Friday, Feb. 3, 19.'« SOUTHERN OREGON MINER INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS j Faces’ Coming To Varsity Theater Starting Wednesday JUNIORS EYE HOOP RECORD RECORD I'D DATE (Continued from page 1) open-door policy, the nine-power pact and other treaties in con­ nection with ChinaWill the United States place economic bar­ riers in effect against Japan, and if so, what effect would they have? How about South America and our relations with them ? What was the real reason for the Lima conference and what were the re­ sults? What are Europe's special trade strategies in South Amer­ ica and how has Europe benefited thereby ? Has Europe benefited at the expense of the United States? QHOWN ainive are Pat O'Brien, James C agney and Ann Sheridan These questions and hundreds of who co-star in the year’s most outstanding film, “Angels With others dealing with world affairs Dirty Faces," coming to the Varsity theater Wednesday, Thursday must have been running through and Friday, Feb. 8, 9 and 10. your mind. It will be my endeavor to give you the answ’er. Belligerent Belcastro Townsendites Install What is happening in Mexico, Club Officers Here the expropriation of oil lands, of Plans to Smear Schroll agrarian lands, and what are our At Armory Monday Members of the Ashland Town- relations with the country on the send club recently installed new south? Will Mexico develop into Pete Belcastro, the mad Italian officers for 1939 as follows: A. another Spain ? Why does the from Weed, Calif., will face the Segsworth, president: Clarence United States permit Mexico to crocodile clutch expert from Kan­ I.ane, vice president, and S. S confiscate oil lands and farm prop­ sas, Frankie Schroll, in Mack Lil- Davenport, secretary-treasurer. erties belonging to citizens of the I lard’s top main event at Medford The Townsend dances, which United States, and why does she | J armory next Monday night. Schroll have been a regular attraction in so strenuously object to similar' won the right to a top when the VFW hall, will be continued measures on the part of European he stopped Hugh Adams spot last week during February and March. powers ? with his pet hold and Pete will • It will be my endeavor to cover continue in the main event by vir- SPILL THE MILK these and many other world ques­ tue of his win over Shiek Mar tions in this column for the read­ Allah. Two Ashland milkmen Cashe Wait and H B. Carter Monday ers of The Miner each week and Belcastro always injects the ex- over the air through radio KGW’ plosives in every bout in which collided while delivering their routes at the intersection of B and at 6:15 p. m. each Friday. he appears and Schroll will have Third streets. Wait received minor to get dirty if he expects to win. bruises which, because of his ad­ Hugh i Whiskers) Adams, the vanced age, were being observed ex-House of Davider, is scheduled closely, Both trucks were dam- to squabble with Shiek Mar Allah aged. in the middle bout. Adams is a clever workman while the Persian has had his terror reign halted only by Belcastro. The opening match wall be a re­ turn engagement between Andy lc per Word per Insertion Tremaine. Phoenix, Arizona, and Eddie Rogers of Kalamazoo, Mich. This pair put on'one of the most THE FORD BULLETIN clever bouts seen in the armory in a long time last week and Tre­ maine was lucky to emerge the Prestone, gal....... $295 OLIVER winner. Prestone, gal. $1.50 Dangerous Danny McShain, the light-heavyweight champion who Antifreeze (Ford) ...... $100 was scheduled to appear on this card, wrestled Jesse James in Hol­ Weed Chains, all sizes lywood last Monday and the worst Installed low as......... $3.75 riot ever seen in California was Non Skid Pennsylvania the result. McShain is held to ap­ tires installed low as $6 60 pear before the California Boxing and Wrestling commission next We Pay More Monday so will be unable to ful­ For Your Old Tires! fill his engagement at Medford. ----------- •---------- INGLE ’S TAKE GAME Ruth Hussey • Guy Kibbee , CLAYCOMB MOTOR CO. a* «irruir Ingle’s Drugstore Cowboys Tuesday night took a 46-25 victory from Medford’s Salvation Army quintet on the SONS floor, making FOR SALE- New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and the locals' 12th straight victory. safes. Medford Office Equip­ ----------- •----- ment Co., 32 North Grape street, • Subscribe for The Miner today. Medford. (48tf) • WANT ADS • Ashland Junior High 26. Grants Pass 13 Arilland 18. Grants Pass 14 Ashland 27. Medford 14. Ashland 19. Medford 21 Ashland 35. Corvallis 25. Ashland 36. A litany 15. Ashland 44. Roseburg 21. Ashland 24. Klamath Falls 23 Against the strongest junior high competition that can be found in the state, Ashland has scored seven victories and suffered one defeat by a two-point margin. The locals are exactly half way through their heavy schedule. If the pace can be maintained the present crop of Junior high athletes will surpass the record made by last season’s champion­ ship team which winch won 15 games out of 18 played against Junior high and class B senior high schools. So far i six contests have been played on the road and only two at home. With most of the remain­ ing contests to be played here, Ashland will have a decided ad­ vantage. One of the few remaining games to be played on a "foreign" floor will be tonight at the Altamont Junjor high in Klamath Falls. Al­ tamont has never yet been able to defeat Ashland in basketball but they have a veteran team this year and are all set to give the locals a drubbing. Ashland will probably find Altamont’s small floor a decided handicap. nient committees cooperiti« the FDA Hiiperviaora in Lavina plana for adjustment casca FARM DEBT PLAN AID TO CREDITOR Creditor* of farmers aa well as farm debtors are eligible fur Farm Security administration debt ml justment services, according to Eugene Hampton, county FSA supervisor, 211 Fluhrer building, Medford Equitable settlement of outstanding debt« can tie null confidential and friendly throi_„ negotiations between “ the • creditor and debtor involved Many creditors have been sjMUvd the cost of expensive foreclosure proceedings, the difficulty of find Ing suitable tenants for their lands, and the often hopeless task of securing payment on old obli­ gation*. Impartial review and ne got iat ions s|MHmored by the debt . adjustment service have made this i possible. Meanwhile the farm operator in­ volved, with a working relation | ship already established with tin I creditor, can continue his opera lions on a sound basis and again assume a just debt burden. Con­ solidation. refinancing, extensions and adjustments result in restor­ ing the farmer's capacity to pay ami enable him to continue estab lished farming operations Reaching a liasis on which the | creditor can again realize a rea­ sonable return from his investment and the debtor can meet his obli- I gat ions not only aids the two part­ ies involved but eventually con­ tributes to the welfare of the en­ tire community Similarly the county government benefits in that payment of back taxes is considered in nearly every adjust­ ment. County voluntary debt adjust- Great Weather for Ice Skating) il VEN, It’s been great 1 weather lately for he skating and snow sport«, but not for starting a balky motor that coughs amt jerks these frigid forenoons! We’ve a spe­ cial remedy for that kln<| of nnnoyiuiee that’s In- rsiMsisivr, effective and result« in quick, smooth starts, better mileage. Drive In this w«k anil bear the details—no ob ligation ! CLYDE CATON’S ( K * THE BEST IN TOWN! 50 Caps. Halibut Liver Oil 59e Vitamins A luid D 100 Caps. Halibut Liver Oil 98c Try Our TABLE MODELS $12.95 Western Auto Supply —plus— “The Man from Music Mountain —with— GENE AUTRY and SMILEY BURNETT LITHIA A HOME-OWNED THEATRE Friday, Saturday SHE LOVED A SHEARERPOWER with ANN SHERIDAN ROBERT ARMSTRONG DICK FORAN A Sea-Going Fireeater Gives You the Thrill of Your Life! —plus--- BUCK JONES in Donald Duck’s Golf Game” Starts Wednesday! DUMA! lav aal BOSS OF LONE VALLEY” Sun., Mon., Tues. “THERE’S ALWAYS A WOMAN” with JOAN BLONDELL MELVYN DOUGLAS ; Comedy at Its Height Will i ' Keep You I-aughing from Start to Finish! —also— “MOVIE PHONEY NEWS” ; “SOMEWEHRE IN PARIS” I NEWS OF THE DAY NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the county court of the state of Oregon for Jackson county: In the matter of the estate of Spratt Wells, deceased: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of Spratt Wells, deceased. All per­ sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre­ sent them duly verified to N. Dickey, lawyer, 8 Stearns building, Ashland, Oregon, within six months from date of first publica­ tion hereof. Date of first publication Jan- uary 27, 1939. RAY BRIGGS, Administrator. (Jan 27 Feb 3-10-17) 15c Olafsrn EAST SIDE PHARMACY In the County Court of the State of Oregon In and For Jackson County In the Matter of the Estate of REBECCA ceased. F. REEDER, de- NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT OF ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, the adminis­ trator of the estate of Rebecca F. Reeder, deceased, has filed in said court his final account in the mat­ ter of said estate, and the Honor­ able Earl B. Day, county judge, has designated the 21st day of February, 1939, at 10:00 o’clock a. m. of said day, at the court house in Medford, said county, as the time and place for a hearing thereon. Anyone having an objection to said account is required to present the same on or before the date of said hearing. WALLACE W. REEDER, Administrator. BRIGGS & BRIGGS Pioneer building Ashland, Oregon Attorneys for Administrator. Date of first publication: Jan­ uary 20, 1939. (1-20 27 2-3 10) WINTER FRONTS $1.10 Western Auto Supply Another If It Fades Rondo DeLuxe PRINT NEW SILVERMOON PRINT 19c A new print in a mercerized finishd. A superior value with the most attractive patterns. When you feel it, you feel quality. LADIES’ PURE SILK HOSIERY 25c Full length or knee length hos- iery in the most popular colors, Just the hose for school wear. Poplins • Percales Broadcloth • Asprey Charming styles, dainty trims, deep hems, fast colors all go to make this marvelous aaao ri­ ment of clever house frocks. Select yours today. BRENTWOOD Frocks $1.98 Attractive Rayons in plain crepes or clever figures Ixtok expensive but not expensive at such a low price. I It T !<■ r I ell I bl EARL I>. (FETE) NUTTE1 \Xy ' Formerly higher priced. Now a real value. Every piece abso­ lutely fast color. s Pete’s Luncl : OREGON I SPRING NEWS IN ACCESSORIES 1 CHILI 25 Caps. Vitamins A-B-D-G 59c 100 Caps. Vitamins A-B-D-G $1.98 $1 pint size Cod Liver Oil 59c MATRESSES reconditioned, re­ newed, old mattresses taken. Coomes Upholstery Service (5p) Í B ri Vitamin». A luid D PHONE 51 t N SOI Til PACIFIC HIGHH \ Pilone 71-el Now is the time to begin taking VITAMINS to build resistance to colds and other common winter ills later on. Building good general resistance Is a gradual pro­ cess. You can't do It over night In the middle of the winter. Begin taking vitamins NOW and feel better all winter long. We have complete stocks of all leading brands. J ashland ( Junction Gara? SAFEGUARD YOUR HEALTH! m SEE OUR RADIOS ft' FROCKS 49C Fast color house frocks aii