S outhern O regon M iner 1’he Paper That Has Something To Say—And Says It! ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1939 I Will Print OF C REPORT Miner Ashland, Lakeview SHOWS UPSWING And 'Paient Annuals LOCAL BUSINESS Number 11 Fair Premiere Queen According to Bill Brahs, busi­ ness manager, and Jack Forsythe, co editor of the 1939 SOCE year ix»ok, tiie Miner Press will produce IN ber minimi report to President the 40-page college annua) with ■ tz . . . I. t » _ ... . . . Ftar.lt Van Dyke and the board delivery set for May 15 1|{(’H came in like a lamb in of directors-of the Ashland Chain­ Staff of the annual will include, „„uthrrn Oregon, but little tier of ('f f paper and ami launch 'em ’em showed business conditions, as well ant Manager Ralph I^arnb and a as accomplishments of thé cham- number of active students. Adviser H skis ber, to be <>n th., upswing Het re­ will lx- Marshall Wood ell, regis­ 111 port. made on the occasion of the trar Forsythe already is busy tak­ years of effort. tlfl Lowing retirement from the chair of Van ing pictures for the publica'ion. u ,. point naval base win gel ulA Dyke and the election of C. M The Miner Press this week also Uli .•(him: more than lip service Lil wilier to the president’s post, announced contracts for printing fn congress follows : the Talent high school annual and 111 "Following Is a short resume of the Lakeview high school year )ettth unii taxes are our most the activities of the Ashland book. The Lake county contract 4 tain fan* but people ««■ plant Chamber of Commerce for the formerly had been sublet by Lake­ year 1938 view printers to a Reno firm but, unii taxes ate raised ' because of the good impression "During the year 1938 r r / made by the Ashland high school taylight saving time will soon besldex paying our current expens­ annual of last year which was pro­ es such as telephone, office sup ­ ll< ere again and folks'll have an duced in the Miner shop, the lake­ r hour to loaf during the eve- plies. postage, salaries, etc , out of view students and printers decided our general fund, purchased or ■ ttoii would be most uppM- paid out for a Royal typewriter, I to have their 1939 book produced Tlitical faith spend tration amounted to over $1500 ternational exposition is evidenced by the fact that during the first their time defending themselves for the year "This was our first year for weeks of th world's fair there were ln«t the spokesmen from the selling game licenses Our receipts several thousand requests for de­ ler And vice worker for these licenses came to approxi­ tailed information relating to ag­ 1 mately $4000 We also issued over riculture, lumbering, mining, in­ pring fever has attacked a 375 meat tags in cooperating with vestments. recreation, vacations, mber of local ‘ folk who "*■ ■¡»end the sheriff's office. national forests, national parks, ir time dreaming of th<- day "Important events sponsored camping facilities and snow sports. en such an affliction will is’ were the very successful Fourth of Genera) information about the Resumption of work on the Sis­ Succeeding W. H. Parker as •ted by an alert science with wonderland scenic region, which kiyou highway relocation job will grand exalted ruler of the Ashland (Continued on page 6) iculatiotis of vacation. includes Jackson county, is being be resumed Monday, March 20, ac­ lodge No. 944, Benevolent and Pro­ provided by the Shasta-Cascade cording to Kenneth R Cater, sup­ tective Order of Elks, Frank Van 1 1 1 Wonderland association and the erintendent for the Blake Con­ Dyke Wednesday night was elected on's record-breaking legis- names and addresses of those struction company which holds to that high post and. with other ve session con (tide red an un- making specific inquiries are be­ contract for grading of remaining officers elected at the meeting, uallv large number of fish bills, ing referred to the local county 3.2 miles of uncompleted roadway. will be installed April 5. bt not one of them wax drawn to government and promotional agen­ Clearing operations will get under Other leaders chosen by the fra­ bnefit the pr fish who sent the cies for follow-up. way at that time, weather permit­ ternal order include Will Dodge, gl« Is tors to Salem. Many of the visitors registering ting. with a crew of about 30 local Ashland's (’amp Fire girls and esteemed leading knight; J. C. 111 their fathers will meet at 6:30 p. for further information write their men being employed. Hamaker, esteemed loyal knight; The Golden Gate fair is said to m tonight, Friday, at the Junior impressions of the Shasta-Cascade All men will be hired as AFofL R. W. Newhouse, esteemed lectur­ kve started from a letter to the high cafeteria for their annual exhibit on the reverse side of their hodcarriers, Cater said, with min­ ing knight; Hal Emery, treasurer; registration cards and this com­ imum wage scale set at 62*4 cents J Edward Thornton, secretary; Utor of a Han Francisco paper dad-daughter banquet. Mt how Medford's ish-h-hl IHa- Edward Spencer, tiler; H. G. End­ Theme of the evening will be ment is typical of the hundreds per hour. onis Redford, Dorothy and liked everything about your 10 miles of which is now in use Ruler Fred Roper, attended the between this city and junction with election meeting and invited Ash­ )at her young women are decl in- Morris, Charlotte Swanson and exhibit." the old roadway at Siskiyou sta­ land Elks to attend a St. Patrick's Ig proposals." Somebody ought Jean Stroul with Peggy Whittle tion. The Blake contract will com- day dance to be held Saturday > tell Clark about the bees and acting as toaatmistress George Briscoe will talk in re­ 1 plete the summit unit of the road, night in the Climate city. Local blleri I which will join with relocation Elks will stage initiation rites in sponse to the toasts and several entertainment features will follow work on the California side of the Grants Pass next Thursday night, including a tap dance by Mouryne state line to be completed within March 23. Burton, reading by Mary Pat C. V. Flanders, operator of the two years. Rowe, piano solo by Lois Redford Flanders’ 'Farmers Market in and a violin solo by Ann Crandall. Bellview and Flanders’ Feed Store The evening will close with group at 131 East Main street, this week consolidated his two locations at singing. the Bellview location, where he has ■ The foillowing named ¡»ersons taken over the restaurant, grocery Members of the Keene Creek ■sve been appointed as the Ash- :uid cabin business at that location Stock association recently named Mnd committee for the celebration in addition to his service station George Dunn of Ashland as presi­ ■f army day April 6, commemor- “Dangerous Comers,” an Angus dent and Fred Homes secretary­ and feed and fuel store. ■l,,|K thP 22nd anniversary of this “We have decided to place both Bowmer-directed Southern Oregon treasurer for the coming 12 ■’Untry'« declaration of war Members of Ixxige No. 944, Ash­ stores under one roof for greater College of Education play, will be months at an association meeting ■gainst Germany and her allies on land BPOE, and their families convenience and better service,” repeated at 8:30 o'clock tonight held in the Neil Creek school 6, 1917, it was announced Thursday night observed the lo­ explained Flanders yesterday in and again Saturday night in the house. The advisory board will in­ ■“* week by Major H. D. Bagnall, cal club's 34th anniversary with a announcing the change. "We will Lithia hotel ballroom, where seat­ clude Hugh Barron, S. S. Mitchell, ■nny recruiting officer, Portland, covered dish supper and theater make an effort to give our friends ing has been arranged for 60 per­ Walter Hash and K. H. Elliott. sons. The play is being presented ■nd chairman of the state of Ore- party. Stockmen conferred with forest I ¡uid customers an improved feed in the intimate manner with audi­ rangers’ on care of stock and set M0*1 «nny day executive commit- Dinner was set for 6:30 p. m. In and seed store service.” ence accommodated on four sides the range limit at 1700 head from the dining room, followed by en­ ■ Major Clyde G. Young, ONG. tertainment numbers by the junior of the “stage”. June 16 through Oct. 31. The as­ ■»airman: Perry P. Whitmore, high school quartet directed by The play series, launched last sociation will hire a herder for ■merican Legion commander, post Miss Marjorie Scobert; stunt num­ week-end, was received with en­ range duty and salting operations ■° U; Dr. R. E. Poston, VFW; bers by Camp Fire girls under di­ thusiasm and was declared a dra­ for stock of about 20 cattlemen rjst Lieut. Marcus B. Woods, rection of Miss Eleanor Coombe; The regular Wednesday night matic gem by audiences. It will be who will use the Keene Creek ■HU. Mrs. Paul Harmsen, Ameri- musical numbers by Miss Edna smoker held in the Talent recre­ continued for another two week­ area. Bjn legion auxiliary, and Mrs. J. Hash, cellist, R. H. Cooke, violin­ ation hall by the volunteer firemen end series following tonight and ■* McCoy, DAR. ist, and Ted Marshall, trumpet. of that city was one òf the most Saturday evening s performance. B April « was designated as army Following the program those pre­ successful to date, playing to a The play cast features John by presidential proclamation sent attended a special show at packed house in the Wolters Barker, James Parsons. Jeannette Bn<1 1« celebrated under the spon- the Varsity theater. Field, Robert Sage, Jean Moore, building. Exalted Ruler W. H. Parker K'rsbi_p of the Military Order of The program was opened with Helen Winningham and Ethel May Richard L. Neill, son of Mrs. fie World war, an organization of placed J. Edward Thornton, H. G. a magic show given by a Mr. Eads Robinett. Jessie Neill, and Mollie Ellen War­ partinic officers of the army. Enders. C. J. Baughman, Will of Medford, whose half hour ner were united in marriage at the I year army day was cele- Dodge and Elmer Smith in charge sleight-of-hand performance prov­ home of the groom's grandmother, frated in 97 cities and towns of of the anniversary dinner. ed fascinating. In the athletic Mrs. Ruth Shell, Second and B I rpK<»n with appropriate cercmon- events, Jack Vanderhall, 130, Tal­ streets, by James E. Morgan, pas- ■eft, parades and speeches, and this r ent, drew in three rounds of box­ ! tor of the local Church of Christ, Albert C. Joy Inor '‘vent will lie observed in ing with Okie Bemberton, 140; I at 3:30 p. m. Wednesday, March F« cities in the state. Norval Stockstill, 150, of Talent, and Companion 15. wrestled to a draw with Bert Sim­ Richard Neill is manager of the Are Invited to Be Guests of the County jail sentences of 60 days mons, 162, Talent marshal; Ray East and West Side grocery stores, and fines of $15 and costs each Southern Oregon Miner Reed, 150, Talent, fought Harold were given Wednesday by Justice a graduate of Southern Oregon Barr, 140, to a draw. To See Their Choice of Geòrgie Gleim, 120, Talent, of the Peace William R. Coleman Normal school and well known in the Following wrestled Bill Bostwick, 120, Tal­ in Medford justice court to Reu­ the city, where he is active in yri’nius Combest of Talent was ent, to a draw, and in the main ben E. Train, 19, George E. Mel­ church work. Mollie Neill attend­ Varsity Theater Ln» » l,lls wee*< as the Jackson event of the evening Don Wilder, ton, 37, Ralph E. Bender, 37, and ed normal school the last two Programs: L (,og catcher by the county 157, of Redding, wrestled on even Norman A. Abel, 22, all of the years. The home of Mrs. Shell was [ !tn<1 h»18 taken over his dut- terms with Ed Bostwick, 150, of Shady Cove district. The four men (Friday. Saturday) nicely decorated. The bride wore had entered pleas of guilty to <>wlng signing of contract Talent. "FLIRTING WITH FATE" pronesday. charges of possession of deer meat a green suit and carried a bouquet ------------------- •-------------------- plus "MR. MOTO’S LAST LS°,nbc"t w111 receive half the of white carnations. Bridesmaid during a closed season. TRUCK PLATES REDUCED WARNING” and L nflB mon<>y and all the penalty The four men were arrested by was Leah Etta Evans from Med­ Operators of trucks, busses and WALT DISNEY CARTOON Ln rounded up. Penalty is other vehicles requiring greater state police on the Crater Lake ford, who is a student at the nor­ (Sunday. Monday) n,K* license for males $1 than $5 license fees can now pro­ highway with two yearling bucks, mal, while best man was Norman “THANKS for EVERYTHING" L ’'‘males $1.50 for dogs unll- cure quarter and three-quarter two old bucks .three does and two Kerr. The young couple left immed­ (Starting Tuesday) Ln i,l,»ee March 2. According to year license plates at the Ashland fawns in their auto. The quartet's Li ," M‘rH °f the Jackson county "WINGS OF THE NAVY" ¡x>lice station Quarter plates will rifles were confiscated by the iately for a trip to San Francisco , 50n^r<>’ board, Combest will be good until June 30, and three- court and the meat placed in stor­ and will be home to their friends Please Call at The Miner Office th» 10 er»d every road in quarter plates will be good until age for distribution to the Salva­ at Casa Loma court following their return. for Your Guest Tickets tion Army and county farm. cani»COUnty” search of errant Ic»hine8. J the close of the year. COUNTY GAINS ATTENTION AT BAY CITY FAIR SISKIYOU ROAD FRANK VAN DYKE WORK TO START NEW ELKS RULER Camp Fire Girls To Dine Fathers, ‘Dads’ At Banquet Tonight —•------- Flanders Consolidates Two Feed Stores Here MME ARMY DAY COMMITTEEMEN ----- •----- Stockmen Name Dunn ‘Dangerous Corners’ As Association Head Be Repeated by Cast At 8:30 Performance ELKS FETE 34TH YEAR IN ASHLAND ASHLAND city councilmen, in special session Thursday night, opened 10 bids seeking franchise to operate the municipality’s sani­ tary collection system on a three- year contract. An 11th bid was thrown out because of failure to comply with specifications. The council, after opening bids, entered into a lengthy discussion of offers and referred the six high bids to the sanitary committee for investigation as to qualifications, financial responsibility and suit­ ableness of proposed dump ground locations. The committee, together with city and state health officers, will give close attention to sani­ tary aspects of the garbage dis­ posal and remoteness of dump grounds from residences. The city's revision of its sani­ tary laws which resulted in the termination of Ray Spencer’s ap­ pointment as sanitary inspector March 1, attracted much interest among would-be franchise holders, and last night's meeting was at­ tended by several of the bidders. The garbage disposal monopoly— sometimes referred to as the "sal­ ad-wagon route"—is being handled temporarily by C. V. Flanders by private arrangement with Spencer. Bidders included W. Ross and son, $180 per year; C. V. Flanders, $150 per year; George Yockel, $1; Dewey Van Curler, $120 per year; Roy Frazier, nothing first three years; Roy Parr, nothing; C. I. Peart and L. D. Berand of Med­ ford, $100 per year; Clyde E. Bee­ son, $51 for three years; T. L. Powell, $200 for three years, and W. O. Martin, $90 for three years. Those bidders being considered by the sanitary committee are Ross and sons, Flanders, Van Cur­ ler, Frazier, Beeson and Martin. Everything else being equal as concerns equipment and responsi­ bility, Ross and sons as highest bidders will be favored, according to Mayor T. S. Wiley. Council committeemen are Dr. W. J. Cran­ dall and Fred Tayler, while Dr. C. A. Haines and Dr. E. A. Woods will be consulted as city board of health members. According to Mayor Wiley, award of garbage franchise will save the city approximately $500 per year, as well as bring in some revenue. The city now pays about $200 annually for clean-up day work and another $300 for dead animal disposal, expense of which will be eliminated by the new set­ up. Residents also will be given one free dumping day a week under the new franchise, at which time they may haul their own garbage if they wish. ----- •----- MEDFORD WINS! ^TEDFORD high school’s basketball team Thursday- night won its second state tournament game when they defeated University high of Eugene 34 to 26. Butte Falls, district 14 class B champions, bowed to Oak Ridge Thursday afternoon 25- 38 in their second game of the series after having taken the opening contest Wednesday against Arlington 32-21. The University of Oregon varsity won their opening coast title playoff clash at Eugene with California last night, emerging 54-49 after leading most of the way. Talent Smoker Draws Full House for Card -•----- Warner-Neill Rites Event of Wednesday By Our KEYHOLE REPORTES ----- •----- L —---- •— [Talent Man Is Named County Dog Catcher L ( Wholesale Slaughter Of Deer Draws Fines And Terms for Four DR. R. E. WALKER, after a strenuous half hour Pullins' teeth, remarking “And that’s the fangs I get.” BERT MILLER ordering a calendar for lunch. LEONARD PATTERSON de­ claring his new jallopy does not have drip-grind adjustment. (DR.) ELLIS LININGER call­ ing on a patient in Corvallis. JAKE SHORTRIDGE doing a fine bit of kibitzing on the Selby Chevrolet company build­ ing. CLOMA BURTON finding it impossible to cross Union street in a horizontal position. ELVA CLAIRE NEWHOUSE discussing scoring positions with J. H. HARDY. GEORGE YOCKEL declaring he didn't want a franchise much anyway—people aren’t buying much garbage these days.