday received a lovely gift from each for a visit with her aunt, Mrs. guest. Salad, birthday cake, cook- King. les and coffee were served. • Mr. and Mrs. James Purvis • A number of young friends spent the week-end in Ashland gathered at the Bradfield home and Medford. last Tuesday afternoon in honor of • Fred Bayliss left last Tuesday Sherry Bradfields fifth birthday. for Tacoma, Wash., where he will The afternoon was spent playing participate in the judging of cattle • a new It-tuM* on games and a birthday cake was at the Northwestern Hereford served. Those present were Ruth Breeders’ association. ’l'»Ne«i, o|(| chairs, Rosecrans, George Kallvet, Shirley • Among those who were wats and all—re­ now nt low coat! a large stock of h Paints and Var- NOW ALL UNDER ONE ROOF! ’ cheerful spring brightening up MILK—Oregon, each 17c 6C box 89c AVOCADOS Oleomargarine Sc 23c AArrrr CORN,PEAS STRING BEANS ORANGES DAINTY DIMPLE PEAS 15e WHOLE KERNEL CORN-2 for 25e STRINGLESS BEANS—2 for - 25c GREEN LIMA BEANS 22c CATSUP ............. 14e JELL POWDER—3 for 13c Drifted Snow FLOUR 49’s $1.43 1C SPUDS 59C • HILTS NEWS • NOW IS THE TIME TO We Wish To Announce That We NT IT! Have Just Put In A Complete Stock of OUR WALLPAPERS! ” •"•cresting, complete line of beautiful Wnll- '• "III want to mm 1 before you get into your •aing. We also stock N omine brushes floor coverings k’s Furniture A,N STREET PHONE 210 FLANDERS' FARMER’S MARKET AT South City Limits on Highway 66 (IN BELLVIEW) EVERYTHING IN FEEDS We thank all our customers for their business and pledge the same courteous, prompt service nt our Bellview location! PHONE 180 WE DELIVER Wallpaper BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS GLAMOROUS COLORS DE LUXE QUALITIES ECONOMICAL Come In and See for Yourself the Great Improvement in Home Decorations! Hardy’s Cash Hdwe X