SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 WINNER KERBY­ ELKTON TILT IS CUP FAVORITE (Continued from page 1) college, has drawn an estimated 500 players, coaches and fans to the city, and hotels and restaur­ ants have been taxed to capacity this week. Although games were not outstanding during first round pairings, second round encounters developed more color and a num­ ber of teams began to take on outstanding characteristics. To­ day's and tonights games, all quarter and semi-finals, will gath­ er momentum and finals Saturday will climax the tournament. Saturday night, following the championship game at 9 o’clock. Chamber of Commerce President Frank Van Dyke wall present the 11 trophies being awarded this season. The president's cup cham­ pionship game will get under way at 8 p. m. Saturday, while other Saturday games will include the following finals: President’s cup consolation. 5 p. m., Junior high gym; third-place 4 p. m., Junior high. Championship bracket consolation, 5 p. m. r.. in SONS gym; fifth place. 4 p. m.. SONS gym: third place. 7 7 p. m„ SONS gym. Landscape Crew Busy In Ashland District A crew of experienced gardeners and landscape architects is busy in and near Ashland this week in­ stalling shrubs and trees, accord­ ing to O. F. Palmerton, manager of the Park Landscaping company of Rogue River. The Park concern is the only nursery which grows and acclim­ atizes plants in southern Oregon, Palmerton explained. The nursery has established an Ashland agency at the Flanders’ Feed store on East Main street here, where or­ ders may be placed. Plan Organization Meet for Formation Of Boy Scout Troop Members of the Talent city vol­ unteer fire department and fathers of eligible youths and their sons, will gather together in the Talent recreation hall Thursday evening. March 9. to form a Boy Scout troop in that city. The troop organization is a part of a long-range plan under way on the part of Talent firemen to fur­ nish entertainment and hobby ac­ tivities for boys of their city. Bert Simmons, fire chief, will preside at the meeting, while Secretary L W. Tame will assist. All youths eligible for Scouting and interested in the new troop, as well as their fathers, are asked to be present in the hall located in the Wolters building. ------------ •-------- • Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pankey vis- ited over last week-end at Pros­ pect with Mr. Pankey’s sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Grieves. Week-End HMHM Shoppers’ — Bargain /Jjc Prices Matinees and Nights! WALT DISNEY'S SILLY SYMPHONY After winning their opening tilt against The Dalles 48 25 Tuesday night Ingle's Drugs from Ashland were nosed out by City Dairymen of Portland bv one |x>int Wetlnes f Talent, Rllde SPECIAL winning by a close decision on 1938 Dodge Sedan with built- points. in trunk, low mileage. Iixiks A wrestling match between Bill like new See this Ryan. 150, and R. Stein. 155, was save $300 00! won by Ryan, while J Zickafoos, 162, and Don Wyler. 164, groaned PICKUPS to a draw in the evening’s out­ $265 1933 Ford V-8 standing event Final wrestling $395 1936 Ford V-8 event of the evening pitted Billy PASSENGER CARS Gleims. 155. and Norvall Stock- Ford DeLuxe Sedan $425 103»; still, 155, the melee ending in an­ 1934 Ford DeLuxe Sedan $295 other draw — Frank Redkey and 1932 Ford De Luxe Seel an $225 Eddie Joan is acted as referees - Lloyd Selby, for a number of years owner of a Chevrolet agency in Tulelake. Calif , this week took over ownership and management of the Kay Chevrolet company of this city which for 22 years had been under the management of the late Dan F Kay Selby will con­ tinue the Chevrolet Motor com­ pany's sales and service franchise tn the garage at 100 East Mum street under the name of Selby Chevrolet company. Selby announced that the build­ ing’s owners, Mrs R F. Neil ami Miss Anna Hargrove, will launch extensive remodeling work on the garage front in the near future, with a number of Improvements planned New car showroom, serv­ ice station facilities and more con­ venient entranceways will be pro­ vided. Mr and Mrs Selby are making their permanent home in this city since purchase of the property from Mrs. Dan F. Kay. Promoter Mack Lillard has se- | cured Danny Savich, the former , cleanie, to settle a grudge with brother Tony Jones, the eldest of the Arkansas Scufflers wrestling trio, at Medford armory Monday night. March 6. Tony knocked Savich out of the ring last week in retaliation for the terrible beat­ ing Savich had handed brother Mike earlier in the evening and Savich has promised Tony some of the same kind of treatment. Joe Smolinski. the Polish peeve, returns after a long absence to collide with brother Tuffy in the middle match. Smolinski is one of the meanest in the business but Tuffy is no sissy himself Paul Murdoch of Waxahachie. Texas, faces brother Mike in the opener which is scheduled for six 10-minute rounds. TONIGHT AND SATURDAY BIG 3-UNIT SHOW LLOYD SELBY IS ^X«a a Z i NEW CAR AGENT Tourney Wednesday WE'RE ALW Savich-Tony Jones Feud to Flare Up At Armory Monday HAUL MIK1HHH. the popular Texan who meets brother Mike Jones in the o|»ening match at Medford armory Mon­ day eve. Joe Smolinski vs. bro­ ther Tuffy and Danny Savich vh . brother Tony complete the pair­ ings. • BELLVIEW • ( lose Battles Mark Talent Fire Smoker • WANT ADS • • Mr. and Mrs Willis Foran and Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Kangus of Klamath Falls visited Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Charles Foran. • Mr. and Mrs. D. Keeney of Ashland spent Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shane Brown. • Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Joy at­ tended a party at the home of Mr and Mrs. Chester Corry in Ashland one night last week • Mrs. Homer Moore and Mrs Wade Wallis attended the church anniversary dinner of the Pres­ Many Others from $25 I byterian church there Friday eve­ and Mrs Arthur Hamaker of Ash­ ning of last week. CLAYCOMB MOTOR CO land and Denver Kincaid. • The Upper Valley Community Ashland club plan to hold their meeting at • Miss Helen Elam of Ashland Complete Service Under One Roof the Grange hall Wednesday, March was an overnight guest Saturday 8. During the afternoon the elec­ at the home of Miss Eunice Kin­ HAMILTON grand piano for sale tion of officers will be held The caid. style 261 walnut Louis XVI hostesses for the day are Mrs. J. • Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Arnett with bench, about 3 years old. E Gowland, Mrs Louis Pankey and daughter Suzanne of Klamath scratched some, but could be re­ | Falls visited Sunday at the home and Miss Marie Walker. finished easily, cost $875; ac­ • Mrs. Al Sheraud, Mrs Vincent of Mr. and Mrs S. E Bell and quired by foreclosure of mort­ I Lanini and Mrs. J. E. Gowland family. gage; a modern style piano ' went to Medford last Friday to • J H. Williams, who has been ill made by Baldwin and can be receive instructions from Miss for the past several days, is im­ bought for what it would cost i Patterson of OSC on rug making. proving. to get a cheap instrument. See • The social hour club met Thurs­ • Wayne Willis, who underwent Briggs * Briggs, attorneys <8c) day of last week at the home of an appendectomy at the Commun­ Mrs. B. W Meyers. The members ity hospital in Ashland Thursday attending the meeting were Mrs. of last week, returned to his home FOR SALE New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and Emil Gassman. Mrs. Elizabeth Tuesday. safes. Medford office Equip Walter. Mrs. William Turner, Miss • Mrs. Lloyd Moore and her ment Co., 32 North Grape street, Ruby Turner and Mrs. George Ir­ daughter, Mrs. Adrian Wolfe and Medford (48tf) win. The next meeting will be at son Rodger, visited Monday at the home of W. L. Moore. the home of Mrs. Irwin. fi The basketball boys team of the • Monday evening Mr and Mrs Bellview school made a trip to R. E. Bell, daughters Rosemary. Jacksonville Friday and Saturday Marjorie and Patricia, sons Ken­ of last week, where they attended neth and Sammie, and Joanne the tournament held there. The Helm attended Beck’s open house boys won one game and lost two. in Medford. This was for all people • Miss Veeda Williams spent last selling Beck's products Saturday and Sunday at the home j • The members of the Home Eco­ nomics club of the Bellview Established In 1922 of Miss Jeanette Talent. • Mrs Katherine and Miss Alpha Grange met at the Grange hall PHONE 402-Y Haines of Talent visited last Fri- | Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. , to work on the quilt for the bazaar. Gassman. • The Bellview Grange announces • Max Wiggens and Kenneth a dance at the Grange hall for Fri­ Wilson visited Wednesday at the day evening, March 3. Refresh­ home of Mr and Mrs. Walter ments will be served at midnight. Brails They were enroute to Sac­ • Mr and Mrs. Walter Brahs vis­ ramento from Portland ited Sunday at the home of Mr. • Mrs Vai Inlow plans to leave and Mrs Charles Smith in Talent. for Corvallis Tuesday * morning •R E. Bell. D. F. Korth and Ken­ where she will attend a school for neth Bell made a business trip to Grange lecturers throughout the state. The school will last from Klamath Falls Wednesday. • Mr and Mrs Archie Kincaid Wednesday through Friday. and daughter Eunice entertained • Mr and Mrs Miles Farmer and at a turkey dinner Sunday, Mr. daughter Betty Lou of Dorns, and Mrs. Henry Stenrud, Mr. and Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Farmer Mrs. Leslie Lusk of Ashland, Mr. and daughter Dolores of Dorris visited this week at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Byrd and Mr and Mrs John Far­ MEC HANICAL WORK mer. OF ALL KINDS IMINE BY • Mr and Mrs Ivan Edwards re­ turned Saturday from San Fran­ cisco, where they spent a short time transacting business. A HOME-OWNED THEATRE Service Station AGAIN The producer of “A Man To Remember” gives to the screen a human, hilarious story ... a hit-of-the-month selection of Photoplay .Maga­ zine! DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS SATURDAY! CASH SALES ONLY with LITHIA RALPH PUTMAN yyilENEVEit uni k < i trouble, Oil the hl wiiy, downtown or in v, own gnritgr, we’re rriuly come to your aid nt ring of the telephone ( able wrecker servie«! * CLYDE CATON’! Junction Gara h Pacific lllgl I’I ioik * 7I-.I AT 8:30 EVE MONDAY NIG 3 ALL-STAR MAIN EVENT! Medford Arm Jfe - Auto - Eii INSURANCE Monumenta and Marks of Bronze and Granit» At Price« You Can Affa M. T. BURNS Next Door to Post offb Call Office IIS, Hew. 2181 Evening zlp| olnt * nienti “DEPENDABLE SERVIO DRY PINE SLABS $3.75 Per I (KI (u. Ft. D>ad Dump Delivery Whittle Transfer Friday, Saturday JACK HOLT GEORGE O'BRIEN CRIMETAKES A HOLIDAY —also— LEGION" RIGO RAMO PICTURE SUNDAY7 AND MONDAY! SOUTH OF ARIZONA” Sun., Mon., Tues. KAY FRANCIS JOAN CRAWFORD in “THE SHINING HOUR CONFESSION” The Kay you've always loved — plus a Kay you've never known! f-- - ^ “** ■ * *• ^ *** ^ ^ , ^LrL_rLrLfL hx PLOWSHARES WE WELD EVERYTHING full KWlngngw^,,Lv|,ro^|vf“™b’f K"'»K >«<«» % shape for efficient, steady work W 'n"7 I» farrn-wiw mechanics anil LI, ", P® r>