Friday, Feb. 17, N SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 About People You Know! ] home Monday from the Commun­ ity hospital where she recently underwent a major operation • Bill Sander of Yreka visited here Sunday at the home of his parents. Mr and Mrs W G. San der. • Mrs Leonora Broili returned last week from a business trip to Portland. • Lucille Chipman returned Sun­ day to Mount Shasta following a several weeks visit here with her parents. Mr and Mrs W. J. Chip­ man. • Mrs. Ross Tilley shopped and • Alvin Al wine returned last visited with friends here Monday week-end from Nebraska where he attended the funeral of a rela­ from her home at Siskiyou. • Lee Port jr. of Applegate vis­ tive. ited in Ashland last week-end at • Mi. and Mrs. Karl Oeser spent the home of his grandparents, Mr. a few days this week in San Fran­ cisco on business. and Mrs. A. H. Peachey. • Wanda Purves was called to • Mr. and Mrs. Jim Purvis of San Francisco last week-end by Hilts visited here last week-end the death of her grandmother. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom • Mrs May Russ, who has been ' Callahan visiting at the home of Mr. and • Mr and Mrs H O. Butterfield Mrs. J. R. Pittenger, left recently returned Sunday from an extended for her home in Seattle. visit in Bakersfield. Calif. • Ellen Franco of Grants Pass A Barry «pent aeveral day« visited here last week-end at the this week in Redding on business. • Gene Ritsinger of Ashland was home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. • Lois Wilev of Grants Pass vis­ ' a caller in Talent Monday. T. P. Franco. ited here last week-end at the • A number of friends and neigh­ • Ruth Foster attended a Chris­ home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. bors of Mrs. Haw. south of town, tian Endeavor meeting in Central T S Wilev. spent the day Friday at her home Point Sunday. • Boyd Jones of Salinas, Calif . A covered dish luncheon was en­ • Harold Baughman left Sunday visited here recently at the home joyed at noon and the afternoon for a visit in the northwestern of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. B was spent in fancy work and vis­ part of Oregon and Washington iting. He was accompanied by an uncle. Jones. • Clarence Woods of Portland • The Glad-to-Meet-You club met Leon Baughman, who had been spent last week-end here at the j Thursday evening, Feb. 9, for a visiting in Ashland two weeks home of his parents, Dr. and Mrs 1 regular monthly session with t>5 from his home in Camas. Wash. persons enjoying a pot-luck sup­ E. A. Woods. • Ailene Inlow of Gold Hill vis­ • Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bauman per served by Miss Elva Thump ited here last week-end at the of Hilts visited here Sunday at son, assisted by Virginia Garvin, home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ruby Dobbins. Lydia May Baylor Vai Inlow. and Agnes Lacy. A splendid pro­ Tepner. • Mrs. Portia Anderson and Mrs • Mr and Mrs. Jack Young and gram followed, with skits and mu­ Georgia Bowman returned last Mis. T B Gosnell Visited in Eagle sic by Talent people. Mrs. Prent­ week-end from Portland where Point Sunday at the home of Mr. ice of Medford and her accordion they attended a convention of and Mrs. Arnold Gosnell. | band entertained with several beauty operators. • Ted Barnes. SONS student, beautiful numbers. Mrs. Bert Sim- • Mrs. Mary Dunlap, who has spent last week-end in North Bend mons was chairman for the eve- been visiting here at the home of at the home of his parents. j ning. her mother, Mrs. M. C. Ashcraft, • Charles Gordon of Grants Pass • The Talent Grange gave a card recently left for her home in Al­ was an Ashland visitor Monday. party Saturday night in the bany. • John Billings of Yreka visited Grange hall. Cards and Chinese • H. C. Beebe and R. L Fla- in Ashland over the week-end at checkers were on the program. harty, accompanied by Sally the home of his parents, Mr. and • Mr. Manning, who recently suf­ Beebe, made a trip to San Fran­ Mrs. Ralph Billings. fered a dislocated hip, has been cisco late last week. • J D Mars returned Tuesday able to attend his hardware store • Mrs. Rose Empter of Montague from Portland with the help of crutches, and a weeks visit in was a recent business visitor in and Eugene. is improving steadily. Ashland. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burns of • Roy Coffman of Phoenix was a • Reba Tennyson visited friends Klamath Falls visited here last Talent visitor Sunday. in Rogue River Sunday. week-end at the home of Mr. and • The floor of the dining room Mrs M T. Bums. in the city hall has been lowered • Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Darby of three feet to a level with the rest Eagle Point visited with friends of the building • William Higgins, a resilient here Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gran of here for the last 12 years, died at Hilts were Ashland visitors last his home west of town Sunday week-end. night. An only son, Gordon, was • Anita Cooke of Butte Falls vis­ called home from San Francisco Monuments and Markers ited here last week-end with her several weeks ago. of Bronze and Granite parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Cooke • Mrs. Janies Scott is spending At Prices You Can Afford • Paul Decker of Prospect spent the week in Klamath Falls, where several days here this week tran­ she is visiting a daughter and son- sacting business and visiting with in-law. the parents of a new girl Next Door to Post Office friends. •>' bom Sunday, Feb. 12. Call Office 113, Kes. 248-R • Mr. and Mrs. Bud Gandee vis­ • Elton Petri attended the Glad- Evening Appointments ited Sunday in Jacksonville with to-Meet-You club session Thurs­ Mr. and Mrs. Arba Ager. day evening. ‘DEPENDABLE SERVICE • Jean Claycomb returned to her • L. C Jones of Anderson creek was a business caller in Talent Tuesday. • Mrs. Harriett Bates was visit­ ing in Ashland Tuesday afternoon, • Mrs. Karl Baylor and son George were dinner guests of the Rev. and Mrs. Temple Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Al Gargin and two small children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cowdrey Monday evening. • Clarence Haines made a busi­ ness trip to Weed last week. • Crib Carrol and sister Esther of the Dltsworth ranch near Pros­ pect were callers in Talent Sat­ urday. • The Talent Study club met at the home of Mrs. Edna Hordridge Friday afternoon. The subject for discussion concerned child rela­ tionship and was under the lead­ ership of Mrs. Jay Terrill. • Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown and family were guests of Mrs Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Clark. Saturday. • The Talent Townsend club met for their semi-monthly session Tuesday night. Mr. Sumner of Gold Hill was present and gave a talk on the plan. A good attend­ ance was present at the meeting, which was concluded with refresh­ ments. • Mr. and Mrs. H. Gillespie of j Phoenix, Ariz., ‘ ‘ were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reed, ' who live south of town. • Mrs. Lewis Estes visited in Medford Wednesday. • L. Vanderail is sojourning in the Tame auto camp. • L. J. Balderstone and family, formerly of Thompson creek, have leased the Duncan place south of Talent. • Edith Cochran made a business trip to Medford Wednesday. • Mr. and Mrs. Sprouill and fam­ ily have moved to the Petri place, which recently was vacated by Steve Lunix, who has moved to the Bellview area. • TALENT • • r Life - Auto - Fire INSURANCE WAIT SEE HIE BEFORE YOl DECIDE! p ATTRACTIVE 3 GAS RANGES 5k1 AT NEW LOW PRICES! SPECIAL PRICES » On RANGES IN STOCK • FASTER — than ever before. Oven and Broiler Pre-Heating have been stepped up waiting time cut to a minimum. CLEANER —The gleaming por­ celain enamel range surface wipes clean as easily as a dish. EASIER — It makes cooking easier with automatic heat con- trol, smokeless broiler, simmer burner« ,_JU «Æ For those who have a (¡as Range Now would he a good time to purchase an Automatic Gas Storage Water Heater M. T. BURNS SOON WILL COME SPRING SO, NOW’S THE TIME TO CHECK THAT MACHINERY! We can fix anything but an ornery cow— and we can make a yoke for her! gPRING ACTIVITY on the farm will be upon us soon, and now is the time to get machinery in shape for the better weather ahead. Check over your equip­ ment, fix those bailing-wire mended parts once and for all—have them welded for keeps! We have the know-how and the equipment to weld, rebuild, design new parts and adapt old ones. Whatever your needs or your problem, if it concerns metal we can help you. Glad to talk it over at any time. OAK STREET GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP »7 OAK STREET, ASHLAND, OREGON X PHONE 37-J Start the Day Ridili With Plenty of Hot Water Terms and prices within reach of all Small down payment, «mall monthly payments. AMONG FUELS GAS Alone SATISFIES CALIF0RNIA-PACIFIC-UTIL1TIES-C0. Form erly 80UTHERN OREGON GAS CORP. A Little Light on the Subject Saves Embarrassment! Not being able to see what you’re doing often leads to an embarrassing waste of effort and, like in the picture above, lack of lighting often attracts the wrong sort of people. Pro­ tect your home, your belongings with light! Prowlers loathe bright homes and a lack of concealing shadows. A good way to “lock the barn door before the horse is stolen” is to keep a light burning when you’re away. Electricity is good, PROVEN burglar protection! Ashland Light Department “Your SERVICE Department”