Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, March 10, 1939, Page 2, Image 2

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    Friday, March 10, 195
Page 2
| About People You Know! J
• Mrs. Ben H. Chnstleib and Mi's
Homer Moore attended a meeting
of the Friendly class of the Pres­
byterian church of Ashland Thurs­
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Mark True in Ashland. The class
elected officers, with Mrs. Christ-
leib being chosen vice president
and Mrs. Moore 010011X1 as presi­
• Mr. and Mrs. William Ford,
who recently visitetl the World's
Fair at San Francisco, returned
here to visit at the home of Mr.
Ford's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Samford, and at the home
of Mrs. Ford's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. M. T. Burns of Ashland.
• The members of the girls 4-H
cooking club held their meeting
Monday evening at the home of
their leader, Mrs. C. H. Modrell.
Mr. Francis, the new county lead­
er, was present at the meeting to
talk to the girls and their leader.
Mrs. Modrell. The members sang
several club songs and gave their
different club yells. Miss Jeanne
Neil of Ashland, a former resident
of this district, has joined the club,
and comes out from Ashland every
Monday evening to attend the
• Mr. and Mrs. Homer Moore
made a business trip to Klamath
Falls Thursday.
• Dale McKenzie of Prineville'
visited several days of last week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Her­
man Helm and family. Dale was a
member of the Prineville team
playing at the basketball tourna­
ment and is a nephew of Mrs.
• Mrs. Jeanne Wilson Joy was the
guest artist heard at the Little
Symphony concert Thursday eve­
ning held at the Junior high gym­
nasium. She was accompanied by­
Miss Marjorie Scobert at the piano
on the
and Mrs. Bertha Denton
• The members of the Social
Hour club held their meeting
Zoe Dell I.antis. Exposition beauty, receives the trophy as
Thursday evening at the home of
vinner of the “chop chop" sweepstakes in a rickshaw race on
Mrs. George Irwin. The members
reasure I land while Bill Chan, the victorious runner looks on.
will hold their next meeting at the
iss I.intis, representing America, receives the trophy from
home of Mrs. Emil Gassmon.
by Lew’of the Chinatown concession at the World’s Fair.
Those present were Mrs. Elizabeth
Walter, Mrs. D. W. Meyers. Mrs.
William Turner, Mrs. Emil Gass day, is improving as well as can at the school house. He gave a
talk to the students and told them
man and the hostess, Mrs. Irwin. be expected.
Miss Ruby Turner was unable to • V. E. Seitz and son Walt made the value of 4-H club work. He
attend the meeting.
a business trip to Hornbrook Tues­ also helped them become better or­
• The Bellview Grange will spon­ day. They also visited with Mr. ganized.
sor another dance at the Grange Seitz's son and daughter-in-law. 0 W. O. Martin made a business
hall Friday evening, March 17. The Mr. and Mrs. Gene Seitz.
trip to Medford Monday.
committee in charge of this dance • The girls belonging to the 4-H • Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kincaid
includes Louis Pankey, Miss Marie cooking club held a candy sale at visited Sunday evening at the
Walker and Edwin Dunn. The or- the Bellview Grange dance Friday home of Mr- and Mrs. I. E. Dead-
chestra to furnish the music will evening.
The sale was to help raise mond.
be announced later.
funds to send a delegate to the • The members of the Home Eco­
• Recently, Leslie Kincaid was 4-H
summer school to be held In nomics club of the Bellview
chosen by the fraternity of which Corvallis
this summer.
Grange met Thursday at the
he is a member, the Phi Gama
Mrs. C B Lamkin of Grange hall and completed work
Delta, to attend a convention at
Seattle at the University of Wash­ Ashland visited Sunday at the on the quilt they were making for
ington in April. He was also elect­ home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bell the bazaar.
and family and with other friends • Willis Byrd, Elmer Byrd and
ed treasurer of his house.
• The Bellview Community club in Bellview.
Harry Farmer made a trip to Up­
held their meeting Wednesday af­ • Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nelson and per Lake, Calif., this week where
ternoon at the Grange hall.
A Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hess of Mr. Farmer has employment. Wil-
large number of ladies attended Kankakee, Ill., arrived last week lis and Elmer Byrd plan to return
the meeting. Two guests were from their home to get Mrs. Pearl to their homes by the coast route
present, Mrs. J. O. Talent and Nelson, who has been visiting for the latter part of this week.
Mrs. Hull. During the business some time at the home of her • The members of the County
meeting members elected officers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hinin- Young Grangers association held
as follows: President, Mrs. George ger, and at the home of her sister their meeting Wednesday evening
Mr. and ’ Mrs. Theo- at the Talent Grange hall. The
Helms; vice president, Mrs. Edwin and family,
Dunn; secretary, Mrs. J. M. Crow, dore Wenaus. Elmer Nelson is her Bellview members attending serv­
and treasurer, Mrs. James Cham­ son and Mrs. Hess a daughter, ed the lunch at the close of the
berlain. The program consisted of The _ party left Friday for the meeting.
two vocal solos by the guest, Mrs. World's Fair at San Francisco • Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Farmer
Hull; an account of her interest­ where they will spend a short time and
daughter Dolores, who have
ing trip back to Kansas and before returning to their homes in
visiting for several days at
through the southern states by Illinois.
Mrs. Homer Moore, and several • Mr. and Mrs. William Werner the home of Mrs. Farmer’s par­
selections on the accordion by Roy of Days Creek visited several days ents, Mr and Mrs. Willis Byrd,
Wilson. The hostesses for the next last week at the home of Mr. and returned to their home in Dorris
meeting are Mrs. Archie Kincaid Mrs. Walter Brahs and family, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Far­
and Mrs. Walter Longstreth. The during the basketball tournament. mer and their daughter, Betty
program committee for next meet- Mr. Werner is the coach at the Lou, who also have been visiting
ing will be Mrs. Vai Inlow and Days Creek school and was here at the Byrd home, returned to
their home in Dorris Friday.
Miss Marie Walker.
with his team.
• Mrs. E. A. Lee, who underwent • Monday afternoon Mr. Francis, • The Bellview Grange held their
a major operation at the Com- the county leader of 4-H clubs, meeting at the Grange hall Tues­
munity hospital in Ashland Mon- met with the Bellview 4-H clubs day evening. The past lecturers
presented the program, each lec­
turer presenting one number. They
were Mrs. J. E Gowland, Mrs.
Louis Pankey, Mrs. Taylor Wil­
liams and Mrs. Edwin Dunn. Mr.
Carter gave a reading and the
entire group enjoyed community
• Mrs. Jack Roberson and Jack
Storey of the Siskiyou district
were injured Tuesday afternoon
when the pick-up they were driv­
ing swerved to the side of the road
and turned end over end to avoid
hitting a dog. Mr. Storey was
rushed in the ambulance to the
Community hospital. Mrs. Rober­
son received minor injuries, The
accident occurred near the home
of Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Seitz.
• Max Wiggens and Kenneth
Wilson visited Wednesday at the
home of Mr. Wiggens’ sister and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Brahs. They were enroute to Sac­
ramento from Portland.
• Mrs U*e Port of Applegate vis
Red here Monday at the home of
her parent*, Mi
• W A Bray of Hilt« was a bust-
Hess visitor heli' Monday.
• Mr and Mrs. Earl Isaac* of
Klamath Falls visited here last
week end at the home of Mt ait<i
Mis. C. H Putney
• Mr. and Mrs Frank 7110111111
and son returned to their home in
Chiloquin Sunday following a visit
here with relatives and friends
• Charlotte Kallander and Ruth
Gough visited in Salem last week­
• Frank Scott and Eddie Randles
spent Sunday skiing on the Sis­
• Genevieve McGee of Klamath
Falls visited here Sunday at the
home of her parents, Mr and Mrs
A 0. McGee
• Howard Scroggins returned to
his home in Klamath Falls Sunday
following a visit here with friends
• Janies Baughman of Camas
Valley spent the week-end here
at the home of his father, Clint
• Bill Bromley of Marshfield vis­
ited with friends and relatives in
Ashland last week-end.
• Mr. and Mrs Jimmie Metz of
Glide visited here last week-end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. M A
• Why drive a dirty car? Trade
at Wolff's Service Station Free
electrolux cleaning service. Main
and Church streets.
• Beil Simmons of Talent was a
business visitor in Ashland Mon­
• Mrs. Cliff Culmer recently un­
derwent a major operation at the
Community hospital.
• Ben Anderson of Woodland.
Wash., visited here Sunday with
Mrs. Anderson
• Mr and Mrs. S. H Short vis­
ited friends in Grants Pass Sun­
• Morning, noon and night we are
ready with a variety of apjietizing
dishes served in a manner f to add
to your mealtime pleasure Home-
baked pies fresh every day Waffle
Shop Cafe.
• Thelma Reed of Eugene visited
in Ashland last week-end with
relatives and friends. She was ac­
companied north by her mother.
Mrs Sarah Reed, who will make
her home in Eugene.
• Mr. and Mrs. Arba Ager of
Jacksonville visited friends here
last week-end and attended the
SONS tournament,
• Mr, and Mr« Jasper Reynolds
of Grants Pass »pent the week-end
in Ashland.
• Mr. anil Mrs W G Sander and
daughters Caroline and Rowan -
gela visited in Yreka Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs Bill
• Mr. and Mrs. Ted Schopf of
Chiloquin visited here last week­
end at the home of Mrs. Ida Cran­
• Anita Cooke and Alicia Apple­
gate of Butte Falls spent last
week-end here.
• Mr and Mrs Otis Elliott left
Sunday for their ranch near Her­
ford, Ore.
• Helen Dunn of Jacksonville vis­
ited here last week end with her
patents. Mr and Mr« Ebe Dunn
• Charles Weaver of Port Ol'foid
visited Ashland friend» fol several
days this week
• M's Bob Pinson and son Bobby
of DuiiMinuir are visiting at the
home of Mr, and Mrs John Hughs
• Mr and Mis Hay Elliott <>t
Hilts attended an Ashland thentei
• Mr and Mrs Fred Tayler made
a trip to Grants Pass Monday
• Rev II S Wannamakei left
Monday for H|M>kane lie ,(|J
Mime time ill NeultlJ
• Mr and Mr, Carllsl..
visited friend* in Cre«<
• Paul Home returned to I
a id Munday from a visit nJ
• Dwight Patterson nitide u I
lie«« trip t<> Portland thin wr.J
• Mr and Mrs Tom tri Im J
t *hll<M|iiln M|H*nt several day]
Ashland thin week visiting [
relative« arai friemla
• HA Berry who Is
it Rishling visited hen witJ
family early tbi* week
• Clara Pederson in viaitlnj
a few day« with friend« in sj
m | m < ik I
>r~>t 1 .
1C' I
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