Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, February 03, 1939, Page 3, Image 3

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,e Whelpley »ttended
' tficr mother. Mis
, ... Portland last
iuh resided In Med-
, brought there for
rlBy I" i’hoenbt
rexil who l* •'"•l»><»y-
null. Caltf .
buine here
per Thursday after­
Men, who is employ­
grocery. spent Hun-
. visiting friend« in
irn Clarence Homes
morning for
be away a couple of
[r Of Grants I'uss is
Do. meat market at
a grocery.
(m Hill Hoy<l. who
jbe grocery and con-
„mew for the past
vears have sold this
m,d Mrs Ed Maxon,
Mr and Mrs Boyd
mi for Crescont City
trill operate a »luge
lunch room Their
regret their leaving
and Mrs Maxon sue-
new undertaking
>wls <>f Ashland was
Wednesday. She re-
usband. formerly of
the hospital at San
irford of Tule laikc
»dncsday to see his
Crawford, who Is
uld of Medford wim a
r here Tuesday.
Coffman and family
oenlx Friday
Iker. a normal stu-.
■nix xfMMil Saturday
here visiting With
tn L W Tarne at-
presidents ball at
lay night
>r la taking care of
ng« hardware store
nnlng is convalescing
aincr returning from
in Ashland with a
rw lawrrncc Burnett
• birth of a seven-
glrl bum Sunday
29 The little girl
ed Uanu* l<*ne
r* Elroy McGrew of
Mr and Mr*. Paul
bland were «kllng at
t Friday afternoon in
> school house and
ir monthly meeting
iitant at the county
office, gave an
It oft “The child with
Thieves, posing rut workmen,
have stolen over KM) fireplaces
i from Ixindon house« during the
past few years.
Working on va­
cant dwelling« or on thorn- under
repair, the giuig carts the hearths
and mantles away and finds mar
kets abroad
“It is always later
than you think," was inscribed on
one sun-dial we naw, while another
carried the words, "I record only
the sunny hours “ A couple of ■«.
vrrgent thoughts . , . The San
Francisco Fair management ex­
pects the turnstiles on Treasure
Island to click 350,(MX) times open­
ing day. Feb IM, with 20 million
total attrlxiancr . .
The U. 8
Army is experimenting with a new
coloi for uniforms slate gray
< r r
Pensioner« in England fell off
In numbei from 932.200 to 904,700
during 193k, a decline of three
per cent with a drop of 2 9 per
cent in amounts paid its pensions
Using ox-carts and hand labor
entirely, the Chinese have built a
road from Chunklang on the
Yangtze rive.- to the Burmese bor­
der in India, a distance of 1400
miles, and completed the Job in
eight months
“You Can't Take
it With You," the play which ran
for two yeurs on Broadway ruid
the cinema version of which is said
to be one of the best films of the
year, flopped miserably on the
London stage . . Receipts of a
million dollars were collected by
the Sonja Henle Ice revue showing
63 performances In 12 cities
Caption under a big picture in a
N Y tabloid ''Scabread Winning
ut Santa Anita Heabread is the
property of Charles Howard Mr
Editor, the famous horse's name is
Sea biscuit."
r r r
Chile has a Jtopulallon of 4.626,-
50«, the area of Texas and extends
*150 miles along the Pacific, about
the distance from Quebec to
Cigarette smokers
paid 500 million in federal tuxes
■luring 193H, which was enough to
support the linked States Army
and air force It is .Mx cents on
each package of 20 cigarettes
Ninety per cent of the country’s
foreign commerce was carried by
the Uni tad Stale« merchant ma­
rine during the 10 year« from 1X20
to 1X30 At present 70 per cent
of the business goes in foreign
During 1939 Germany I
contemplates replacing all rubls.-r '
automohile tire« with 'buna ', u
synthetic rubber
«ne Walker
th* Ann left Satur­
ent City for an cx- '
i Welburn returned
from the hospital in 1
her baby girl
t of Klamath Falla
nd friend« here last
ADIOH 98.95 UP
That Radio
ecked at
We Ke I «1 r All
►—Day or Night
Phone 421-R
• Mias Margaret Peterson, grad­
uate ot SONS this past wmtei
quarter, has received a position
teaching at Coburg
Ashland Juniors Best
• On a recent Monday afternoon
the Associated Women students
Klamath High Frosh
entertained members of the facul­
ty and their wives at tea Each
member of the faculty was accom­ • The Hilt Ladies club met at the In 24 to 23 Thriller
panied and entertained at the tea , Club house Thursday afternoon
The Ashland Junior high bas­
by a member of the association.
with Mrs. W McCluskey hostess
• Recent initiate« into Ph) Beta Others present were Mesdames J. ketball team of Coach Earl Rog­
I Sigma, the teachers' honorary so­ Clark, R Giiberg, Frank Ward, ers turned in their seventh victory
ciety, were Hugh Shurtleff, Dick Luper, M J Bailey, L. Clark, A. ■ of the season with a thrilling 24
! Hannon, Wanda Wyant, Marie Me- Nelson, Roop. H. De Jarnett, Ted to 23 triumph Saturday over the
big Klamath Union high freshmen
I .arm and Dorothy 'Diomas
Quamme, Russel Harris. A. Men­
• Initiation of Lambda Chi mem- des. R Elliott, W Holmberg, V team.
The huge size and splendor of
j tiers will be held tonight. Feb 3.
Nebcker, Fred Haynes. Elmer
• The annual amoker will be held Jackson. Fred Bayliss and Miss Klamath's new basketball pavilion,
next Wednesday night at the phy­ Lippi The first prize at the bridge where the game was played, awed
sical education building at 7:30 games went to Mis. L. Clark and the locals throughout most of the
contest Half-time score favored
' o'clock promptly.
low prize to Mrs. R. Mendes.
Klamath Falls 12 to 11.
• This quarter there are 11 atu-
With less than two minutes to
■tents practice teaching at the Jun­ • Mr and Mrs. W. A. Bray and
son Bill left Friday for San Fran- I go, Ashland led 22 to 21. Provost
ior high school.
• The Jackson county club will cisco to attend the graduation ex- ! was fouled and sunk his basket to
hold a mixer tonight, Feb 3. from erctsea at the Mt Zion hospital. ; increase the Ashland lead to 23
21. In the desperate struggle
9 to 12 p m Bill Brahs will be in Miss Marjory Bray was a member to
which followed Miller, Klamath
of the graduating class.
• Mr ami Mrs Frank Ward and guard, scored a field goal to tie
|granddaughter Donna were in the count at 23-all. Monroe was
fouled and awarded a gift shot
Yreka Saturday.
which he calmly converted to give
• Mr and Mrs W A. Gran and the final one-point advantage.
son drove to Ashland and Medford
Ashland kept possession of the
Saturday afternoon.
ball for the final 15 seconds by
• Mrs Don True of Hornbrook
was in Hilt Thursday.
• W W Walker and Earl Temple
drove to Yreka on business Satur­
• Miss Lippi of McCloud spent a
few days visiting in Hilt last week.
• Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark were
I Yreka visitors Saturday.
Hooked Rugs
• Marion Welch and daughter
[ Barbara and Mr and Mrs. Ellis
Crosby and son of McCloud were
' guests at the Ben Ollom home
Prices Reasonable
I Saturday.
• Miss Margery Clark was the
guest of Miss Margery Simmons in
Yreka Thursday night. They at­
Comer E. Main and California
tended the meeting of Job's
Need to Wait
Till Monday
Did the Dirty Clothes
Pile Up This Week?
P<> You Need Some Shirts
for Week-End Use?
me Us This Evening or Early
Saturday and We Can Have
Them Ready for You
rnat Evening if You Wish
SHLAND laundry co .
Millions prefer this "flavor
that is different
# It’s a skillful cross between
mayonnaise and old-fashioned
# boiled dressing — with a special
piquancy all its own! Miracle Whip
is totally different from all other
dressings—smoother, fluffier, more
delicious. Try Miracle Whip—soon!
“For the Ideal washday,
dust call.
That’s all.”
• W. M. Briggs made a business
trip to Klamath Falls Thursday.
• Wyatt Padgett of Klamath
Falls visited friends here last
• Mrs. F M. Huffman of Astoria
visited here for a few days this
week at the home of her sister.
Miss Ruth Woods.
First Baptist Church • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor re­
turned last week-end from a vaca­
('hurles E. Dunham. Pastor
tion trip to southern California.
Laverne Roberson of Kerby
Church school meets at 9:45 a. spent
last week-end here at the
m. C. N. Gillmore, superintendent. home of her parents, Mr. and
Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Mrs. C. E. Roberson.
“The Christ of Power” is the sub­
ject of the pastor's sermon.
The Young People s Union will
meet at 6:30 p. m.
Evening service at 7:30 o'clock.
will be paid for any corn Great
The pastor will preach. The sub­
ject is “God’s Temple in Human­ Christopher Corn and Callous
Remedy cannot remove!
Prayer and Conference meeting
on Wednesday night at 7:30.
employing a "ring-around-the-
rosey" stalling game. The locals
played as a unit with no individ­
ual stars, Jandreau, Provost, Fow­
ler. Monroe and Rush starting, and
Ayres going in for Rush later in
the game.
$25.00 REWARD
100 5-grain
49c Antiseptic Solut’n
25c Tooth Paste
50c Tooth Brush
100 Capsules Cod Liver Oil 69c