jjay, March 3, 1939 3, 1 Ming liner hl( »a ri tadi it I s ilei pair I SOUTHERN OREGON TALENT • • HILTS NEWS • r people of the Methodist Mrs I soi|’,,*‘‘l* *>r' party L with '• blrthilay About 30 fcday evening of |t enjoyed refreshments rrl Ind coffee L Helen Hewitt of Phoenix [Wednesday night with Mrs L-ox and Thurstiay with the Lon family .hui Biggin* and his inotln i L|nv i'’1 >Sn" Francisco, Mi L- home Mis Higgins plans lumlng home in a couple of L Gordon was called home by ckne** mid i— death of his “j paased uwny win* recently [' »nd Mrs <’ W Collins of xhliUKl mines spent a few list week with Mr and Mrs |r Wally I »nd Mis Fred Hodapp of L| point sjient Sundny with L k I M is R F I’arks f mid Mrs. Clarence Homes on Mr and ■aughtci called i |Cliff<»r visit Mr Clark's mother on hei birthdxy • Mr and Mis Bill Tallis return «1 from their vacation trip Sun day evening • Mr and Mis W W Walkei ami family s|»-nt the week end at Bur nry viaiting relatives • In It Schlappi drove to Yreka Friday • Repair work on the fence around the baseball field was started Saturday. Several panels were down and needed to be re­ built. • Mr and Mrs E HJertager re- turned Sunday evening from their vacation trip to southern Cali- 1 tomia. • Mrs <1 Black and son Ivan. I Mr and Mrs W Gran and I son Billy and Vai Temple attended the show In Ashland Sunday • Mrs Joe Francis and Mr and Mrs Ernest Francis were in Yre­ ka Saturday • Bill Irutro and son Norman were in Medford Saturday • Harold Fast of Portland visited at the Fraiey home Sunday Miss Mildred Berwert. who has been visiting here, returned to Drain, Ore, with him • Mr an-1 Mrs James Purvis sjient the week-end in Ashland • Mr and Mis George Reigel were In Medford Saturday • Mr and Mrs Warren Fox re­ turned from their vacation trip to the World's Fair Sunday • Mrs Ben Ollom entertained Monday afternoon with a birthday jmrty in honor of Mrs — R Elliott others present were Mesdames Frank Ohlund, Frank Ward. W McCluskey, W Holmberg, A H Samuelson. W T Poff and Fred Haynes • Mr and Mrs Fred Haynes were shopping in Medford Saturday • V Warrens is visiting with his family in Durham. Calif L Mcda Fox and Mrs Marlin L.n spent Friday with Mix Blrwitt ami family at Phoenix L Karl Baylor received word I her sister, Mrs Lydia Van Lrul Jerome Prairie, that she try ill Mrs Baylor left the L part of the week to be with [nd take rare of her Mrs Van lie was formerly of Talent |r Petri ami Dudley Estes dinner guests of Mr ami Joe Tryon Thurmtay ke many friends and neighbors |m Corn Denham were gricv- b hear of her pluming Mrs many |am lived In Talent I before going to Ashland to Mrs. Denham r her home •d the property where Mr and Roy Parr are living work on the new rv Inlshii hi.ii hail is now under way [neats and tienchcs and other [res will Soon tie complete and [in readiness for the next [ mt . L- Townsend club met Thurs- rvening at the city hall with it 30 members In attendance yograni of speeches ami a quiz latlonal problems was conduct- by Mrs Harriett Bates' com- In- on prog rains After the p*m refreshments were uerv- ■x-rmicl McReynolds of Grants Bi was a guest of Mr and Mrs B Chi 1<1<-is and other friends ■ old neighbors here Sunday Bn Clark built a fireplace for ■ Hurd on Granite street in ■land last week. Kir and Mrs John Hamilton of K Lake «topped here In Talent Bisit their relatives enroute Ke from the San Francisco fair ■ first of the week Kir and Mrs. C. C. Harper and ■lly have purchased the prop ■r recently vacated by Alton Bt ann-law, Mr. and Mrs Ellis ran of Klamath Fails, return­ home Friday. p E Green and family and F rem ,lnfj jay Cochran and er left Thursday for Vancou- < ORA VICTORIA DENHAM Funeral set ■- k m fm Cora Vta torta Denham. 02, who died Feb 24 at her home on Granite street, were held at 10 a m. Feb 27 at the IJtwlller Funeral home with We’re stringing with the up- th.- Rev C B Dunham officiating Interment was in Stearns ceme­ lifter who wants all of us to sing at our work When we do this in tery our little old one-man shop, we're sure of an appreciative audience. I.I I.I M tV JONES Weston Leader. Fiuirral services for Lulu May Jones. <13, who died Feb 24 at her home on California street, were Oregon colons now get nothing, ' nt 2 p in Feb 27 at the but it may be that's what they're , Litwiller Funeral home with the doing Weston leader. Rev James Morgan officiating Interment was in Mountain View A process has just been devel­ cemetery. oped for making news print of old newspapers. Thus Len Hall's col­ ver, B C where they will is* em­ umn in the Ashland Miner is not ployed during the spring and sum­ a total loss Weston Leader. mer • Keith Thorenaon and family are moving to Mrs Helen Higgins’ house recently occupied by Jay Cochran and mother. will be paid for any corn Great • Mrs Frances Tame and son Christopher Corn and Callous Cecil are spending a few days with Remedy cannot remove! Mr and Mrs. Lyle Tame They EAST SIDE PHARMACY plan on leaving in a few days for Arizona for an indefinite stay $25.00 REWARD Either Way It Pays Belated winter storms are a real health hazard on washday. I^et Ashland Laundry service protect your home. If it’s a nice warm day, there’s the housecleaning, or the early flower beds need your attention. GONE now is the necessity ot suffering ill those dis­ agreeable lobs th*t used to make washday a dread ordeal A weekly grind ot bending, lilting, straining with water roughened hands . . that left you stiff, sore and exhausted every Monday evening. FREEDOM is yours with a Bendix Home Laundry to do the uashing rinsing and aam/> drying anhmati tally . without attention from you. Small wonder the Bendix has made washing machines obsolete and replaced them in tens ot thousands of homes. ENDIX HOME LAUNDRY washes . . rinses FUFF h ■> KL Es damp-dries . . automatically 150 BENDIX HOME LAUNDRY! For the best letters completing this statement: •'THE BENDIX HOME LAUNDRY (SUCCESSOR TO THE WASHING MACHINE) SAVES WORK, TIME AND Ashland Laundry Service can help you at small cost. Wash­ day may lx* any day at the dressmaking fnr WOMEN and CHILDREN | Hooked Rugs Quilting ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO. •‘rlvre ReiLsotiablo PHONE 1U5 M mer ary spencer E, Main and California 4 31 WATER STREET “For the Ideal washday, Just call, That’s all.” ¿WWWW^WWh^A********1***'***** MONEY AND PROTECTS HEALTH BECAUSE ★ Of course you w«nt to own a Bendix, the c-.s- sor to the w«~hing noachiue. Here’s your chance to win one absolutely free! Come in today. Get an official Bendix Comparison Contest blank. Compare rhe Bendix point-by-point with yojr washi.ig machine and wtiie a letter tn your own words. ELHART’S 279 EAST MAIN STREET ASHLAND, OREGON