r ? 3, 1 S outhern O regon M iner I The Paper That Has Something To Say—And Says It! ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1939 COMMITTEE WILL EYE ASHLAND AS EMIGRES’ HOME y^HHLANh, the pOMible site fn the part of Gordon Claycornb, Ashland Icianx to make u football out from representative In the Bay City ir military needs. ”! conferred with Mr Wein- 111 krantz and his co-workers in San ist this country need« is a tax Francisco, last week,” Clayconib ■ that can ‘ I m * shoved off onto »tat«! They are Immediately in­ terested in resettling a number of perity. families on orchard farm property 1 1 f In this county arxl through com­ g th«> four hour* after time bining their funds will undertake et up that's the brat for sleep- to operate a packing house and cannery as well," hr said "Not all the refugees are farm- 1 1 era Many <»f these men held re- ■Ing put in the dog-house han sponsible medical, businraH and ^npenaetions You meet • tot hotel positions in Germany before ice people there the crisis The««« men are |Mirtlcu- 111 larly qualified to organize and op­ skull estimated to be aorne 30 erate health farms, "dude" ranch­ on yearn old was I found near es and an Infuntllc ¡mralyais san­ port recently, and I if hardness itarium such as Ashland hopes to rs for permanence i, sclent lata »ecure By corning to Ashland they Mix- future age will be puzzled will not only bring new wealth and 5ark Wood business to the community, but a rich cultural heritage as well. 1 1 1 te surest way to stick your Ashland will have every reason to out Lx to poke your noae into lie proud of its new citizens ” According to Clayomb, the com­ •body else's buxineM mittee will visit Ashland early f 1 1 this month. airline hoatmuKMi marry in reporting on his activities for year. according to our Ashland, Claycomb pointer! out Things editor Proving, of that he law interested Robert that marriage* are made Grey, |>atent-«-ngineer. who has ■even c liNiely associated with the "Dry­ ice" Corporation, largest produ­ 111 farting, Mahatma cers of dry-ice on th«- Pacific irough inrii has won another victory coast, in the possibility of manu­ India For centuries shapely facturing dry-ice for the northwest nen have let diet help them get at the Uthia springs. “I have been asked to secure more detailed in­ kt they want. formation regarding this project and the (Chamber of Commerce has undertaken to secure the data.” stated Clayconib. A feature story and pictures re­ garding Ashland and the Oregon i Khukex|M-arran nssoeiatlon will ap­ pear in the March 12 issue of the Sunday Oregonian. Claycomb re­ lemlwra of the Ashlani! Min- ports. In contacting the major oil com- •nal luuKM-iation meeting Mon- ’ voted unanimously to observe panics reparding the placement of talon week April 3 to 7 with material aixiut Ashland and the rial service»«, and to hold Eax- I Shakespearean Festival on their morning sunrise services, pro­ rood and pleasure niajm ax well as ly in Lithla jwirk. weather in <>thei printed material issued milting, according to Rev E. by the companies Claycomb has secured definite commitments Wordsworth, accrctary. "he PaaMon week services will 1 from the Shell. Standard and As- rt <>n Monday and continue soclated conqianies to publicize ougti Friday, with no services this city "We were too late to get our ng held Saturday. April 8 The irise services will be worked out , information on the road maps is­ detail later by a sp<-< ml com sued by these companies, but they ttee. Of which the Rev M T will play up Ashland and the fes­ re is chairman, assist«! by Rev. tival in other folders and maga­ mixworth and Rev C. E. Dun- zines published by them. However, we have thetr assurance that our rhe Passion week services will material will receive every con­ the crucifixion ann city dump ground prop- proved of interest to Harold R. ty J ut 14, was set Tuesday for Deal, advertising and sales pro­ ’dl 6 in circuit court. Spender motion manager of the Associated ter<-rn Medford and Grants x„ . from the affair, J ’‘mount of which was not i th,ninp<* yesterday, will be used .«hi0 .c,ub s «ponsorahip of an iahlAn