VrKI.y. J»n. 20. II>3I> SOUTHERN OREGON MINER JO / 'jncoln's Darling Lives dgain ] ii .tun Rutledge's Grandit ieee '» iAbra hto rtt rw grrsi „Lim Xd In her »««•*■ Page 3 t * *1 I *> »' I I Free Delivery Phone 156 |M ;pl.o.lr *. r—"“- »* Incolli'* hlrlf*«“» a"",*rr Lry »hl. rest toes-au-e * Lettuce ,u< John Rutledge, hrr ■on. III Edward Rutledge her grandson; (4l Donald M Rutledge, great grandson, and (5) the pre*cnt-day Ann Rut ledge, great great grand daughter Five genera lion photo* *bo«to brre were given to the De i atur. III.. Lincoln < ollec lion by Edward Rutledge e, * NEWTOWN APPLES BOX 89C I ' I! the original Ann Rulirdge waa hall a* ■ttrarllve as her great grandniece, Lincoln'* love affair la easy to undrraland. Although a comparative newcomer to the stage, the appliei makeup (above! like a veteran. Left: She ex­ amines early record* ol the Lincoln and Rut ledge families with her father. SCALLOPS GARDEN PEAS STRAWBERRIES RASPBERRIES STRINGLESS BEANS WHOLE KERNEL CORN CORN ON THE COB FILLET OF HADDOCK FILLET OCEAN PERCH BLUE POINT OYSTERS 17c MILK—Oregon, 3 for ROYAL CLUB CANNED FOODS r i BUNCH VEGETABLES Carrots Beets Turnips Onions 3 for 10c DRIFTED SNOW lie ) FLOUR FINE GRANULATED Pound AVOCADOS ISC SUGAR Oleomargarine nicer, esme from her horn« „ orno»*«- ,ow»’ 1rrp,lr ’ , Ur pioneer girl wb u> . noliis Inr1 0 tbe emanel|ialor'» heart. •ud *h,,,e ‘l«'»1*’ left *n indelible •< »' »«> *-•» life. Ihe -orId can only conjecture »bout hl* ■|*ce In bl»t«ry had Ann Kutledir lived. Her def end ante »»« *hown below: MATCHES—Carton PEACHES—No. 2| - PEAS—Dainty Dimple PEARS—No. 2| - - PUMPKIN—No. 2| - PINEAPPLE-No. 21 Sliced - MECO PEAS-No. 303, 3 for 15c 15c 19c 10c 21c 25c . meeting Monday afternoon at the will be taught the art of rug mak­ | home of Mrs. Henry Stenrud. Offi­ ing by Instructors Mrs. Vincent cers have not been elected as yet. Lanini. Mrs. Al Sheraud and Mrs. | The next meeting also will be held Badger, these women having re­ at the Stenrud home Monday af- ceived special instruction to enable • Mrs Wade Wallis left Thursday | temoon, Jan. 30. All .Grange wom­ them to teach. All women attend­ of last week for Bremerton, Wash., en are expected to attend and are ing are requested to bring scissors to spend an Indefinite time visiting requested to bring scissors and a and strong thread and some wool or cotton material. A covered dish with her nephew. On her return thimble. trip she will stop in Portland and • Miss Alice Metcalfe was a din­ luncheon will be served at noon Eugene to visit with friends and ner guest at the home of Louise with Mrs. Lanini and Mrs. Walter Hash as hostesses. Following the relatives. Martin Sunday. • Four new pupils have entered • Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kincaid, dinner will be an afternoon ses­ the Bellview Bchool They are Peg­ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stenrud, Al­ sion at which time Mrs. Henry gy and Phyllis Hollingsworth, in bert Arnold, Miss Marie Walker, Stenrud and Mrs. Claude Conley the primary department; Marjorie j Mrs. R. E. Bell and Mrs Vai In­ will give pointers on good groom­ They ask that each member Hollingsworth in the intermediate low attended a Grange council in ing. bring two two-ounce bottles. room and Rosemary Hollingsworth Jacksonville Wednesday evening. who entered the eighth grade in • Mr. and Mrs. Ray Spencer, who • Earl and Warren Fichtner of Principal Jack Balding's depart­ were visiting in Medford with an Medford visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter ment. I ill daughter, returned to their • Members of the Bellview home late Saturday evening to Brahs and family. • Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ayres of Grange met at the Grange hall find it burned to the ground The Days spent Saturday and Friday of last week to do some place was partially covered with Sunday Creek at the home of Mrs. Ayres’ work on the grounds around the insurance. Mr. and Mrs. Walter hall. The women prepared a cov­ • The Bellview Community club parents, Brahs. Mr. Ayres is teaching ered dish dinner at noon. held its meeting in the Grange at Days Creek. • The Bellview Parent-Teacher hall Wednesday of last week with school • Miss Mabel Metcalfe, who is a association is planning a meeting 27 members present and one guest, nurse in the Ashland Community n>r play itaelt, authentically recreating one of American history » for tonight, Jan. 20. Mrs. C. H. Mrs. Pearl Nelson, house guest of hospital, Sunday visited at the most romantic and tragic stories. Playing Abe Lincoln’s role is Ed Modrell and Mrs. Joe Wade are | Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hininger. Each home of her parents, Mr. ®nd Mrs. Hllchell of Petersburg. III. planning an interesting program answered roll call with a “rem­ Metcalfe. and as a special feature are pre­ edy” which proved interesting. A James • D. F. Korth and W. E. Seibert this week with Mr. Homes’ father, senting the' Pruitt Melody Makers program of group singing and made a business trip to Sprague of Medford President Mrs. R. D. gamse was conducted by Mrs. Al River this week. who is ill. • Clyde purvis spent Saturday In | Reynolds announced that she was Sheraud and Mrs. C. H. Modrell. • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stenrud anxious to have all parents attend Mrs. Herman Helm, Mrs. Badger, Ashland transacting business. this meeting as they are going to and Mrs. Russell served attractive • L G. Gates of Grants Pass plan to hold a cooked foods sale refreshments at the close of the It The Community club met Wed- called on friends here Tuesday. Church of l*rtikay aflernoon 1,1 the city hall • Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Robbins to raise funds. Following the busi­ meeting. Mrs. Taylor Williams and and program re­ Mrs. J. E. Gowland have been ap­ IWth a good attendance. and son Kenton who have been ness meeting will be served. Fourth and C Streets pointed to serve on the program It Mrs Glen Brown of Anderson living south of town have moved freshments E. E. Wordsworth, Minister I'reelt visited her parents, Mr and to a house on Granite street in • Mrs. Roy Dunham, a former committee for next meeting, and resident of this district, y»} i a Mrs. John Heilmeyer, Mrs. Cham­ IMrs n,.n ,’imh Tuesday. Ashland. of Mrs. Reynolds, fell last berlin and Mrs. Vai Inlow host­ Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. T. I® ”r and Mrs. Charles Donart • Mr and Mrs. Archie Fems vis­ sister suffering an arm fracture. esses. S. Wiley, superintendent. A very |L 1 street in Ashland spent last ited Mr and Mrs. Wayne Cowdrey week, • Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Martin • The boys and girls basketball interesting time for everyone. T»!ent1,iy Wlll> MrH F°X 1,1 Sunday afternoon. made a business trip to Medford teams of Bellview played Wagner At 11 a. m.. Rev. and Mrs. Earle • Mr and Mrs Art Eastland re­ Creek in the Talent gym Wednes­ F. Wilde, evangelists. It The Talent high basketball team ceived word Thursday that Mr. Wednesday morning. Mrs. Taylor Williams, who has day night, both losing to Wagner Rev. E. O. Chalfant, district sup­ L.’st by two points to the St. Eastland's brother had been in­ • been ill for some time, is improv ­ erintendent of the Chicago central the boys 11-13 and girls Creek, flu'ntet of Medford on the stantly killed on the railroad in ing. district, will be special speaker at ««al floor Friday night. Idaho. They left Immediately ac­ • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hash of 3-9 I* tsramipa Crawford is very ill companied by Mrs Lyle Brines eastern Oregon, who were called • The Bellview Home Extension a 3:00 p. m. service. At 7:30 p. m„ Rev. and Mrs. unit is holding _ an all day meeting Inf'n.'T60'*' *iIh aon Moore and wife and daughter, Rose Elfie of Wag­ here by the death of Mrs. G. W. in thd Grange hall Friday. During Earle F. Wilde, evangelists. ner Creek, to attend the funeral. I H,ld a daughter, Mrs. Jones, mother of Mrs. Walter I Welcome for the entire day. havi alen ,,f ■°uthem California, Mrs. Brines is an aunt of Mr. Hash, returned to their home after the morning session the members R«v,lr> com'' here to be with him. East land. spending last week at the Walter «.,■ Burnett is helping care for • O. A. Manning returned home Hash home. «r Crawford nights. Monday from the Ashland hospital • Mrs. R E. Bell and Bob Bell Get the world’s good news daily through Jan Taft, Calif., that and the papet is obtainable at the following location: Following a regular business • Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brahs by fire )m° had been wiped out session, luncheon will be served made a trip to Central Point Tues­ honoring the following members day evening to visit at the home IN CHURCH EDIFICE • Mr. anil Mr|J Earl Walker of whose birthday anniversaries oc­ of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Pioneer Avenue (■nts^M10" creek visited his par- cur in January: Nellie Peters, Lula • The women of the Bellview a Monday. Jones, Orpha Larder, .Viola^Hel­ CoraPD.nham and Ann Robi-1 £5*^ ÄdthdXt and Mr"- Clarence Homes man, < ln Ashland a couple of days son. • TALENT • the Nazarene T C S M CORN No. 2 Tin IOC Lard SWIFT’S PREMIUM 2 Pounds 25c BACON KINGAN’S SUGAR CURED Pound I and Mr. Walker were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mrs. , Ella True. • The Bellview Grange has an- | nounced a dance for this evening, Jan. 20, starting at 9 o’clock in the Grange hall. First Baptist Church Charles E. Dunham, Pastor Church school meets at 9:45 a. m. C. N. Gillmore, superintendent. Morning worship at 11 o’clock. The pastor will preach. Young People's Union at 6:30 p. m. Charles Jobbins will be the leader. The topic is "How Can We Prepare for a Useful Life ” Evening service at 7:30 o’clock. The pastor will preach the sermon. Prayer and Conference meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30 o’clock. • Subscribe for The Miner today. DRESSMAKING for WOMEN and CHILDREN Hooked Rugs Quilting Prices Reasonable MARY SPENCER Corner E. Main and California Q'miwUe MACARONIANDCHEESE MEAL!