Page 6 Foursome M ill Fight In Armory Ring For Team .Melee .Monday Mack Lillard has carded the im­ possible for the mam event at Medford armory next Monday night when he teamed Pete Bel­ castro, the wild Wop from Weed, and Danny Savich, the Utah grid ace, against brothers Tuffy and Mike Jones from Magazine Moun­ tain, Ark. All four men will be in the ring at the same time with Belcastro and Savich taking sides against the whiskery pair. Belcastro wired last week that he could lick the whole Jones clan if he was given a fair deal and with Savich as his partner, should just about be able to do that. Lillard, not satisfied with this stellar match alone, also has matched brother Tony Jones with Joe Smolinski, the Polish palooka. for six 10-minute rounds. Tony, the 212-pound former blacksmith, has yet to be beaten in the Med­ ford house of cauliflowered ears but Smolinski is a plenty tough customer. NEW DIRECTORS NAMED FOR C-C Frank Van Dyke, W. F Knox. Dr. Walter Redford. Ken Weil and Tom H. Simpson were reelected to the board of directors of the Ash­ land Chamber of Commerce early this week, according to Secretary Marclnal Stansbuiy, and 1' R Hardy was elected to replace H. L. Claycomb. The board will meet at noon today, March 10. in the Plaza cafe to discuss a coming banquet set for Thursday. March 23, at which time GOV Charles A Spiayue will be principal speaker. Victim Auto Mishap Reported Recovering First Baptist Church Charles E. Dunham, Pastor • TONIGHT • I AND SATURDAY I SHOPPERS’ WEEK-END BARGAIN PRICES 25c They’re off to the country . . . making hay and hey- hey in a great big way! THE JONES FAMILY “DOWN ON THE FARM —also— GENE AUTRY in ‘PRAIRIE MOON » SUNDAY-MONDAY The Thrill Picture of the Year! Church school meets at 9:45 a. m. C. N. Gillmore. superintendent. I Rev. J. R. Turnbull begins his 'second week of evangelistic ser­ vices. Meetings every night dur­ ing the week except Monday. The message Sunday morning at 11 o'clock is “Four Kisses,” and in the evening at 7:30 the theme is "The World's Greatest Love Story.” The Young People's Union will meet at 6:30 p. m. We believe a great blessing is at hand are hoping it will be a week of spiritual birthdays for many men and women. Come and hear the old Gospel story and en­ joy the song service. ----------•------------- My Neighbor A can of chicken and a can of vegetable soup combined makes a delicious soup. • • • Line your clothes basket with oil­ cloth cut to fit basket Fine fab­ rics will not then catch on loose pieces of cane. • • • If the cement floor of your cel­ lar has a rough finish, paint with a special paint used for this purpose sold by paint dealers. If iodine is accidentally dropped on a linen towel, cover the spot immediately with dry starch and the stain will soon disappear. Print your child’s name inside his rubbers when he goes to school, This will make it possible for his teacher to identify them among the many rubbers of about the same size. -f A HOME-OWNED THEATRE Friday, Saturday “SUBMARINE MERRIE MELODY "IDENTIFIED” Weaver Brothers and Elviry Of Mountain Folk and Their Feuds Qinmufe clerk's office of sai.l court in said county on the 6th day of March, 1939, Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the terina of the said execution. I will on the Mh day of April, 1939. at I» o’ckick u tn . Skeet O'CoiineH's Grizzlies, early at tile front door of the courthouse this week made their annual all- in the city of Meilford. in Jackson star opponents' selections Bleking county, Oregon, offer for Stole anil outstanding players from all op­ will sell ut public auction for email ponents, the Grizzlies named Mon­ Io Die highest bidder, to satisfy teith of Medford and limning of said judgment, together with the Grants Pass ns forwards, Fletcher costs of this sale, subject to re­ of Weed, center, and Rush, Klam­ demption us provided by law. all ath Falls, and Dully, Grants Puss, of the light, title and interest that the defendants In said suit, <> <’ as guards. In the southern Oregon confer­ Boggs (also known as O C Boggs, ence circle, the Grizzlies favored Jr. and Oliver Carter lioggs. Jr » Monteith and Lanning as for­ executor of the estate of o <’ wards. Miller of Medford us cen­ Itoggs talso known ns Oliver <’ ter. and Rush and Dully as guards Boggs and Oliver Carter Boggs), In the district which includes deceased; Ethel W. Boggs, o <’. Ashland, Medford and Grants Puss Boggs, Jr (also known as (»liver the local players replaced Rush Carter Boggs, Jr ); D. 8 Boggs of Klamath Falls with Kresse at anil Edith Boggs, his wife, Jack guard. son county, it municipal corpora­ tion; O R Hall and June lss> Hall, his wife, had on the 23d dav of May, 1929, or now have, in and 1 to the following described real property, situated in Jackson county Oregon, to-wlt: .Meeting in Medford Wednesday Beginning at n point on the night, members of the newly or­ North line of Section 19 Township ganized Rogue River Sportsmen’s 38 South of Range 1 West of the club voted to investigate ways and Willamette Meridian in Jackson means of improving fishing con­ Oregon, which |siint is ditions In Squaw lake. Fish lake county, 2208 35 feet East of the corner mid Lake o' the Woods, and three common to Sections IN anil 19 In committees were ap|M>int<*d to look Township .'IX South of Range 1 into the problems of each Objective of the sportsmen's West of the W M , anil Sections it and 21 in Towihinp 38 South ot group, as outlined at the meeting, Range 2 West of the W M . thence , is to develop fishing conditions in South 28 degrees 51' West X76 03 southern Oregon and to improve facilities where |M»ssible to offset feet; thence South 59 degrees 05' West 1 15 17 feet. then. .• South 2 the tendency toward retrenchment degrees 12' West 174 30 feet, of fishing privileges Clearing of floating logs, drat ruction of fish thence South 34 degrees 31' West infection, restocking and other im­ 185.7 feet; thence South 15 de­ provements in the lakes will be grees 32' West 353 12 feet; thence South 40 degrees 40' West 66 feet; considered. thence South 0 degrees 27' West 1124 8 feet to the South line of the East half of the Northwest quar­ ter of said Section 19. thence East 1217 feet, more or Iras, to the cen­ of said section; thence North lc per Word per Insertion ter 2640 feet, more or less to the North quarter comer of said sec­ STALLION FOR SERVICE Reg­ tion. thence West 13165 feet (O istered Percheron. Breeder of the point of beginning Also, the West half of the better Percherons, M M Eu­ banks. 5 miles north of Medford Northeast quarter, and the South­ at Four Comers on Crater Lake east quarter of the Northeast highway 1 13p) quarter of Section 19. Township 38 South of Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian In Jackson THE FORD BULLETIN county. Oregon Saving and excepting county We have customers for two late model coupes 1937 or roads. Also, L>ts 1. 2. 3, 4, 5 6. 7. 9. 1938 See us for highest tnule- in prices! 11. 12. 13. 16. IS, 20. also Ix>ts 14 and 15. except 3 acres off the SPECIAL South end thereof; all in the R.sty- 1938 Dodge Sedan with built- al Orchard Tract Numts-r Two (2) in trunk, low mileage, looks In Jackson county. Oregon, ax like new. See this one and numbered, designated and describ­ save $300 00! ed on the official plat thereof, now PICKUPS of record 1933 Ford Vs $265 Dated this 6th day of March 1936 Ford V-8 1939 $395 SYD I BROWN. PASSENGER CARS Sheriff of Jackson County. Oregon 1936 Ford DeLuxe Sedan $425 By Howard Gault. Deputy 1934 Ford DeLuxe Sedan $295 First publication -March 10. 1939 1932 Foni DeLuxe Sedan $225 Ashland Grizzlies Ashland l nein ployed Pick All-Opponents lIMBAirn E*AD A A in Benefits Members of Ashland high »■ÄiVitU I UK v~v In Month of February school's iNisketlMkll squad, Coach Jack Storey, employe at the Jack Robertson ranch near Siski­ you who was crushed when the truck in which he was riding over­ turned Wednesday afternoon, was reported to be recovering from in­ juries last night by attendants at the Community hospital. OLD TIME DANCE Mrs. Robertson was driving the held An old time dance will be car at the time of the accident on in the Ashland Odd Fellows the south Pacific highway near : Friday night, March 24, Siskiyou and. in attempting to announced today. avoid a dog on the roadway. struck a guard rail and overtum- ed. The pickup truck was bady damaged. ! Friday, March 10, ia SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Ashland claimants of state un­ employment compensation bene­ fits received $2,825.62 through op­ eration of the jobless insurance law during February. the com­ mission's report disclosed The Medford office, which clears claims for Jackson and Josephine counties, accounted for $20.183 of the state total of $519,964, or 3.8 per cent. February disbursements exceed­ ed those for January over the state by 2*-j per cent. The Portland metropolitan area dropped from 51 per cent of the state total to 47.6 per cent. Marshfield dropped two per cent, although retaining second place. Salem was third. Eye Three FARMERS GET Sportsmen Lake Improvements CREDIT DROP Southwestern Oregon farmers and stockmen had one-tenth of their interest bill for short term credit cut off this week as the Medford Production Credit asso­ ciation announced a reduction of interest rates from 5 to 41-, per cent. The new rate is the result of a like reduction in the discount rate of the Federal Intermediate Credit bank, Bren H. Starcher, secretary­ treasurer of the Medford associa­ tion. explained. Loans by Pro­ duction Credit associations are dis­ counted through the Federal Inter­ mediate Credit bank. ~ Both are units of the Farm Credit ad min- istration. Reduction followed the sale of debentures of the nation's 12 cre- dit banks at one of the lowest in­ terest rates ever obtained by a private securities sale. The deben­ tures are not guaranteed by the government either as to principal or interest. This low rate, said Starcher, re­ flects the soundness of short term farm paper marketed wholesale through the credit banks. The changed rate affects all business written on or after Feb 24. In 1938 the loan volume of the Medford association was more than $700.000. "This is the lowest rate at which Production Credit has been available since the system was created in 1933.” Starcher said. “Based upon the present volume of business, this increased reduc­ tion will result in annual savings of approximately $800.000 to the 243.000 members of the 535 Pro­ duction Credit associations in the United States. “This reduction is in line with the policy of the Production Cre­ dit system to pass on to its mem­ bers any savings that can be made The reduction will remain in effect until changed by another revision in the discount rate of the Intermediate Credit bank, to whose rates Production Credit in­ terest is geared. "These loans are made for agri­ cultural purposes and repayments are made at the time the member is best able to pay from the sale of crops or livestock or other op­ erations financed. Most loans are made on the so-called budget plan in which members get a commit­ ment from the association to ad­ vance them sums covering certain production periods, thus enabling them to have money when they need it without having to pay in­ terest on the entire amount of the loan for the entire season. “This is the basic principle of Production Credit: That money is advanced as needed, and that in­ terest is paid on money only when it is actually in use.” The Spokane Bank for Cooper­ atives. another unit of the Farm Credit system, also announced this week that its interest rates on commodity and operating capital loans will likewise be reduced one- half of one per cent. Rates on these loans, like those of Produc­ tion Credit associations, are like­ wise geared to the credit bank's discount rate. ------------- •------------- LEAVES FOR DAKOTA Mrs. Dick Adams left Wednes­ day for Bismarck, N. D., where she was called by the serious ill­ ness of her mother. Í J to The Final Check tyilEN you bring car Io the .loin th Garage to I»- oli rli.111I4 you may hr «tire thi every detail 11 III I m ■ tended to exactly | »(H.lfletl Wl' lint............ . IMMidnblr and < XI’ Xltlj repair sen 1er. * CLYDE ( ATOS’S Junction Gara South Pacific Illghanj Phone 71-J • WANT ADS • LMt publication Man h 81 AT 8:30 EVE MONDAY NIG 3 ALL-STAR MAIN EVENT! 1M0 Many Others from $25 Up CLAYCOMB MOTOR CO. Ashland Complete Service Under One Roof HAMILTON grand piano for sale style 261 walnut I-oiils XVI with bench, about 3 years old; scratched some, but could be re­ finished easily, cost $875; ac­ quired by foreclosure of mort­ gage; a modem style piano .4M NEVER SAW ANYTHING LIKl LUSTER-FOAM made by Baldwin and can be bought for what it would cost TO MAKI TEITH to get a cheap instrument. See SPARKLE Briggs & Briggs, attorneys (8c) Life - Auto - Fi INSURANCE Monuments and Marks of Bronze and Granite At Price* You ( an Ufs M. T. BURNS FOR SALE New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and Amazing NEW “Bubble Bath” safes. Medford Office Equip­ rids teeth of ugly, dull film ment Co., 32 North Grape street. It'a almost Incredible the way the N EW 1.1»- Medford. (48tf) Ufine Tooth 1’ m U'. containing Liutcr I oam NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of an execution in foreclosure duly issued out of and under the seal of the circuit court of the state of Oregon, in and for the county of Jackson, to me di­ rected and dated on the 6th «lay of March, 1939. in a certain suit therein, wherein Occidental Life Insurance Company, a corporation, as plaintiff, recovered judgment against Ethel W. Boggs, one of the defendants, for the sum of $5.087.14 with costs and disburse­ ments taxed at $25.50 and the further sum of $400 00 as attor­ ney’s fees, which judgment was enrolled and docketed In the deu-rgvnt. inakiv teeth gU»Ui> ami »;arklc. Th«un«tant ami »all vatouch l.iwtrr- I'oam <1. urgent. It »urKiw Into a (<«am of tun, active bubbles. which net» at ‘tain and d«ay breedmif area» that even «« ut may not reach. And a» Il swwpsovrr lootl fcurf.x»« and Into minute ervvioun. your wl ,le mouth tlngll>crt Phariuacal Co., St. Louin. Mo TH! NEW EOIMUIA LISTtRINE TOOTH PASTE \\' 'X i ' ■ ... supercharged with //✓/✓ LUSTER-FOAM Next Door tn Post offli ( nil Office 113, Res SOI Evening Appoint mento DEPENDABLE SERVICI DRY PINE SLABS $3.75 Per 100 Cu. Ft. Dump Delivery Whittle Transfer f f / I I ! I I I I I I I t M » » \ \ \\ \ \\ ------- ani Mystery House” with Ann Sheridan Dick Purcell A picture that is different instory, treatment and background. DELECTABLE DELICIOUS HOME-MADE hx WE WELD EVERYTHING Sun., Mon., Tues. SERVICE DE LUXE” with Constance Bennett FRESH DAILY AT VINCENT PRICE HELEN BRODERICK CHARLEY Rl (.GEES MISCHA A1ER A Riot of Laughs! Pete's Lunch EARL D. (PETE) NUTTER PLOWSHARES XV'ITH plowing and spring farming activitira going Into full swing, we are ready to keep your miu'hlnery In Mhii|>e for efficient, steady work. We have experienced, farm-wise mechanics and welders ready to repair, repoint, rebuild and remake parts for any ami all farm implements. We are headquarters for all ty|M*s of welding, ami we know our work—which means better satisfaction, greater economy for you! Í OAK STREET GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP Lik « tmiitt ambi « < ----------- 97 OAK SIREET, ASHLAND, OREGON phone sîj