S outhern O regon M iner the Paper That Has Something To Say—And Says It! ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1939 TO^NTENCE HIBBS TODAY FOR ROBBERY <1 «.-• JOTBER passenger plane has (.IUsl>.-d, I il'lng H i toll <>f Vl< Ion < > Olli I III i_ ..u »...el ti impi I a I ta/ia Uke * the experimental win > Jnam the price bring paid in lin lives for progress I Is n 1er ter- ll|M-t 111 ob »i»t'’'» wh'* “*k ior mercy > coud» for the guilty always ndrr ur "But he ,• (or she) has I cani ___ I, ’" and won’t do It IliiK. hM le»* Still, the beat way to de- nini U person will ’••in null • crime Is whether hr al nrr ijf hM 1 1 1 ship „n* "f «kilng m cid. nl» hnv. Urrr 1 say it iittracta wrong sort of people. 111 1 1 uni y ni xguilalor» .iiurging imjx-nch it jin« i-i-lmj "< against Sw fin- Ions, Hltlei hell ndlng most <>t hla time burning M<>n the diplomata of Europe. .»■ ii I«- 111 vith was like old days again to in the courtroom thia week I Mae Murray and Moor. Hilton m interested observers I In walked Frank Newman. (JEOIIGE HIBBS Ashland man awaiting sentence for confess ed robbery of Cook's Reception pool hall here Jan 9, will go be­ fore Circuit Judge H D Norton Imlay. It Wilt indicated lust night Hibbs has been awaiting disposi- tion in th.- county jail in Medford for two weeks after waiving Jury hearing arid entering it plea of guilty to the robbery, which net­ ted him 1126, moat of which was I c overed along with a metal box which had contain.-d the money. Because of a long aeries of inci­ dents preceding the Hibbs case in thia district, interest in its outcome baa been unusually high in Ash land Although confessions and convictions had been »wured in Other cases, actual Jal) or prinon ».•ntencea were never levied Sheriff’» office recently com­ plete«! an investigation into Hibbs' past, which revealed conviction on an assault charge in California, for which he hud been paroled, and other information which police furnished the district attorney’s office In addition to the robbery for which he faces sentence, Hibbs confess.-.! to ent.-ring the home of Nick Rossi the night of Jan 9 with the intent to rob his clothes and also to having written a worthless check for $15 Announce Low Rail Rates to Exposition Reduced roundtrip rail fares be­ tween points on it» Pacific lines and San Francisco will tx- put into effect by Southern Pacific for the Golden Gate International Exposi­ tion. according to F S McGinnis, vice president In charge of passen­ ger traffic Ttie reduce«! rate«, which in­ clude intermediate and coach class fares, will become effective 111 February 1ft and extend until De­ Utler seems able to outtalk cern her 2, the announcement adler and we'd advuu- Franc- stated Return limit« will be 18 Me a new line the Maginot. day« from date of sale 1 1 1 Episcopalians Will Elect New Officers shland him been free from nites ever since Tiic Miner ted printing cracka about the der up at Weston, Ore. The e bugs left, thumtia a-waggle, The congregation of the Trinity I time they heard where Clark Episcopal church will be held at Jd could be found. und 4:30 p m Sunday, Jan 29. in the IMirixh house, according to the Rev 1 1 Ki hr »traw that break« the cam- C M Guilbert, vicar A potluck l«-rU •back usually Is the one just dinner will lx1 followed by a busi- of reach on the other side of n«*ss »«vision tnce Starting at 6 p. m , discussion of church business will open, and lit election of the bishop's committee, I has become old-fashioned to officials and two delegates to the George do it," the present S diocesan convention will be held. id being to expect it of Uncle A candlelight vesper sc rvice I l. featuring the junior choir will In* held in the church nt 7:30 p m 1 1 » Kription of the fight, us 1 ever station FUJI' Biff thud! w ff MÜi E ARNSPIGER IES PORTLAND pAnupiger, 54, well known ID bh°n^"unty ,"*‘n nnn voted en- nt <>f a tourist guide ser- roposed by the Lions club by "K a chamber member to . fl member of the service's , m directors, and to furnish ,»P*ce f<>r a guide. alHO approved ap- , an industrial com- "y President Frank Van »eci'iu^)r»trial investors i. Ralph Koozer reported attendance nt a recent InEu Sf‘C H‘ghWay !JJ'tAW FiNUg HERE I McCumber, Wil- i' , f*ne