larch lay, March 10, 1930 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER ANI) THEN THE FUN BEGAN! xm C. I PAM 'l(Xr X ,TT1X KAKCK VutoxixP AS h - MX Ntvrn HAWÄigp_Jarr CHAuetP Tt> BE U z— I'M. T elx Y ou MAM c .» - EVEN My B ejt / y rcfiP W oulputtixl HI A n V I ujiptmí / WrtoMC -TtooTH PASTE - MA lictji . T ô T w T a / OF^OVO HAIgOlk-HlYU^ I To T he H mjo ukt - F íulmp Tb e T h E CouPbM - AMP MY O n PE k S o ' maí Ashland's Classified Business Directory ¥ WHATEVER YOUR NEEDS, YOU’LL FIND THEM LISTED BELOW! * \ MAGME-nxM got X o MTINT h JC MA41 - AMO ( Ariov*. AXX.MA.CcUr — ONE P \ Tul ONivciiTi. out Tb P inne » T o °' 1R \ Al TO PARTS PLUMBING Don’t Monkey Around With The Tough Jolts—Use A. L. WREN HASTINGS STEEL VENT RINGS < maict F ia ^ k ----- Harrison Parts Co. Phone 101 a CAFE-CON FECTION ERV I th f fr Page 5 FARM IMPLEMENTS Aohhuid'H lieadquartem FOR GOOD FOOD luid Freezer Fresh ICE (REAM OIL DISTRIBUTOR SAVE ON GAS AND OIL Wholesale Prices to Our Customers Complete Service Under One Roof SPORTS 111 I TOLD YOU HO S tiir best tournament to be held in Asfiland by them Oregon College of in I might's Well get used icw moniker) in 12 years t>rshl|> wax concluded Hat ght when Coos River and Jis collided, the champion - ng t<> Ken Schilling's Log- lo will represent B league of district 14 al Salem •xt week k popular Ashland boy, got ion from his many friends is who crowded the big fvm to overflowing ills liter hurdling St Mary's, »ceded to t»e the favorite os River to win the chain- >. but they may never real- lucky they were that the « were off their game Sat- igfit ot that Butte Falls wasn't ter team, but the final core was far from being ve of the competition met final contest After having tter than a M.xiel T climb- mer street without benefit xtor water against Kcno ht before, the Coon River couldn't hit their mouths fork Saturday evening fter time the twill rolled the Cs River hp only gan off and, in the niean- M! Butte Falls lads hit a J streak that left fans (to say nothing of Coach I* to be hoped that the » Falls loggers will give «1 account of them«elv«x> district 11 nt the «fate ament. Unleaa thin dr uent is another I. Pickrm, will. < f r ” these Ashland |H«,plr sure get it kick out of finally winning a game!” Which was the truth, except •hat it wasn't "finally." Eh, Grizzlies of 10311 -10? r r r • »or hat is off to a fine bunch of l«a)l players and a gr work of the lak full advantage of the «n when Billy Hulen of the , Mail Tribune strode into inior high gym during the luarter. rM about time. 1 SHEET METAL SCHUERMAN S’MATTER POP— Will Someone Try Thi» Out for Him? MESCAL IKE Richfield Service North Main at Bush, Ashland RICHF IELD HAS SOMETHING NEW—WATCH FOR IT! Norman B. Ashcraft Complete Line of Oil* and Grease Protective Lubrication Headquarters for FARM MACHINERY. REPAIRS GENERAL BLACKSMITHING AND WELDING PHONE 67 PLAZA CAFE LITHIA PLUMBING Associated Gas & Oil & CONFECTIONERY AND HEATING Alway« Remember Your y bi SERVICE STATIONS FOR OWW MORTALS- CLEAN and GOOD- The Three Pals That Jolly Well Make Beer A Pleasure! OUR STOCK of FLNEST QUALITY WINES INCLUDES DON MARCO ISCO CRITERION DEL MAR Bohemian Club By C. M. PAYNE