■p 4 Hilarious Western Comedy At \ arsity! S FILCHERS UGHT IN ACT I AND THEN THE FUN BEGAN! Kissinger, Ashland resi- ntly discovered an unique of nature’s handiwork picked up an yew-wood Rogue river which had hioned into a walking bears resemblance to a f at one end and an ani- at the other. e, 34 inches over all, sent to the Golden Gate by Kissinger, he said DIN HOOD” —plus— E AUTRY in OESER-THOMPSON First Baptist Church Charles E. Dunham. Pastor Church school meets at 9:45 a. I m. R. L. Walker, superintendent. Morning worship at 11 o’clock. I The pastor will preach from the I text: “For ye have not gone this I way before.” A New Year sermon. The Young People’s union will meet at 6:30 p. m. Evening service at 7:30 o’clock. “What Next?” is the subject of the pastor’s sermon. The annual Fellowship dinner and business meeting will be held on Monday, Jan. 2. Prayer and conference meeting on Wednesday night at 7:30 o’clock. ----------- •----------- RETURN FROM TRIP E. A. Hamilton and sons Art PHONE 150 for the Journal or call at 128 Laurel street. (48tf) and Milton returned early Wednes­ day from Oakland, Calif., where they disposed of a truck load of Christmas trees, and came back via Fresno, where they loaded or­ anges. ----------- •----------- • Subscribe for the Miner today. LITHIA A HOME-OWNED THEATRE The home economics club of the Talent Grange will hold a watch party in the city hall start­ ing at 8 o’clock Saturday night. Grangers, their families and friends are invited, and are to bring light refreshments. ----------- •----------- HAPPY NEW YEAR FRIENDS! JACKSON TAKES FOURTH PLACE IN COUNTY SAFETY Portland, Coos county and Des­ chutes county led their three di­ visions at the eleven month mark in the 1938 traffic safety race, Secretary of State Earl Snell an­ nounced this week. November saw the second big­ gest monthly reduction in reported accidents for the tyear, and a size­ able reduction in resulting injuries as compared with last year. Jackson county took fourth place among the state’s seven group n counties on the basis of improvement over last year in traffic accidents, injuries and fa­ talities. Last month this county ranked fifth in its group. Counties in this group ranked in the following order: Coos, Lincoln, Lane, Jackson, Tillamook, Hood River and Linn. Prestone, gallon .............. $2 95 Prestone, gallon ......... $1.50 Zerone, gallon .................. $1.20 Batteries $6 85 to $9 15 Tires sind tubes, all sizes. Heater installed ............... 15.00 Defroster installed ......... $3.00 Radiator Front Cover.... $1.25 Radiator Stop Leak...... $ .50 Fog Light installed $6.00 Windshield Wiper Blades 35c and ........................ $ 50 Brakes relined, per wh. $2.50 Motor Tune-up .................$2.50 Car Greased, Oil Changed and Washed ................ $2.50 Weed Chains, from.......... $3.85 Announcement was made here CLAYCOMB MOTOR CO. this week of the marriage of Karl Ashland, Oregon Oeser, well known Ashland man. to Miss Geraldine Thompson, a former resident, in Yreka Sunday, FOR SALE—New and used desks, Dec. 25, at the home of the bride’s filing cabinets, swivel chairs and grandmother. The couple is mak­ safes. Medford Office Equip­ ing their home on Beach street. ment Co., 32 North Grape street, -------- •--- ■----- Medford. (48tf) TALENT TO HOLD PARTY E RANGER, RIDE CLYDE CATON’S JUNCTION GARAGE > SOUTH PACIFIC HIGHWAY Phone 71-J “I HEREBY RESOLVE-” WINTER SUGGESTIONS FORD GARAGE JVALTER H LEVERETTE ENTERPRISE in Announcement was made re­ cently of the marriage of Patricia Weil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weil of Ashland, and Harry Richardson of Tucson. Ariz. Using the ring ceremony, the young people were united in nmr- - - Tuesday. - - - 27, riage in Yreka Dec. at St Joseph's Catholic church by Father O’Connor. —— BOUQl'ETTED FOR BOOK Miss Ollie Depew, member of the Southern Oregon Normal school faculty, is in receipt of a letter from Chancellor Frederic M. Hunter commending her recently published book, "Childrens' Liter­ ature,” and predicted widespread use of the work in educational circles. ----------- •------------ • Subscribe for the Miner today. lc per Word per Insertion fiRSITY rrol Flynn We've enjoyed a fine 1938 and look forward with good cheer and reas­ surance to the New Year here at the Junction Garage. We extend greet­ ings to all our present friends, and are deeply appreciative of their past loyalty. We hope that things are looking up for all of you like they are at • WANT ADS • ----- •----------- be for the Miner today. SATURDAY fl Pat Weil-Richardson Nuptials Yreka Event nd Man Will nd Find to Fair ONIGHT • GREETING THE NEW YEAR! fl ent of the Eugene Bible college ------- •------- regational Meet or Saturday Eve nual meeting of the Con- nal church will be held y night, Dec. 31. Pot-luck will be served at 6 p. m., by reports from officers ments of the church. of officers and commit- the ensuing year will be e meeting will close on or p. m. embers and friends of the re urged to be present. Church of Christ Has Attendance Gain Here According to Rev. James E. Morgan, pastor of the Church of Christ, churchgoers are becoming more devout in Ashland during re­ cent months, attendance at his edifice, located at Second and B streets, having made large in- creases over corresponding Sun- days of a year ago Sunday school and church at­ tendance has averaged an increase of between 50 ami 60 persons each Sabbath, said Reverend Morgan this week. "We have been pleased by the display of greater interest in religious work.” he said Starting at 7:30 o'clock Sunday night, Jan. 1, Everett McGee, well known Ashland business man. will preach. McGee is a two-year stud­ n Warner, Ashland, Ever- rtley and Warren Johnson, th Falls, were apprehended police early Monday mom- ile taking gasoline from a at the Hawley station on Main street. A companion, aylor of Ashland, was ar- for drunkenness. sting on the pump had been off the night previously ut 20 gallons of gasoline according to Hawley, r admitted having stolen one other occasion, but the led having visited the sta- e night before. arrested men were held in nday and were released on t evening to appear in city esday, at which time the cost Warner, Hartley and $15 each and Taylor $10. Ro*«’ Friday, December 30, 1938 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER ★ OUR SAME GOOD CHILI HAMBURGERS BEEF STEW FOR 1939 TOO! ★ Pete’s Lunch EARL D. (PETE) NUTTER Millions prefer this "flavor that is different • It’s a skillful cross between mayonnaise and old-fashioned boiled dressing —with a special piquancy all its own! Miracle Whip is totally different from all other dressings—smoother, fluffier, more delicious.Try Miracle Whip—soon! For the Comfort of the Home You Should Resolve to Remove Washday from the Weekly Schedule of Home Tasks ENJOY 52 WASHDAY HOLIDAYS DURING 1939 Phone us about our economical family services. You will like them and they will release you to pleasanter duties. AND ALSO A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU! with Jimmy Durante Prof. Quiz Himself ------plui “FORBIDDEN VALLEY” Ring the New Year In With Us! 31 WATER STREET “For the Ideal washday, Just call, That's all.“ COLD, CLEAN and good - () The Three Pals That Jolly Well Make Beer A Pleasure! I 7 T or finest quA,.rrT wines includfj , DON MARCO — CRITERION ISCO — DEL MAR AL BROWER, Proprietor Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Get the world’s good news daily through T he C hristian S cience M onitor HOLIDAY” An International Daily Ntwtpapee Publiihed by THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING SOCIETY Katherine Hepburn Carey Grant One, Norway Street, Boeton, Mai.achu.etta Regular reading of T hb C hsmtiam S ciinc « M onitor I. considered by many a l.beral education. Its dean, unbiaied new, and well-rounded editonal feature., including th. Weekly Magazine Section, make th* M onitor the ideal newspaper for the home. The price, are: “You Can’t Take It With You” ■ **-*»«««••»»• - i - i -,r iii-i _r i _r i _-_r_|> o Bohemian Club end the paper Ú obtainable at the following location: FAR MORE—OF THE COSTLY INGREDIENTS! / oi > r stock COMING SOON MIRACLE WHIP CONTAINS MORE- o ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO. PHONE 165 Friday, Saturday “START CHEERING” o IN CHURCH EDIFICE Pioneer Avenue —IX 3