Friday, Jan. 20, 1930 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 Southern Oregon Miner Leonard N. Hall Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND, OREGON Editor and Publisher ★ ★ SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) ONE YEAR 31.51. SIX MONTHS 80c (Mailed Anywhere in the United States) Entered as second-class matter February 15. 1935, at the postoffice at Ashland, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. ★ TELEPHONE 170 LIFE’S BYWAYS! Liriu jAsrrRt has Jusr i n F okmcp the F amiuy T hat PJAIXM StCK ANF» Tirexr» OF TMlS IUTHKOCM act Two amp rmet-E T ime -S a P ay - ano when ME OKouts UP HE'i GcsslA GET B ait hla PEP liKt UNCLE j°i^ -So HE wcaj ' t have T o C omb H i ^ M ai «- ANP HL' lu FA j F Hi$- textm ina C up E veky nicmt ane » W ash ' em Juir L<NS I with an increased enrollment of lx>th new »uni old students. • I ..i.-.t Fl bl.iv night t hi \ ■ "irary, the Ashland Miner, ing the cotton bag shipment plan, overlooked its prin­ utes and less governmental expense. we're glad to lean» that the gov­ But does anybody make an effective stand on this? ernment entomologist scouting its cipal objective—the stimulation of business. True, re­ found its so-called col­ moval of the surplus oranges from market will help Certainly not. Legislators swarm to Salem with “gim­ sanctum umnist to be Just a harmless pest growers regardless of the way the fruit is handled. me” written all over their faces—and they are that with Hallitosis Weston leader. fc But at little or no greater outlay in the long run, the way because they’ve been given itchy-palmed instruc­ • Mr. und Mrs. • Floyd Clark of corporation officials also can help the lumber industry tions from their counties. Yes, they know the urgent Harbor, Oregon are visiting this JK week at the home of Miss Lottie o PLUS? of the northwest by using wooden boxes for the sur­ need for economy in spending and legislating, but Beswick in Bellview. ey thrift is something for somebody else to practice. • Sid Reed left recently for Chi­ plus. I ( on a business trip, planning Of course, the northwest is vitally affected by the Some other district—not their own—must do without cago to be gone several weeks •¡y final decision in the matter and Oregon particularly its desire. • Mrs Taylor Williams, who has i- ! ! And, of course, we march madly on with heavier been III for the past two weeks, must depend on its timber resources for a trade bal­ is much improved ance. Of the 68 box manufacturing plants in the four and ever heavier burdens of useless and silly statutes • Try our lunches We also serve : c lumber states, the surplus shipment of oranges in and vicious taxes. Legislators sit in the state house 50-cent dinners The Waffle Shop .IM Mr. and Mrs. S J. Bailey spent wooden containers would average a month’s run for to spend and extract—never to pare and make more • iyl last week-end with friends and efficient. Of course, their minds are willing to see the relatives in Portland. me each mill, Ashland included! • Mrs Frank Carson of Grand That’s something worth writing to your congress­ light, but their flesh weakens under legislative pres­ JuncUon, Colo., is visiting hen* at Th the home of her mother, Mrs C. man about. And lumber workers of the entire north­ sure. « EQUALS? «1« Oregon probably would be better governed if 90 H. Dunlap. west, as well as many others interested in our welfare, -------- •--------- »II are flooding Washington with justified protests per cent of its laws were thrown in the ashcan. And Anyhow, if insects conquer the iiu “ It Don ’ t Mean as a scientist predicts, the ru against the substitution of cotton bags for wooden the state would prosper if many taxes were elimin­ earth, demned dictators will get what's id I ated as the result of decreased spending. boxes. coming to them Weston Leader it A Thinjf’ r. 1 But the same legislator who moaned himself purple ★ ★ ★ Babson says: "Man and wife ■J If about New Deal spending will go to the state capitol should not both hold jobs.” Is he id CONSISTENCY, YOU RARE JEWEL! a blow at union labor?— I'l'l and fight to the last ditch to secure an appropriation striking Weston Leader. Not Accompanied By ■> » Says our eminent rival, “The Daily Tidings ... is for his own county. • Subscribe for The Miner to/ fö&dLzncf. fl r