Friday, Feb. 24, 1 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 SCHOOL ENTRIES FAR OUTNUMBER FORMER TOTALS Arkansas Scufilers To Be Armory Stars On Monday Eve Bill VARSITY STARTS UNIQUE POLICY Membership Rogue Sportsmen Tops 220 Membership in the Rogue River Sportsmen's association wm re­ ported as having |iasaed the 220 mark in last night'» meeting held in the Medford courthouse audi­ torium. The session drew the larg­ est turnout of fishing and hunting devotees since their recent organi­ zation. Representatives from Ashland. Medford, Grants Pass, Gold Hill, Kerby and northern California were preeent, .lack Beane and Roy McNeal of this city being in attendance. Discussion centered on installation of fish screens at irri­ gation ditches and raising of bounty figures for predatory ani­ mals. The bearded Arkansas Scuffierà As a stimulus to week-end trail­ from Little Rock. Ark., will go to ing in Ashland, the Varsity thea­ the wrestling wars at Medford ter announces a unique shoppers' bargain price policy for the week­ armory next Monday night. Feb. ends Starting this «Friday and (Continued from page 1) firsts will meet Jackson county's 27, according to an announcement Saturday and continuing for some by Promoter time, special reduced admission court while the other will be occu­ made yesterday prices will prevail. pied by Paisley. Lake county win­ Mack Lillard. Programs on the bargain days ners. and Klamath Falls runners- The eldest brother, Tony Jones. will be of the highest quality, up, Merrill or Chiloquin, who will fourths, and Douglas county 212-pound former blacksmith, will especially selected for family en­ fourths will tangle with Coos meet Weed's Mad Italian. Pete tertainment. with pictures from county’s firsts, for which position Belcastro, in the one hour main I Hollywood's major studios. 'Phis Coos River and Powers will fight event. Tony won his popularity in Friday and Saturday the Varsity it out tonight. Medford by beating Floyd and is presenting for the week-end Winners Play Two Games Alvin Britt into submission and is shoppers’ program, "They Made At noon Thursday the Douglas big and tough enough to do the Me a Criminal." featuring the sen­ sational star discovery of the sea­ county seconds will play Jackson's same to dirty Pete. seconds on one court and Curry Middle brother Tuffy will have son, John Garfield, of "KN>ur county firsts and Klamath coun­ his hands full when he collides Daughters" fame, assisted by a ty’s third rankers will meet. with Paul Murdoch. Waxahachie. great cast headed by the 1 lead Each winning team in the cham­ Tn . in the middle event of six 10- End Kids. Ann Sheridan, May Robson and Claude Rains Harry pionship flight will play a return minute rounds. j Carey in "The Law West of Tomb­ engagement Thursday evening, Opening the evening's card will stone." is the companion feature. and one game each Friday and For the kiddies the Varsity also Saturday. In the president’s cup be baby brother Mike Jones who Ingle's Drugstore Cowboys, fol­ race, single games will be run off will go to the post against Danny is planning a novel stunt, called lowing their clean sweep of the Savich, former Utah U football for each team Thursday starting “children’s free show club. Each Jackson county AAU circuit, will at 1 p. m., with twin bills booked ace. Savich returned last week af­ child attending any show at the leave Tuesday for Portland, where ter a two years' absence and is for iSidav. Consolations will be Varsity will receive a ticket with they will enter the state AAU run off early Saturday, while now a full-fledged meanie. 12 stars appearing on the card. with championship games in both Every time the child attends the i championship tournament time first game billed for some flights will be scheduled Saturday Chiloquin. Butte Falls, St. Mary's. theatre a star will be punched evening, followed by presentation Paisley. Rogue River. Central After 11 shows have been attend­ Tuesduy evening. Independent teams of the state of sLx trophies in the champion­ Point. Merrill and Gold Beach. ed by the child he will then be a will be paired off in Tuesday's ship bracket and five in the presi­ In the president's cup flight are guest of the theater for a free games in Benson and Jeffer»on dent’s cup bracket by Chamber of Prospect. Lookingglass. Gold Hill. show. high school gymnasiums, while Commerce President Frank Van Drain. Phoenix. Talent, Gardiner. college teams of Oregon includ­ Dyke. Langlois. Brookings, Day's Creek ing Southern Oregon Normal of Trophies exceed last year's pres­ and Ophir. | Ashland will be matched Wed- entations by two additional cups, Reedsport and Glendale both l nesday evening. Manager Bob which are said to be the finest yet Ingle will take 10 players north procured for Ashland tourna­ have sent in entry blanks but will with him. including his complete ments. They are on display in await tonight's game results be­ I roster as follows: Tiny Jones, Mar- Provost's hardware store window. fore signifying which will enter the championship flight, while- ' ion Mann, Parker Hess, Charlie Early Entrants Listed The Ashland Junior high bas- Teams already registered in­ other teams not yet classified in­ ketball team defeated the Grants Warren. Howard Mayberry. Leon- clude. in the championship flight: clude Elkton, Sams Valley and Pass Freshmen here Monday night ' aril Warren, Headrick Baughman. I HJalmar Kaunas to, Walt Lee and Coos River. Powers, Sisters. Keno. Jacksonville. 26 to 16 for the 12th win of the Everett Nance. season. Winner of the state tournament The Juniors turned in a spark­ ling first half game to pile up a will earn the right to enter the 20 to 4 lead. The Ashland attack national AAU basketball tourney completely bewildered Grants Pass in Denver, Colo. Concerning his and splendid team work coupled team's record, Ingle said last with good shooting gave an exhi­ night, “We knew all the time we'd bition of basketball seldom seen in take the county title, but we're conceding one or two of the other junior high circles. In the second half Grants Pass outfits a 50-50 chance at Portland. came to life and the locals lapsed We won't buy our tickets for Den­ r into mediocre .play, Several sub- ver until after our first game." Ingle smiled when he said that. stitutions for Ashland spoiled team play and the offensive drive —■— • virtually collapsed. Ashland was COUNCIL PLANS GARBAGE severely handicapped by not hav­ DISPOSAL PLAN SHAKEUP ing Alvene Monroe, regular guard, in the lineup. He ordinarily ave­ Concluding that Ashland's legal rages 10 to 12 points per game, but was ruled ineligible by Supt. control of the garbage collection G. A. Briscoe for carving initials and disposal needs of the city in a tree on the school grounds. should be tightened, city COUDCil- Grants Pass has defeated the men Tuesday night planned furth­ ON Medford Junior high twice in the er study of the question and prep­ last three weeks and were rated aration of an ordinance to cover as strong opponents. Provost and the matter. Bids probably will be Jandreau each scored 10 points to called for private operation of a AND lead the locals, while Clayton of collection franchise, it was indi­ Grants Pass also collected 10 to cated. The council also issued a build­ tie for high honors. Herrin. Gar­ rett and Bartelt went into the ing permit to M M Tucker for a BRING THE FAMILY—TELL YOUR FRIENDS! game during the second half re- $1200 frame house on .Mountain . placing Ayres. Rush and Provost. avenue. ------- ■_ Jandreau and Fowler went the j route for Coach Earl Rogers H ARK EK- Mc LE A N N l ITI A LB ------------- •------------- ARE EVENT OF WEDNESDAY has recovered from her ret Joe Wurzer. winner of an Elka- nens ami this week |B nponsored contest on "American­ ■bout. ism," delivered hi» winning essay before the Anhland IJons club lii the l.ithia hotel 'I’ue-sdav evening As part of the club’s defense week program, Wurzer received with appreciation ami enthusiasm Lion» also announced procurement of entertainment devices from the Medion! Elks club for their stag jamboree planned for Wednesday I night M.mli s. in tin VFW hall | WI RZER ADDRESSES LIONS 1 STANDING B • GETS SUSPENDED TERM Edward S Peer, Portland man. was grvrn a one-yeui suspended sentence by Circuit Judge II D Norton early this week when he was taken Into court by Ashland |M>lice for |>a»slng worthless checks Peer has agreed to make good on the checks, totaling more than $300 held by local firms. I | | | | i e • Friends of Mrs Frank Dickey I will be pleased to learn that she 1 INGLE COWBOYS ENTER TOURNEY • WANT ADS • Juniors Take Easy Win from G-P Frosh In Twelfth Victory ANNOUNCING! WEEK-END SHOPPERS’ BARGAIN PRICES Matinee and Night Shows !<• |Mir Word |w>r Insertion WANTED Clean cotton rags at The Miner office SALE ENDS SATURDAY! DOWN AND OUT SALE We Mark 'Em Down You Drive 'Em Out 1937 1937 193d 1934 1932 Ford Tudor Plymouth Setkin Ford DeLuxe Sedan Ford DeLuxe Sedan Foni DeLuxe Sedan $465 $485 $395 $295 $225 Twenty others to choose from from $25 and up! See our stock before you buy ! CLAYCOMB MOTOR CO. Complete Service Under One Roof HAMILTON gram! piano for »ale style Ml w;ilnut Louie XVI with bench, about 3 yearn old; scratched some, but could be re- flniahed easily, cost $875; ac­ quired by foreclosure of mort­ gage; a modem »tyle piano made by Baldwin and can tie bought tor what it would ooot to get • cheap instrument See Briggs A Brigg», attorney» i 8c I FAIR SALE New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chain and safes. Medford Office Equip­ ment Co., 32 North Grape street. Medford I-'.'i Fridays Oeser's Super Service Station Saturdays Established in 192? PHONE 402-Y Now Playing—TWO Major Features! DALE ARLEN MORRISON WHAT HAPPENS TO THE BOYS WHO START IN THE GUTTER AND GO DOWN-’ j Funeral services for Dale Arlen I Morrison, eight months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Morrison of Central Point, who died Feb. 18. were held at the graveside of the IOOF cemetery in Central Point Feb. 21 under the direction of the Litwiller Funeral home. —•— y ^^WARNER lROS?^. L F frettiti d JOHN GARFIELD and the "Dead End" Kids JOHN S. CRAWFORD Funeral services for John S Crawford, Civil war veteran, who died Feb. 15 at his home in Talent, were held Saturday, Feb. 18, at the Methodist church in Talent with the Rev. James H. Edgar of Ashland officiating. Interment was in Stearns cemetery with a mili­ tary service at the graveside under the direction of the American Le­ gion of Ashland. Arrangements were in charge of the Litwiller Funeral home. -------------•— 1 A (X/M/ML) ^ANN SHERIDAN^É I DONALD LEE MILLER Graveside services for Donald Lee Miller, three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs Ray Miller of Talent, were held Feb. 20 at the Steams cemetery in Talent with the Rev. Freeburg officiating. Arrange- I ments were in charge of the Lit­ willer Funeral home. and A • Subscribe for The Miner today. I FLASH! JI’ST ARRIVED— A NEW ELECTROLUX Miss Margaret Harker, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs J H Harker VOI R CAR WILL BE of Ashland, and Cliff McLean, formerly of this city and now of Chiloquin, were united in marriage at the home of Rev. Joseph Knotts FREE WITH EA< II in Medford Wednesday afternoon. They were attended by the bride's Lt BRICATION AND WASH JOB mother and grandmother and her We Guarantee Satisfaction sister. Miss Alice Harker, Miss Jean Clayconib, Miss Helen Gren- GlARANTEED bemer, Darrell Leavens and Leon­ MEC HANICAL WORK BY ard Hall Immediately following the cere­ mony the couple left for a honey­ No Job Too Small and moon trip to coast points, follow­ None Too lairge! ing which they will make their home in Chiloquin. ELECTROLUXED RALPH PUTMAN SUNDAY • MONDAY • TUESDAY HALO SHAMPOO When you buy large Medium Size Free size —BOTH for of AMAZING VITAMINS A-B-D100 caps $1.49 CLEANSING TISSUES 500s 23c a Ali •» V CLYDK CATON’S Junction Gara' South Pacific lilghwu, Phone 7I-.I A HOME-OWNED THEA Friday, Saturday GAMBLING SHIP” Helen Mack Robert Wilcox —pin Another Good Action Fletara ! Sun., Mon., Tues. “THE LADY OBJECTS” The »murrst female luwier of her time learns u wom­ an's place Is in a miui'i arms. Witti luuiny Ito**. Gloria Stuart, Joan Marek Cartoon News Stranger Than Fiction ONE-CENT SALE! When You Buy Giant Size at Regular 35c Price! A ★ DRIIG^cW Cashmere Bouquet Hand Ixition LARGE SIZE ONLY lc RE A LAWLESS ERA! • he lug way, downtown or In io own garage, we’re ready come to your old at tl ring of Ihr telephone < n able wrecker service! Combination Hot Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe .............. 79c AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 3 ALL-STAR MAIN EVENTS! Medford Armory DRY PINE SLABS $3.75 Per 100 <’u. Ft. Ixiad BROADY BROS. DRUGS Dump Delivery Whittle Transfer