Page 2 Boy Scout II eek 4 ^Offers Tribute To Daniel Heard Friday, Feb. 3, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Ì About People You Know!J An Electrical Outlet • Harold Wigen visited with his • Charles Weaver made a busi­ parents in Portland last week-end ness trip to Marshfield last week­ • Mr and Mrs. Steve Zarka and end. • Mr and Mtn W J Stevens and son Charles left recently on an daughter Lorraine visited friends : extended trip to the eastern coast. in Medford Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Short, • James Baughman of Camas daughters Charlotte and Margaret Valley visited here last week-end and Jupe Wallin spent Sunday at at the home of his father, C. J Crater Lake. Baughman • Miss Lucille Burt is of the Southern Oregon Normal school faculty spent last week-end vis­ 11 iting in Portland. • Mrs. Carlos Page of Roseburg is visiting here with her daughter Margaret. • Delbert Mongold and Richard • C. R Bowman returned Sunday Joy made a trip to Medford one from a business trip to Salem. day last week to attend a meeting • Mr. and Mrs. R G. Gray of of the Jersey Cattle association of Milton, Ore., visited here Sunday southern Oregon. At this meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. members elected officers for the McGee. year. • Elaine Quigley, SONS student, visited last week-end with her • Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Wood­ worth installed a telephone in their parents in Hornbrook. • Mrs Ross Tilley of Siskiyou home last week. The work was Is your home conveniently equipped with handy done by A. L. Peachey. was a visitor here Monday. • Mr. and Mrs. Herb Moore left • The Bellview Grange announces electrical outlets? Are the ouch you now have Tuesday for the northern ¡»art of a dance for Friday evening, Feb. the state on a combined business 3. in the Grange hall starting at overload or poorly placed? For a surprisingly 9 o'clock. The committee in charge and pleasure trip. small cost new outlets can be added or relocated • Mrs. Ben Anderson visited in has arranged for music by Virgil Keno last week-end with her par­ Jackson's Satan's Swingsters. where they will be more convenient. Dangerous, ents. • The Upper Valley Community • Dale and Jack Williams visited club plans to hold their meeting overloaded outlets can be rewired. Check your friends in Klamath Falls Sunday. Wednesday, Feb. 8, in the Grange • James McNair visited his par­ hall. The program is in charge of needs with your electrical dealer, and learn how ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hal McNair, the committee. Mrs. J. E. Gowland easy it is to save steps and inconvenience with last week-end. McNair is a stud­ and Mrs. Taylor Williams. All ent at OSC. members are asked to please be well-located outlets. You’ll be surprised how easy • Tom O Harra of Chiloquin vis­ prepared to answer roll call with ited in Ashland during the week­ some item of interest. The hostess­ it can be done in YOUR home! end. es for the afternoon are Mrs. • Ben Anderson of the local Safe­ James Chamberlin, Mrs. John way store has been transferred to Heilmeyer and Mrs. Vai Inlow. Washington state. • If you like home cooking, try • Loren Close of Bly visited here the Waffle Shop. last week-end. • Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs • Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Hatfield Homer Moore and daughter Bat- are the parents of a son, bom bara were hosts at a dinner hon- Monday in the Community hos­ oring the birthday anniversaries pital. of Mr Moore and Harry Steams • W. W. Herrick of Weyerhauser of Ashland. The guests included camp visited here Sunday at the Mr and Mrs. Charles Hast, Mr. home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Walls. and Mrs. Albert Joy, H. Beebe of j.______ _______ ________ • Earl Edsall of Klamath Falls Central Point. Harry Stearns and visited in Ashland over the week­ Robert. The evening was spent in He was a step-on-it motor! with his truck, stopped and slip­ end. visiting and games. quite, he drove fnat at night wi ped on the ice when he stepped • Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hepburn • The Embroidery club held its delight He sped onto a curve wi of Klamath Falls visited here Sun­ meeting at the home of Mrs. from the cab. causing a slight con­ We’d like to invade the dismal limitless verve but alas, his i day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Helms Tuesday afternoon, cussion of the brain. He is recov­ den in which the Ashland Miner's mains were a sight! Wort ering. i-. D. McDougal. smelly squibs are incubated, and Leader. the group enjoying a 1 o'clock • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith of iy Mr. and Mrs. George Baughman luncheon. The afternoon was spent summarily squash its imbecilic The German bund ¡rader w and their guest, Leon Baughman in visiting and embroidery. The Central Point visited Friday eve­ inhabitant. It would be a case of complains he was manhandled I of Camas, Wash., attended the women enjoying the afternoon ning at the hofne of Mr and Mrs Justifiable Insecticide Weston 1>* Angeles officers should co wrestling matches in Medford with their hostess were Mrs. Her- Walter Brahs. Leader. sole himself with the thought th O Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Watkins of Monday. man Helm. Mrs. Walter Long­ he isn't a Jew in Germany. Wei Crescent City visited Wednesday O Bob Russell of Russell's camp streth. Mrs. R. M. Crow, ~ Mrs. Ed­ afternoon at the homes of Mrs • Subscribe for The Miner today ton Leader. on the Siskiyous was a business win Dunn, Mrs. Claude Conley and D. F. Korth and Mr. and Mrs. W. visitor Tuesday. Mrs. J. M. Crow. • Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wallis vis­ • Those called here by the death O Martin. Mrs. Watkins will I m - ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. of George Farmer included Glen better remembered as Frances Lee Wallis at Applegate Sunday. Farmer, brother from Seaside: Mr. Barnes. • Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Gill are and Mrs. Earl Farmer of Inde­ • Mr. and Mrs. Ray Edwards of visiting in southern California for pendence: a brother. Harry Farm­ Phoenix visited Friday evening at several days with their daughter, er of New Beiber, Calif.; a sister. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mrs. Millard Cyester. Mrs Amy Spafford of Portland, Brahs and family. • Mr. and Mrs. John Schonneker and Mr and Mrs. Daniel Farmer • Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Korth and are the parents of a boy born to and daughter Dolores, Mr. and Mi s Marjorie Bell were dinner \ :s Sunday at the home of Mr them early Monday at their home MrB. Miles Farmer and daughter and Mrs. W. O. Martin and Louise. ; on North Main street. Betty Lou of Dorris. • Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gibson of • R. E. Bell made a business trip • Lynn DeMille, who is employed Klamath Falls visited here early to Klamath Falls Friday of last in Klamath Falls, visited with I friends here Saturday and Sunday. I in the week. weeek. • If you like home cooking, try • W. O. Martin made a business He was a dinner guest Sunday | the Waffle Shop. trip to Medford $nd Central Point at the R. E. Bell home. Fishing requires skill and experience, and there's u lot • • Mr. and Mrs. William Pollock last Friday. more than just luck In knowing where to get the good "President says social security of Grants Pass visited here Tues­ I • The birthday club gave a din- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | ner party Sunday at the home of J is sound." Some sound, at all ones! The siune Is true In buying insurance—you can’t George Trimble. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kincaid in events.—Weston Leader. de|M*nrtance to you. We have Isith, It is quite probable that the in Ashland Wednesday. of Henry Stenrud. A pot-luck din­ and will I m - glad to help you find the “giMx! ones” when work the congress has to do will • Mrs. Thelma Twitched visited ner was enjoyed at noon followed with friends in Grants Pass this by an afternoon of games and vis­ be exceeded only in extent by the It comes to insurance. Our On-gon Mutual Fire Insur­ week. iting. The attractive birthday cake time it consumes in not doing it. ance Company policies save you money and give better • John Billings made a business was baked by Mrs. Louis Pankey. —Weston Leader. protection. Come In! trip to Yreka Monday. Those enjoying the day with the • Harry Osborn of Portland was honored guest, Mr. Stenrud. were a business visitor Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pankey, Mr. • J. B. Hollingsworth made a and Mrs. Archie Kincaid, Mr. and trip to Central Point Wednesday. Mrs. J. E. Gowland, Miss Marie • Mrs. Mary Dunlap of Albany Walker, Mrs. Ella True, Mrs. Sten­ is visiting here at the home of rud and Miss Eunice Kincaid. » A W » i ' 240 EAST .MAIN STREET PHONE 21 her mother, Mrs. M. C. Ashcraft. • The Home Economics club met • Zelda Richmond, SONS student, Monday at the home of Mrs. Hen­ visited her parents in Butte Falls ry Stenrud. The members spent last week-end. • the afternoon in piecing blocks for « • Mrs. Charles Howard of Sum­ a quilt to be used in a bazaar mit ranch on the Greensprings later. They also elected officers as shopped and visited with friends follows: President, Mrs. Henry in Ashland Tuesday. Stenrud; vice president, Mrs. 1/ • Chester Corry and Hugo Rein­ Archie Kincaid; secretary-treas ­ bold attended the wrestling match­ urer, Mrs. Walter Longstreth. es in Medford Monday. • A H. Peachey, father of A. L. FOR • Gilbert Elder visited friends in Peachey, who has been ill has im­ Butte Falls Sunday. proved. QUALITY AND SERVICE! • Mrs. Conceptione Paolin under • C. V. Flanders of Flanders’ mar­ went a major operation in the ket made a business trip to Klam­ Community hospital Tuesday. ath Falls last week, returning • Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hale and Friday. L daughter Darleen of Grants Pass • Karl Hamilton made a business I DAIRY visited here Sunday with Mr. and trip to Klamath Falls last week. Mrs. George Goswick. While returning he had difficulty • BELLVIEW • SAVES STEPS More than any other man, 88- jrear-old Daniel Carter Beard has been the inspiration for American Boy Scouts, now observing their an nual “week.” Pioneer woodsman artist, author, friend of youth. “Un­ cle Dan” Beard is the only man to receive the Boy Scout golden eagle badge. He is one of three men to be awarded the Roosevelt gold med­ al for distinguished service. Years ago. when the Scout movement struggled in infancy, Dan Beard was one of the men who got behind it and pushed. Ashland Light Department “Your SERVICE Department” Aw, Havva Heart! Last siunmei's uirtbiay party for Dan Beard at Saffern, N. Y„ his home, was a tribute to the modern Scout’s regard for “Untie Dan.” A human birthday cake, shown above, was one feature of the party. Mr. Beard was originator and founder of the first Boy Scout society from which the English scouts and others were modeled. Though many peo­ ple forget he is an artist, “Uncle Dan” has done illustrations for many newspapers, magazines anu books. KNOW WHERE TO GET THE GOOD ONES? L C. ERWIN PHONE 23-F-2 CLOVER LEAF Dan Beard attributes his good health at 88 to the right kind of Above, surrounded living. by friends, the nation’s oldest Boy Scout is being congratulated by an- other youth enthusiast. Col. Theo- dore Roosevelt. This year’s Boy Scout week is a tribute to "Uncle Dan,” not because he is being re- membered more than usual, nor be­ cause he is taking special interest In the week’s activities, but because this nation-wide youth organization might not be celebrating were it not for his life-long sponsorship of the work. DRY PINE SLABS $3.75 Per 100 Cu. Ft. Load Dump Delivery Whittle Transfer -C- 'Uae. OU A ntifreeze ★ WE WELD RADIATORS­ MOTOR BLOCKS go|l>y 'plIERE ’S plenty of hitter cold winter weather to come yet . . . better play safe and protect your car with PRESTONE ANTI-FREEZE . . . or, if you have anti-freeze in your radiator already, don’t take chances on dangerous weakening through boiling away or radiator leaks—let um check your cooling system for you today! It may save you costly repair bills and Inconvenience! OAK STREET GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP 97 OAK STREET, ASHLAND, OREGON PHONE 37-.I telephone! Rates arc surprisingly low for this fast, clear service. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 111 OAK STREET TELEPHONE 1W