, Feb. IO, 193» __ SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 5 Ashland’s Classified Business Directory • /»in •'« > *« a Mtwi p t »-WI M STARCKD uf MWVU «ÄxV'i ' f , ¥ WHATEVER YOUR NEEDS, YOU’LL FIND THEM LISTED BELOW! -¥■ AI TO PARTS PLUMBING »Stop Oil Pumping’ A. L. WREN HASTINGS STEEL VENT RINGS GENERAL CLIMBING Specializing in A-l REPAIRING ‘‘The Right Ring for Any Job” ’ bol nut Harrison Parts Co. W ith Phone I0I CABINET WORKS FA RM IM PLE M ENTS HARDY’S ( ASH HARDWARE M. C. Lininger & Son Phone iOS—Res. Phone 268-J Sand—Gravel—Crushed Rock PLUMBING, HEATING SERVICE STATIONS Specializing In Kitchen Cabinet* SHEET METAL HOME OF COLOR Phone 161 17 East .Main Street HINDSIGHT )NSPORTS 1 1 By I TOLD YOU SO ■ ■ - ------- — — ———— - luRTS FANS, and those who [re not yet aware that In them L an enthusiasm for txwket- HbOUl.i make < ertali) they see |r Junior high school cage team ictiol) tonight against Corvallis honi on tin* l«s ul floor ami tn Saturday night when th«* tbuiK Junion come here tach Earl Roger«' little la. I m tbeen doing big things this Ln and this week-end's »«-rir» | be the Juniors’ first home lies in moi* than a month Dur the meantime the youngster» e been traveling from Klamath In to Corvallis, Halem, Ros«- K anil Granta Pass lickin,: th«- o off i v<-ryon<* an«l lifting high athletic tianncr of Ashland Etm tliosr jH-rsoiis who iHlI'Ill I W ilk ■>< NM til*' Imrt to see th«* world's Iwst aim play” could thrill deep- I while watching the long- f(«*d boys In their early rm. scamper over the maple i ileuil earnest. hen- s something about the ' the Ashland Juniors have at that arouses enthusiasm and e tn watching hometowner*. there's something nbout the ' the Rogersmen go after that that dismay» opponent» up down th«* state allowing th«* game» here with vallls tonight and Roseburg unlay, the Junior» will meet dford. Klamath high Frosh and amont Junior» of Klamath 1» on the Junior high floor in <1 succession. eir ap|M*arances in Ashland be the occasion for breast - L swelling pleasure on the part of prideful fans win* will is* surprised to see for theinselvcN th«- handful of boys wh<» have become the out­ standing Junior high basketball tram In the state See th«* games tonight and to­ morrow evening in the local gym We promise you'll is- glad you did, and proud of th«* clean-cut, hust­ ling lads who represent our city r f r On«* Willie liulcn, who writes a s|M>it» graft column in th«- Med­ ford Mall Tribune, denies by in­ nuendo that it was he who slopped red paint onto the Ashland high schisil's rear wall despite the cir­ cumstance of Incriminating crim­ son evidence coloring his nose. And if llulcn doesn't know who wielded th«* brush, Th«* Miner won- de re if his ghostwriter. I l’ickem nose, Huirn referred to I Told You So as a forgetful host. In defense of which ail w«* can say Is that this writer never forgets when he's a guest At least, not that we re­ member. And thanks, Willie, for referring to the refreshments as tasting Ilk«- | anti-freeze (Prestone costs $2 »r> per gal , and nothing's too good for our frirnds!) CAFE-CONFECTIONERY PLAZA CAFE & CONFECTIONERY Ashland'» Headquarter* FOR GOOD FOOD and Freezer Fresh ICE (REAM OIL DISTRIBUTOR SAVE ON GAS AND OIL Wholesale Prices to Our Customers Complete Service Under One Roof I JOHN M1LUH Day and Night Service 38 East Main Street, Asbland Phones: Shop 31, Res. 262-J S'MAl I ER POP - ASHLAND SIGN SHOP SEE BURSE FOR SIGNS PAINTING AND DECORATING Our Price* Are Lower! if you’re shy on cash we’ll take part in trade. 10« North Main Street ALTO WRECKING USED AUTO PARTS You’ll Find it Here—Phone 189 SHELL GASOLINE AUTO REPAIRING ACETYLENE WELDING STEVE ZARKA 1'hoiU! <>8 Ashland PRINTING SERVICE New Ashland Hotel and Apartments and Coffee Shop FOR PROMPT PRINTING SERVICE ( ALL THE MINER Ashland's Friendly Center You will enjoy our Cool lobby and veranda. All the comforts of a home “away from home.” Our cof­ fe«* shop|*e serve« the best food in town. Come in as you are! PRINTING ( ALL THE MINER FOR ALI YOUR PRINTING NEEDS PHONE 170 • .Mr and Mrs W E Jones, who have been visiting at the home of •Mr and .Mis I’ It Hai.lv, left Wednesday for their home in Spo­ kane. • Pete Nutter left .Monday for a week's business trip to the north­ western jsirt of the stat«*. • Miss Jeanette Talent win an • Hugh Sh«-pherd >>t I’iiotnix vis­ overnight guest at the home of ited friends ■ here Tuesday .Miss Vceda Williams Sunday. • Mr. and .Mrs Charles Tilton of • Albert Arnold <>f the Dead In- Klamath Falls visited here last dian district visited friends here week-end at the home of Dr. and Tuesday. Mrs C. F. Tilton SIGN SHOP Smiling ASSOCIATED Dealer Factory Specified Lubrication HOTELS Claycomb Motor Co. Richfield Service North Main at Bush, Ashland RICHFIELD HAS SOMET HING NEW—WATCH FOR IT! Norrnan B. Ashcraft Complete Une of Oils and Grease* Protective Lubrication H«*ad«|uarters for FARM MACHINERY, REPAIRS GENERAL BLACKSMITHING AND WELDING PHONE «7 JORDAN’S I.IT1IIA PLUMBING Associated Gas & Oil Sash & Cabinet Works ANI) HEATING Always Remember Your 1 SERVICE STATIONS IS YOUR PRESENT LIFE INSURANCE ADEQUATE? See STEVEN R. SCHUERMAN Phone 334-R • METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. BARNEY’S WRECKING YARD 628 North Main Ashland, Oregon CLEAN and GOOD- The Three Pals That Jolly Well Make Beer A Pleasure! OUR STOCK of FINEST QUALITY WINES INCLUDES DON MARCO ISCO CRITERION DEL MAR Bohemian Club AL BROWER, Proprietor 7y C. M. PAYNE Who » Who on me i’arlor I «o..tier MV -+|o'res£- 1? O LLtU U MV ® Bell Syndicate. MESCAL IKE b ? s . l huntley Otherwise He’s All Right WREST LI N G AT 8:30 EVERY ONDAY NIGHT 3 ALL-STAR MAIN EVENTS! Medford Armory FOREVER Clang This on Your Can-opener