.¡day, Jan. 27, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER BELLVIEW • , ami Mrs Merwin Arnet luuxhtei Muz-urine visited at of M- «nd Mr» It E lll(| family Saturday evening, enroute to their home In Bth Fall« “Tier »pending sev lays I»» Sim Francisco lend» <>f Mr and Mrs J B house a gave them at" their new borne which land recently built. Stin- vsnlng The evening was In playing cards, followed by k H.......... »njovlng |V. Mi and Mrs I’unki v. Mt and Mrs Henry Lj >,l 'md Mrs An hie Kin I In Archie Walker. Mm Miss Mu'' ■Tn»., Miss Eunice Kincaid |M L j>, , M I . A land I. a I. uh III ihh trip •,-ntral Point Wednesday of week , an.I Mm Archie Kincaid ¡jauglit'i Eunice spent Munday H>l i he home - Mrs Kin Clara 1¥jfloi ■ Lr home in Ashland Lnn DeMIHc of Klrimrith Falls J.,1 with friends In Bellview Inlay Le Bellview <¡range announces Ince for Friday evening, Feb L 3. nt the Grange hall, start, fat 0 o'clock Schumaker*« or jfe - Auto - Fire INSURANCE Monuments and Murker, uf Bronze and Granite At I’rlces Vuu Can Afford M. T. BURNS I \rit Door to Post Office Lail «Hill < 113. Moo. .’IM K Evening Appointments depkndabj E SERV l< E" FACTS IUU tmi COUH ave FUN this Winter a Greyhound trip! Saawhnd — 10 Sunihin.— wh.r.v.r Í wultonnioy winlar lb. moil, Gray- id will lata yoa convamanlly, ton Hbly.lorabuui »whaiiic mtodiiva ■ AVE MONEY ♦ IÍ n these Low Fares •T. SHASTA »2.30 alm nprinub mie "3 1M.I.I.KS 12.20 AN FRA NI IS< '<> 7.13 rsaad tri» »4.13 24.H5 22.00 13.43 U*0T: 101 EAST MAIN NT. PHONE 32 iotwi ih.Gold.n Gat* Enpontion by GREYHOUND r Lettuce Each Sc AVOCADOS • I Blaha who was ill a f.-w 'lay» this week, was unable to at­ tend Normal • I >iil<- Williams, with Lynde) Newbry of Talent, marie a trip to Belem last wick From Salem they went to Corvallis where they vls- »ted with friend» on the Oregon ■State campus. • Mr anil Mr» W d attendance A »pecial feat­ ure on the program wa» a group of l.’> HKotdion players presented through the courteny of ¿he Pruitt Melody Shop In Medford Al»o Mrs Forsythe, state vice presi- dent, was present at the meeting and gave an interesting talk At the dose of the evening, those serving on the refreshment com­ mittee served attractive refresh­ ments of Bavarian cream, cookies and coffer- IOC FLOUR KITCHEN QUEEN $1.19 ROLLED OATS 10-Pound Bag 35c DEL MONTE CORN No. 2 Tin IOC 10c IOC STRING BEANS 15c No. 303 Tin 10c