•riday, Feb. 17, 1939 HILTS news • ■ 1„. February meeting of Ihr I m wax held I Friday evening „ impressive candlelight dth m In honor of the founder [national Parent Teachers Following regulai hll» the mothers’ chorus, tarry . tll,,i candles, grouped tboul thilav cakt «nd sang ’Arnei lh. Beautiful'' ami a P-TA with Mis John DeWitt play plnno accompaniment Mias Hr Ganshing read an article neniorsting the founders of usociHtion and also gave an ,,f the alms, growth and mplishments <>f the organize I I „in< i- It wax founded A play l|,.,| Rising with Grace” fol Ll under the aide direction of ¡Gninsburg with the cast ax Lx Molly played by Mrs L (•lark, Anna. Mrs Ted Ln,., Nettie, Mrs Max Ryce. L Mrs Fred Bayliss and L' Mi» E Wright The ftnind- day birthday cake and coffee , ■erved served following the pro- I Minjorlc Williams and i Hushton of Medford were L in inarriagc Wednesday Mng at the home of Rev and , U>ury at Hornbrook They I P accompanied by the bride * puts Mi and Mrs Richard llama. and her brothers, Ruxxcl Roy Williams Mrs Ixiury L a wedding supper following ceremony The young couple ¡making their home in Medford Kir and Mrs Warren Fox left two weeks vacation trip to Lx>. Hollywood and San Fran- K, accompanied by hla mother, I Anna Fox of Hornbrook ■Tie Ladles club held their rrg. meeting Thuraday in the club with Mm W Holmberg hoe- Kfor the afternoon Bridge wan Bred with high ecore going to Robert Gilberg and low to Jo* Francis Others present M| m ■ a K Le B B SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 3 ¡George Hall Picked For IJ of O Play Part George Hall, Ashland senior at the Hnlversity of Oregon, has been chosen io play the pail of J,.ff tile famous Eugene O’Neill play Emperor Jones,” to be piodiieed at the university Feb 25, 2K and M u’ ll I Hi- also will pl.i , part of a convict iuh I a negro slave Hall, a graduate of Ashland high schiMil, lx the son of Mrs I l> Pittman He lx president of Order of the Mace, speech hon orary, a member of Delta Sigma l*til. forensics honorary, ami vice president of Delta Tnu Delta fra­ ternity He |x majoring in educa­ tion. were Mcxdamex W McCluskey, V. Nrbcker, Roy Nebeker, Frank Ward, A Mendes, F Taynes, Roy Scliluppl, M J Bailey, ’• " - Il DeJar- nett, T Quammc, , F. Ohlund and Ray Elliott Each guest wax pre- MNtted with a valentine Refresh tnentx were M