Friday. September 9, 1938 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 AHS GRIZZLIES IN SCRIMMAGE EARLY M ATURITY New Villain Will Appear in Medford OF TURKEYS NOW Mat Ring Monday SOUGHT AS GOAL • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sander of Yreka. Calif., spent Monday here at the home of Mr. and Mra. W G Sander. • Mr. ami Mrs Ronald Gnndee. who have been spending the sum­ mer In Bolinas, Calif, arrived Tuesday for a short visit with rel­ atives here before going on to Cen­ tral Point where Mr. Gandee will teach. • Mr and Mrs Kills Rtissill and family of Portland spent the holi­ day week-end visiting here with Mr and Mrs Herb Moore ami Mr I and Mrs F E. Ruaalll. Next Monday night's wrestling Best opportunity for improving Ashland high school's Grizzlies. bouts in the Medford armory take turkey profits from management 1838 version, underwent their first a change of pace ami another pop­ scrimmage session on the local practices lies in cutting down the ular team match will be ssen gridiron last evening when Coach time between hatching and mar­ Pete Bek-astro will team up with Skeet O'Connell started formation keting through better breeding of his varsity squad which will and better feeding, specialists, Tiger Taakoff, a villainous new­ face the touted Weed Tigers in the growers and dealers agreed at the comer. and will meet Alvin Britt, season's opener here Friday, Sept. third annual turkey industries con­ former world's champ, and Paul vention held at Oregon State col­ Murdoch, a familiar am! |>opular 16, under the lights. lege. figure in local mat circles Although starting lineup still is Most fundamental step in this Opening the card will be Mike in the formative stage, O'Connell has eight lettermen from which to direction lies in better breeding. Strelich and Juan Sebastian, who Chick in Hollywood for the title choose, and an additional three F. L Knowlton, poultry experi­ will lock grips for a two out of and came out of one of Dude's dozen candidates newcomers, re­ ment station man explained. He three fall match. sickening spins to take two falls Bob Kennaston, Gold Hill ex­ over the former cowboy. serves and transfers from junior described a breeding project start­ ed this last year at the branch marine. and well known through­ high which should provide ample material for an effective Ashland station at Hermiston where a sys­ out the valley, is the new world's tematic attempt is being made to junior heavyweight champion, ac­ pigskin parade. develop an earlier maturing strain cording to an announcement re­ Tlie Weed eleven, booked to open of turkeys. ceived by Promoter Mack Lillard the season in Ashland, will be an Poultry breeding work has outfit of veterans who last year shown that early feathering is a a few days ago. Bob met Dude endured the season undefeated, un­ characteristic easily transmitted tied and unscored on. O Coiuiell s by inheritance and as this is close­ charges, although light, are doped ly linked with early maturity and to be trained in deception and marketability it is believed that ' RREATH ) speed departments and will depend such desirable characteristics can ! 1c ¡ mt Word per Insertion on wits as well as brawn for scor­ be increased through selective j People who get and hold jobs ing punch. breeding, Knowlton explained | FUEL Those big 300 cubic foot Candidates working out for po­ Breeding work in turkeys has lag­ keep their breath agreeable loads of heavy red fir slabs at sitions include the following: John ged far behind that with chickens $7.90 fill your winter needs at With the boot to chcMMM from thaw day*, om- Pratt, Petersen,'Bud Silver, Janies Any feeding that is done with at summer prices. Whittle ployoro favor the twroun who la m«wt at Ira o- Smith, John Setchell. Earl Schil­ turkeys after about five and one- Transfer. (36c) Uva. In buaineaa Ufa «« In th« aortal world« ling, Bob Weaver, Charlie Warren, half or six months Is highly in­ halltooia (unphaaant broath) la conaidarvd th« Ardis Warren, Westerberg, Jack efficient in rate of gain, Noel L. worst of faulla. CLEAR THE DECKS! and Dale Williams, LeRoy Mc­ Bennion, extension specialist, Unfortunately «varybody aufforo from thia NATIONAL USED CAR SALE offrruüv« condition at aotna lima or oth«r — Neil, James Beebe, Erl Bostwick, showed in citing results of re­ IS NOW ON many mora regularly than they think. Forman* Bob Gregory, Kenny Harris, Joe search here and elsewhere. In one 1929 Ford Coach of food partlrlc« oklppad by the tooth $105 talion brush la the rauaa of moot raaea. Decaying Jessel, Walt Lee. Don Nosier. Lar­ Nevada experiment it was shown 1930 Ford Coupe, late $175 teeth and poor digest ion also causs odors. ry Leigh, Lyndel Newbry. Don that while the average rate of gain 1931 Ford Sedan $185 Ths quick, pleasant way to Improvs your Gettling, Bill Alves, Ed Blackwell. was 4.34 pounds of feed to one 1930 Ford Ihckup breath is to uae llaterine, the quick déodorant« $195 every Edwin King. Colonel Kerby. Bob pound of gain throughout the morning and every night. HUNTING CARS: Farlow, Jack Hanel, Dale Him- growing period, it took 10.73 1929 Packard Ltotrrine halts fermentation, a major cause Sedan $99 of odors, and overcomes the odors themwlven. pounds of feed for each pound of melwnght and Phil Lindsay. 1928 Nash Sedan $79 Your breath becomes sweet and agreeable. 11 will nut offend others. Veteran regulars listed are grain during the seventh month Many Others See Em At If you value your Job and your frlenda. use Charlie Warren. Gregory, Jessel. of feeding. CLAYOOMB MOTOR CO. Lbterine. the aafe antiseptic, regularly, l^m* Feed costs are reduced some 25 Harris, Lee, Gettling, Newbry and Ashland bort Pbarmacal Company. St. Louis, Mo. per cent where turkeys have free Silver. range on alfalfa or similar green FOR SALE Two registered Eng­ ------------ •------------- feed. Bennion added He also urged lish Springer Spaniels, male and Don’t offend others • Check • Mr. and Mrs. Logan Nininger the separation of hens and toms female, three months old. W M. I left Monday for Corvallis where before the finishing season and the McCluskey, Hilt, Calif. (37p) | halitosis with USTERINE Logan will enter Oregon State marketing of the hens before the college. toms, as they mature earlier. Broiler turkeys are strictly a specialty crop on which there is no established market. C. W. Nor­ ton. Portland dealer, reported. He also urged spreading the market­ ing period by means of earlier maturing birds or otherwise to eliminate storage turkeys as much as possible. • Mr and Mrs P. C. Garrett of Oakland, Calif, visited here Thursday with Mr and Mrs A C Nininger and other friends and relatives. O Hetty Barksdale left Munday for her home In Glendale. Calif , fol owing a visit here at the hum« I of her parents, Mr and Mrs I. It Barksdale. MONEY’S HARD TO GET HOLD OF, EASY TO LET GO— Bosses Won’t | Hire People with • WANT ADS • Halitosis ( Money 1» pretty hard to get hold of theee day«, and when juu do get your hand» on It, you want ever dollar to do It« utsuuat. I'hat'a wh) we are erijo, Ing an ever-lnereiMlng bualnerur here at Cuton'», for we have earned a reputation for «quare dealing and value giving that return« the moat lor your dollar«. If you plan any automotive repair—body, fender or motor— Be «lire to conault U». t oil'll «ave, and I m - glad you let 11« help you! Southern Oregon beat « m |I|I|»| mx I garage. GiMHlrlch Sllvertoun tire«. CLYDE CATON’S j JUNCTION GARAGE MOUTH PACIFIC HIGHWAY Phone 71-J ALWAYS A GOOD SHOW AT HIRST’S • TONIGHT • AND SATURDAY LITHIA Friday, Saturday DOUBLE FEATURE “ATLANTIC FLIGHT” —ALSO— An Unusual Air Story With An Unusual Ending! 1 HliSI&ND “EMPTY SADDLES” SUN - MON - TUES Story of a Ghost Ranger —also— FLA MIN G FRON TIERS” Sunday, Monday and Tuesday “MANHATTAN MERRY-GO- ROUND” “Lamp-Lighter” “Ted Bergman’s Bar-B-Q” F FICI ENT 1 ANTI-FREEZE My Stock of PRESTONE Has Arrived I Will Be Ready to Service Cars with SUPER PYRO /Also Both Give Sure Protection Kerosene—Cleaning Fluid I Like To Serve You, Dr. W. Oeser U>« only on« l«v«l t«a- tpoonful to a cup of (iftaci flour for most rccipai. il If baking i Bw powder Same price today I............ as 48 years ago 25 ounces for 254 Manufactured by balnrif powder ipecialiit* wh« make nethiny but bakinf powder —under supervision fl of export eke tmista notional nW ______ rop repute lien. s ¿.LIONS ¿TF _ > YOU SAVE UP TO 20% / WATER HEATING...The new water heating rate (Schedule 4) assures minimum cost for gas because other uses, including cooking, house heating and refrigeration, take the same low rate. 4 Established 1922 358-370 East Main Street SCHEDULE 2 (Domestic Heating Service) SCHEDULE 4 (Domestic Water Heating) HEATING...This new reduced rate (Schedule 2) applies whether gas is used for heat­ ing alone or in combination with cooking or other uses. NEWS OF THE DAY Oeser’s Super Service Station Despite steadily mounting taxes and operating expenses, your Gas Company keeps faith with its customers and now fulfills its early promise of further rate reductions. ★ Your loyalty and patronage, with increased gas consumption following every pre­ vious reduction, encourage us to seek additional volume by slashing rates once more. , •iiiYf.yi : r vj e ¡ seen BTITZV used by our government Take advantage of these savings (up to 20%) by installing gas heating and automatic water heating now. Appliances attractively priced on terms to suit your purse. Modernise, with SOUTHERN OREGON GAS CORP.