Friday, March 3, I SOUTHERN OREGON MINER ■ songs mother used to sing i About People ŸU^K^F] — - - - “"SS"“1 - i---—- ——Boulevard and Morton Street» Sire Rev. H. S. luiniiiiuiker, Fuslor • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harth of Briggs made a business - - — ■ — ------------- — • W. M ! Los Angeles. Cal if, visited here trip to Portland last week-end. Sunday school 9:48 a. m. with • Mr. and Mr». George Hilus and Monday at the home of Mrs Belle classes for all ages Mrs Glen Mr. and Mrs. Earl Isaacs of Kla­ Songer. math Falls visited with friends • Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Scroggins Prescott, superintendent. Morning worship 11 o'clock of Grants Pass visited here last here Saturday. relatives and Sermon, "The Triumphal Journey • R. A. Berry who is employed week-end with of Jesus to Jerusalem,” by the at Redding visited here last week­ friends. end with his family. • Mrs Ellis Lininger left Monday pastor. Young People's hour 6:15 p. m • Ned Mars and Ken Watson at­ for Corvallis where she will spend Everybody welcome. tended the ski carnival at Snow­ , several weeks with relatives men's Hill Sunday • Bill Tycer and Jerry Olson, • Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jordan and SONS students, visited friends in ity hospital where he recently un­ John Hughs spent several days Klamath Falls last week-end. derwent an operation. this week fishing on the Illinois • Mr. and Mrs Frank Horton of • Ken Weil made a trip to Port­ river. Chicago visited here this week at • Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Cline of the home of Mr. and Mrs Lew land early this week. • Dr. G. A Gitzen of Medford Redding visited with friends here Hansen. was a business visitor in Ashland last week-end. • Leon Baughman of Camas. • Mr. and Mrs. Roger Shidler of Wash., is visiting here at the home Tuesday. Seattle visited here recently at of Mr. and Mrs. George Baugh- • O. F Carson made a business the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will trip to Klamath Falls Monday. man. Dodge. retunied from • Guy Applewhite attended an • C. R. Bowman • Anita Cooke of Butte Falls vis­ Salem Monday, He was called American Legion meeting in Med­ ited here last week-end at the | home by the death of his sister, ford Monday evening. home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leona Martin of Medford. • Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hoagland Mrs. R. H. Cooke. • Genevieve Patterson arrived • Alicia Applegate of Butte Falls Monday from Nampa, Idaho, for a made a trip to Klamath Palls visited here with friends and rela­ visit here at the home of Mr. and Wednesday. • Mr. and Mrs. C. E. F re man tives last week-end. ’ Mrs. T. S. Wiley. • Paul Taylor, now of Redding, • Jack Forsythe and McKenzie made a trip to Dorris, Calif., Monday. spent the week-end here. . Roberson made a trip to Mount • Jimmy Namitz of Klamath • Why drive a dirty car? Trade ' Shasta Sunday. Falls was a business visitor here at Wolff's Service Station. Free • Mrs. Arch Barksdale and electrolux cleaning service. Main ' daughter Beverly returned Sunday Wednesday. and Church streets. (lie) from a six weeks' visit with rela­ • Glen Simpson attended an • Mr. and Mrs. H. L. DeArmond tives and friends in Glendale. American Legion meeting in Med- 1 ford Monday evening. 1 returned recently from San Fran­ ' Calif. cisco where they attended the ex­ • I. C. Erwin and Dorn Provost • George H. Fields of the Med­ ford District CCC headquarters position. left Tuesday for Portland where • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scobert of they will attend the AAU tourna­ was a business visitor Wednesday. • If you are looking for variety Eugene visited here for several ment. days this week at the home of • Larry Porter, Bob Rice, Dor­ in your diet try the Waffle Shop their daughter. Marjorie Scobert. rance Ruger, Bill Jungwirth and (Bp) • Wyatt Padgett and Ruth Craft Carl Brower attended the wrest­ • Mr. and Mrs A B. Wick vis­ of Klamath Falls visited Ashland ling matches in Medford Monday ited in Central Point Sunday • Della Lamb of Roseburg visited friends last week-end. evening. • Leonard Patterson of Corvallis • Mr. and Mrs. Larkin Grubb and I I here with friends and relatives visited here last week-end with sons. John and Milo, made a trip last week-end. • Mrs. M. C Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Patterson. to Crater Lake Sunday. • Ted Schopf of Chiloquin spent • Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brenni- Mrs. Wilber Gardiner of Medford last week-end here. Mrs. Schopf man made a business trip to Duns­ visited here Sunday at the home of Mrs. J. M Easterling. and daughter, Judy, who have muir Monday. been visiting at the home of Mrs. • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morris of • The Waffle Shop will solve your (9p) Ida Crandall, returned with him. , Klamath Falls visited here last food problems. • Mrs. Etta O'Brien of Medford > week-end at the home of Mr and visited with Ashland friends Wed­ Mrs. Axel Hall. nesday. • Howard Scroggins of Klamath • Gertrude Wenner made a trip . Falls visited here last week-end. to Portland this week for a visit • J. H Hollingsworth made a there with her sister. Geraldine business trip to Central Point • Ben Gibson of Klamath Falls Wednesday. visited here Wednesday. • Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Tilton visit­ • Helen Lee underwent a major ed in Klamath Falls recently at operation at the Community hos­ the home of Mr. and Mrs. John pital Wednesday. Fowler. • Mr a nd Mrs. Frank Thomas of • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ventriss of Chiloquin are here for the SONS Yreka were business callers Mon- tournament. day. • Carl Henderson Of Central • Juanita Moon is spending a Point was a business visitor few days in Portland this week Thursday. • Mrs. J. S. Gracy of Hornbrook • Harry Hoxie and Buzz Rober- visited friends here Monday. son made a trip to Klamath Falls • Reba Tennyson made a business Tuesday. trip to Grants Pass Wednesday. • Lady Lions of Ashland were en­ • W. W. Kirby of Grants Pass tertained at luncheon Wednesday visited here Tuesday with friends, at the home of Mrs Michael Beck • Howard Black returned recent- at her home on the old Stage road ly from Lakeview where he has in Medford. been employed. • Wayne Willis returned to his home Tuesday from the Commun- First Baptist Church Charles E. Ihuihain. I’nntor Church school meets at 9 45 a m. C N Gillmore, superintendent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock ■ Filled with the Spirit” is the sub­ ject of the pastor's sermon. Young Pimple's Union will meet at 6:30 p. m For the evening service at 7:30 o'clock we have Rev Ernest Grigg of Burma as guest speaker On Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock this church begins an evangelistic cam|mign under the leadership of Evangelist J. R. Turnbull He Is a forceful s|>eaker and a Bible teacher of no mean ability. A cordial invitation is ex­ tended to attend these me«,tings Church of the Nazareno come to you! • Subscribe for The Mim-r E. E. Wordsworth, Minister Fourth and C Streets The church where you urr never a stranger ” Sunday school 9:4ft u ill, Mayoi Wiley, superintendent A growing school Reorganized to suit all ages Enlarged facilities Many more rooms for classes Welcome' Sacramental service 11 a m •"The Infinite 1‘asslon of Our Re- ....... .. iA communion medita­ tion). . . , Evening worship 7 30 o’clock Sermon theme: "A Miraculously Transformed Life". Enjoy our goixi singing of the ZENITH RAI)I( NEW RABION »11115 (j Have That Radi Checked at DICKEYS RADIO SERVIL New Tube«—We llrpaJr Make« Radio«—Buy or N| 717 Boulevard Phixir 4: Welcome to Ashland! Your host city’s municipally- owned and operated light de­ partment joins with all Ash­ land in extending a sincere welcome to the hundreds of young men, their coaches and friends who are here to take part in this, the twelfth an­ nual Southern Oregon Nor­ mal school’s invitational bas­ ketball tournament. We wish all of you luck in your am­ bitions, and a pleasant stay while here. Ashland Light Department “Your SERVICE Department” Introducing. . . BUyinG R CAR? Lloyd Selby GET THESE ADDITIONAL VALUES THRU THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK F Make a Cash Deal... r Enjoy Low-Cost Financing C Place Insurance where you wish... L Build your Personal Credit “I have the privilege of officially taking over the own­ ership and management of one of Ashland’s landmarks in civic and commercial enterprises—a business oper­ ated for many years under the able guidance of the Kay Chevrolet Company. Also, we have taken over the Chevrolet Motor Company franchise for Ashland, and will carry a complete stock of Chevrolet cars and parts, as well as maintaining the high standard of Chevrolet service. % 14 . You need not be a depositor to You open a source of READY borrow CASH FOR OTHER NEEDS. from “We happily announce remodeling plans that will in­ clude a greatly improved Main Street front—with other plans in the making that will prove generally beneficial to the Ashland area served by our Chevrolet sales and service organization. Thank you—and let’s iret ac­ quainted.” LLOYD SELBY this bank BRANCH FIRST RRTIORRii BRIIR OF PORTLAND Selby Chevrolet Co 100 EAST MAIN STREET—PHONE 44