I Friday. Friday, Jan. 27. ¿1, Hq 1 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 President’s Birthday Ball Jan. 28 Is Event of the Seasoi Ashland Groceteria £ SATURDAY © MONDAY SPECIALS 4 fl ■ ¿i FLAGSTAFF FLOUR Hardwheat «’s I & $1.19 JANUARY 28, 1939,9:30 P.M SALT RISING BREAD ■ 10c —plus— Music By Virgil Jackson and His Satan’s Swingsters per Loaf LOTS OF PRIZES!—LOTS OF FUN! POTATO ROLLS 10c per Dozen Per Pound BANANAS 4 Lbs. for 19c HARDY AND WOLTERS IT. STAMP OUT INFANTILE PARALYSIS! ADMISSION GREAT DRIVE to fight infantile paralysis in every county in this nation has started. It will go on until the thirtieth of January, the President's birthday anni­ versary. Then it will wind up in a series of birthday parties everywhere. Everyone knows all about the birthday balls which have been held every year to raise money to improve Warm Springs and for other emergency uses. This drive is entirely different. Its purpose is to set up a permanent nationwide network of defense with outposts in every community to fight this terrible curse of childhood As yet we have no national defense against infantile paralysis. To create one is the purpose of this drive. It is now the plan to establish a national organization with permanent units in every community. For this purpose FIFTY PER CENT of the contributions from every county will remain in the county to help victims in any way the local organiza­ tion decides. The other half will go to a national foundation fund for research and emergency. Culminating the March of Dimes now going on throughout the country will be the annual PRESIDENT’S BALL to be held in the 171.KS TEMPLE, ASHLAND Saturday evening, January 28. Tickets. «1.00 per couple, may be procured from any drug store in Ashland, the Chamber of Commerce or hotels. With your support and cooperation we can show that the people of Ashland and Jackson county have joined one hundred per cent in the march against a dreadful enemy within, the killer infantile paralysis Sincerely, THE COMMITTEE FOR THE CELEBRATION OF THE PRESIDENT’S BIRTHDAY BALL 1.00 McNair Bros THERE’S NOTHING THE Rexall STORE LIKE GAS REFRIGERATION WATER HEATING COOKING HOUSE HEATING DRUGS—BOOKS and STATIONERY PHONE 61—ASHLAND I i i L_______ n 50 PER CENT OF THE PROCEEDS REMAIN IN TRUST TO BE USED LOCALLY LEG O’ LAMB Late Spring 23C JI ★ CALIFORNIA-PACIFIC UTILITIES COMPANY FOR PER COUPLE The Stun» of “JEZEBEL” and “HOBIN HOOD” In u Kiotou*, Bol.trrxHi* Koriuuicr of th«- Gay I (KMC* TIi* »Ura "I Zw.lNII ItOI r ERROL FLYNN ) BETTE DAVIS 1THI *' « 1 rnrrœwmriTiBi. SEE THRILLING SIENES OF SAN FRANCISCO’S EARTIlqi AKE . . . THRILL TO THE GLORIOUS STOICA' OF A LOVE THAT PASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING! After the Dance . . . STAY OVER THE WEEK-END IN BEAUTIFUL ASHLAND Enjoy Yourself by Stopping With Us! LITHIA HOTEL AND COFFEE SHOP Ashland, Oregon r.ii c