.i(lay, Feb. 10. 193» SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Mis Glen Brown on Anderson creek The baby wux bom Huminv Jan. 2W • Dudley Kates underwent a goit er Operation at tin. Sacred I h art ^Withrow and family moved hospital Wednesday . Mcb'Hihluii ranch into th® m Mi and Mi Bert l piiwarm'i house In Talent Danny Barron of Ashland have t'Le Burkhart of Portland purchiuail the Walkemire place west of town, moving In last week Fweek end guest of Mi ami • Ed Foss wiin a business visitor Ii,L Trvon Mr. Burkhart is In Medford Tuesday t.w<»f Mrs Tryon. • Mrs E Diamond of southern Ir and Mrs Art Hast land California is a guest of her slater, [„.turned fnim Idaho where Mm Breese and family. Lient three weeks They were • He vend lot al men were called | hv the death of Mr East by thr Southern Pacific I brother, who wus killed In to remove snow on the company Stakiyou Li yards there truck I and Mrs Clarence Homes • William Hpringstead, has L, from .. .... . Bunday been stopping with the who .............. Birdsell L after a few days visit family south of town, moved to Iwllh relatives Medford Wednesday L Fred Goddard left last Lr Han Francisco, where she • Mis Flora Mahary left for Lix-iui « month visiting her Medford Tuesday, where she has ■«cured employment. [ Mi" M Yates • t and Mm BUI Boyd, who thru place of business lust fio Mr and Mm Ed Maxson, fbuixlay for Hjiokanc, Heat- Lyrnpilt and other points In Owtun to visit friends and • Die luidies Aid met Thur.(day La prim to attending the at the club house with Mrs An­ hancisco fair When they re- derson leading the meeting In Mrs »h«-y will take over their new Mitchells absence Mis Anderson of business in Crescent City w Greyhound bus terminal ami Mrs A Pedersen were hos teases for the afternoon Others nx»m »nd fountain present included Mrsdames W p and Mrs R. F Parks spent Hord, Wert, Roop, H I>e .lamett, in Central Point visiting V Netokei ■ Hjertagei W and Mrs Fred Hodap ami Holmtx-ig. Fr<-d Haynes, .1 Clark, It Williams, Wright, T Quamme ■ and Mrs Bob l»gan and and Miss Margery Williams Re- r moved Thursday Into the frrshmenta were served following rr apartment vacated by the business meeting jid Mrs Ben Webster. Mr Kjr, Wrbatrr will move onto • Mis F It Williams entertained Cnch where the l^ofana have Friday with a birthday party for living for thr hul alx years her little daughter, Norma Kay ■fir« Delta mid !>>!■ Thomp- Those ¡»resent were Bruce and Eerr pleasantly surprised by Craig Williams, Mary B and Wil- Khday party given In thrlr inarie Brown, Howard Nelson, I by the Epworth league Sherry Bradfield. Ruth Rosecrans, Malay evening About 30 Wylin and Dickie Reigel. Jessie L were present tor an evrnlng and Ginkle Newman, Arthur Ped­ | at game« Refreshments ersen, Dule and Calvin Newman, Sally Ityi-e, Bobby Clevenger, Del­ I wived Idi Tame relumed from Port- bert Nelson. Mrs Modene Brown, May Nelson. Mrs Helen iTburaday. where hr had been Mrs [¿jig aomr time receiving1 Reigel and Mrs Margaret Clev­ enger Thr children played garni*« >1 treatment. r« Preston triade a business and refreshments were served. Norina received many nice gifts to Medford Saturday r and .Mrs Ben Clark roport • Mi and Mrs Cliff C<»n<- and »• grandson, Imni to Mr un ing their three-month touring schedule. The men’s team will visit Ash­ land high school Feb. 21. • of the inter-denominational organ- i ization, ''Truth for Students,” will be held at 5 p. m. Sunday at the Christian church. All persons in­ terested are urged to attend. H’lancy all its own! Miracle whip ,fllly different from all other ,1- ,lnR',~’RnSC March 4 to the station, admission to the j nrr E. Main and California State Grange lecturers’ conven­ fair, a comprehensive tour of San tion, OSC, March 8-10. Francisco practically everything but meals. These are available in combination with rail tickets at ( the Ashland Southern Pacifi cof- I flee. | killings Agency RAISINS—4-lb. Package 1‘J’s • HILTS NEWS • iroken arm isnt so bad : its insured Free ’ Delivery * Phone New! Different! You'll get a real "lift” from a glass of this tasty MMV ... A new, im­ proved formula and Medford’s pun* wat­ er make it thr* BEST BEER you've ever enjoyed! « fluid ox «- asJ^ « fjv. Pl ■' Li i „ Bl ALCOHOL NOT I. pAl0 Oir£ Your Dealer Has OLD KING COLE BEER! A-ONE BREWING COMPANY MEDFORD, OREGON $25.00 REWARD WE HAVE IT NOW! ) / THAT QUALITY BREW— will be paid for any com Great Christopher Com and Callous Remedy cannot remove! EAST SIDE PHARMACY KING COLE BEER j * vb 4 | per z ) BOHEMIAN / CLUB U VlllsIfllftH