riilay. Fob. 3> 1939 I» of B >f ause ill> <|i • lie] Hg w Ind« h ini Jier »ecu ikviu «<>«< e sc ly a o u •ailed ire t] incr, cusen SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Ashland’s Classified Business Directory * WHATEVER YOUR NEEDS, YOU’LL FIND THEM LISTED BELOW! * % M «io e ruo I - IU »4AC « vVAir Fow. TU % /// AI TO PARTS HASTINGS STEEL VENT KINGS CABINET WORKS I Usi Vi with > wit 17 East Main Street It er N Ve GENERAL PLUMBING Specializing in A-l REPAIRING FARM IMPLEMENTS Headquarter* for FARM MACHINERY, REPAIRS GENERAL BLACKSMITHING AND WEIJHNG PHONE 67 with HARDY’S CASH HARDWARE Phone IOS—Re*. Phone 268-J M. C. Lininger & Son PLUMBING, HEATING SERVICE STATIONS Sand—Gravel—Crushed Rock JORDAN’S LITHIA PLUMBING Associated Gas & Oil Sash & Cabinet Works AND HEATING Always Remember Your Spe. lailzlng in Kitchen ( ablnets HOME OF COLOR V A. L. WREN "Ihe Right Ring for Any Job” Phone 101 Fu PLUMBING Stop Oil Pumping Harrison Parts Co. III Page 5 INDSIGHT N SPORTS f i 1 ; By I TOLD YOU SO - - - - I THOSE who are satisfied Irllh nothing but victory, last k-ends aerie» of basketball IM with Medford was dlsap- lUng The Ashland high Grlzz I bowed in b 'th battles |ut to those who like to Mee - ¡ti T" many fans it I m thrlll- to see a group of youngsters t of them green and tn ex- «need ignore the odd* against n and pour out their energies 1 never say-dlr effort And the [at Ashland high did just that •y »crapped until the final ' the two games, the Friday t exhibition was the more ling although Saturday eve- , on the Medford floor, there time* when Uthla city fans ised their vocal chorda. ich Skect (/Connell, losing of hi» best men Just before toughest gnine of the year. 1» in an enviable s|x»t. O'Connell irtunatc however, in having rial as willing to try a» are Weaver. Joe Jesse) and Anils ■en All-season regulars Bud r and Kenny Harris arc a h for anybody's squad and, more experience under the J of their unltlated comrades, Grizzlies will be winning im before the season closes, i they’ll be turning in Inti iiMt battles In all cases It Is no discredit to get lickcil after you've put lip u good fight. r f r Although game otficials Stan Summers of Eugene and Ronnie Gander of Central Point called a pair of good contests, the suspic­ ion arose once or twice that Gan- dee wants to enter the Medford school system whenever a cont tact is thtust under his door. Gandee, in particular, waa U m object ot Ashland fans wrath a time or two not because he was calling ’em phoney but because lister» always are looking for a goat However, Ronnie's whistle was dripping with saliva both nights, and its pea was worn down to the size of a buck­ shot from overwork in the series < r r The mystery of the red jmint on the high school building caused a speculative ripple of comment throughout southern Oregon, and home-grown theori«-» were thicker than a gum-chewing blond's »kull. Till» department, too, has its deep suspicions and Willie Hulen, the s|>orts commentator of the Pear city, will have to establish a pretty good alibi before we call off our deductions Hulen waa in Ashland during the night in question, ostensibly to observe the game In the junior hllth gym But it was noted and we have witnesses that H ulen's proboscis bore a tell-tale red col- oring. ■lust what caused the decor- ation Is a moot question. Eith- S’MATTER POP MESCAL IKE Phone 161 C A I E ( ON FECTION ER Y PLAZA CAFE & CONFECTIONERY Ashland’s Headquarter* FOR GOOD FOOD und Freezer Freeh ICE ( REAM OIL DISTRIBUTOR SAVE ON GAS AND OIL Wholesale Prices to Our Customers ( omplete Service I nder One Roof Claycomb Motor Co. er Hulen la a near-*lghted bmsh wleider or the victim of an overdose of anti-freeze. Anyway, somebody with a buck­ et of red paint and a brush is a | rotten artist and ought to give up I sign painting a» an extra-curricu­ lar activity. • • Mr and Mm Wesley Hoxie of Copco. Calif., visited here for a few day» this week at the home of Mrs. Hoxie's parents, Mr. and Mrs W. M Herbert SHEET METAL Smiling ASSOCIATED Dealer Factory Specified Lubrication JOHN MILLS Day and Night Service 3K East Main Street, /Ashland Phone*: Shop 31, Kes. 262-J STEVE ZAKKA Phone «8 Ashland HOTELS PRINTING SERVICE New Ashland Hotel and Apartments and Coffee Shop FOR PROMPT PRINTING SERVICE CALL THE MINER Ashland’s Friendly Center You will enjoy our cool lobby and veranda. All the comforts of a home "away from home.” Our cof­ fee shop|>e serves the best food in town. Come in a» you are! PRINTING ( ALL THE MINER FOR ALI YOUR PRINTING NEEDS PHONE 170 IS YOUR PRESENT LIFE INSURANCE ADEQUATET See STEVEN R SCHUERMAN Phone 334-R METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. Richfield Service North Main at Bush, Ashland RICHFIELD HAS SOMETHING NEW—WATCH FOR IT! Norman B. Ashcraft Complete IJne of Oil» and Grease* Protective Lubrication SIGN SHOP ASHLAND SIGN SHOP SEE BURSE FOR SIGNS FAINTING AND DECORATING Our Price* Are Lower! if you’re shy on cash we'll take part in trade. 40« North Main Street AUTO WRECKING USED AUTO PARTS You'll Find it Here— Phone 189 SHELL GASOLINE AUTO REPAIRING ACETYLENE WELDING BARNEY’S WRECKING YARD 628 North Main Ashland, Oregon COLD, CLEAN and GOOD— The Three Pals That Jolly Well Make Beer A Pleasure! OUR STOCK of FINEST QUALITY WINES INCLUDES DON MARCO ISCO CRITERION DEL MAR Bohemian Club AL BROWER, Proprietor By C. II. PAYNE Someone Wau Bound to Th.¡.I. ci Ti.? ■, ». SERVICE STATIONS It Won’t Be Long Now l . huntley T 8:30 EVERY ONDAY NIGHT 3 ALL-STAR MAIN EVENTS! ford Armory them days are gone forever THEM DAYS ARE GONE FOREVER! 0CXU ÆRT6 SetóP FRCX-ì 'IKS’ □AdS'T TlC eOTH KA a JPS -exxK the ; etoo«. - 1