r __SOUTTiERN OREGON MINER and THEN the FUN BEGAN! Page 5 Ashland’s Classified Business Directory |O ± WHATEVER YOUR NEEDS, YOU’LL FIND THEM LISTED BELOW! * Al TO PARTS ( ( A n mom uOOW WM7T 1 (•err a Stop Oil Pumping HASTINGS STEEL V ENT KINGS •The Right Ring for Any Job” Harrison Parts Co. Phone 101 CABINET WORKS Specialising in Kitchen Cabinet* HOME OF COUIR 17 East Main Street Irlhb : to the Editor ■>F.ARNED IN( REME.M Mr Editor ■c.iHK'd increment, which I, t<> the average mind, the H, vulin« brought to land, that K-t.n t<> I«- favorably situated, Kcroai hment <f tin- economi,' th<-->- [this philosophy is indefinite [alleged objections arc some [ olMMure and unconvincing [ably tin- beat way to measure [nents or demerit* of a ques- [of universal importance is to [ Gold Standard,” under pri- management and control jrtod* of inflation and defla- foliowtng each other at irreg- intcrvais are inse|>ariiblr 1 our financial set-up and e it is not within the scope of article to discuss inflation deflation, it may be stated iout qualifications that one is tly as destructive and inimic- o public welfare as the other we may emphasize this state- t with the assertion that infia- *nd deflation are. from a ma­ il standpoint, far more de- ictive and inimical to public fare than all the graft, dishon- i' ant view but two factors in the situation do make It ruinously destructive Industry is carried upon a cre­ dit basis and inflation vastly in­ creases universal debt Deflation extinguishes th,* value of indus­ trial wealth and ruins the owners because individually and collect­ ively they are not financially able to withstand the shock of r,*ad- Jst merit while those of great wealth can carry long time in­ vestments. ride th,* crest of infla­ tion periods ami not only reap the Is-nefit of unearned increment when deflation multiplies the dollar val­ ue but they are in ¡«»sltion to ac­ quire actual ownership of real wealth at depression price«, which like non-compensating interest, Phone 161 C A FE-CON FECTION ER Y I’LAZA CAFE & CONFECTIONERY Ashland'* Headquarter* FOR GOOD FOOD and Freezer Frenh ICE (REAM OIL DISTRIBUTOR SAVE ON GAS AND OIL WholesaJe Prices to Our Customers Complete Service Under One Roof Richfield Service North Main at Bush, Ashland RICHFIELD HAS SOMETHING NEW—WATCH FOR IT! Norman B. Ashcraft Compiete Line of Oils and Grease* Protective Lubrication Headquarter* for FARM MACHINERY, REPAIRS GENERAL BLACKSMITHING AND WELDING PHONE 67 SEE BURSE FOR with HARDY S CASH HARDWARE Phone 193—Res. Phone 268-J M. C. Lininger & Son ASHLAND SIGN SHOP Sand—Gravel—Crushed Kock PLUMBING, HEATING SERVICE STATIONS PAINTING AND DECORATING Our Price* Are Lower! if you’re shy on cash we’ll take part in trade. 10« North Main Street A. L. WREN GENERAL PLUMBING Specializing in A-l REPAIRING JORDAN’S LITHIA PLUMBING Associated Gas & Oil Sash & Cabinet Works AND HEATING Always Remember Your £2 ETTERS PLUMBING SERVICE STATIONS SHEET METAL JOHN Mil IN Day and Night Service 38 East Main Street, Ashland Phone*: Shop 31, Re*. 262-J Smiling ASSOCIATED Dealer Factory Specified Lubrication STEVE ZARKA Phone 6« Ahhlajid HOTELS PRINTING SERVICE New Ashland Hotel and Apartments and Coffee Shop FOR PROMPT PRINTING NERVIGE CALL THE MINER Ashland’s Friendly (Jenter You will enjoy our cool lobby and veranda. All the comforts of a home “away from home.” Our cof­ fee «hopfte serve* the best food in town. Come in a* you are! PRINTING CALL THE MINER FOR ALI. l'OUR PRINTING NEEDS PHONE 170 SIGN SHOP I I SIGNS AUTO WRECKING USED AUTO PARTS You’ll Find it Here—Phone 189 SHELL GASOLINE AUTO REPAIRLNG ACETYLENE WELDING BARNEY’S WRECKING YARD 628 North Main Ashland, Oregon COLD, CLEAN and GOOD— The Three Pals That Jolly Well Make Beer A Pleasure! Claycomb Motor Co. IS YOUR PRESENT LIFE INSURANCE ADEQUATE? centralizes wealth and impoverish­ es industry and the people. J. A. COO1ÍE8, Ashland, Ore. SOPHIA FOSTER (¡A MERE Funeral service* for Sophia Fos­ ter Ganiere, 88, who died Feb. 25 at her home on Wimer street, were held at 3:45 p. m. Feb. 27 at the IJtwiller Funeral home with the Melville T Wire officiating. Interment was in Hargadine ceme­ tery. S’MATTER POP—Whee! Young Alla»! See STEVEN R. OUR STOCK of FINEST QUALITY WINES INCLUDES DON MARCO ISCO CRITERION DEL MAR > SCHUERMAN Phone 334-R • METROPOLITAN IJFE INSURANCE CO. Bohemian Club AL BROWER, Proprietor By C. M. PAYNE n 1; ■ r ■' MESCAL IKE bf s . l . hurtle - toder inflation, when the vol- f of money passing into actual illation exceetls normal arm- “ty prices advance while the ¡alle