Friday, Feb. 24, 19; SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 I daughter Gladys and son Charles, I Mr and Mrs. W. E Reed. Mr and i Mrs. Floyd Sanford and Jasper Dill. L —- - - - —————— - ■ ■»<- ©Monday ©Monday evening evening a a group group of of eight eight © The Bellview school basketball teams played the Howard school © Mr. and Mrs. Darcey Rentschler © Genevieve McGee of Klamath girls met to form a 4-H cooking | teams Friday of last week, losing club Officers were elected as fol ­ have returned from Reno, where Falls visited here last week-end at both games they recently were married. Mrs. the home of her parents, Mr. and lows: Piitncia H'.ll. pRMident. Ed­ © Mt and Mrs Axel Selberg of na Yockel, vice president; Char­ Rentschler is the former Doris Mrs. O. A McGee. Byrd, secretary; Joanne McCloud, Calif., spent last Satur­ © Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howard leen Smith. Helm, reporter Other members of day ami Sunday visiting at the © Lois Wiley of Grants Pass vis­ and Frances Howard of Summit Walter the club are Mane Gresham, Lou ­ home of Mr. and Mrs ited here last week-end at the ranch are attending the fair in Bruhs. ise Yockel, Charlotte Modrell and home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. San Francisco. Inez Yockel. Mrs. C. H. Modrell © Mrs Ed Grimm spent Saturday T. S. Wiley. • Frank Zanotta of Hilt visited was chosen to lead the girls. anil Sunday of last week visiting © Doris Hunter of Klamath Falls Ashland friends Sunday. with her daughter ami son-in-law, © Miss Barbara Jeane Moore en ­ the home visited here Sunday at “ * Mr and Mrs Walter Sexter and © Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Russill vis- of hex- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- , ited friends in Grants Pass Sun­ tertained at dinner Friday eve­ Elizabeth, and Mr. ami Mrs. Hoy ning 12 of her girl friends of Ash­ liam Hunter. Klamath land. The evening was spent in Clary and family in © Mr. and Mrs. Arba Ager of day. Falls. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Sex­ Jacksonville visited in Ashland © Laverne Roberson of Kerby vis­ playing various games. ter and their daughter Elizabeth last week-end at the home of Mr. ited here last week-end at the © Bobby Dunn, who has been ser- returned here with Mrs. Grimm home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs with pneumonia for the iously ill and Mi*s. Bud Gandee. visited until Tuesday. past few weeks, was able to re­ and © Janies Baughman of Camas C. E. Robertson. © The Bellview Grange announ­ Valley visited here last week-end © Mr. and Mrs. George Loose ley sume his studies at school Mon- ces a dance starting at nine of Klamath Falls visited here re­ day. with relatives and friends. o'clock Friday evening, March 3. © Mr. and Mrs. Earl Withrow cently with relatives and friends. © Butler Walker, Arthur Long The orchestra to furnish the music © Madge Mitchell of Gold Hill was and Richard C. Joy of the East and daughters Mildred, Earlene will be announced later. and Darleen of Talent were dinner in Ashland last week-end visiting Main road have built a new tele- © Mrs. Walter Brahs visited Tues­ guests Sunday at the home of Mr. her parents, Mr. and Mi's. W. C. phone line, number 28. to enable day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. them to install the dial system in and Mrs. Ross Tilley on the Sis- Mitchell. I Ray Edwards in Phoenix. © Lf you like fine foods appetiz- the near future. kiyous. © Mrs Beth Hamaker of Ashland ingly served, try the Waffle Shop. © The Bellview Parent-Teachers © Mr. and Mrs. Bob Howe moved i © Mr. and Mrs. J. H Sander, who association held their meeting is spending this week at the home this week from their home on the Siskiyous to Small, Calif, where have been visiting here for the last Friday evening of last week in j of her sister and brother-in-law Mr. Howe has been transferred to two weeks, returned to their home honor of founders' day, the P-T A and family, Mr. and Mrs Archie having been organized 42 years : Kincaid and Eunice. a foreman's job by the Southern , in Mount Shasta Monday. © Mrs. Emma Ahlstrom, Mrs Roy ago. A large cake, bearing the 42 © Miss l>>is White visited with Pacific company. ” ‘ i re ­ candles, was lit by Mrs J. M. friends in Yreka Saturday of last © Why drive a dirty car? Trade Murphy and Sue Parkinson at Wolff's Service Station. Free turned from Portland Saturday Crow who gave a talk on founders' week. © Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pankey, Mr electrolux cleaning service. Main , where they were called by the sud­ day. Miss Rosemary Bell sang the (11c) den death of Sue Parkinson's original P-T A song, "I Would Be and Mrs. Henry Stenrud, Miss Ma­ and Church streets. True,” followed by Mrs. R. D. rie Walker and Mrs. Archie Kin­ © Mrs. Ted Schopf and daughter mother, Mrs. Robert Wininger. © Robert Vining of Seattle is vis ­ Reynolds, president, reading the caid were dinner guests Sunday at Judy of Chiloquin are visiting here this week at the home of Mis. Ida iting here for a few days at the history. Completing the rest of the home of Mr. and Mrs Walter home of his brother, Irving vining. the program was a duet, accordion I »avis of Ashland. Crandall. © Dorrance Ruger attended the © Mrs. James Yeo is visiting her and violin, by Charles Byrd and © Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, two vocal solos Ivan Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. R C opening of the San Francisco fair ; son Robert Yeo in Grants Pass for Wanda ~ ; several days. by Bob Hinch. Members decided to Avent and daughter Betty were last week-end. © Margaret Harker of Eugene is © Mr. and Mrs. Verne Thomas of send a delegate to the state con- dinner guests at the home of Mr visiting here for a few days with I Y’reka visited here for a few days vention to be held in Klamath and Mrs. Archie Kincaid. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim ! this week at the home of Mr. and Falls next month. A cooked food © Miss Helen Dunn, who is teach­ ; Mrs. Dave Kerr. sale will be held in the near future ing school in Jacksonville, spent Harker. © C. V Flanders made a business to raise funds for this. The next the week-end visiting at the home © Patricia Whitney visited friends | trip to Klamath Falls Tuesday. meeting will be dads' night and is of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Ed­ in Eugene last week-end. win 1 >unn. © Mrs. J. D. Mars returned Mon­ © Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Lininger in charge of Charles Anderson. day from a visit in Eugene at the left Tuesday for their home in © If you like fine fiwds appetiz­ © Miss Helen Elam of Ashland home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mars. Burns, Montana following a visit ing ly served, try the Waffle Shop. was an overnight guest of Miss © Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson are here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. © Miss Aileen Inlow. who teach­ Eunice Kincaid Saturday es school in Gold Hill, visited with © Wait Seitz. who has Ixen parents of a girl bom Monday at M. C. Lininger. © Mrs. Don Whitney returned her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Vai In­ .spending the past two months the Community hospital. working and visiting friends in © Mr. and Mrs. Walter Herndon Wednesday from a short trip to low, over the week-end. © The Bellview Home extension Arizona and Long Beach, returned left Sunday for the exposition in Portland. © Mrs. R. E. Walker left Tues­ unit held their meeting Friday. Saturday evening to his home San Francisco. day for Portland where she plans During the morning session Mrs. here. to spend several days. Vincent Lanini and Mrs. Al Sher- © The Home Economics club of © Mrs. Emma Payne returned aud gave instructions in rug mak­ the Grange met Wednesday of last this week from a several days vis­ ing. Mrs. George Helms and Mrs. week at the home of Mrs Henry it in southern California. I. E. Deadmond served a covered Stenrud to complete work on a © Mr. and Mrs. Carl Harris, Les- dish luncheon at noon. In the af­ quilt for the bazaar. A covered lye Rae Jensen and Erroll Miller ternoon. Mrs. Mabel C. Mack gave dish luncheon was served at noon. visited friends in Klamath Falls a talk on "Let's Have Fewer © Miss Marjorie Bell, J H Wil­ Sunday. Colds.” The next meeting in March liams and Mr. and Mrs Korth © Ray Frisbie, Arch Barksdale will continue instructions on rug and Jimmie were dinner guests and Earl Yokely spent Sunday at making, and Mrs. John Heilmeyer Sunday at the home of Mr. and Crater Lake. and Mrs. Montgomery will be Mrs W. O Martin The dinner was © Mrs. Bertha Heer visited hostesses at the covered dish in honor of the 25th wedding an­ niversary of Mr. and Mrs Martin. friends in Rogue River Sunday. luncheon to be served at noon. ©M L. Applegate made a busi­ © Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Curtis, who ness trip to Portland this week. recently constructed Bungalow © Dawson Burgess left early this Inn, have sold it to Mr. and Mrs. week for San Francisco where he C. P. Barnes of Merced, Calif. will attend the exposition. © Mrs. R. D. Reynolds, president © Mr. and Mrs. George Cougle of the Bellview P-T A, attended and son Charles of Grants Pass a meeting at the junior high visited here Sunday at the home school in Ashland Thursday eve­ of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Newcombe. ning of last week. The meeting © Maxine Gearhart of Grants honored founders' day. Pass visited here last week-end at © Thursday evening of last week, the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Brantley were Mrs. H. W. Gearhart. pleasantly surprised when a group © Mr. and Mrs. E. H Poole vis- of their friends gave them a cov­ ited friends in Grants Pass Sun- ered dish dinner honoring their day. 31st wedding anniversary Those © Mr. and Mrs. J R. Elliott of enjoying the evening with the Hilt visited here recently at the honored guests were Mr. and Mrs. home of Mr. Jess Walker and daughter Phyllis. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Jobbins and I About People You Know! ] * BELLVIEW • © Tile Bellview (¡range held their meeting at the Grunge hull Tues- duy evening Four young men of the thiiversity of Oregon held n floor discussion on the aociul, eco munie, (Militicul ami ii-ikj phases of American life. Th,.! cucii ami closed the piogt,uil1 an accordion solo by young men Special LOW TRAIN FARIS to the San Francisco World's Fair OPEN FEBRUARY 18'* Now everyone can afford to see the World's most beautiful exposition! HERE'S great new» (or every­ one living in the Pacifu North- wen! Southern Pacific hat re duicd tare* to that you can go to San Francitco by tram for rirn If 11 than ! »ent, a mile. Thia ia your thancr to tee the glamorous San Fraruiaco World • SPECIAL ROUNDTRIP San Francisco (air at a great eating. Marvil « the inagnifiernt bridge, and have the time <>f your life in thr (>av. wav, -it) thrilling aerei of fun You won't want your car Sparc voureclt the burden of a car in San I ranoun'i Fair tear trattn. 2 of thr • ttreet ear Imre ihargr only * irnte (are. Fant, hr quent ferric, take you directly to Treaeure leland for 10 cent, lake it eaey; lair thr train. “ALL-EXPENSE” TOUR $ IM COACHES $ 25 2 day« In San Francisco Indudaa loundfrlp rail late. good hotel, tail« from and to station. admlaai<>a to Fait, tour of Ban Francisco— thing but mvaial Similar 3, 4 ® day tour« A«te your railroad for ¿«tail« Aaaur and carefree trip. The New Effective February 15 UNIVERSAL V Southern Pacific CLEAN AIR CLEANER S. J. BAILEY, AGENT WHEN YOU BUY YOUR CAR THIS WAY I CLEANS DUSTS SHAMPOOS DEODORIZES SPRAYS - DEMOTHS through the first NATIONAL BANK 1. YOU MAKE A CASH DEAL Bathtub Bathing in IB45 2. PLACE insurance where you WISH 3. EHJOY LOW COST FINANCING ivas against the law in Massachusetts There is an attachment for cleaning all hard*to-get*at places from floor to ceiling ppKIE VV Complete with Attachment» A Liberal Trade-in Allowance For Your Old Cleaner FREE HOME DEMONSTRATIONS Imagine having to take a bath with the feeling that you were committing a crime ! What would the old victims of the Blue Laws say today at the instant hot water to be obtained by turning the "tap" Think how they'd gaze and gape at the miracle of an Automatic Water Heater. Install a Modern Automatic. Electric Water Heater and enjoy comfort and convenience for a few pennies o day, that would have been beyond the imagina­ tion of a citizen of 1845. ANO 4. BUILD YOUR PERSONAL CREDIT I. When you establish 2. You open a source of READY CASH for CREDIT FOR OTHER NEEDS.. ONE LOAN AUTO ICREOIT LOAN ELHART’S PERSONALLOANS •SO to *1000 Any of 42 Branches Sl/VKI COPCO (THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY) Buying a car this low-cost way e»tabli»he» your credit at this bank for other need» such a» Personal Loan», FHA Loan» to modernize, build or buy a home or Equipment and Home Ap­ pliance Loan*. PHONE 209 n «tm RI( AS The You need not be a depositor to borrow from this bank 1 FIRST DRTIQDAIi BRÜH of ponia„d the first national bank wist OF THE ROCKIES" mi MEMBER FEDERAL Off INSURANCE CORPORA' Ci and