S outhern O regon Ls levi the Paper I hat Has Something To Say—And Says It! It’! gh me VIII ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1939 ••II'», had IK l«d GROUND WORK LAID FOR BIGGER Tl u,,,vcr*,,y hu* 2> ton atom smasher and, Larch I’’ »taring 7”'"' ,hp many taxpayers feel like it L-en use«! '»o their wallets amfornia 4 diiif < h in K rt of ,o»t ut every MMion, the thr legislator who does the 4 4 Director! 4 Iler and Mussolini say they elbow room for their people, Intend using their arms get- it. mbrr workers <>f the north- wb«> usually rap on w«x»d for ibould help their Industry mid ■elves by knocking <>n paper 4 4 4 Ihr hoped-for upswing in bus- I han any rewmblancr to the do of the same name, another depression )re » Ix-adrr (as some readers its col may have suspected) illy had his head examined brain specialist taking the 4 4 4 pacifist la a person who’ll anybody who doesn't agree 4 4 S L. ItOW MFR, dramat- instructor at Southern Oregon Normal school, will pre­ sent unotix-r of hi* successful I’M* in the Varsity Theater w hen hr w 111 direct "l'ou Can't Take Il With Vou" with a cant uf Ashland, Medford and SONS players. 4 ntana and Nevada are com- « for the nut Iona divorce irw and if the committee in gating subversive influence»« j to get its teeth into some- .II. L it should look into the ef- Id» | that such rivalry ha« on hap- ar Ruuplex I * 4 4 |r«’spa[>cni arc div I a red to be I biggest show on earth." by a advertising man Yeh. L\ ■ ■ Angeles also you can stuff 'em in the Iron « cold morning. I 4 4 4 I to peddling moonshine. 4 4 ‘S. I United States circuit court in I Francisco thia week described khtxiards as "the blanks are by, the lucky numbers arc few," I just can't keep anything fioiu be modem judges. d 4 4 4 tncoln day speakers extolled Great Emancipator for freeing I slaves and hinted that his piory should help do the same democrats in office. e 4 4 4 i.W rieaplans of Ashland will dram- > 1 Can't Take It With i" in a local theater next week. Is lot of folks will remark (to inselves, of course) that ncith- you get it while here. * f f i’lth local telephones soon to be nged to a dial system, It won't long until callers will have to * their own gum and fuss at lr finger. fck Cascadian Fair [Visitors to Register Jackson county visitors to I “hasta-Cajwade Wonderland lWlnK at the Golden Gate In- Vational exposition on Treasure jna ar'' urged by Ralph Billings i! [A H Banwcll, Jackson county pbers of the Shasta-Cascade foaltion commission to be sure pgister on arrival at the build- ■' Registration desks and infor- | ion departments are located at I I L building ■ V" the lna‘" entrance to il the auspices of the l TNDER Shakespearean Festival asso­ lit of folks, but few of them 4 111 ‘CAN’T TAKE IT WITH YOU’ PLAY SET WEDNESDAY I Medford lady bootlegger wm In clemency because she said I needed the money And so do :s I • Rthodist Layman To Peak Here Sunday pniest w Peterson, religion* I u Ol ,>ortlftn(i Journal, Wo. in the Ashland Meth«xlist F^opal church at 11 a. m. Sun- '‘‘b IN His topic will be gwodlsm, Whither Bound?” F erson is prominent in rclig- li»W Wiel1 M J<,lln,alist ic circles I a lay delegate to the unit- kikierence which will bring ith ' i ' i three branches of F 'riist, meeting in Kansas City, P- April 26. J L Number 7 i r •k wnq hiU miner —•-—:— HVEN «WAN ruberal sei vices for Sven Swan, b ij ° at tiis home here Bav l . w"' be held at 4 p. m. krai a6' 171 at the ^‘wilier turn.», home w,th interment in »UhUin View cemetery. ss’trt ier cent of all is believed that PWA funds could Christians who observe Is*nt. be procured to aid in the erection of an extensive hospital for polio cases provided national foundation funds can be secured for the maintenance of such an institution here. Martin has been enthusiastic toward Ashland's natural advant­ ages as a health and recreation For the second successive year, center. the commercial printing depart­ ment of The Miner has been awarded contract for printing the A T 7:30 o'clock sharp tonight, Ashland high school's yearbook. '*'■ Feb. 17, Altamont and Ash­ land Junior high basketball quin­ 'The Rogue." tets will tip off to a furious battle The Daughters of the American The annual, as contracted, will for disposition of an old tradition Revolution, Ashland chapter, will contain 48 pages and an unusual inevtiable victory for the locals present Esther Wade with a dele­ and Referees Parker Hess and cover, together with many pictures gate's pin at a patriotic assembly Leonard Warren are promised a to be held at 12:45 p. m. Monday, of high school scenes, athletic busy evening keeping the grudge Feb. 20, in the high school in ob­ teams, class and organization meeting under control. servance of the birthday anniver­ groups and individual pictures of According to Coach Earl Rog­ saries of Washington and Lincoln. graduating seniors. ers, his juniors will have to display The arrival of clear weather will a better brand of play tonight Miss Wade, an Ashland high school student, was selected from be the signal for start of annual than was demonstrated against among three senior girls for her photography and Intensive work Corvallis here last week. In bas­ outstanding citizenship rating, and by the staff, headed by Edmund ketball, Ashland has never lost a will represent this city in the state Dews as editor and Lyndel Newbry game to Altamont, although most competition for a girl to represent and Buzz Roberson as business encounters end with but few points Oregon in a good citizenship pil­ managers. Photographs will be separating final scores. grimage to Washington. D. C., ac­ completed by April 15, according Crapo, Altamont forward, and cording to Mrs. J. W. McCoy, to the schedule, and copy is to be Edmunson, Altamont's huge cen­ regent of the local DAR chapter. turned over to the printers by ter, are two of the best players April 25. Delivery of the year­ Ashland has run up against all ------------- ®—--------- books has been set for May 12 by season. In an earlier game in Student Body President Jack Wil­ Klamath Falls, Ashland was press­ liams and Principal B. C. For­ ed to the limit to win. The conver­ sythe, contracting agents for the sion of 13 free shots from 14 at­ annual staff. tempts was chiefly responsible for ------------- •------------- All wrong-way trips don’t pan the victory. out so hot, according to Weldon Ashland s regular lineup of Pro­ Heard and Lawrence Porter of vost and Jandreau, forwards; Fow­ Ashland, especially when burdened What’s the Answer? ler, center; Rush and Monroe, By EDWARD TINCH with a load of garbage. The pair guards, will be used. this week was assessed $7.50 fines --------- -—•------------- and $4.50 costs each in Justice of the Peace M T. Burns' court for dumping of garbage near Bear creek road at the foot of Oak street. Complaint for the infraction A newspaper report that the filed by James E. Merritt Pine Box company factory had claimed t’ t the dumping been shutdown and was resuming been done *x»ut Jan. 15. part-time operation, as printed in Judge B ‘’"i advised other per­ an Ashland daily this week, was dumping rubbish on sons agni branded as false by Manager R. I. and pointed out that public roi Flaharty. , statute books provide for a maxi­ “Although I was quoted' in the mum fine of $100 and 30 days article, I had never made any jail. statement that we were curtailing operations for the simple reason that we have been running con- CAR tinuously for months,” declared V.’IHY DO YOU GET A LUMP Flaharty. “We neither had a lay- INSTEAD OF A DENT WHEN off, nor have suffered a 'seasonal A sedan driven by James Me- YOUR HEAD IS HIT ? slump'.” Collister. 18, was completely de- The local box company employes molished Saturday night when it do, but only for a second or about Jtftmen. struck a tree at the intersection As soon as you knock your of Skidmore and Van Ness streets. JUNIOR CLASS DANCE Six young people were riding in head against something the brain Carrying out a winter motif in the car aj the time of the accident, rushes an extra supply of blood decorations, the SONS auditorium said to have been caused wh m to that spot, filling and distending will feature the annual junior class the blood vessels. At the point of faulty brakes threw the vehic le injury, portions of blood cells plus prom Feb. 18, which is the formal into the curb. Evelyn Cookson was treated at other body fluids leak through the dance of the winter quarter and Community hospital for bruises walls of the blood vessels, causing promises to be the most original and cuts while McCollister, Lucille a congestion which raises the skin to date. All juniors, according to Bill Brahs, class president, are Jennings, Harold Wigen, Kenneth into a bump. working hard to make the dance LaBranch and Bud Etzwiler re­ © Western Newspaper Union. a success. ceived cuts and bruises. 1939 Rogue Annual Printing Contract Given Miner Press ALTAMONT HOOP SQUAD HERE FOR JUNIOR HI GAME DAK Will Present Esther Wade Honor TICKET SALES TO UNDERWRITE 32 TEAMS HERE ASHLAND business men, follow­ ing a luncheon meeting with President Walter Redford of the Southern Oregon Normal school in the Lithia hotel Tuesday, were busy this week selling season tickets for the class B high school invitational basketball tournament to be held in the SONS gym under auspices of the school March 2, 3 ana 4. Proceeds from the advance sale will underwrite the annual district 14 playoff, about $375 be­ ing required to help defray ex­ penses of visiting teams. This year's tournament is plan­ ned as a bigger and better event, with team limits set at 10 players instead of the eight of last year. Tnircy-two teams will participate in the playoffs, 16 in the cham­ pionship flight winner of which earns the right to represent dis­ trict 14 in the state high school championship tourney in Salem— and 16 in the president's cup flight. Ten counties will be represented at the games, including Jackson, Josephine, Klamath, Coos, Curry, Lake, Douglas, Jefferson, Des­ chutes and Crook. About 500 stud­ ents and players are expected in Ashland during^ the three-day playoffs and merchants are per­ fecting i plan whereby special trophy awards will be given play­ ers who remain here until the fin­ al games on Saturday night, March 4. The hoop fiesta annually is one of the outstanding attractions of this city, the normal school hav­ ing developed the tournament to the point where it is the big mo­ ment in the lives of most class B high school players and a valuable means of contacting prospective normal school students. Last year's tournament winner, Chiloquin, again will appear here and competition for the honor of participating in the SONS tourna­ ment is being pursued with intense rivalry throughout the entire dis­ trict. GRIZZLIES TO PASS Ashland's high school Grizzlies will travel to Grants Pass today to meet the Cavemen of that city in a district basketball game. Starters will be Forwards Ardis Warren and Weaver, Center Joe Jessel, and Guards Silver and Harris. Rubbish Dumpers Get $12 Scolding by Judge Reported Box Factory Shutdown Here False L LARRY and HELEN POR­ TER remarking that if they'd known their garbage was worth $12 they'd have eaten it. LARRY HUNTER acting as an impromptu turkey at the city jail in absence of police and unknowingly locking up a very mad naval recruiting officer who failed to grasp the spirit of the thing. JACK SELLARS. Ashland's inventor-practical joker, gallant­ ly planting an explosive pencil on a lady victim. ___ JOE KING telling BETTY DAVIS there’s more than one fireman’s cap in town, and DOROTHY BROMLEY backing him up. CHARLIE RUGG wishing he had more plush. MIKE WOLCOTT worming his dog because it was making three-point landings. ALLEN AUTRY wishing he had a sitting-down job so he could live on the fat of the land. REBA TENNYSON deciding to look a gift buck in the mouth, next time. ANDY (Dandy) ANDERSON showing up downtown with an unmated pair of shoes on his feet. Such blush!