Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, February 03, 1939, Image 1

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S outhern O regon miner
I he I aper 1 hat Has Something To Say—And Says It!
[ ■ | .|»j |
: .
i ' »I I I I 1 I <' I I Ul I < • ''ill
7 quer. rn*m well might busy
Lself living Ihr i* ones he han
r 1 r
»II tor M'sxt Hamilton, with his
_.klV M-dford News, Ims been
,¡1.11110 Id" |H»ndrnms rival , thr
Tribune, '.he meaning of
jisan< ■■ value iGo to it Ham
Moore th«- merrier')
1 1 1
Trouble with people who pnu-
Cr what they preach Is they don't
w-h th«- right things
geological survey has an-
I |(M-iition of several dam
i th«- Umpqua river, but th«’
stat«- legislature srrni»
I damning Rogue river ' nt
is far ns fishing is i con-
1 1 1
K large |xirt of the milk pro-
jck I in
America is used for
P making, according to u re
,,rt S . tl. it h what Hollywood*
taking film <*f?
After viewing Medford'» 100
Lur <-r lur on ■ driver many folk*
jv favoring flag jxile Hitting At
Hat the peak of n flag|M>l«> in out
f the way
1 1 1
Life is said to I m - virtually im-
M*ible <>n other plants, and thr
render »rises If the M
now how It is with ua. too.
1 1 1
Clark W ihm I has been fretting
bout h<>w to nay something al«»ut
tithing meaning
"oughta know how. Clark, you
Ay plenty ->f nothing about Mom»-
Although Prim»- Minister N>
llie Cb.m IH-I hull of England l-- a
istional hero he should take cog
lizance of the fact that it a in
krmany he's liked
Moot authorities agree there'll
r war In the spring (X course,
f course, can't expect thr menses
I) China and .Spain to I m - clean cd
ip by then
1 1 1
Art illici Powell of the
*oint American objects to the
jregon milk control law on thr
axis that it governs the sweat of
I dairyman's brow Migosh, are
hey thinning milk with that, too?
i Herbert Hoover has established
himself a* the most quaint Amiri-
can Tins wrek his declarations
went the keeping of world peace
were unique, coming as they do
from thr same man who called out
tank* and militia to drive Ameri­
can citizens (the bonus army) out
l<»f their national capital.
C. V. Handers, for two years
2*ner and operator of Flanders'
rarmers’ market in Bellview, this
Week opened a downtown stole in
Ashland at 131 East Main street,
frxt door to iRxlge's Furniture
Located in a roomy building,
with deep display front and ar-
fade, the _ new
___ branch will be
known us Flanders' Feed «tore and
«1 feature a full line of Fisher's
*«ury and poultry feeds as well as
Martin Brothers products.
”ay, grain, feed and seed will
stocked and patrons will find
i abundance of convenient park-
lr‘K space near the store. Flanders
1 continue his Bellview store,
hich also carries w<x>d and Stan-
dard Oil pnslucts.
(JKUALLY ■lignified and ____
business men of Ashland wiíl
appear out of character in the
Junior high
gym starting
—...... g at 8
o clock tonight. F eb 3, when they
array themselves in women's gar-
ments and show the ladies how
clothes should is- modeled
male fashion show will be but
__ one
feature of a varied program being
given by thr _______
Ashland I'arcnt-
Tcncbers aoMM-iation to raise funds
for their free lunches and other
Llpstlcked, powdered and sissy
ax all get-out Will lx- the following
local figures Dr R L Hurdle, c
M Lltwlller, R 1 Flaharty, Frank
Van Dyke, .John Daugherty. I (’
Erwin, (’han Beebe, Fred Schucr-
111*11, Bob GHJmorc. Homer Elhart
J. C. “
Hioady, Dr Clyde Dunham.
Hay l.’lary. Bert Freeman. (' D
Elhart, I'till Stansbury, Bill Aus-
land, ('hurles Weaver,
Ru<l<- Joye Swnrtsley and ljirry
P<irt er
with a
orchestra and followed by a piano
solo by Marjorie Scobert The high
M-lKsd glee club will sing, Kitty
Ingle will present a reading and
Jean Joy and Clarence Smith will
slog "On a Bicycle Built for Two "
The Floradora sextette composed
of Messrs and Mesdames Joy.
('«irry and Reinbold will add to the
progrum and Marshall Woodell
will present thr feature number
Thr string«-«! quartet will pre­
sent musical selections, followed
try a Mexican Aombrero dance by
Jewel Deter An accordion band
directed by E Prentice will play
and the high schtsil orchestra will
conclude the evening
Th«- P-TA program will be open
to thc public and a small charge
will be made.
Six SONS Students
Will Attend College
Group Meet at OSC
Six members of the student
laxly nt Southern Oregon Normal
M'hixil will represent the Ashland
institution at a convention of col­
lege student b<xly representatives
to tie held on the Oregon State
college campus in Corvallis Fri­
day. Feb 3
Mike Morris, student body pres­
ident; Ix-ota Evans, editor of the
school paper; Hill Brahs, social
chairman, Don Caton, junior class
representative, and Betty Horn,
senior class, will be driven north
by Don Wright today.
President’s Bail Is
Contributor $122 To
Polio Battle Funds
Ashland's participation in the
nationwide chain of birthday (sills
honoring President Franklin D.
Roosevelt netted a total of $122
for the fight against infantile
paralysis half of which will be
forwarded to the national founda­
tion and the remainder to stay in
Jackson county for local use
John H. Fuller was general
chairman of the event, which was
one of the outstanding social suc­
cesses of the winter season in the
Elks temple Elton Petri and Nel-
da Williams, polio victims who
have benefitted from previous
drives, were present at the affair
which featured a number of spe­
cialty entertainment diversions.
What's the Answer?
Two hundred persons enjoyed a
''Ven-d dish dinner and regular
"leeting in the Ashland Elks lodge
’/'‘•Ines.lay evening, followed by a
«eater party in th«- Lithia theater.
Maddox of Medford sang
png the program which spon-
p |
P«»t exalted
rulers, h H i .
aiders was in charge.
viJï°?n‘n of thc . Ashland, Bell-
ftn<i Phoenix home ex-
.0" "n,t” are cooperating in
11 benefit dance in Phoenix
,.' ge hall Saturday nigh*, pro
fjn' " Of whlcb Will lie used to help
Jnr-v<l 11 lrlP 1° London by a
Jackson county person.
AHhl,ind Radio club has in-
"ew equipment, including
rcMi.i ’lnat,<in current, voltage and
an n '" measuring meter and
conf, Wl‘ve HlKnal generator to
fi'ii.-rn?’ wlth recently tightened
"‘KUlatlons governing am-
EFORE a duel with swords the
gladiators of ancient Rome were
accustomed to drink together. Wine
was furnished by a relative or a
friend of one of them and to show
thnt there was no poison in the
glass of his opponent, the challenger
poured his wine into the other s
glass and back again until the con­
tents of both glasses were thorough­
ly mixed. That custom extended to
social usage and finally as the days
of poisoned wine became past his­
tory, It evolved merely to the clink­
ing of glasses.
• Western Newspaper Union.
■Mad Bull of Weston
Is Discovered to Be
Clark Wood Singing
< lark
Wood’s effort* to build
lilmself up in hl* weekly We*-
ton. Ore., D-iuler a* n
l*t, a letter from Sandpoint,
Ida., to The Miner this w«s-k
definitely spike* any rumor*
that ( lark I* a golden-throat­
ed basso.
Wrote L. It. McFarland of
Sandpoint: “Going through a
pasture near Weston the other
day I si-rambled up the near­
est tree when I heard what
I thought wax an angry bull.
PreM-ntly (lark Wood came
by singing ‘Asleep in the
lb-ep.‘ Was my face red!
"The reason he got lost
going to work was that he
had accidentally gotten his
pant* on hind side In-tore,
May In- he just forgot he
had switched them.”
(Editor’s Note: Will other
operatives in the Pendleton
country please report?)
THE traveling House of David
basketball team from Benton
Harbor, Mich, whiskers and all
will square off for the third time
in as many nights with the South­
ern Oregon Coaches on the SONS
fkxir at 8:30 o’clock tonight, Feb.
3. to conclude their series which
started Wednesday in Klamath
Falls and moved to Medford last
night, The Davidites won the first
game 45-43 and Thursday night's
The coaches
Jackson, Jose-
phine and Klamath county ment-
ors gave the bearded players a
start on the opening night when
♦hey took an early 11-2 lead, the
tall men hustling to close the gap
late in the game. I-ast night in
Medford the coaches showed the
giants another good tiff with half-
time score standing at 22-20 in
favor of the winners. I»ss of Dan
Bowerman. Medford high coach,
resulting from a knee injury in
Klamath Falls slowed the mentors,
who plan to make a final and de­
termined stand tonight in an ef­
fort to send the barnstorming
Davidmen on their way without
their usual perfect record.
Tonight's starting lineup prob­
ably will be chosen from among
Skeet O'Connell and Jean Eber-
Vf EMBERS of the Ashland Lions
club are completing plans for
a "Reno night" stag entertainment
to be h.-ld In th.- VFW hall Wed­
nesday night March 8. according
to an announcement last night by
Bill Snider, general chairman for
the event. Proceeds from the en­
tertainment will be used for the
establishment of a tourists’ hunt­
ing, fishing and scenic guide serv­
ice for Ashland by the IJons club.
An elaborate program for men
is being arranged by Snider, with
the help of Waiter laeverette, Chan
Beebe and Art Cooper on the gen­
eral committee, with l^everette
and Leonard Hall appointed to
publicity committee by IJons of­
ficials, and Cooper. Pete Nutter
Ashland's municipal water sup­
and George Goswick handling ar­ ply. as far as the reservoir in
refreshments Reeder dam is concerned, is head­
Ticket sales will be under the di­ ing into an unusually dry year un­
rection of Snider, I. F Andres > dess the heavens loosen consider-
and Earl Leever.
' ably more moisture, according to
Tile stag affair will feature City Supt. Elmer Biegel, who de­
unique games and music, free re­ clared that a lack of rain during
freshments and many novel treat­ the fall accounts for the lack of
ments. according to plans already reservoir water.
formulated. Lions of Ashland.
With but a quarter inch of mois­
Medford, Grants Pass, Yreka and ture falling in Ashland during the
Klamath Falls will be invited, as last week, recent snows in the hills
well as invited guests of local club have been eyed with unusual in­
terest. The watermaster's report
The guide service which the Ash­ indicates that snow storage of wa­
land club will sponsor already has ter in the Ashland watershed is
received pledges of cooperation well behind that of last year, al­
from city officials and Chamber though there still is plenty of time
of Commerce heads, as well as a for additional snowfall. Early in
number of interested sportsmen. December a year ago Reeder dam
The sendee would furnish infor­ was overflowing while this winter
mation, equipment and instruction the large storage structure is but
to visiting fishermen and hunters, half filled.
and will include furnishing of
Last winter snow started falling
guides to various sportsmen's ob­ in earnest in February, Biegel
jectives. Other localities, including pointed out, and chances are good
Grants Pass. Rogue river resorts that present storms in the moun­
and lodges have found guide serv- tains, if they continue, will pro­
ices to be very popular with tour- vide ample storage for summer
ists who like to pause a day here needs.
-------- •------ u_
and then- and still bag
_ fish and
game for their efforts.
SONS Smoker Will
Feature 18 Rounds
Boxing, Wrestling
Wednesday, Feb. 8, SONS stud­
ents will present a varied smoker
program in the Normal gymnas­
ium featuring 18 rounds of boxing
and an hour of wrestling with
well-known local characters and
students participating. The open­
ing match will get under way
promptly at 7:30 p. m., the pro­
gram lasting until about 10
Jean Eberhart, athletic director
of the Normal school, is in general
charge of the event, which will
include a number of “natural"
matches, with Bill Tlcer and
Frank DiSordi squaring off in one
of the main boxing events.
Other boxing matches already
named include Charlie Warren vs.
Bob Sage, Palmerton vs. George
Carothers, and the main event in
the wrestling program will pit
Harry Johnson, 256, vs Ken La-
Branch, 235. Both behemoths have
been working out for some time
and they are expected to jar the
entire east end of Ashland when
they get warmed up. Red McCon-
achy will meet Medford high
school's two best wrestlers, one
round each, and Mel Atkins will
grapple with Marion Mann.
A number of other bouts also
will be arranged by the Letter­
men's club, which is sponsorirg
the benefit show.
A bill to change names of Ore­
gon normal schools to colleges of
education has been introduced in
the state legislature and, if passed,
would alter the name of Southern
Oregon Normal to Southern Ore­
gon College of Education.
! Bellview and Wagner
Creek Cagers to Play
The grade school basketball
teams of Bellview and Wagner
(week schools will meet tonight in
the Ashland high school gymnas­
ium, according to Principal Jack
Balding of Bellview.
The girls will play a preliminary
starting at 7 p. m. while the boys
will match skill and baskets at
8 P. m.
Allen R. Wilson, Seattle, and
Ray F. O’Connor, St. Paul, Minn.,
arrested for being drunk and dis­
orderly Monday, "laid out” their
fines of $10 and costs each in city
------------- •-------------
Members of the Associated Bus­
iness Women of Ashland Thursday
noon heard a talk by Miss Lucille
Burtis, head of the SONS art de­
partment, at the weekly luncheon
meeting of the club in the Plaza
C. T. Pine
and Companion
Are Invited to Be Guests of the
Southern Oregon Miner
To See Their Choice of
the Following
Varsity Theater
(Saturday Only)
(Sunday, Monday, Tuesday)
. (Starting Wednesday)
Mr. and Mrs. Thad Coleman
visited friends at Applegate Sun­
Number 5
Please Call at The Miner Office
for Your Guest Tickets
hart from Ashland, George Har­
rington from Medford junior high,
Russ Acheson from Medford high
and Arba Ager and Bob Woods,
while a “mystery player” will be
brought down from the hills to
aid the Teachers and will attempt
to impress the House of David
players that he should be given a
berth with them.
According to Eberhart, the un-
known player will stand six feet
four inches barefooted, and is
quite a hulk of humanity. “He'll
be ready to show ’em a few of
their own tricks," declared the
SONS mentor, “as well as a neat
chin of whiskers."
Starting at 7:30 p. m. Ingle’s
Drugstore Cowboys and SONS
Frosh will play a county AAU
game as the preliminary. Both
teams are tied for the league lead
and one will drop to second place
after the meeting.
The House of David team, well
known and popular throughout
southern Oregon, is one of the
finest traveling quintets in the
country and specializes in trick
plays and high comedy. Fans will
be kept in good humor from open­
ing whistle to final gun, according
to Dorn Provost, manager of the
THE mystery of who wielded the
red paint on Ashland high
school building Friday night, Jan.
27, while Medford and the local
Grizzlies were battling for basket­
ball leadership, still remained a
mystery in southern Oregon last
The city of residence of the van­
dals- if they are ever identified—
would automatically have its high
school athletic teams suspended
from competition indefinitely, and
games played to date would be
Suspension probably
would include next fall's football
season as well, as the state asso­
ciation could not reinstate the of­
fending team before December.
City police of both Medford and
Ashland, and state officers have
been working on the case, which
resulted in a large red “M” being
painted on a stucco wall in rear of
the building.
It is generally believed that
Medford students or fans applied
the paint as a prank of rivalry,
although there is a chance that
Grants Pass or Ashland persons
resorted to the vandalism in an
effort to disqualify Medford. How­
ever, the latter theory is general­
ly discounted, as few residents or
students were aware of the strin­
gent association penalties.
Under terms of an old agree­
ment, Medford school authorities
will have the damage repaired, es­
timated to total about $60.
George Shaffer Is
Officer Sport Group
George Shaffer, Ashland busi­
ness man and sports enthusiast,
was named vice president of the
Rogue River Sportsmen's club in
an organization meeting Tuesday
night and Jack Bearss and Jean
Eberhart of this city will serve as
Object of the organization, as
outlined at the meeting, is to fur­
ther interests of outdoor sports­
men in southern Oregon and to
counteract special privilege legis­
lation being introduced in the
state legislature.
The organization will be incor­
'T'HIS series of articles that I porated with regular meetings,
nvpli i eri vol vr
A «irrito
write exclusively
next of which will be held in Med­
for The Miner will deal with two ford Tuesday night, Feb. 7.
general matters—international re­
lationships specifically and world
affairs generally—and a short
note which will be devoted to tell­
ing you something of the most
important event on the Pacific
Ingle’s Drugstore Cowboys, out­
coast, the Golden Gate Interna­
tional exposition, which opens its standing contenders in the Jack-
portals Feb. 18 and on which, due son county AAU independent bas­
to my position as chairman of the ketball race, remained unbeaten,
Oregon's San Francisco world's untied and with an uncrossed goal
fair commission, I am fairly well line last night when the strong
Medford Owl Club lost by forfeit.
According to Manager Bob In­
First as to international affairs:
In your daily papers you read of gle, Tiny Jones was high point
the various international situa­ man, being official toter of the
tions which command the world’s scorebook. Ingle’s will play the
attention; you only realize usually SONS Frosh in a preliminary to
that some important decision is the Coaches-House of David bat­
pending—that some vital change tle in the SONS gym tonight, Feb.
is contemplated or in the making; 3, starting at 7:30 o’clock.
The SONS Frosh defeated Lost
you do not have the history of the
37-28 last night in another
event or the background of the
situation before you. Now if you AAU tilt on the SONS floor after
all the way.
could be given this history and leading -------------
background, you would undoubted­
ly get a considerably clearer un­
Dog owners of Jackson county
derstanding of the situation—a
better picture of the pending must license their canines before
event. The future is very often March 1, at which time a $1 per
foretold by the past. It is this pic­ animal penalty will be added, ac­
ture and historical background cording to the county clerk. Males
which this series of articles will are being licensed at $1 each and
attempt to give you through the females $1.50. minimum allowed
by law. Dog licenses may be pro­
columns of The Miner.
cured from Ashland police or the
However, let it be clearly under­ county clerk's office.
stood at the very outset that prop­
aganda of any kind, shape or form
will have no place whatsoever in
any of these discussions. This col­
umn will endeavor to give you an
accurate, concise and factual his­
tory of the event and where the
blowing straws seem to accurately
show the direction of the wind, it
will point the probable result.
It is, of course, to be further
understood that in all of these ar­
ticles this publication in no way
assumes any responsibility for the
opinions expressed and that at all
times these opinions are those of
the writer and are in no way dic­
tated, suggested or controlled by
the editor.
What will be the outcome of the
Chinese-Japanese war? When will
it end? If China is successful,
how will it affect the United CRACKEN dropping his sleuth­
States? If Japan is successful, ing deductions in the mystery-
what will be the effect upon us? of-the-red-paint case after con­
Why did China and Japan decide tradicting a pet theory.
at first not to exhibit at any
DALE ADAMS asking people
world's fair in 1939, either New what they do before going
York or San Francisco, and why through a door, the answer
are they now both exhibiting on bringing murderous threats.
Treasure Island? What made
them change their minds?
a sea of seven or eight figures.
How does the United States sil­
ver buying policy and fixed price fatter on milkshakes grafted out
of silver affect the war in the of rookie members.
Orient ?
Where does Russia fit into the HAINES about pointing in pub­
picture and what is Russia's pres­ lic.
ent position in the Orient? How
BERT SIMMONS, marshal of
does this affect you directly here Talent, leaving a warning for
in the United States?
HERB MOORE that folks will
What are the principles of the throw rocks at deputy sheriffs
I who never pay 'em a visit.
(Continued on page 6)
Ingle’s Unbeaten In
County AAU Battles