Page 6 » Friday, Feb. 17. 193® SOUTHERN OREGON MINER BUS LINE MOVES Lions Club Resists Move To DIVISION POINT Admit Ladies at Jamboree TO CANYONVILLE Party Set for March 8 Here ASHLAND this week was in the process of losing 14 families as the result of the elimination of one division between San Francisco and Portland by the Dollar Bus lines. The new schedule, which went into effect on some trips yes­ terday and will be completed by Saturday, removes the Ashland division point to Canyonville. The bus drivers and their families re­ siding here for the last several years will move their homes to Canyonville. Previously three division points —where drivers changed busses ■ were located at Red Bluff, Ash­ land and Eugene. In the future the Dollar lines will change drivers at Redding and Canyonville between San Francisco and Portland. The Greyhound bus line, which also operates through Ashland, has its nearest division point in Med­ ford, according to Harry Travis, * o Oeser’s Super Established in 1922 PHONE 402-Y DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS SATURDAY! CASH SALES ONLY ------- •— MECHANICAL WORK OF ALL KINDS DONE BY RALPH PUTMAN tertainnient. enjoyment and civil liberties of the male species. Tlie stag party will be open to Lions and their invited guests, as well as to visiting Lions from Medford, Grants Pass, Klamath Falls and Yreka. Games, burles­ que skits and unique entertain ment ideas are being worked out by a committee including Bill Snider, Walter Leverette. Art Cooper, Earl Nutter. George Gos- wick, Chan Beebe, John Broady, Paul Finnell and I. C. Erwin. Ticket sales will be in charge of Lions Snider, I. F. Andres and Earl Leever while the club has divided into three competing teams for sales, which got under way this week. Proceeds of the stag jamboree will be used by the Lions club to finance the new tourist guide service which will be inaugurated in Ashland in the spring. of mama's apron S HADES strings! Lions of Ashland miss­ ed by a whisker turning panty- waist Tuesday night when, during regular dinner meeting in the Iuthia hotel, one member dropped a bombshell in plans for the club's stag jamboree schedule«! for \\ ed- nesday night, March 8, in the VFW hall The member, unnamed in defer­ ence to his domestic status, suggested that the party be open­ ed to the ladies! Salads and steaks lay neglected as arguments flew across table thick and fast on both sides of the proposal. However, the problem was solved in good humor, after Lions had ribbed one another with their favorite suffrage jibes, and the jamboree will occur as orig­ inally planned strictly for the en- local agent. The Dollar busses will i continue their rest stops in Ash­ land. however, their local depot being located at Steves Sen-ice station on East Main street. • California Couple Buys Camp Ground Ingle’s Near Cinch Marshall Carter To For County A AU Tackle McShain In Championship, Trip Top Bout Monday Marshall Carter, ex-Univeisity grappling instructor. of Missouri „ .. gets the chance of his life at Mill­ iard armory Monday night. Feb. 20. when he faces the tough Dan­ gerous Danny McShain. light­ heavyweight champion of the world, in Promoter Mack Lillard's top main event. Carter is a clever workman and has his pet treat­ ment for the tough ones but it is a question if he can take Mc- Shain's dirt long enough to win Paul Murdock of Texas returns after quite an absence, during which time he has been wrestling in the midwest, to face dynamite Pete Belcastro, the wild Weed Wop, m th«- attraction Murdock is one of the cleverest men in the business but when his hair is brushed the wrong way he turns villain of the first degree, as Belcastro learned on a couple of occasions some time ago. In the opening bout another fav­ orite returns in the person of Danny Savich, former all-Ameri­ can football ace from the Univer­ sity of Utah, who faces Frankie Schroll, the crocodile clutcher from Kansas, Savich is a clever but rough guy and this go should be a thrill-provider. Ashland High Quint Splits Pair Games With Klamath Falls Second Talent Mat Melee Draw» Large Ashland high school’s Grizzlies last week-end split a hustling pair Crowd Pleased Fans of games on the Pelican floor, los­ ing Friday night’s encounter 26-23, and winning the Saturday game 27-23. A lack of confidence in the first game was given as an im­ pediment to making it three straight with the Klamath county rivals, Ashland having taken an early season game here. Coach Skeet O’Connell sent a revised lineup into both games with Harris. Silver, Weaver, Jes- sel and Smith seeing action the first night and Ardis Warren go­ ing into the fray Saturday eve­ ning. Harris and Silver were out­ standing for Ashland. The games concluded the meetings for the two teams for the season. ------------ • H. B. Curtis, builder and owner of the Bungalow auto court on Siskiyou boulevard at the south city limits, this week announced sale of the property to Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Barnes of Merced, Calif., who will take over the property during the week-end. Both Mr. and Mrs. Barnes have had a number of years experience in auto camp business, and will personally manage the Bungalow coffee shop, service station and cabins. The camp received wide attention when Curtis, during re­ cent construction operations, un­ covered a large quicksand deposit containing dozens of prehistoric bones and museum pieces. Curtis, early next week, will re­ Charles E. Dunham, Pastor turn to Oakland. Calif., where he will reenter the building business. Church school meets at 9:45 --------- •-------- a. m.. C. N. Gillmore, superintend­ 4 Subscribe for The Miner today. ent. Morning worship at 11 o’clock. “Finding God" is the subject of the morning sermon. Young People s union, 6:30 p. m. Evening service. 7:30 p. m. The pastor will preach the sermon on "Christ's Gifts to Men." Prayer and conference meeting, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. —•— SONS ORCHESTRA MAKES TOUR OF HIGH SCHOOLS First Baptist Church Appearing before the high school student bodies of Grants Pass and Central Point Tuesday, the SONS orchestra of 25 mem­ bers, led by Miss Lucie Landen, played several selections to highly appreciative audiences with — Ted Marshall as trumpet soloist. —•----- LYDIA D. HOPKINS Funeral services for Mrs. Lydia D. Hopkins, 63, who died Monday in the Community hospital, were held at 2 p. m. Feb. 16 at the Litwiller Funeral home with in­ terment in Hill cemetery. TICKETS NOW ON SALE at LITHIA HOTEL for the SOUTHERN OREGON SHAKESPE AREA N FESTIVAL ASSOCIATION PRODUCTION “YOU CAN’T TAKE IT WITH YOU” Ingle's Drugstore Cowboys ' Thursday night moved to within one easy step of the county A Al basketball championship when they smeared Medford's Lamport» 39-8 Tuesday night they will play their final game with Jacksonville in the SONS gym A win then will deliver them the title and light to enter the state AAtJ tourney In Portland next month In the SONS gym last night two other games added interest and comedy to the nice, Central Point taking a close 26-23 battle from Lost River Dairymen, and SONS Frosh clowning to a 40-13 rebuff of Jacksonville In the Ingle game. Mayberry was high with eight markers for I the Cowboys while four Lamport | men tied for scoring honors with I a lone field goal apiece Don Bur- : den scored seven for !>>st River while his opponent. M. Simmons of J Central Point, goaled eight In the | SONS Frosh-J'ville farce. a 22-4 half-time score was the signal for sending Harry Johnson. 255-|x>und Ferdinand, and Waterboy Smith into the game Two former Ash land high school stars. Buzz Rob erson and Harry Hoxie, appeared in lxist River suits Besides the Ingle-J'villc game here Tuesday, SONS and the OCX’ teams will play, a victory for the Frosh meaning second place hon­ ors. The First Stage Presentation in the Northwest! WEDNESDAY NIGHT, FEB. 22 yEN. youìl uri uni li nmili- ut w In ter’» wor»t w I ii - ii yoiir cur lo tinied for thè s . smm . ii . . . Hr iitn check yoiir Igiiltliin, curlniretor iuk I iKlJiihtiiient» In nhiirt ordrr and lune thrm lo thè ritmate! A propcrly adjiist ni motor meati» quii k »tari», grmlrr furi eenn- nniy, «nuHitlicr power, Iran Imttrry d rulli. A»k u» alatili It—thè cimi 1« »inali! ★ (LYI)K CATON’S • WANT ADS • Junction Garage The Talent Voluteer Fire de­ partment's second monthly smoker held in their new recreation cen­ 1c |M*r Word |M»r Insertion ter in the Wolters building Wed­ nesday night was declared an out­ FOR SALE Buffet, bedroom set, standing success by a large crowd rugs, kitchen cabinet, lawnmow­ in attendance. er. Phone 481-Y, address 111 B Five wrestling matches and street. < 7c ) four boxing slugfests were includ­ ed on the program, together with WANTED Clean cotton rags at a clever and interesting weight The Miner office lifting exhibition by George Mar­ tin and Don Wilder of Medford. Boxing results: Willie Daze, 160, CHAINS PRESTONE TIRES Canyonville, drew in the fourth round with Buzz Redkey. 167, of $2 96 Preatone, gallon Talent; Dennis Stout, 178, Talent, drew with Don Wilder. 142, Med­ Prestone, $1 50 gallon ford; Birma Riggs, 110, drew with Harry Wolters, 108, both of Tai- $1 00 Anti-freeze ( Ford ) ent. Wrestling: George Martin, 165, Weed Chains, all sizes in­ Medford, met John Childers, 165, stalled low as $3 75 Talent; Orval Stocks. 165, Talent, Non-Skid Pehnaylvania met Don Wilton, 159. Medford, in Tires installed low as $6 60 two of the five pairings. ---------•— We Pay More for Your Old Tires' Ashland Juniors Top List of Conference Basketball Standings JUNIOR HK.II ST. ANDINI.S Won Led Pi I. .Ashland 7 1 .875 2 Medford 4 .667 Klamath Frosh 2 1 .667 Altamont (KF) 2 1(H) 3 2 G. P1MH Irtish 1 .333 Roseburg Jr». 0 (MH) 5 South Pacific Highway Phone 71-J BEEF STEW 15C The Complete, llidiui.rd Hot Ixinch Serv.xl To You Steimiliig With Plenty of Meat tuid Vrgetablt«« CLAYCOMB MOTOR CO FOR SALE New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and safes. Medford Office Equip­ ment Co , 32 North Grape street, Medford. (4Ktf) MATRESSES recondi t ion ed. re­ newed, old mattresses taken Coomea Upholstery Service ( 5p ) The above percentages______ include only junior high games of southern NOTICE TO CREDITORS Oregon Ashland's two wins over In the county court of the state Corvallis and one victory over Al­ bany are not shown. With four of Oregon for Jackson county: In the matter of the estate of more conference games left it looks as though Ashland will win Spratt Wells, deceased: Notice is hereby given that the the southern Oregon championship undersigned has been appointed for the second time in a row. One win over Medford by the administrator of the estate of locals would likely give Ashland Spratt Wells, deceased. All per­ the championship on a percentage sons having claims against said basis and two wins would without estate are hereby notified to pre­ question establish Ashland as one sent them duly verified to N. of the best, junior high outfits in Dickey, lawyer, 8 Steams building, Ashland, Oregon, within six the state. months from date of first publica­ tion hereof. Date of first publication Jan- uary 27, 1939. RAY BRIGGS, E. E. Wordsworth, Minister Administrator. Fourth and C Streets (Jan 27 Feb 3-10-17) “The church wher^^yot^tire i never a stranger.” Sunday school, 9:45 a. m., T. S NEW RADIOS *9.95 UP j Wiley, superintendent. The school j is being reorganized to meet the pressing needs of all our scholars. Our greater facilities guarantee , this venture. Classes for all. Morning worship, 11 o’clock The pastor preaching on "God's Finan- 1 cial Plan.” Service for youth, 6:30 p. m. Evening worship, 7:30 o’clock. Rev. and Mrs. Earle F Wilde, New Tube«—We Repair All evangelists, will give musical and Makes Radios—Day or Night vocal numbers. Rev. Mr. Wilde 727 Boulevard Phone 421-R will preach. Welcome to all! ★ Pete's Lunch EAICL I). (PETE) NUTTER LITHIA A HOME-OWN FI) THEATRI Friday, Saturday “GANGS OF NEW YORK” Church of the Nazarene ZENITH RADIOS Charles Bickford Ann Dvorak —pirn Have That Radio Checked at “COLORADO TRAIL’’ DICKEY’S RADIO SERVICE Under Direction ANGUS BOWMER YOU’LL SMILE AT WINTER! Charles Starrett Sun., Mon., Tues. «i FLANDERS’ FEED STORE FOR GOOD, HEALTHY BABY CHICKS FOR BEST RESULTS FEED DARK SANDS” PAUL ROBESON Th« Great Salt Trek With 15,000 Camela! WE ARE STRIVING FOR BIGGER AND BETTER PICTURES! FISHER’S FEEDS Fresh Stock of Field and Garden Seeds Coming Sunday, Monday and Tuesday! ERROL FLYNN in kk THE DAWN PATROL’’ General Admission ADULTS ........................ 50c CHILDREN .................. 25c Reserved Seats 25c Extra BUY YOUR TICKETS EARLY AND AVOID LAST-MINUTE RUSH! ONION SETS— White or Red, |>er pound BEST ALSIKE CLOVER SEED— Per pound 6c 20c • 131 EAST MAIN STREET ASHI AND ALSO AT FLANDERS' MARKET IN BELLVIEW Phone 180 DRY PINE SLABS $3.75 Per HR) Cu. Ft. Ixaul Dump Delivery Whittle Transfer