Friday, March 17, 19; SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 and is in charge of Charles I were Mrs. Andrews, teacher of the brought attractive refreshments | night Anderson. For the program. Misa I Rainbow class. Mrs Freeman, and a lovely gift for Mrs. Gowland. Blanche Frisby, county nurse from Marjorie Freeman. Dorothy Vin- Those enjoying the evening with Medford, is expected to give a ' cent. Betty Jean Nichols. Doris Mr. and Mrs Gowland were Mr talk and a representative of the Renzema. Barbara Jean Moore. and Mrs. Henry Stenrud, Mr. mid California-Oregon Power company Mrs Archie Kincaid. Miss Marie • Walter Brahs. with Roy Parr of Phyllis Dozier, Avis Carter. Yvon­ Walker. Mrs Ella True, Mr. and is to give a talk on how homes ne Christlieb and the hostess. Ashland, made a trip to Klamath Mrs. Louis Pankey and Miss Eu­ should be lighted for achixil chil­ Rosemary Bell. Falls on business Wednesday. dren. At the close of the evening, nice Kincaid. • Leslie Kincaid, a student at • Mr. and Mrs Archie Kincaid • Mr. and Mrs. Wade Wallis made refreshments will tn1 served by the Oregon State college, is at his and Leslie made a trip to Medford a business trip to Medford Mon- ' men home this week on spring vacation Tuesday on business -------- •----- visiting with his parents, Mr. and • Warren Fichtner and Margaret I Jay • Archie Brownlee of Yreka vis­ • Miss Phyllis Wall is ill at her Mrs. Archie Kincaid. He plans to Wetterer of Medford visited Sun­ ited here with his family early in day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. home with pneumonia. return to Corvallis Sunday. • Tile Keene Creek Stock associa­ the week. • Mrs. Claude Conley returned Walter Brahs and family. last week from eastern Oregon • Bert Peachey, who fell from u tion held their meeting Saturday • Mr and Mrs Ed Starr of Buch. where she had spent a short time telephone pole as it broke with evening at the Neil Creek school­ Ore, visited friends here recently. him. is confined to his home with house. They elected officers, with visiting with relatives. • Miss Rosemary Bell was host­ a spinal injury. The accident oc- ' Edwin Dunn named as president, ess at a party given at her home curred Sunday afternoon. The pole Fred Homes, secretary-treasurer Monday evening for the Rainbow on which he was working was at j and Hugh Baron, S. F. Mitchell, Walter Hash and K H. Elliott as class of the Presbyterian church, his own home. of which she is a member. The • Mr. and Mrs. R E. Bell and the advisory board. business meeting was held, follow­ Robert Bell made a business trip • Two new 4-H clubs i were organ- ized at the Bellview school last ed by the group playing various to Medford Tuesday morning games. At the close of the evening • Wednesday evening of last week A sewing club in divisions refreshments were served at an week the birthday club surprised one and two will be led by Mrs. _ club _____________ attractively decorated table, _____ which Mrs. J. E Gowland with a party : Henry Stenrud and a i canning carried out the St. Patrick's day : at her home in honor of her birth­ : composed of a group of older girls motif. Those enjoying the evening day anniversary. The group of the school will be led by Mrs. [ George Helms. • Mr. and Mrs. Ray Corbett of j Yreka visited Friday and Saturday with Mr and Mrs Archie Kincaid and family. Mrs. Corbett is a sis- : ter of Mr. Kincaid. • R E. Bell and Robert Bell left Tuesday afternoon for a short trip ■ to Lakeview, where they will be | on business and also will visit with Mr. Bell's cousin, Sam Lonidier. • BELLVIEW • DRUG SALE MILK OF MAGNESIA TOOTH PASTE 2 LAKUK IVBES An Exceptional Value! McKESSON’S SHAVING CREAM Spring Sale Special! QQp 2 LARGE TUBES............................................................ OOU McKESSON'S PLAIN OR MINT FLAVORED COD LIVER OIL FULL PINTS—2 FOR............................................ Regular 75c Value Each! 76c FREE! 36 ASPIRIN TABLETS With each purchase of a 6-ounce Bottle of QQn SORETONE ANTISEPTIC RUB .... O«7V For sore muscles and aches—regular $1.25 value! BROAD Y BROS. DRUGS "ALL-EXPENSE’TOURS to the SAN FRANCISCO WORLD’S FAIR! Trains save time, bother— money too! Travel while you sleep and have more time at the World's Fair. Know in advance what your trip will cost, and be sure of a room in a good hotel. Our "all-expense” tours include roundtrip rail fare, taxis from and to station, hotel, tickets to Fair, 30-mile tour of San Francisco. Practically every thing except meals. Just ask us about them. EXAMPLE “ALL- EXPENSE” TOURS *19 I oe Roundtrip in coaches, 2 days in San Fran. A sk u. about other accommodations. Roundtrip in Tourist- a « Pullman, including A lower berth, 2 days in San Francisco. ** ■ tours, longer stays, various Southern Pacific S. J. BAILEY, AGENT—PHONE 250 YOU’LL AGREE—IT’S TOPS! —TASTY NEW i-? • The cooking club, division two, i met at the home of their leader, Mrs. C. H. Modreli, Monday eve­ ning. The group of girls studied the making of soups Inez Yockel and Charlotte Modreli demonstrat- eded the making of soup. At the next meeting Joane Helm and Pa­ tricia Bell will demonstrate the making of salad. Another cooking club, division one, has been organ- ! ized but as yet the group of girl« i has been unable to secure a leader. • Mr and Mr«. Henry Stenrud j visited Thursday evening at the I home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie , Kincaid. • The Bellview Grange announces a dance for Friday evening, March I 17, at the Grange hall, starting at 1 9 o'clock. The dance is in honor of ' St. Patrick's day. Schumaker's orchestra from Medford will fur­ nish the music. Refreshments will j be served at midnight. • The Embroidery club held their meeting Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Edwin Dunn. The group enjoyed a one o'clock lunch­ eon. The afternoon was spent in visiting and doing embroidery' work. Members present were Mrs Roy Crow, Mrs. Walter Long- I streth, Mrs. J. M Crow, Mrs. Her- j man Helm, Mrs. Claude Conley, ■ Mrs. George Helms and the host- . ess. Mr«. Dunn. • Mr. and Mrs. William Turner visited Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Walter Anderson in, Grants Pass. • Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pankey and Mrs. Emil Gassman made a trip to I Medford on business Tuesday. At I Talent they visited at the home of Mrs. C. M. Haines. • Willis Byrd and Elmer Byrd returned last week from a trip to Upper Lake. Calif., where they drove Harry Farmer, who has em- i ployment there. • Miss Lorina Ayres of Klamath Falls «pent Sunday at the home i of Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Ayers. Miss Ayers is a niece of Mr. Ayers. • Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Clark re­ turned Tuesday to their home in Harbor, Ore., after having spent several days at the " home of Miss Lottie Beswick, a sister of Mrs. Clark. • Mr. and Mrs. Paul Halbert are spending several days in California visiting with relatives. • Miss Nina Hazelwood spent Monday in Ashland visiting with Mrs Hazel Fems. • The Bellview Home Extension Unit plans to hold an all-day meet­ ing Friday. Mrs. Vincent Lanini, Mrs. Al Sheraud and Mrs. J. E. Gowland, who have received in­ structions at Medford, will give lessons in rug making. Mrs. Henry Stenrud will continue her report on her trip to the home makers' conference at Corvallis. Mrs. Montgomery and Mrs. John Heil- meyer will be hostesses at the cov­ ered dish luncheon to be served at noon. • Monday evening Willis Byrd at­ tended a meeting of the agricul­ tural committee held at the court­ house in Medford. • Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ayers are spending this week In Medford with their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKee. • Mr. and Mrs. Shane Brown vis­ ited Sunday at the home of Mr. i and Mrs. Dalice Keeney in Ash­ land. j • 'Hie Bellview PT-A will hold their meeting Friday evening, March 17, at the Bellview school­ house. This meeting is to be Dad'« • Klien Franco of Granta viaitlng here at the hottie p ii < ids. Mr and Ml Franco • Kva M■ Hom Sunday school 9:4ft u in with turned recently B from (g, classes for all ages. where they have been visit Morning worship 11 a tn Rev several month* Fnmk E 1’atIson, superintendent • ( ’ lift Bromley returned 1 of the Oregon Congregational Con­ ference, will preach This will I»’ I front a several Weeks vj a very important mcnimge ami all ' Gnuut Valley member« and friends of the church • Wyatt Padgett ami Rutt of Klamath Fall« visited are urged to be present. Young People's hour, 6:15 p m 1 friends here last week end Congregational Church are EASY with Electricity! With efficient, economical electricity pastry mak­ ing is easy and certain . . . definite, steady tem­ peratures in scientifically designed ovens assure better results—less the inconvenience, the un­ certainty, the soot and mess of other types of stoves. Warm spring weather is just around the corner, and you’ll want to be ready with an electric range—no hot kitchens, no darkened walls and ceiling, no blackened pots and pans. Electricity is clean, fast, silent. Ask your fav­ orite dealer now for the facts on how to SAVE with an electric range! Ashland Light Department “Your SERVICE Department” BEFORE YOU BUY SOUR NEXT CRR SELECT THE Low Cost WAY TO PAY FOR IT. • .. • • LET US EX­ jj El > Al T BEER PLAIN THE CASH BUYER PLAN 0/ 42 ¡■\ Lit/ ON DRAFT! &a.nckt5 FIRST RRTIORRIi RRRR of PORTIiRRD *7z«f mimbir fidiral Ufa o¿ tkt OIPOllî INSURANCI COgPOtATioM AND IN BOTTLES TOO! A-ONE BREWING CO—MEDFORD, OREGON Y