/------- - Friday, Jan. 27, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 I 30 DAYS SUSPENDED About People You Know! ] • Mr. and Mrs. Al Wren made a trip to Applegate valley Sunday • Edna Fehige, who teaches nt Jerome Prairie, visited here last week-end with her mother. Mrs Frank Fehige. • Bill Tallis, popular young mini of Hilts, was in Ashland Monday • Alice Walton of Mixifoni vis ited here this week at th«« horn«« of Mr. mid Mrs Bob Gillmore. Frank Wixxis. Ashland man. was given a 30-day jail sentence for drunkenness Tuesday following his arrest early Sunday by city . . .....1 M»-., ir I. Riirvii«« «••*- police. The sentence was suspend­ • Art Hammond left recently for • Dr. and Mix. R L. Burdic re­ turned recently from Ocean lake ed pending Woods' behavior by Fall River. Calif., where he will when* they have been vacationing Justice of the Peace M. T. Burns. i be employed. I physician and • Mrs. J. W. Frazier of Grants • Dr. E. G. Everett, 22 Swedenburg surgeon, office • Mr. and Mrs. W. McCluskey Pass visited here Tuesday at the building, phone 18-J, ~ residence spent the week end in Klamath home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Frazier. phone 18-L. (42tf) Falls. • Juanita Moon made a trip to • Mr. and Mrs Fred Combs of Klamath Falls Wednesday. Talent transacted business in Ash- • Coy Puter returned Tuesday land Monday. lc per Word |>er Insertion from Crescent City where he has ----- - ---- • been visiting with relatives. WHEAT $1.25 per hundred; bar­ • Mayor and Mrs. Thornton Wiley Congregational ley, ground or rolled. $1 35 per left Wednesday for a visit in the hundred. Whittle Transfer. (4c) Church northern part of the state. • Mark True and A. H. Pracht Boulevard mid Morton Streets made a trip to Grants Pass Tues- Rev. 11. S. Wannamaker, Pastor FOR SALE New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and day. safes. Medford Office Equip­ • The Rev. James E. Morgan is Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.. with ment Co., 32 North Grape street. spending several days in Eugene. classes for all ages. Mrs. Glen Medford (4Stf> _ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dickey re­ Prescott, superintendent • turned recently from Salem where Sermon. 11 a. m., "The Secret PHONE 150 for the Journal or they visited for several days. the Discovery of the Treasure call at 128 Laurel street. (48tf) • Bill Sander of Yreka visited in in Hidden in Jesus,” by the pastor. Asli land Tuesday. Young People’s hour. 6:15 p. m. MATRESSHS reconditioned, re­ • Mrs. Rolla Reedy visited friends All are welcomed at all these newed, old mattresses taken. here early this week. COomes Upholstery Service (5p> • Leonard Patterson. OSC stud­ services. A PICTURE WE URGE YOU ent. visited in Ashland last week­ NOT TO MISS! N'OTICE TO CREDITORS end with Mrs Pattersor. In the county court of th«« state Church of Christ • Mr. and Mrs W. M. Briggs of Oregon for Jackson county: Second and B Streets return«*! Sunday from San Fran- In the matter of th«« estate of .hull«“» E. Morgan, Pastor cisco. I Spratt Wells, deceased: • Mr. and Mrs. Jim O’Neil of Notice is hereby given that th«« Klamath Falls visited here last You are invited to worship in undersign«»«! has been appointed week-end at the home of Mr. and the following services Sunday: administrator of the estate of Mrs. W. S. Smith. Church school, 9:45 a. m., class­ Spratt Wells, deceased. All per­ • Attend the President's ball in es for all. sons having claims against said the Elks temple Saturday night Morning worship and commun­ , estate are hereby notified to pre­ and enjoy a tasty Waffle Shop ion. 11 o’clock. Special music and sent them duly verified to N. dinner Sunday. Let us worry about sermon by the pastor. Dickey, lawyer, 8 Stearns building-, the cooking and dishwashing for —plus— Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m., Ashland, Oregon, within six you. senior and high school. months from date of first publica- • R. G. Nebeker of Hilts visited Evening evangelistic services, Ashland friends recently. 7:30 o’clock. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack McNemy A real welcome to all. Come! visited friends on the Greensprings • Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Alan Prescott and daughter Marcia of Chiloquin vis­ First Baptist Church Charles E. Dunham. Pastor ited with relatives and friends in Your cur la u vultiuble Ashland Monday. Church school meets at 9:45 a. |H>HM*MHlon—it pay» you • Genevieve McGee and Lucille to take good curt* of it Bennett of Klamath Falls visited m. C. N. Gillmore, superintendent. Morning worship at 11 o’clock and have it WELL here last w«eek-end at the home of "Paul’s Prayer for the Ephesians" Ll’BKK ATED. We do Mr. and Mrs. A. O. McGee. GOOD, OON8CIEN- • Ray Guise. Ben Anderson and is the subject of the pastor's TIOl'S mid THOR­ Gene Hopper attended a meeting sermon. WAKE UP AMERICA! The Young People's Union will OUGH WORK mid give in Klamath Falls Sunday. THESE FACTS you th«« BEST LUBRI­ • Harold and Roland Baughman meet at 6:30 p. m. Helen Gillmore ARE TRUE! CATION JOB with the spent Sunday skiing at Crater will be the leader. TURK TAREK The evening service at 7:30 BEST LI BRIC ANTS. Lake. FROM tke COUKT • Dave McKinney of Lincoln was o'clock. The pastor will preach. RECORDS X ID Prayer and Conference meeting GREATEST CIH among those enjoying a stag din­ il th* WORLD" ner and program at the Elks tem- on Wednesday night at 7:30 ----------- •----------- ' pie Monday evening. Sil Illi tmt remi iocu«eX • Herb Baldinger of Grants Pass III jlii til was a business visitor in Ashland hai Church of the Monday. Nazarene • Otto Lutz of Siskiyou was in PHONE 402-Y Ashland early this week. Fourth and C Streets • Mrs. Ann Jordan was admitted E. E. Wordsworth, Minister to the Community hospital Mon­ day. "The church where you are • Verne Hastings and C. D. El- never a stranger.” hart are serving as jurors in fed­ Sunday services: Sunday school HUMPHRfT BOGART J eral court in Medford this week. at 9:45 a. m. T. S. Wiley, super­ GEOIGE BRENT • Mrs. W. H. Wallis returned re­ intendent. A growing, glowing, go­ cently from Bremerton. Wash., ing school. Classes for all. where she has been visiting for Sermon by the pastor at 11 a. several days. m. Evening service at 7:30 o’clock The pastor will preach. A royal welcome. • WANT ADS • îïuhw RIM»«» tion hereof. , Date of first publication Jan­ uary 27. 1939 Because he wax driving h|N J RAY HltltMIS. Administrator. with a foggy windshield and J unable to see ahead clearly, 1 (Jun 27 Feb 3-10-17) Chapman, Klamath Junction In the County Court of tin« Stute trict rancher early Monday ml med into the rear of u high«! of Oregon In mid For truck while the lutter was spi.J Jiu'kson County gravel. In the Matter of the Estate of Ing isiceratlorui on his forehead J REBECCA F REEDER, dc- knee were suffered by ChiipnJ ceased. ax well us bruises, und his J NOTICE of HEARING ON received consblcruble damage 1 IINAI. ACCOUNT OF • ADMINISTRATOR • Mi mid Mis l«M>niir«■ tat litgt—C < ^RANDOLPH KO™Jy it HOPE HAMPTON IT' • MON« The Stars of “JEZEBEL” and “ROBIN HOOD” In a Riotous, Boisterous Romance of the Gay 1900's LAND OF FIGHTING MEN” with JACK RANDALL Sun., Mon., Tues, BAREFOOT BLESSINGS ON THEE, LITTLE MAN, BAREFOOT BOY WITH CHEEKS OF TAN— Pige, Jeff and Julia, living the normal lives of country child­ ren, fishing, going barefoot, ex­ ploring haunted houses, and a bad case of puppy love. WARNER BROS «ÍSfNTS ERROL FLYNN BETTE DAVIS l"The SISTERS ' n J K • WITH ANITA LOUISE ' IAN HUNTER 1 DONALD CRISP BEULAH BONDI 1 SEE THRILLING SCENES OF SAN FRANCISCO’S EARTHQUAKE . . . THRILL TO THE GLORIOUS STORY OF A LOVE THAT PASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING! Wednesday and Thursday Chas. Ruggles badgered by a blonde! Puked by a pug! Cracked lip by a Cookoo! Hailed as a haunt by STEP’N FETCHIT in HIS EXCITING AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 3 ALL-STAR MAIN EVENTS! Medford Armory Therr’« no ncod for miy eur of one, two, thrrr or tour yeur« v in tuga to fai «hy und riiiliiirruMM'd Il round thè new ■ ikm I c I i . . . noi w ben w r cmi fl* I mh II ih fender«, buatrd and touch tip wralhrrcd paini ut «urprHiuglv Minili C«>«t. Swing out limolile 'ein ultb new-cur pride iiilims thè new-cur puyment« rolling uriHind every monili! Weìl I h - gliul to teli ull If you’ll ■ all CLYDE CATON’S Junction Garage SOI III PACIFIC HIGHWAY Phone 71-J SONS Take Pair From Mount Angel The up-and-coming SONS bas- keteers of Coach Jean Eberhart pounded their way to a pair of lopsided wins over Mount Angel s Seraphs in the Normal school gym Friday and Saturday nights, win­ ning the first game 29-22 and the second 49-37. The Seraphs had been doped to be unusually tough competition, but wilted when the Teachers took up basketball as a serious sport and poured the sphere through the hoop like beads dropped into a manhole. In preliminary games, Ingle’s Drugstore Cowboys walloped the Jacksonville Merchants 49-10 Fri­ day night and took the Medford Copco quint 29-10 Saturday. The SONS will spend today and Saturday, Jan 27 and 28. in a return pair of engagements at Mount Angel. • Subscribe for The Miner today. DRY PINE SLADS $3.75 Per 100 Cu. Ft. Ia>ad Dump Delivery Whittle Transfer it’s pleasant to read with Scientific Lkgli tin You can read as long as you want to, and there's no burning sensation in your eyelids, no feeling of strain, no blurring of print. That's the kind of reading you can do with an I E S Better Sight lamp. I E S lamps are scientifically designed to give the correct amount of light for reading, sewing, and other seeing tasks. They come in floor, bridge and table lamps, with diffusing globes and handsome shades correctly designed to give a maximum of soft, glareless light. There are wall models, too, both bracket and pin-up styles. See these lamps at your dealer's —piu Higgins Family with the GLEASON FAMILY Playing Lead Role«! The California Oregon Power Company