rriduy, J«"- 20, 1930 «•***■***’ F ALL THINGS! !e UllTNG »«Ml sumiller the irltlsh will < peral.« a trans- on a 33- ntic pl'»"' service gchedul«' Tickets will coat ^d’nüals will » n « served In Xdty dmmg room. , not ............ - off ' MV The tn <»f or the me Beuta will transport mull, between 12 uml 24 half ounce will be L I haa been set aa a prob- Lt,, p,i tailing tin Coliim Hi..,i l- i.’Gin.- l‘1'M ’ t)„ 11 annuli l' I “top the •irr building in New York, main studio In Gland Central mal building jMjrts f'"’" Friince sav that g un looking up around the . a . • with I" < Ipts fol and it)3M double those of Main reason Is the devaiua oj the fi»m< •’ something over years back Price was dropped j5 to about 3<> on the dollar now foreign mom y buys twice lany chip«' -*> the gn • n laid. . *ay. tl» French government yH win.* la in. ans "f a l.’■ cent t.i« " groin If there [lylhin, '-ft tlo . iMino gets To those of you who cure to your luck or are just Inter j m 1. ui.in,- what happens following information may la- iterrst There arc 36 numbera xeru on a roulette wheel, inak the payff 37 *'• ,,n*' •’ul th«« ggenicnt jsiys ut the rate of none, making their take 2'« cent with even money la is ing down to 1H par cent In r of the house I least the player geta some I for hi* money. 9 r 9 igh D Miser, chief of the sec- <>t fuels of th«« UH Geologic ey, slates that with the bit- of barrels of petroleum atill c kflown reserves and a larger ly of bituminous aubatancea d in shale oil deposits and on of these by resorting to ex- Uon of petroleum substances i coal the I'M can keep hernelf lied with petroleum products 1000 years tybe long enough to wear out I model Ts. . » » » These figures urr old. but w to u«: Ac.ordlng to th«« use of represelitatK es' in- •tlgatiiHi, about 700 Indi- iual» In New York City rw 150,(MM) or over in 1987. d 16 men in the country had income of $3. Hioane led th. I with *361,Ml. Kenneth G. nilh of Prpaodrtit too th- nil str and K. *5 W Woodruff of »-< ola drew Ml 02,1 (Hi and M.333, respectively. The rkels, dliiH* an<1 quarters d add up to big money. < r r e third highest priced item in history consisting of y I SOUTHERN OREGON MINER four UH 24-cent postage «tamps Issued in IhGD recently chang'.i hands at a Ixmilon auction foi *12,MM) They were from the Wil Ham Crocket ((’rocker Fust Na llonal bank of HF) collection who paid llboo for them U|H,n bls death a few months ago the col­ lection was sent to lx,odon to be auctioned. The value of these font is on account of their scarcity they were the least used denomi nation of that Issue and they were "error».” The buyer also stated that all stamps of |H69 are rather rare bt-cauae they were unpopular with th«« public and were with drawn from sale after a year. Is­ sue i of that period pictured his torlc scenes and the people were auustomed to having likenesses of national heroes on their stamps Instead instead of engntvinga engravings < of Valley ........... Forge or signing -i.— -- of - - the ■ ■ Déclara- lion of Independence < < r Greenland isn't green Eiic th<- Red, when expelled from Iceland, sjH«nt three years there and thought it a wonderful country ........ Upon going back to interest ----- 1 an emigration, he devilled upon that name Figured people were t:...... wire more likely to journey to a land with a pleasant designation Just a tyro compared to some of the later day real cstatera. • ( »employment On ane in Iiecember Oregon enjoyed an employment complexion improvement of five per cent over November, figures covering th«« December expen««nce of the Oregon state employment service has disclosed Placements totaled 2715 anil 41) per cent were in private join« Medford, covering Jackson and Josephine counties, accounted for 63, or 2 3 per cent of the stat«« total Twenty five per cent of the to­ tal were handled through the Portland office Klamath Falls was next with 11 per cent Marsh­ field had «2 per cent and Albany ami Eugene six per cent each Industrially, public construction absorbed the greatest share of the unemployment load, 46 per cent. Personal service groups accounted for 12 per cent; lumber manufac­ turing 11 per cent, agriculture six |x«r c« nt and private construction four per cent Women got 15 per cent of the jobs slid veterans accounted for 13 per cent of all male placements. • Caesar wrote that all Gaul was divided into three («arts. All Kall 1s divided now between Rome anil Berlin Weston Leader. S’MATTER POP— Page 5 Ashland’s Classified Business Directory * WHATEVER YOUR NEEDS, YOU’LL FIND THEM LISTED BELOW! + Al TO PARTS Stop Oil Pumping HASTINGS STEEL VENT KINGS ”Th«, Right Ring f<,r Any Job” Harrison Parts Co. Phone 104 CABINET WORKS PEI WRING SERVICE STATIONS A. L WREN SIIELLUBRICATION (^MIDYEAR TIRES GENERAI. PLUMBING Specializing in A-l REPAIRING with HARDY’S CASH HARDWARE Phone 193—R«*. Phone 268-J PEI WRING, HEATING JORDAN’S Sash & Cabinet Works LITHIA PLUMBING AND HEATING Sptxdallzing In Kitchen Cabinet* HOME OF COLOR 17 Last Main Street Phone 161 C A EE Ci )N FECT1ON ER V PLAZA CAFE & CONFECTIONERY Ashliuid's lleudquarters FOR GIMIO FOOD and Freezer Freeh ICE (REAM OIL DISTRIBUTOR SAVE ON GAS AND OIL Wholesale Priccs to Our Customers ( onipletc Service Inder One Roof Claycomb Motor Co. FARM IMPLEMENTS Headquarters for FARM MACHINERY, REPAIRS GENERAL BLA( KS.MITHl.NG AND WELDING PHONE 67 M. C. Lininger & Son Sand—Gmvrl—Crushed Rock In Our Who’s Who Deparlm ■ ’ SHEKT METAL JOHN MI1.IJÍ Day and Night Service 3« East Main Street, Ashland Phon«*: Shop 31, Rea. 262 -J Shell Service Station ¡•HINTING SERVICE New’ Ashland Hotel and Apartments and Coffee Shop FOR PROMIT PRINTING SERVICE CALL THE MINER PRINTING CALL THE MINER FOR ALL VOl'R PRINTING NEEDS PHONE 170 IS YOUR PRESENT LIFE INSURANCE ADEQUATE? See STEVEN R. SCHUERMAN Richfield Service North Maia at Bush, Ashland RICHFIELD IMS SOMETIUNG NEW—WATCH FOR IT! Norman B. Astierai t ( omplete Une of Oil» and *.i rpance Protesti ve Lubricatila! SIGN SHOP ASHLAND SIGN SHOP HEE BURSE FOR SIGNS Second and E. Maia, Ashland ART COOPER BUD GANDEE PAINTING AND DECORATING Our Price«« Are Lower! If you’re »by on cash we’ll take part in trade. Associated Gas & Oil 406 North Main Street Always Remember Your ALTO WRECKING Smiling ASSOCIATED Dealer Factory Specified Lubrication USED AUTO PARTS You’ll Find it Here—Phone 189 STEVE ZARKA SHELL GASOLINE AUTO REPAIRING Phone 68 Ashland ACETYLENE WELDING HOTELS Ashland's Friendly Center You will enjoy our cool lobby and veranda. All the comforts of a home “away from home.” Our cof­ fee shoppe servas the best food in town. Come in as you are! SERVICE STATIONS BARNEY’S WRECKING YARD 62« North Main Ashland, Oregon CLEAN and GOOD- The Three Pals That Jolly Well Make Beer A Pleasure! OUR STOCK of FINE8T QUALITY WINES INCLUDES DON MARCO ISCO CRITERION DEL MAR Phone 334-R • METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. Bohemian Club AL BROWER, Proprietor By C. M. PAYNE t IT FEET? MESCAL IKE GARGLE STESINE Prompt action may forestall trouble ’** • • • cold feet . . . drafts . . . •«Cue. may lower body n«sistance “term» m the throat get (houpiwr •M rolds develop. After such ex- •kWhy not help Nature to combat trrnu by gargling with Listerine T'ets showed that regular •f Uaterine Antiseptic had fewer •M milder colila than non-usera. •t Pharnincal Co., St. Louin, .Wo. them days are gone forever Pa I« More Considerate Than That