larch 10, 1939 LENT • SOUTHERN OREGON MINER To St. Patrick Sat unlit j and Monday Specials next smoker will .jny evening. March bi. in adtliikm tea bouts and boxing, .„ifoiimuicc One ■nts <>n th«' program (miden» bl'' interrai i ih a wrestling bout r,l Bostwick, unde- r m this »»'rira "f JohlUlle «’hildrrss. i„wn for •'** “,’1|ity id it favorite uinong h LETTUCE Mrs * Wenatoll Angeles last week home rrw left Monday for where h<- will have Uh Everett Nkeet- jtnpany •irían "f '"‘ur Butte paient Visitor Wed- rd. wh<> underwent t the Sacred Heart Ljford, is recovering L home L Chapman and son hts I’ass spent Sun- Hey Chapman h Wayne Cowdrey rated relatives near unday with several others Lnt Sumiay visiting PReece of near Kin­ k Charles Graham Duri:., ure guests of Alfred Graham and )r families Mr» in and Mrs. Alfred wters li» Elvis Cochran Dainara» relumed I in Klamath Falla kys visit with their 1rs Charles Hornes of Mrs Homes of M im ix>ulsc Homes ., calici on Mr ami p Humes Sumiay trence Home« has lie flu for the joint ler of near Talent link farm Fifty-two Ink arrived by ex- laska lust Friday. Prader has had cx- ik raising in Alaska and hts mother re- londay evening from California arho is employed at station, while «hop­ 'd Saturday evening lien It was »»in re- ic state police and itlle damage. ipeon was a week- elen Hewitt and at- ing,- dinner at the Grange hall i L W Bates and Medford called on ■ents, Mr and Mrs iturday evening on is employed in lore in Medford who hits been eni- >g's lunch counter, for Horas* Creek, re Charles Cowan wk were dinner and Mrs. Aim* *n fksldard is busy plowing gardens in Talept this week. • Mi* Kai I Bayiot retu*nt d home Monday from Jerome, Prai­ rie when* she has been caring for In i -o ng on Glba<>n avenue Wednesday Rug making was the program A large num tier of ladies were present. Church of the Nazarene K. E. Wordsworth, Minister Fourth and C Streets "The church wn,re you are never a stranger." Sumiay school at 9:45 Mayor Wiley. su|>erintendent. An inter­ esting. growing school Morning worship 11 o’ckxtk Ser­ mon by the pastor, “The Vision of the Christ " A pr»-B*ster medita­ tion Evening worship 7:30 o'clock with sermon by the |»astor. "The Second Coming of Christ ” Come and hear the old songs familiar songs that mother knew You will enjoy the inspirational song service. A Fair Pair Fisher’s Blend FLOUR 49’s $1.43 3 for 25e le GOOD NEWTOWN APPLES box 89c BANANAS 3 Pounds 17e GRAPEFRUIT ARIZONA 6 for 10c SCALLOPS WHOLE KERNEL CORN GARDEN PEAS CORN ON THE COB STRAWBERRIES FILLET OF HADDOCK RASPBERRIES FILLET OCEAN PERCH STRINGLESS BEANS BLUE POINT OYSTERS BLACKBERRIES—YOUNGBERRIES ASPARAGUS PICNIC HAMS Pound 19c LARD Swift’s Silverleaf 2 pounds 23c CHEESE Kraft Elkhorne Pound 16e ROYAL CLUB CANNED FOODS PINEAPPLE-No. 21 HOMINY-No. 2' PUMPKIN-No. 2| KRAUT—No. 2| - SPINACH-No. 2j PEACHES—No. 21 • HILTS NEWS • 19c 10c 10c 10c 13C 15C QUEEN FLOUR $1.19 BOUQUET FLOUR 98c MARIE B. MICKELSON Funeral services for Marie B Mickelson, 44, who died March 9 at the Community hospital after a prolonged illness, will be held at 2:30 p. m. March 11 at the Episcopal church under the direc­ tion of the Litwiller Funeral home. K FFICIENT Use only one level tee» spoonful to e cup of sifted flour for most recipes. DRESSMAKING Same pnce today as 48 years ago 25 ounce» For 254 for WOMEN' and CHILDREN’ Hooked Rugs Quilting Manufacturad by bakinf puwdar • Racialist* who make nuthonf but bakinf p«wdar-> undar ouparytM««i •f «apart «bautista af natianal .____________ reputaban.___________ Prices Reasonable MARY SPENCER Corner E. Main and California MILLIONS OF POUNDS HAVE.BEEN USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT ---- •----- Full-flavored cleanse and clear eyes red­ dened from fatigue—make your eyes feel clean, fresh. dive! Much more effective than boric acid. Send for trial bottle. Mail 10c (»tamps or coin) with your name and addreu to The Murine Co.. Dept. HS, Chicago, lit ('franici. 5 o o f Ai r s ’ AT ALL DRUG Here’s Quick Relief from Their DISTRESS! perfect for cooking I # Kmft American lias a mellow, full-flavored richness that makes it perfect for sandwiches. And for cooked dishes you can dc|>cn paid for any corn Great Christopher Com and Callous Remedy cannot remove! EAST SIDE PHARMACY | Pound PINK SALMON - .... io® $25.00 REWARD ’rn’ at 'he National Beef Show at the World s Bllihu?° * re“*ur* Island. The curly haired beauty at SQUARES 303 COFFEE-White Hse, glass jar 25c EYE STRAIN Khe* k>re®,,n’” otherwise Mias Barbara Johnson, takes sic CORN, PEAS OR STRING BEANS SUNKIST L i, Burney have Jr home from south- where they have the winter. I Anderson Creek, hot injured last fall kldellt. 1» llblr U> I* win I Urn attended church hday evening Local Irlahmrn Join with fellow of Portland visited and Mrs G Kelly, sons of the Emerald isle to cele­ nod. Free fieli very Phone 156 The annoying discomforts of a cold in chest or throat, generally ease when soothing, warming Musterole is applied. Better than a mustard plaster. M«us- terole gets action because it’s NOT just a salve. It’s a "counter-irritant"; stimu­ lating, it penetrates the surface skin and helps to quickly relievo local congestion, aches and pains due to colds. Used by millions for 30 years. Recom­ mended by niany doctor» and nurses. In three strengths: Regular, Children's (mild) and Extra Strong, 40*. Approved by Good Housekeeping Bureau. that is different • It’s a skillful cross between mayonnaise and old-fashioned f boiled dressing — with a special piquancy all its own! Miracle Whip is totally different from all other dressings—smoother, fluffier, more delicious.Try Miracle Whip—soon! MIRACLE WHIP CONTAINS MORE- FAR MORE-OF THE COSTLY INGREDIENTS! 5.