SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page u 6 rage Nevi Juniors Return to Home Floor Tonight You Know Would What it’ CORVALLIS WILL MAKE TRIP HERE FOR TOUGH GAME ASHLAND Junior high schools outstanding basketball team, already boasting an impressive record of victories, wall open a series of five games on their home floor tonight, Feb. 10. when they meet the fast Corvallis Juniors. They will take to the maple again next week against Medford's Jun­ iors, the games being the first home appearances of the Rogers- men in a month. With Buddy Provost and Alvene Monroe out of school yesterday be­ cause of illness, the chances of Ashland Junior high’s quint con­ tinuing its unbroken string of vic­ tories were weakened. Monroe and Provost have been the team’s high point men and team play without them is badly disputed. Roseburg Junior high, scheduled to play here Saturday evening, forfeited their game yesterday, placing the lads of Coach Earl Rogers one notch closer to the state title. A loss to Corvallis to­ night would not eliminate the Ash­ land team, which has yielded but one game—to Medford — during the season. The Medford outfit will be played again, as will the Klamath high Frosh and Altamont Juniors of the Pelican city. Should the ill first stringers be unable to play tonight. Coach Rogers has indicated that LeRoy Ayres and Martin Herrin will fill the openings. Both boys are cap­ able reserves and have been work­ ing out in their respective posi­ tions in anticipation of the test. The Corvallis outfit, which lost to Ashland in the northern city 35 to 25 after having led until the final quarter, is expected to present a stiff hurdle for the locals. The Ashland Juniors, in state­ wide competition, have won nine game and lost—by two points. -------- •----------- Nuggets By OI.I) TIMER many cooks spoil the broth." We trust that nothing like this will happen at Salem since the 21 lawyers in the house have called in a legal adviser. 1 1 1 We have a republican governor and the republicans outnumber the democrats in the senate 22 to eight and have a margin of 43 to 13 in the house. Now let us see .what kind of legislation we will get. • Mr and Mrs I-er Peachey of Klamath Fulls visited in Ashland for a few days this week at the home of Mr and Mrs A II Peachey. • Bill Ferrini of Shale City vis ited in Ashland Wednesday. Few punches were pulled at the • John Hughs and Sam Jordan SONS smoker held Wednesday fished in Rogue river Thursday • Mi-, nd i".im < "t i tieni was night in the Normal gym when 12 a visitor in Ashland Tuesday wrestling and boxing matches drew a crowd of 300 sports fans to their feet The main tsixing event of the evening, between Frank DiSonii and Kill Tycer, ended in a technical knockout In 1c per Word ¡ mt Insertion the first round when DiSordi proved too mueh (or the loser, who received purple-hued facial TIKES adornment as a result of his wil­ lingness to stay in the thick of things. Referee Ed Kirtley, Med­ $2 95 Prestane, gallon ford, stopped the battle with Tycer $1 50 on the ropes. Prestone, 1 a gallon The beef trust wrestle, between $1 (H) Anti-freeze (Foni) Ken I ji Branch, 239, and Harry Johnson, 255, was awarded to La Weed Chaina, nil sizes in- Branch when Johnson yelled uncle $3.75 stalled low as during closing minutes of their match. Other results were as fol- Non-Skid Pennsylvania lows: Tires Installed low as $6 110 Larry (Red 1 McConachy, 170. tk two straight falls from two We Pay More for Your Medford high wrestlers, Franklin Old Tires' Jones and John Childers, in sep­ arate mat events. CLAYCOMB MOTOR CO Boxing: Kent Ashcraft drew with Ralph Limb; Roland Rlna- barger drew with Marion King; Roy Carruthers drew with Dick FOR SALE New and used desks, Hunger and Norman Carruthers filing cabinets, swivel chairs and decisioned Bob Sage. safes. Medford Office Equip­ ment Co., 32 North Grape street, Wrestling: Mel Atkins won two M i i Iford I - ' : falls from Marion Mann; Ralph Train one fall and default from Morris Dow; Don Caton drew with MATRESSES reconditioned, re­ newed, old mattresses taken Hugh Shurtliff, and Mark Hoeff Coomes Upholstery Service ( 5p 1 took one fall and the match from Joe King. NOTICE TO CREDITOR!* Roland Scheidereiter and George In the county court of the state Bullion spiced the program with a of Oregon for Jackson county: wrestling parody which was re­ In the matter of the estate of ceived with howls of glee Spratt Wells, deceased: Notice is hereby given that the to grow at a compound ratio it undersigned has been appointed is abundantly clear that, sooner administrator of the estate of or later, it must reach a point Spratt Wells, deceased. All per­ where income wall not cover the sons having claims against said interest; then the producer must estate are hereby notified to pre­ receive less for his products and ; sent them duly verified to N the consumer pay more for what | Dickey, lawyer, H Stearns building. within six he consumes until there comes a Ashland, Oregon, time when there is nothing left at | months from date of first publica­ all for either producer or con­ tion hereof. Date of first publication Jan- sumer. It might be possible under these uary 27, 1939 Kay BRIGGS. circumstances to keep the people •live by charity coatributM )>.v 'Jan 27 Feb 3-10-i7Í<,n,lnl-lr"tür those who "gain the whole world" through the operation of non­ compensating interest or the in­ In the County Court of the State of Oregon In anil For come tax plar might b. used and ■liukn County the charity made less humiliating by calling it pension, insurance or In the Matter of the Estate of REBECCA F. REEDER, de­ some other name su^ar-coatlng ceased. the stigma of charity. V.’e are try­ ing both methods, In a limited NOTICE OF HEARING ON way at present, but neither of FINAL ACCOUNT OF them touches the fundamental ADMINISTRATOR cause they simply relieve the ef­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN fect, sometimes. that the undersigned, the adminis­ Since we have isolated the fun­ trator of the estate of Rebecca F. damental cause of our economic Reeder, deceased, has filed In said ailment and discovered that it is court his final account in the mat­ non-compensating interest, it log­ ter of said estate, and the Honor­ ically follows that we should ex­ able Earl B. Day, county judge, ercise our perogatives under de­ has designated the 21st day of mocracy and do a little sterilizing February. 1939, at 10:00 o’clock The method is simple and would a. m. of said day, at the court be effective. All that is necessary house in Medford, said county, as is to revise the income tax laws the time and place for a hearing exempting all income that is used thereon. in any way to acquire property, Anyone having an objection to goods or service and tax all in­ said account is required to present comes not so used full 100 per the same on or before the date of cent. This would divert all money said hearing. back into the circulating fund WALLACE W. REEDER. through business and industry in­ Administrator. stead of allowing it to pass into BRIGGS & BRIGGS the investment fund where busi­ Pioneer building ness and industry cannot afford Ashland, Oregon to borrow it. How this plan would Attorneys for Administrator. function will be explained in the Date of first publication: Jan­ next issue. uary 20, 1939. KNOCKOUT ENDS SONS TOP BOUT It's Spoon For President Been Through • WANT ADS • • A Treasure Island souvenir silver spoon direct from the Cali­ fornia World's Fair site, was mailed to President Roosevelt by Tanya Widrin, who is pictured affixing the mailing tag. The spoon was sent to the White House by the designer, and there will be shown to the President’s guests. On the spoon is the Tower oi the Sun with the Bay Bridge in the background. Congregational Church Boulevard and Morton Streets Rev. II. S. Wannamaker. Pastor Sunday school, 9:45 a. m., with classes for all ages. Mrs. Glen Prescott, superintendent. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. "The Divers Portions and Divers Manners of the Old Testament Prophets and the Simple Perfec­ tion of Jesus,” by the pastor. Young People’s hour, 6:15 p. m. Last Day! “Angels With Dirty Faces” ---- ♦ LETTERS to the Editor ---------------------------------------- o A LINCOLN DAY THOUGHT To the Editor: It would be a good thing if those who would deify Lincoln would emulate some of his homely vir­ tues. OLD TIMER NON-COMPENSATING INTEREST (Continued) To the Editor: If the people of Ashland re­ quired $100.000 to carry on their ordinary business they would, at the average of five per cent, be paying $5000 interest annually. About half of this would be paid to people who would use it for ' current expenses and it would be spent back into circulation. The other half would be paid to people who did not need to spend it and it would, therefore, become a part of the investment fund and could not return to circulation except as a new loan. The original $100,000 ■ remains unchanged, so far as amount of original debt is con­ cerned and it follows that to re­ store the amount of circulating money to $100,000, that part paid out in non-compensating interest ; must increase the debt to $102.500 and the non-compensating interest next year wall be $2562.50 which again adds to the principal, thus constantly adding to the public debt at a compound ratio. Suppose there was an industrial plant in Ashland that was pros­ perous and many people of the city owned stock upon which they received substantial dividends every year. Here again about half of the people would spend their dividend income for necessities and that portion would return to circulation and this would consti­ tute a good healthy industrial con­ dition and promote prosperity. The other half of the dividend pay­ ments would be devoted to the in­ vestment fund, thereby removed from circulation and have to be borrowed back and again the pub­ lic debt would be increased ac­ cordingly. From this it is quite evident that the interest system as it stands not only builds up the pub­ lic debt with non-compensating in­ terest, it also converts a large part of industrial earnings into non­ compensating interest. Now if the public debt continues J. A. COOMES To see a I'lir that hiu I m - i - ii rebuilt ul < atoii’ii, you'd never gur»« it ha