; Pel day, Feb. 24, 19.39 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 5 Ashland’s Classified Business Directory 4 WHATEVER YOUR NEEDS, YOU’LL FIND THEM LISTED BELOW! 4 AI TO PARTS Ihn Stop Oil Pumping HASTINGS STEEL VENT KINGS "Thu Right Ring for Any Job” Harrison Parts Co. Phono I01 CABINET WORKS Specializing in Kitchen ( ab in eta HOME OF COUHt 17 East Main Street INDSIGHT N SPORTS r IT I « L A. L. WREN GENERAL CLIMBING Specializing In A-l REPAIRING FARM IMPLEMENTS Headquarters for FARM MACHINERY, REPAIRS GEN ERAL BLA( KSMITHIN G AND WELDING PHONE 67 with HARDY'S ( ASII HARDWARE Phone J93—Itex. Phone 268-J M. C. Lininger & Son PLUMBING, HEATING SERVICE STATIONS Sand—<»ravel—Crushed Rock JORDAN’S LITHIA PLUMBING Associated Gas & Oil Sash ¿¿Cabinet Works AM) HEATING Always Remember Your Uni H L PLUMBING / / ; By I TOLD YOU MO ■ eping Wil J JE. they call You know ■ntn in Medford who ■ Bill Hulcn, the guy ■ at bunded anti freeze and ■ a Corrigan on prognostica- ■ And with I Plckcin for nn ■er. one might think that Wil- ■i>ultta Mills- fi t »ee US first ) Unit'll ol>jet ted to 'I he Miner ■frrrmg to hl* commentary I «port« graft. IV«' u|M>logl/r, |ll H, meant draft. r r JofcMolM ale supposed to ) m * ktaent-minded lot, and clinical irvatlon of Jean Elierhart, tall tin itirector at Southern Or«- Normal school,, has revealed mental haphazardly among iltle» is something more than uni radio joke The sun has n abinii.g brightly in Ashland laeverul days, and Ebby struck lfw th, suns gym <>n a recent Mani morning thinking on rr thing, and got almost all way to school before he not- 1 something wax missing. le hail forgotten hla shadow I had to go all the way home tr it f f f general business conditions are ng reflected in sports, loo, ac­ ting to Principal b <' For he of the high school. Attend- le at basketbail games has ipped off somcwhnt, poMibly be- i»e of a moderately successful *on, but mostly la-cause tilings I ao tough this winter that even D. Jackson can't cash a $3.50 xk out of the small change in I of his penny candy machines f f 1 f readers have wondered how fold You So got his name, we'll irtrate: About a month ago this column marked, anent the prospects for W Grisshes, as follows: "Coach leet O'Connell, losing three of • ta-Mt players just before his ugheat game of the year, is not an enviable spot. O'Connell is rtunate, however, in having ma­ ria) as willing to try ax are >b Weaver, Joe Jexxel and Ardis arren. All-season regulars Bud Iver an