Friday E<*b. 17, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER AND THEN THE FUN BEGAN! Page 5 Ashland’s Classified Business Directory 4 WHATEVER YOUR NEEDS, YOU’LL FIND THEM LISTED BELOW! 4 L m GteP ■»U à TS AI TO PARTS PLUMBING Stop Oil Pumping A. L WREN HASTINGS STEEL VENT RINGS GENERAL PLUMBING Specializing in A-l REPAIRING "Ihn Right Ring for Any Job” Harrison Parts Co. Phone I01 CABINET WORKS FARM IMPLEMENTS Headquarter* for FARM MACHINERY, REPAIRS GENERAL BLACKSMITHING AND WELDING PHONE 67 17 Fast Main Street W OF ALL THINGS! H> MIMIC STAI I WRITER at ¡ill tills year tin wheat already In storage would Is- sufficient to feed the world until 1940 9 9 9 Josef Hoffman has just com­ pleted a tour celebrating his 50th anniversary as a concert pianist Ills fir-t appearance was in New York ut the age of 16. NE HUNDRED YEARS ago the 9 9 9 per capita cost of federal gov- White smoke arising from the nnient was $2 2ft. Fifty years ter. in 1889, it had risen to *4 ."41 chimney of the Sistine chapel will r capita and In 1937 was $62 90 signal that I the necessary two- the secret ich prison in I he US in 1937 thirds vote at -......... —...1 election n) s total of $130 75 In federal, by the cardinals for a successor to ate and local taxes assessed Poj»e Plus XI has been secured. In the event that there is not a gainst him two thirds vote for any one indi­ 9 9 9 In the current issue of the Hat- vidual, damp straw will be burned, d»y Evening Post the article, giving a black smoke fltier Wnxiil Bluffing, aids ,rth the German supremacy In remft and aircraft production, owever, ex-GoVemor Martin held it one comforting thought when I Mid "The next war will start the air and end in the mud rplanes cannot hold territory ter capture " And 1 ‘aul Von Zce- n ii dlncioHur vh uncovered y Leon G Turrou wtille employed y the FBI in being filmed down I H’ wimh I They say It's a sizzler nd boldly outspoken concerning tarseter* and situations In the rrll known Hpy trial of a few reeks back The German consul in A has notified the producer*, Earner brother», that tils gov- nun ent will not be rc»|x>nsible or the results (whatever that Deans) if the film is released. 9 9 9 9 9 .Mot«- on French birth rate: Ui Relle France is worried plenty about her decline in birth rate and consequent loss of population. Big­ gest reason, increases in rates of birth In Germany and Italy which will enable totalitarian countries to outdistance her in number of men she could call to arms Both Italy and Germany have shown considerable gain in birth rates since dictators came into power j Subsidizing marriages, cash pay­ ments to couples for every child in excess of three and suppres­ sion of shady medical practices are some of the measures the ! French are considering CAFE-CONFECTIONERY I’LAZA GAFE & CONFECTIONERY AshLuid's Headquarter* FOR GOOD FOOD anil Freezer F'reah ICE CREAM OIL DISTRIBUTOR Complete Service Under One Roof Claycomb Motor Co. cellor Hitler and he will take up riding, a news note says. It is | worth noting that the objects of | his equestrian activities are still ' British, • • Ben Gibson of Klamath Falls spent several days here this week on business. • Harry Osbourne of Portland was a visitor in Ashland Wednes­ day. 9 9 9 Several fine horses have been j • Mrs J H. Harker made a trip purchased in England for Chan- | to Eugene early this week. SEE BURSE FOR PAINTING AND DECORATING PLUMBING, HEATING SERVICE STATIONS n Smiling ASSOCIATED Dealer Factory N|>ecified Lubrication STEVE ZARKA Phone GM Ashland HOTELS PRINTING SERVICE New Ashland Hotel and Apartments and Coffee Shop FOR PROMIT PRINTING SERVICE ( ALL THE MINER Ashland’s Friendly Center You will enjoy our cool lobby and veranda. All the comforts of a home “away from home.” Our cof­ fee shoppe serves the best food in town. Come in as you are! SAVE ON GAS AND OIL Wholesale Prices to Our Customers ASHLAND SIGN SHOP Sand—Gravel—('rushed Rock JOHN MUXM Day and Night Service M East Main Street, Ashland Phones: Shop 31, Res. 262-J Phone 161 SIGN SHOP M. C. Lininger & Son SHEET METAL HOME OF COLOR Richfield Service North Main at Bush, Ashland RICHFIELD HAS SOMETHING NEW—WATCH FOR IT! Norman B. Ashcraft Complete Une of Oils and Grtmti** Protective Lubrication with HARDY'S CASH HARDWARE Phone 193—Itos. Phone 268-J JORDAN’S L1THIA PLUMBING Associated Gas & Oil Sash ¿¿Cabinet Works AM) HEATING Always Remember Your Specializing In Kitchen < allineili SERVICE STATIONS PRINTING CALL THE MINER FOR ALL VOI R PRINTING NEEDS PHONE 170 USED AUTO PARTS You'll Find it Here—Phone 189 SHELL GASOLINE AUTO REPAIRING ACETYLENE WELDING BARNEY’S WRECKING YARD 628 North Main Ashland, Oregon OUR STOCK of FINEST QUALITY WINES INCLUDES DON MARCO ISCO STEVEN R SCHUERMAN • ALTO WRECKING The Three Pals That Jolly Well Make Beer A Pleasure! See METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. Our Price* Are Ixrwer! you’re shy on cash we’ll take part in trade. 406 North Main Street CLEAN and GOOD- IS YOUR PRESENT LIFE INSURANCE ADEQUATE? Phone 334-R SIGNS CRITERION DEL MAR Bohemian Club S’MATTER POP—Opportunity Wins in th<- Stretch AL BROWER, Proprietor ty c. M. payne 9 Hydrogen 7/lOOths as heavy a* Jr m the lightest known substance nd osmium (never heard of it) rtth a specific gravity of 22 4M I the heaviest 9 9 1 If there were no wheat rnLird And You Can’t Stop Him From That MESCAL IKE WRESTLING AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 3 ALL-STAR MAIN EVENTS! Medford Armory THEM DAYS ARE GONE FOREVER Harbor This on Your 1Harpsichord.