Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, February 10, 1939, Page 2, Image 2

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    Friday, Feb. 10, 19,'J|
Page 2
About People You Know! ]
• Thelma Reed returned to her • Nrs Olive Norstrom returned
work in Eugene Monday following last week-end from a visit with
a visit here at the home of her relatives in 1 a » s Angeles.
• Mr. and Mrs A C. Ninlnger
mother. •
• Clara Pederson returned Mon­ attended the funeral of Mrs.
day from a wceek's visit with Charles Logan in Yreka Monday.
friends in Bly.
• I. R Frideger was confined to
• Mrs. Ross Tilley of Siskiyou his home Wednesday because of
shopped and visited with friends illness.
here Monday.
• Margaret Harker returned Mon­
• C. B. Weaver and Bruce Wal­ day to Eugene following a visit
lace made a business trip to Port here at the home of her parents,
Orford Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harker.
• Tom O’Harra returned to Chil­ • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson
oquin Monday following a week­ of San Bernardino, Calif., are vis­
end visit with his family here.
iting in Bellview at the home of
• Mrs. Abbie Davis of Fairbury. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Russill.
Neb., and Evelyn Davis of Mer­ • M G. O’Harra of Detroit was
ced, Calif., visited for a few days a recent visitor here at the home
here recently at the home of Mr. of his brother, T. L. O'Harra.
and Mrs. Joye Swartsley.
• Earl Hobbs of Lakeview was a
• Elaine Quigley, SONS student, business visitor last week-end.
spent last week-end in Hornbrook • Ruth Craft and Wyatt Padgett
with relatives.
of Klamath Falls visited friends
Leland W. Cutler, President of
• Ellen Franco of Grants Pass here during the week-end.
visited here last week-end at the • Don Walker of Eugene visited the Golden Gate International
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. in Ashland over the week-end with Exposition, which opens Febru­
ary 18. During the 288 days of the
T. P. Franco.
John Murphy and other friends.
• Bob Ingle was called to Fresno, • I. C. Erwin, George Shaffer and California World’s Fair he will
Calif., this week by the death of W. J. Chipman fished in the Il­ welcome to Treasure Island
members of European royal fam­
his mother.
linois river Sunday.
• Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tallis of Hilts • Dr. C. A. Haines made a busi­ ilies, President Roosevelt, mem­
bers of his cabinet, and other
were Ashland visitors Saturday.
ness trip to Portland this week
• Mr. and Mrs. William Ausland • Dr. E. B. Angell returned re­ dignitaries from all parts of the
of Grants Pass visited here Sun­ cently from an extended trip to world.
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. southern California.
Willis Ausland.
• Major Clyde Young and Lieut.
• Alicia Applegate of Butte Falls Beecher Danford of the Ashland
visited here last week-end at the national guard attended an inspec­
home of Mrs. Alice Peil.
tion in Klamath Falls Monday.
• Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gosnell • Jon and Wendell Prime of
of Eagle Point were recent visit-1 Chiloquin visited with relatives
• Lyndel Newbry of Talent and
ors in Ashland at the home of Mr. and friends here last week-end.
Don Nosier of Ashland were week­
and Mrs. T. B. Gosnell.
• The Plaza cafe, which was
• Anita Cooke of Butte Falls vis­ closed for three days this week end guests at the home of Jack
ited here last week-end at tile while undergoing redecoration, will and Dale Williams.
• Mrs. Ben H. Christlieb and Mrs.
home of her parents, Mr. and open Saturday.
Homer Moore attended a meeting
Mrs. R. H. Cooke.
• Robert Russell of Siskiyou was of their Sunday school class of
• Dr. E. B. Angell has returned a business visitor Monday.
to his office at the Southern Ore­ • Mrs. Estelle Tugnot was ad- the Presbyterian church of Ash­
gon Sanitarium, 460 Siskiyou mitted to the Community hospital land held at the home of Mrs.
Finnell in Ashland Thursday of
Tuesday after suffering a stroke
• Mrs. L. E. Ager. Mrs. Earl at her home in the Ashland hotel. last week Mrs. Moore gave a talk
Rogers, Mrs. A. E. Stevens of • Looking for something differ­ on her trip to Kansas and the
Phoenix and Mrs. H. C. Dooms at­ ent ? You will find it at the Waffle Carlsbad caves.
tended the home extension confer­ Shop where the food is good and • The Bellview Parent-Teachers
association will hold their meeting
ence in Corvallis this week.
appetizingly served. Special Sun­ Friday evening, Feb. 17, in the
• Doni Provost returned from a day dinners.
school house. This is a special
trip to San Francisco Monday.
• Mrs. Wren Newhouse made a meeting to observe founder’s day.
• Sid Reed returned Sunday from business
trip to Grants Pass Tues­ The program will be presented by
a month's business trip to Detroit.
the women of the Washington
• Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Scroggins
of Grants Pass visited here Sun­ • W. A. Cox of Lincoln shopped school of Ashland, At the close of
and visited with Ashland friends the program and business meet­
day with relatives and friends.
ing refreshments will be served
• Arch Barksdale, Ray Frisbee, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Short, Margar­ • Mrs. Taylor Williams, who has with the founder’s day cake.
et and Charlotte Short and Jupe been seriously ill for the last • Friday night of last week the
boys and girls basketball teams of
Wallin were among those spending month, is much improved.
• Mrs. Billy Townsend of Long the Bellview school met Wagner
Sunday at Crater Lake.
Beach visited this week at the Creek in the senior high gymnas­
home of Mrs. W. H. Wallis.
ium in Ashland. The boys won 12-3
• Guy Stone was a business caller and the girls lost 19-5.
in Ashland Tuesday from his home • The Bellview Home Extension
on the Greensprings.
unit plans to hold a meeting Fri­
• Emery Williams of Cottage day, Feb. 17, in the Grange hall.
Grove visited here with friends Mrs. Al Sheraud and Mrs. Vincent
last week-end.
Lanini, with Mrs. Badger, will give
Monuments and Markers
• Virgil Home of Klamath Falls instructions in rug making. Lad­
of Bronze and Granite
visited friends here recently.
ies are asked to bring materials
At Prices You Can Afford
• Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd DeMers of for making rugs Mrs I. E. Dead-
Yreka visited in Ashland last mond and Mrs. Edwin Dunn will
week-end at the home of Mr. and act as hostesses for the covered
Mrs. C. DeMers.
dish luncheon at noon.
Next Door to Post Office
• Bert Wright, now of Weed, was • Thursday evening of last week
Call Office 113, Res. 248-R
a business visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Joy were
Evening Appointments
Wright, who has been visiting here hosts at dinner honoring the wed­
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
M. C. Lininger, returned with him. Hugh Rheinboldt of Ashland.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Don
Stahlman of Ashland, Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Corry and Mr. and
Mrs. Rheinboldt.
• Thursday, Friday and Saturday
of last week Mr. Wimer, techni­
cal engineer for the Pacific Tele­
phone company of Portland, was
calling at the homes of the Bell­
view Telephone company mem­
bers. He was gathering material
and information for the new direc­
tory to be printed.
• Miss Veeda Williams was a
guest at the home of Jeanette
Talent Friday and Saturday.
• Ed Wiggens, enroute to his
home in Roseville, Calif., visited
Wednesday evening at the home
of his sister and family, Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Brahs.
• Mrs. R. C. Avent and daughter
Dorothy visited Wednesday eve­
ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Kincaid and family.
• Mrs. R C. Avent and Dorothy
visited Monday at the Kincaid
home and Dorothy was a dinner
guest Monday evening.
• Bob Dunn is ill at his home
with pneumonia. He is improving,
• The home economics and ways
and means committees of the
Grange met with the grangemas­
ter, Mr. Arnold, Friday evening to
appoint committees and discuss
other business concerning the fair
they plan to hold in September.
Mr. Arnold has charge of the
HERE’S great news for every­
Fair at a great saving. Marvel at
grains and grasses, Mrs. Stenrud
one living in the Pacific North­
the magnificent bridges and have
the canned fruit and vegetables,
west! Southern Pacific has re­
the time of your life in the Gay­
Louis Pankey fresh vegetables and
duced fares so that you can go
way, 40 thrilling acres of fun.
fruits, Mr. Dunn games and
to San Francisco by train for
amusement, Richard C. Joy 4-H
You won’t want your car
even lets than 2 cents a mile.
club exhibit, Julia Quinby and
Eunice Hager the Bellview school,
Mis Walter l.ongstrcth baking
and cooking exhibit, and flowers
and shrubs are in charge of Mrs
Archie Kincaid The fancy work
department will be under the di­
rection of Miss Marie Walker
• Mike Morris of Ashland was a
dinner guest Sunday evening at
the home of Bill Brahs
• Mr. and Mrs. Miles Farmer anti
daughter Betty Lou returned I m I
week to their home in I »orris after
spending the week at the Willie
Byrd and John Farmer homes
• Mr. and Mia. Archie Kincaid
and Mrs R C Avent made a busi­
ness trip to Medford Thursday of
last week.
• Miss Louise Martin was a din­
ner guest Sunday at the home of
Miss Marjorie Bell.
• Mr and Mis R !•! B*U and
W. O. Martin made a business
trip to Medford Tuesday. Mrs Bell
also visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ora Meyers
• Glen Farmer of Seaside, Mr
and Mrs. Earl Farmer of Inde­
pendence, Harry Farmer of New
Beaver and Mrs. Amy Spafford of
Portland have returned to their
homes after having been called
here by the death of their brother,
George Farmer.
• Mrs. Henry Stenrud left Mon­
day with Mrs. D. R. Smith of Tal­
ent for Corvallis, where they will
attend the homemakers' confer­
• Warren and Earl Fichtner of
Medford spent Sunday at the home
of Mr and Mrs. Walter Brahs.
Bruce Brahs returned to their
home in Medford with them to
spend Sunday night.
• Mr and Mrs. Daniel Farmer
and daughter Dolores returned the
latter part of last week to their
home in Dorris after spending the
week with Mrs. Farmer's parents,
Mr. and Mrs Willis Byrd
O Omar Willey of Applegate
spent Tuesday visiting at the
home of Mr and Mrs.
M rs. Walter
Brahs and family.
• Mr. and Mrs. J. R Ayers are
spending this week in Medford
visiting their daughter and son-in-
i law, Mr and Mis McKee and
• Biil Brahs mails a buxine• till*
I to Medford Tuesday ill interest “f
I Southern Oregon Noriiiul school
• The Bellview Community club
held its meeting Wedne-aluy nt'tei
noon at 2 o'clock Twenty foui
members were present The meet
ing was opened with gloup slug
ing led by Mrs It E Bell, fol­
lowed by the business meeting
Mis J E. Gowland. program <x»m-
mittee chairman, presented the
following. A talk by Mis Wade
Wallia <>n her recent trip h
iuu I her visit on the biittl,
Tcniiessee. The group then
Joyed it glime in which Mil |,
Pankey won flrat prile an<| |
I. E Dcndmon the booby ¡i
Attractive valentine refrcHinn
were served by Mrs John |
tneycr and Mrs Junies Chains
and Mrs Inlnw. Hostesses for
next meeting ure Mix J p; (
land, Mrs Pankey and MI h >< \|
Walker. Program will be In du
of Mrs l> II Badger and |
Albert C. Joy
50 Caps. Halibut Liver Oil 59e
\ Itiunlii*, A unci l>
100 Caps. Halibut Liver Oil 98c
\ 1 I iuii I iih A mill I»
25 Caps. Vitamins A-B-D-G 59c
100 Caps. Vitamins A-B-D-G $1.98
$1 pint size Cod Liver Oil 59c
Life - Auto - Fire
to the
San Francisco
World's Fair
Now everyone can afford to see the
World's most beautiful exposition!
This is your chance to see the
glamorous San Francisco World s
San Francisco
Effective February 15
Spare yourself the burden of a
car in San Francisco's Fair-year
traffic. 2 of the 3 street car lines
charge only 5 cents fare. Fan, fre­
quent ferries take you directly to
Treasure Island for 10 cents.
Take it easy; take the train.
2 days in San Francisco. Includes
■ oundtrip rail far«, food hotel, taxis
from and to station, admiseioa to
Fair, tour of San Francisco—every-
• thing »...
but . meal,! Similar 3. 4. J ln(j
6-day toura Aalt your railroad scent
for details. Assures you hotel room
and carefree trip.
Southern Pacific
the Lincoln legend
offers a striking comparison between present day living and that
of Lincoln s boyhood days. True, not everyone lived in poverty
equal +o his, but no one, not even the richest people, had the
comfort and convenience of electric living that low cost elec­
tricity brings to all today.
• • • Lincoln Studied by the light of a log fire. Today's
children may have their own I E S study lamps, scientifically
designed to prevent eye strain. Adults, too, may easily
enjoy the benefits of Better Light for Better Sight.
• The same log fire that provided light provided the
heat for cooking in the Lincoln log cabin. Today's kitchens
use automatic electric ranges for cooking, and protect the
family foodstuffs in an electric refrigerator.
• • • Lincoln S mother died young, worn out with the
drudgery of existence. Today's young mothers have every
electrical aid to make home making easy and pleasant, such
as washers, ironers. vacuum cleaners, and dozens of handy
f your home is not completely equipped for electric living, you
owe it to yourself and your family to find out how easily you may
acquire all the modern electrical aids to happy living. There are
several income payment plans to meet the needs of every family
P c o